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@OldJohn yo.
@OldJohn all these pros are invoking schemes and shit
when the direct proof is there
@BenjaLim I even answered a trivial Alg. Gem. question once :)
@OldJohn where is it?
@BenjaLim hmm - do schemes (or other shit) have any other advantages?
Well apparently they are the modern way to go
in algebraic geometry.
@BenjaLim It was a trivial thing about parametrising a conic - here
I searched it in your profile and found it :D
something I got from the first chapter from Reid's undergrad intro to AG
ah nice.
@OldJohn But I think at the moment my experience in comm. algebra is proving very handy
all those isomorphisms involving tensor products
I actually have several books on AG that I picked up second-hand - and never got further than the first chapter of each :)
@OldJohn Names of them?
@BenjaLim Yeah - my lack of CA is annoying - but I don't think I have time to do enough of it to be useful
@OldJohn Bro tip: learn CA and AG at the same time. Don't make the mistake I did to learn just pure commutative algebra.
Read chapter 18 of Dummit and Foote @OldJohn
that will get you going.
OK - thanks
some names: Hassett (Intro to AG), Reid's book and Shafarevich volume 1 - I think
ah. Have you looked at Kempf's algebraic varieties?
Oh - and Fulton's "algebraic curves"
@BenjaLim Not yet - but I plan to do so
@OldJohn I think Fulton will be good
@BenjaLim Yes - just a bit "dry" I found
@OldJohn Why? Initially I was planning on using it but my supervisor wants to use Kempf
@BenjaLim Just his style of presentation, really
anything in particular @OldJohn?
I go on holiday for 2 weeks soon - I might take Reid with me, and see how much I can get through :)
@BenjaLim not really - it was some years ago that I was reading it, and I found his style a bit dull
ah yes. I gathered a little of that from his book on Young tableaux
I also have Fulton's Alg. Top. book - and that is far from boring
ah ok.
hmmm maybe I will have to use Kempf then. The problem is there aren't many concrete examples
and it starts talking about sheaves quickly
followed by cohomology
that would scare me!
you need to know some algebraictopology for that
@BenjaLim I did undergrad AT ... 40 years ago :)
@OldJohn you have a phd don't ya?
@BenjaLim - by a very odd route, yes :)
So how now Dr. W?
didn't start it until I was about 45
now I didn't know that
and did it as a part-time external student - taking twice the normal time
while I had a full-time teaching job :)
that was in analysis yea
yep - stuff like boundary behaviour of subharmonic functions - included a lot of old-fashioned topology and measure theory (much of which I have since forgotten!)
@OldJohn Now is the time to make the transition to algebra
Let us motivate each other!
@BenjaLim :)
How come you always say there is no time ?
I have lots of hobbies to fill up my retirement, apart from maths
such as?
music, photography, gardening, bonsai, languages, holidays, ...
such as?
wow @OldJohn
do they even grow in england?
used to include chess in the list - but made a decision a few years ago to give it up - and not played since
It is possible to grow bonsai from quite a number of native british trees - and things like Japanese larch love the climate here :)
I have a number of japanese larch trees in pots - and they all survived a winter when the temp went down to about -13 a couple of years ago
Must go - and help my wife
Good luck with Kempf!
@OldJohn ok. See you soon. You dod have a few hobbies!
I have finally reinstalled Debian and so now my LaTeX display error is fixed. I will also change my username in about three hours.
Hello @cha, I am not so excited about a new prime being discovered, since there are infinitely many of them as Euclid says.
Ok @jas :)
@JasonBourne why did you reinstall debian? Or did you install fedora only to try it out?
Hey @ora I need some help from you, I will send you an email in one minute...
I am thinking of entering some random and large powers of 2 and subtracting one from that, then doing the prime test in Mathematica. I might just get lucky!
@JasonBourne Okay.
@Novice Been there, done that. In any case, mathematica is not the way for sure! (Hint: C/C++)
@OrangeHarvester Loops?
(Another Hint: GPGPU, CUDA)
I would ask one dollar for each algarism of yhe biggest prime number I would find
In mathematics, the Lucas–Lehmer test (LLT) is a primality test for Mersenne numbers. The test was originally developed by Édouard Lucas in 1856, and subsequently improved by Lucas in 1878 and Derrick Henry Lehmer in the 1930s. The test The Lucas–Lehmer test works as follows. Let Mp = 2p − 1 be the Mersenne number to test with p an odd prime (because p is exponentially smaller than Mp, we can use a simple algorithm like trial division for establishing its primality). Define a sequence {s i } for all i ≥ 0 by : s_i= \begin{cases} 4 & \text{if }i=0;...
@Novice Well, how long would it take for you to know whether it is prime?
@JasonBourne That's a good point. I currently don't have Mathematica installed here so can anybody tell how much time they take to do the primality test of that new prime number?
@OrangeHarvester Yes, I installed Fedora to try it out, needless to say, it did not go well as you shall see in my email to you.
A life
@Novice If it were so simple, people would have discovered the prime way before you did.
@JasonBourne Indeed.
It takes a lot of computational power and time.
@Novice We did the test on a GPGPU with 120+ cores on 32 machines. It generally took the algorithm 7-8 days to work out numbers of starting point of orders where there was hope. (I do not remember the stuff exactly). Our problem domain was to check viability of parallelization of the Lucas Lehmer Test.
@OrangeHarvester Whew.
So with 318 answers and 4 questions and an association bonus of 100 and a rep of 16,100, my average vote per post is now exactly 5. Not too bad. I think I should keep my account for now...
@JasonBourne Why did you delete your ELU account? :-(
@Novice I wanted to focus solely on math. One day I might delete this too.
@JasonBourne Oh myyy...
Yo @Novice why don't you add Jason and Charlie to the Os "guys" list palio?
Hi guys
By the way @ora why do thumb drives get corrupted?
And if you join ELU again, will you start at 101?
@skullpatrol !!!!!!
@JasonBourne They shouldn't. Thumb drives are expected to be more reliable than spinning hard disk, unless your thumb drives are of questionable quality.
@Charlie ???
@skullpatrol Why?
@Novice The more the merrier...
@OrangeHarvester My Linux could not detect it, not because of the wrong filesystem or permissions this time. I think it happened after I transferred a file. Anyway, it is 9000 years old.
@skullpatrol :(
@skullpatrol But that wouldn't be OS anymore.
@skullpatrol It's OK, I just want to chat here, one room is enough.
@Novice ...we can have our own little party.
@Novice Yes, because I have at least 100 rep on another account.
@skullpatrol Okay, then I am renaming it.
@Novice I didn't ask anything...
@Charlie What's a matter?
@Novice Sure, why not you're the boss palio :-D
hi everybody
@skullpatrol how are u?
@skullpatrol No, I am not the boss. :-P
@pourjour Fine thanks and you?
@skullpatrol I'm pretty good
3 mins ago, by Charlie
@skullpatrol :(
@Charlie wazzup, how are you?
Hey guys, thanks for my 6 star message about girlfriends.
@JasonBourne That one was pretty cool.
@skullpatrol I said: skull!!!! And tipi usually say hi, no ???
@skull I think your current pic suits you very well...
I received the Outspoken badge today. Ha!
@Novice I like the new name "OpenLeisure" it very user friendly.
@skullpatrol okay, skullpatrol, nevermind
Suddenly everyone gets quiet...
I'm not!
@robjohn Sorry I mean @skullpatrol :-)
@mika With reference to what?
the Zollner illusion, it got me browsing some really cool wiki pages
Me too!
My eyes still hurt...
This may seem like a stupid question but if $\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} a_k$ converges then certainly $ \big (\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} a_k \big) \big (\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} a_k \big)$ should also converge right?
We need absolute convergence of $a_k$
There shouldn't be any weird cases of stuff right? $ \big (\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} a_k \big)^2 = L^2$
ok yeah sorry, $a_k>0$ for all $k \in \mathbb{N}$
@OrangeHarvester if that changes anything
@Eric Yes. Now its okay.
You can rewrite the product as a cauchy sum.
wait wait
The thing has to do with rearrangements.
we are doing Cauchy sums in class tonigh
please dont tell me about
my professor is actually a really good lecturer
:-) lucky you.
Yeah, he is tough too. I feel like alot of other professors try to baby the students, But this guy is ruthless.
It's like being elegantly punched in the face, in slow motion. THat is how I would describe his class.
" elegantly punched in the face" ??? hmmm ... interesting
and in slow motion :-D
@skull his lecturer is Zack Snyder
@Charlie Him?
Hey @eric are you Chinese?
@skullpatrol yes :)
You still didn't learn what is this, @skull?
You look $\frac{tan ( c ) }{sin ( c )}$ when you do that. ;-)
@Charlie Does this^ answer your question?
Maybe ;)
Please do not go off on any tangents in search of absolute values....
Any clever clever hints on how to evaluate
$$ I = \int \frac{u^2+1}{(u^2-2u-1)^2}\,\mathrm{d}u$$
? =)
@N3buchadnezzar That looks very hard.
Have you tried substitution with $x=u^2$ or $x=u^2+1$? Just guessing.
Well the answer is
$$ I = -\frac{u}{u^2-2u-1}+\mathcal{C} $$
So I imagine there must be a somewhat easy solution.
@JasonBourne Of course.
@N3buchadnezzar Post on main.
compute the derivative of- x/(x^2-2x-1)
nowyou are done by fundamental theorem
@user58512 Haha, that's cheating.
@JasonBourne Bah I hate that, I know it has been posted before. Searching for integrals is bloody hard.
@N3buchadnezzar You can always post it again.
Not a fan of repeating history
People who downvote duplicates hard to find are nutcases.
But then again, this site is full of nuts of all kinds.
@JasonBourne Only common factor is that they are all nuts!
like me
@N3buchadnezzar Yes.
@N3buchadnezzar, do you have any ideas how to solve it?
(I don't)
I know how to solve it but it is bloody long, and I cant be bothered.
First partial fractions to no end, then a few trigonometric substitutions
I am the GCF of this chat room
The integrals of 1/(u^2-2u-1)^2 and u^2/(u^2-2u-1)^2 are horrible
Hey @anon =)
interesting developments with westboro
interesting to whom
@anon Remember seeing the integral I posted before Anon ? =)
Hey @math have you asked your prof?
something with lambert W? or was that argon?
@N3buchadnezzar, could we use (u^2-2u-1) = (u^2-1)^2 - 4u(u^2-1) + 4(u^2+1) - 4 ?
I guess not with that stray u
@N3buchadnezzar hate destroys all, including god
@JasonBourne Not yet, I am still at work. Gonna email him when I get home
I think that was anon, it is just a few posts ago. Here chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/8014834#8014834.
@math101 OK, I am gonna change my username to something brand new in less than an hour.
?lol to what
@user58512 $\kappa = u - 1$ seems like a good start. But was more wondering about any clever tricks.
@skullpatrol I read "westbro"
@math101 You will see. =)
@Charlie westbro is best bro
@Charlie What is "westbro"?
@N3buchadnezzar the brother from the west?
@skullpatrol I don't know
@skullpatrol probably :)
@Charlie What do you think of this?
@skullpatrol hmm...
@Charlie How 'bout this?
@skullpatrol a little better
@Charlie Oookaay then this?
@skullpatrol that's nice
@Charlie One last one.
@skullpatrol yes, that's nice too. I think you already showed me :)
Jason is black again
Oops, I remember now, I did.
Which fractions of polynomials are derivatives (of other fractions of polynomials)?
@skullpatrol no problem
consider the set {d/dx [P(x)/Q(x)] in rat poly | P(x)/Q(x) in rat poly}
I need it to be rational polynomials
Hi everyone , any idea when one can write just sum instead of direct sum of two subgroups .
@Theorem, did you solve the group theory prroblem
@Charlie If I showed you this before I apologize; but it is one of my favs :-D
@skullpatrol I realized that it's one of your favs!
@Charlie Haha, now everyone has started calling me Jason.
Hm. Things I did not know but should have: the ChatJax bookmark thing will force rendering of math anywhere, including on Facebook.
Hey @old I am about to change my username in 20 minutes. =)
@JasonBourne who are you planning to be next?
@EdGorcenski that would be very good
@OldJohn You shall soon see. =)
Unfortunately, it won't render it for anyone else but you, unless that person also uses the bookmark.
@JasonBourne : i suggest u to have a name like kung fu panda
@Theorem Haha, why?
because the bird is flying in the sky hehe
i think i should also change @JasonBourne
@Theorem What a good answer.
@Theorem To what?
thinking of going to my previous name "Lemma"
@Theorem Haha!
@JasonBourne : or rather "Conjecture"
@Theorem Corollary
thats also good one @Charlie
@skull what do you think if I change my name to "skullete?"
@Charlie Nah, keep your own id.
@Charlie Check this out?
Just answered two lhf...
@skullpatrol nice, nice
@JasonBourne I think Gauss would think all questions from MSE LHF
"Every finite group is isomorphic to a finite group of invertible matrices"
how come?
@Charlie Not really.
i guess we can use matrices that permute [1,0,0,0,0,0] etc

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