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I don't, maybe I missed something
Oh I did, there is more above, oh well
Did you give your presentation yet, Alex?
Or did you already talk about that, and I missed it?
hey guys, do someone is familar with coordinate matrix rotation?
Nope but I'd like to learn more about it :)
look I'am making some kind of bouncing off an angle
using matrix coordinate rotation
about which axis ?
is it 3d?
x and y
give me a minute
I'll explain
@pjs36 Not yet, he is doing a few each lecture, so I may go on Mon, Wed or Fri
Gotcha, very nice
so I have a line that is angled let's say 45 degrees or pi/4, and an object with x and y coordinates, so when the object collides with the line we rotate the whole system and make the calculations, that is working okay only when the angle of the line is in the right side, when I rotate it to the left side it works wrong
@pjs36 I don't know how it is going to go, mainly I am worried since I am going after another student on the same topic and the idea is that he explains the introductory stuff and I do an example, but he is presenting it from a plan in his mind...
Look I'am using this in the android coordinate system, thus the top is negative angle, and the bottom is positive, so if the line is angled to the right side(which is less than pi/2 or more than -pi/2) the bouncing is done ok, but when the line is in the left side(which is more than pi/2 or less than -pi/2) the bounce is not right, cause it is rotating everything until the line is flat, and only then we make calculation
or please look at my question maybe it makes more sense gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/100728/…
can't find enough information about this
I think it is about mathematics more than programming
but I doubt
maybe you've got some thoughts about this
@AlexClark Well, that doesn't sound so bad. He'll do all the boring stuff and you get the fun stuff. But are you implying you don't have a plan, or that you're worried he'll forget his lines?
@pjs36 I am worried that he will cover either less than I think or more than I think, and then I won't be around 5 minutes(since I will have a printed sheet of exactly what I will cover)
@Kjelkor I tried to look, but I think it would be really helpful if you have a diagram of the issue going wrong, and for bonus points, a picture of what it should do
I have only 1 point there :D
1 moment reading this stuff @Kjelkor
I don't know if you understand the code
but I hope)
ye it looks like c++
it is java
@AlexClark Ah, I see. Well, you really can't worry about that too much. You could prepare a "baby" example if he goes too long, or elucidate on why your real example is actually cool, if he doesn't go long enough.
maybe the angle doesn't understand negative angles ?
that is positive only
@pjs36 Yep, I am pretty much just going to spend an extra 4 hours or so tonight getting ready for anything that might happen haha
so what happens exactly @Kjelkor when you go more than PI/2
I rotate everything to the right
until the line is at 0 angle
and the coordinates are rotated too
why not do it directly ?
as it is was flat
@AlexClark Put on the Rocky soundtrack, and get some math done, I like it!
like what you do when angle is less than PI
@pjs36 xD sounds good
yes, no matter at what angle I'am what happens is that the line, the object, and the velocity of the object is rotated to the right, thus until the line is 0 degree
Well I better get to work on complex analysis for now, talk later
that works good only when the object is to the right side of the point where the line start
if it is to the left side
that rotation is not valid as I see
and the question is
its probably some programming issue how are you representing your rotation
x = cosine * x11 - sine * y11;
y = cosine * y11 + sine * x11;
no, this is exactly a mathematical problem
this looks good
I just need the idea
yes it is right
it works
no problem
how do think about it mathematically?
thus should I always rotate it to the 0 angle?
even if I wasn't used any programming language
can you tell me what is the idea of your game?
like what are you doing
just a ball
ball is an object
x y coordinates
it bounces off an angle
thus it bounces of a line
but that line is not flat, at may be at any angle
I use this formula
yeah for rotations
cause it is the most efficient
if the line is at 45 degrees
we rotate it to 0 degrees and make the ball bounce
then we rotate everything back
if the line is at 135 degrees
the same is happening
the ball is falling from above
at 45 degrees it bounces okay
oh I see
but if the line is at 135 degrees
oh ok I understand
I guess the rotation then should be flipped
if it is at 135
thus at 180?
for example
when it is at 135
you want to rotate the thing to 0 back right?
so you could either flip your rotation instead of rotating anti clockwise you rotate clockwise at angle of 135 degrees
or you could rotate it
but the rotation affect not only the line, the ball will be rotated too, but it will apear bellow the line, not above as you may see
at angle of 360 - 135 = 225
I guessing what happens now to your game is that rotation isn't really done right
there are no 360
there are only 0, 180, -180, 0 again)
what is the glitch that happens now to your game if your ball act at negative angles ?
I am guessing the rotation still rotate but it doesn't go back to 0 right?
if the ball and the line is at the right side(I mean from the point where the line begins) it is all okay
thus it may be negative or positive angle
but what happens to left side
when it is about the left side, the line is being rotated to 0 coordinates and the ball too, after that the ball appears below the line, even if visualy it was above it, this is the moment of problem
no matter at angle we are
the same thing happens
give me a minute :)
I'll think
yeh because I guess we rotate your system at anti-clockwise angle
if you rotate it at clock-wise angle when you go to left side it will work out
just add an if statement there
and see what happens
no no
but the ball will be rotated too
even if it is clock-wise
and again it will appear below
I can't figure this moment...
I don't know maybe if you could add a picture and show me what is happened
that would be good
sec I'll post
can I add here images?
then we rotate it: postimg.org/image/knrf3vrqt
now imagine the same, but the line is rotated much more that is in the left side
at some moment the ball is above
and the whole thing is rotated
even if the ball is above at this moment
it will appear below after the rotation
but in the book its not said about that
I'am stuck(
or if we say it like this
let's assume that the line is at 180 degrees
thus is the same as 0 degrees
but the on the left side
the ball is above the line
but then we make the rotation and it is at 0 degree, the ball will be rotated too and no matter how we rotate it, clock-wise or anti-clockwise, it will appear below
and that is not right
my brain is blowing((
no need to abuse the enter key
sorry, it is because I play games, there people abbuse key enter))
bad habbit)
I can't got that all messages in my head and then write it all, I write step by step, thought by thought, isn't that right?)
Haven’t read what you wrote, but I can tell you are quite the poet
Lmao Paul
hm I don't know
thats okay
no one know LOL
but if you ask maybe at mse post maybe some people could help you.
I am finding complex analysis quite boring, whereas functional analysis and algebra are really fun
algebra is actually most fun even more than functional analysis
@KarimMansour Agreed, but functional is definitely really fun
topology is very nice too
@KarimMansour I have done very little topology so far, but it seems good from what I have done
I didn't do so far just couple reading from munkrees very nice though the ideas of it
number theory too I liked it alot
algebraic number theory I didn't dive into analytic number theory yet.
@KarimMansour I haven't done much number theory so far
you'll like it if you take algebraic number theory class
I'll be doing two advanced algebra and algebraic topology next semester :)
I want to take algebraic topology in my winter semester
And the semesters after that I will just be doing undergrad research
@KarimMansour Is winter semester a short semester?
my brain is blowing((
and that is not right
but then we make the rotation and it is at 0 degree, the ball will be rotated too and no matter how we rotate it, clock-wise
or anti-clockwise, it will appear below
the ball is above the line
but the on the left side
let's assume that the line is at 180 degrees
thus is the same as 0 degrees
I'am stuck(
no it is 4 month semester
Paul Plummer any ideas?
did you read the above messages?
@AlexClark our year work as follows we have 2 semesters fall and winter each is 4 month interval. I don't know how is it different in Australia.
no, no ideas?
or didn't readed
yes what?)
We have that also somewhat, but ours is more like this:

|Compulsory semester Feb-June, |optional June-July, |compulsory July-Oct, |optional Nov-Jan
@PaulPlummer Are you being a troll Paul :P
@AlexClark Maybe a bit, but like the poem?
oh I see it is like us nice I guess seasons there are different so that is why you have it like this. @AlexClark
@PaulPlummer No, I like poems that rhyme :)
@PaulPlummer What type of Poem is it?
nice problem
If n = 2k is even and n $\geq$ 4, show that z = $r^k$ is an element of order 2 which commutes with all elements of $D_{2n}$. Show that z is the only non-identity element of $D_{2n} which commutes with all elements of $D_{2n}$
@Kjelkor supposing that your ball is traveling in direction x,y and the angle of your line is at angle t, To reflect it off the line the new direction a,b you could use: a=x cos(2t)+y sin(2t) and b=x sin(2t)-y sin(2t). Maybe this will help.
@AlexClark Hmm maybe "Coffee shop amateur"
First of all |z| $\geq$ 2 since n = 2k, also note that $z^2 = r^{2k}$ since order of n = 2k so $z^2 = 1$ so |z| = 2.
let y be an arbitrarily element of $D_{2n}$ so $y = s^{i}r^{j}$ $\rightarrow$ $yz$ = $s^{i}r^{j}r^{k}$ = $s^{i}r^{k}r^{j}$ = $r^{-k}s^{i}r^{j}$ = $r^{k}s^{i}r^{j}$ = $zy$
now we need to show it is the only element such this happens but I will go eat something first then we will do it
I thought Paul's poem was free-form: There were so many un-closed left parentheses!
That represents my incomplete life @pjs36
is floored
why why @PaulPlummer
I thought your life is complete with us around
You guys are not quite right parentheses :D
You guys are my left parentheses
what @paul says is right but he didn't leave anything left to say :))))
Hey guys it's fine :) you can actually say things if you want :) I didn't mean my joke to shut down the whole conversation lol.
Oh we start and stop talking periodically
I blame @Paul
Well I'm new to the chat rooms so I'm not totally sure of the rules. I did read the "Chat Guidelines".
@Paul When do you think you will have your first actual post on the blog?
@Paul and will it be poetry?
@MathMan Well most of us are here all the time, and we chat about math when we have math to chat about, otherwise we are off-topic frequently(but at a decreasing frequency I have noticed)
We periodically gain and lose big time chat members
Well great! I love math and I also like "off topic".
@AlexClark I don't know. I have been thinking about what I want to lead in with, and think I have decided, so it will probably be a week or two. Although I would like to get the site "fully" designed before my first real post.
@MathMan Probably not :P
Speaking of that, David is gone again for 7 days and Skullpatrol has been gone for 33d from chat
What David?
@PaulPlummer Wow that's a good prep period, I guess I should expect good content
@PaulPlummer David Wheeler has been gone for 7 days again
Oh yah, it has been a while
Moving and job is probably keeping him busy, he found his right parentheses probably
@PaulPlummer do you know what you're writing about?
I have an idea @mixedmath.
@PaulPlummer :)
@mixedmath We talked about that crank mathematician (Prastaro) a few days ago. Its strange, because he seems to have actually done math research in the past. (Just thought of that when you came in)
@AlexClark here's some of the things I am interested in: Mathematics and programming. I am currently working on a degree in mathematics. I also like web development: php, html, javascript, regular expressions and so forth. I like fractals and the Chaos theory also.
To kinda introduce myself.
@MathMan I am just a math undergraduate with primary interest in probably Algebra. I am an Australian - going to be doing undergraduate research next-year
@PaulPlummer oh, you and I did? I totally forgot
yes, he's a big mystery to me
oh! right - you commented on that old answer of mine
I don't think you were here
when we were talking about it
I meant the chatroom
not you and I, haha
@AlexClark I definitely love algebra. especially fake proofs.
@mixedmath I think I will lead in with the first bullet point ( here ), something called selection principles, since it should give me more time to absorb the rest of the stuff.
@PaulPlummer Ah, I had to go find that old answer of mine. I assumed it was you. Just two days ago, someone commented on a 3 year old answer of mine about Agostino Prastaro
@Owatch Hey
Hello @Owatch
hiya @Owatch
So, is anyone familiar with modelling differential equations?
@PaulPlummer might you consider also putting your post on the MSE blog?
@mixedmath How does one get onto that blog?
Q: Community Blog FAQ

mixedmathAfter a long string of posts on developing a community blog, I am happy to announce that MSE now has a community blog! This post serves two purposes: It explains how the blog operates and how to contribute, and It answers some of the faqs about the blog. The organization of this post is sim...

I really don't understand what the book is asking for when they tell me to show that every member of the family of function X is a solution of the differential equation Y.
In general, you come up with an idea. You write something down.
@AlexClark If it's reasonable, poof!
@mixedmath Oh, never thought about it. Are there any sort of requirement, or have to pitch the idea?
@AlexClark The blog doesn't really have a direction yet, so there's not much more to say. Some of the other sites' blogs have meaning and direction, so contributing to them is a bit more meaningful in some way
@Owatch Hmm what x and y?
@Owatch It means that for every function f in X, it satisfies the differential equation Y
for instance, the differential equation f' = f is satisfied by every function in the family e^x + c, for any constant c
They tell me to show that every member of the family of functions $ y = \frac{1 + ce^{t}}{1 - ce^{t}}$ is a solution of $y' = \frac{1}{2}(y^{2}-1)$
@mixedmath Or should I just come with something already written, and then have it reviewed.
They differentiate y =, which makes sense I guess
@mixedmath Can someone post to the blog and to their own webpage(the same post)? Or does posting on the blog give rights to MSE?
@PaulPlummer In principle, it's a good idea to make sure that the piece would fit before writing it. But in this case, you'll already have it written - so the absolute worst thing that could happen would be someone saying nope - doesn't fit
and that's really not bad at all
(and has only happened twice)
@PaulPlummer That would be totally fine
@AlexClark Yep! Go for it
I get it
@mixedmath So I could, for example, do an exposition on central extensions?
`The found $y'$ from $y$, then they plugged that into the initial $y'$ function they gave me. Then for y, they put in the original undifferentiated equation.
@AlexClark Actual questions of ownership are... unknown to me. I'd assume that contributions to the blog are under CC-BY-SA. You can do with it whatever you'd like
@AlexClark yeah, totally!
I didn't see that, I was wondering where the hell they were getting those equations. \
@Owatch handy. Are you starting a diff eq. class over the summer?
@mixedmath: I told you a while ago I'd write for the community blog, but instead I started my own blog, where there's no fear of audience considerations or length problems... oops
@mixedmath No.
I actually forgot about the community blog until just now.
@MikeMiller all fine to me. I write much more for myself than I do for the community blog. It's not yet clear that it will be successful
but it might be a nice way for someone who is just starting a blog to inject themselves into the mathematical blogosphere, as it were
Eh, still can't solve the problem.
@mixedmath: Looking at it again, I think both of those reasons for starting a separate blog are valid; what I want to write would be out of place
@MikeMiller would it?
What's a length problem?
Checking Tobias's post, there's actually no worry about being restricted by length. The more meaningful worry, then, is that I'm probably assuming some background in graduate-level topology.
@mixedmath I will definitely think about submitting something to the MSE blog. I am guessing the main content requirements is to be relatively self contained and cover something that should end up interesting. What caused those two previous ideas to not work?
@MikeMiller I understand this worry. In principle, there's no reason why it couldn't go on the blog (since we have no audience in mind). But in practice, I have also not thrown anything onto the community blog at graduate level, even though that's what I write on frequently
> What caused those two previous ideas to not work?
one was a crank post
so that was easy
the second (which came first chronologically) was less easy. I can actually find a copy of it - give me a moment
I've been to the blog room once or twice so can guess what that is
@PaulPlummer It's here
suffice it to say you probably won't have the same trouble, @Paul
tell me, would you have that on your blog?
@MikeMiller yes, he's still angry about it. Further, he places the blame solely on me. It's not conducive to good discussion
@mixedmath Haha, okay, I don't think I will be having something like that on my blog
what was the crank post about
@MikeMiller It was about twin primes, I believe.
I wonder if it was Prastero trying to get something past you!
@PaulPlummer Somehow, it all connects today, doesn't it?
Yes, yes it does
Yes, perentheses must always be completed.
@mixedmath haven't done much blogging yourself lately, I see
@MikeMiller That's true. I actually have a string of posts lined up, but I'm waiting for a draft of my current paper to be ready to become public
I have a set whose goal is to allow this paper to be completely understandable, and that actually show the background computations
(analytic number theory - it's complicated and messy)
@paul /.*\ (.*\ ).*$/ to match the parentheses :)
can I assume the experts in your field won't need to read the blog post before understanding your paper...?
@MikeMiller Right. But there's rather a lot of computations that doesn't make it to final publications. I bet the reviewers will be thankful
for that matter, I'm reviewing a paper right now. I would certainly benefit from more explicit computations
ah, right
hi @MichaelA
@MikeMiller actually, I also see that a blog post is queued to appear on the blog tonight sometime, and it's actually mine
Hi @MikeMiller.
@MathMan Ahh, is that some code?
Was that the author of the post that left a minute ago?
That's the regular expression to balance sets of parentheses in a string. But here's a better regular expression - more versatile: /^\ ((?>[^()]|(?R))*\ )$/
I told the code guy to post an example of what his code does wrong, I'm not going to dig through it and see what's happening... but if I have an example of what's wrong, it's much easier to pinpoint. But, c'est la vie!
chat.SE says he hasn't been seen for four hours @Paul
@pjs36 Who is the 'code guy'?
the guy paul was trolling
Oh okay, I thought we were referring to him, but Mike confused me
@pjs36 do you mean Kjelkor?
Aye, @MathMan. I would have tried to help, I just didn't want to take the time to read and understand all of the code
@MikeMiller Okay, I guess the gravitar just looked alike
Oh and Rick and Morty is genius @MikeMiller
How do I cite an answer to a question in an essay? Is it a website, or a correspondence with the answerer?
Your mixing me up with Kjelkor I think.
IOW what's the way to cite stack exchange in a scholarly work?
@PaulPlummer New season this summer, catch up before then
How much have you watched
That's Kjelkor who posted the question [here]{gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/100728/…}
@MikeMiller I actually binged watched them yesturday
haha nice
@MathMan You are meant to use [words](link)
Right! I didn't know how to do it. Thanks.
@PaulPlummer Did you have a favorite
Don't force your grammar on us, Incurrence! By the way, if I ping @Incurrence, what happens? :)
how come you don't use your old account ?

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