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thanks @MikaelÖhman I'm gonna check
I get this
! Package babel Error: You haven't loaded the option spanish yet.

See the babel package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.

l.6 \select@language{spanish}

twink are y spanish
como estas
bien y tú?
qué bueno!
Sí, estás estudiando
muy bebo
muy beno
@FernandoMartin Helloes.
todos aquí hablan español
Hi, I forgot how the number that doesn't change another number in two-input operation is called. Could anyone tell me? For example x + 0 = x, x*1=x
No sé
@Runemoro "neutral element" or "identity element" (or simply "identity")
thank you
sí Danny
Pedro habla español
es argentino
Hi @anon
@Danny anon doesn't like me
lol why
he says I'm a troll
do you think I am a troll?
No creo que eres guapo
Tengo que ir
¡Hasta luego!
thanks for saying I'm handsome
but you haven't seen any picture of me
or are you talking about my happy face? :D
we leave that unsaid
if have to go it is 2:42 AM
iam in sweden
why do we leave that unsaid?
because i havent seen
so why did you say that I'm handsome?
but surely you are
in spanish?
guapo = handsome
I don't understand...
Hey there @PedroTamaroff
i see you tomorrow or some other day i really got to sleep
study well!
ok good night
@FernandoMartin How did Topo go?
sleep well
you must get good grades, aim only expecting A from you
ok :D
Good. The test is on Monday though!
There was a questions-only class today
hola Fernando
Hi Twink
@FernandoMartin Right.
@PedroTamaroff: Did you have any tests yet?
Linear algebra?
@FernandoMartin Next Tuesday.
Pedro can you help me with something please?
@FernandoMartin Do you mind if I ask why did the guy "know" me?
@Twink I can always try.
Haha, not really. He's a friend of mine and Guillermo, we mentioned you when he asked about Rosario I think
@FernandoMartin Ah.
the definition of Baire one function is Def. 2
@PedroTamaroff: Do you know how to prove that $GL(n,\mathbb{R})$ has exactly two connected components?
@FernandoMartin Use the $\det$.
That proves that it has at least two
@FernandoMartin I asked for Pedros' help first
@Twink OK, what is it? =)
Haha, that's ok. It's not an important problem anyway.
did you see it Pedro?
@Twink I have it open, I don't know what you want.
I'm trying to understand why $f_k$ converges to $f$ pointwise
they just say it with words
this is what I did:
but I don't what to do with the case $|f(x)|=M$
@FernandoMartin Right.
@Twink Hold on a sec.
ok :) thanks
@PedroTamaroff: Nevermind, I'll look it up. I just asked to know if you knew the problem
@FernandoMartin Wait.
We don't know if it has two components.
There may be more
I'm pretty sure there's exactly two
@FernandoMartin Ah, you have to prove the set of positive and negative dets are connected.
Aren't they actually path connected or something?
I think they're path connected
But I couldn't prove it
@FernandoMartin Cawl.
The argument is a bit more involved than what I thought, haha
maybe it's not necessary to separate in cases
@Twink What is your problem?
but that's all that came to my mind
in my proof
I haven'ts handled the case $|f(x)|=M$
@Twink What part of the pdf are you looking at?
page 6
and the definition of baire one function is Def. 2
@Fernando, yes, they're path connected. What linear algebra do you know?
@Twink The function they define, if I am not crazy, is $\max(\min(g_n,M),-M)$.
Thus $-M\leqslant f_n\leqslant M$ by definition.
$f_n$ is bounded by $M$
what I want is to prove that $f_n$ converges pointwise to $f$
@Twink Well, $\max,\min$ are defined using $|\cdot |$.
so I took an $x$ in the interval $I=[a,b]$
And $|\cdot |$ is continuous.
and I want to prove that $f_k(x) \to f(x)$
@TedShifrin: I read the argument there. Thanks!
There? OK.
It used polar decompositions.
Thus $f_n\to\max( \min(f,M),-M)$, @Twink
@TedShifrin What is your argument?
@Ted: I posted a link to the answer above. This is it
Oh, it is easier than that, @Fernando. Gram-Schmidt is all you need.
@TedShifrin ORLY?
Hmmm, using G-S I think I can prove that any invertible matrix is path connected to an orthogonal one.
@Twink But you had that $-M\leqslant f\leqslant M$ right?
I don't understand that : max min
@Twink $$\max(f,g)=\begin{cases} f&;f\geqslant g\\ g&;g>f\end{cases}$$
thank you :)
Right, @Fernando. Then it takes some linear algebra to prove $SO(n)$ is connected. If you know the spectral theorem for normal matrices, it's easy.
I retract my "all you need". Sorry.
There's a much more elementary inductive argument, too.
@TedShifrin You're kinda in favour of "simple", right?
Not necessarily. But I prefer conceptually elegant to symbol-pushing :)
Understanding an element of $SO(n)$ as a product of an even number of reflections and a bunch of 2-dim rotations is prima ;)
@TedShifrin ${\rm SO}(n)$ is $\det A=1$?
Don't even need reflections, since $-I_2$ is a rotation. Yes, @Pedro.
Plus orthogonal!
$SL(n)$ is $\det=1$ only.
@TedShifrin What is $\rm SO$?
$(\det A)^2=1$?
$\det=1$ is special, $A^TA=I$ is orthogonal, SO is special & orthogonal
Euclidean motions?
Orientation-preserving motions fixing $0$
@TedShifrin Ah. What is it called?
Special ortogonal group
$SO(n) = SL(n)\cap O(n)$
@PedroTamaroff: How do you get your SOs and SLs straight in TeX?
Then ... We complex geometers come along and do unitary, hermitian, etc. to complicate your life.
@FernandoMartin I use \rm
I'll be back in a while
@FernandoMartin So the $\rm O$ are the orthogonal ones, and $\rm SL$ are the ones with $\det = 1$?
Or don't put it in math mode :) I prefer ital.
Yes @Pedro ... On both. I also don't like roman d$x$ in integrals.
@TedShifrin Oh, I don't either.
Yes Pedro.
Well, you have some redeeming qualities.
I like to think of $\rm{SL}$ as the kernel of the determinant.
Well, I'm off now.
@TedShifrin Ted.
Is anybody here knowledgeable in set theory?
@DanielFischer Heh, not the higher set theory, sorry.
What's the problem?
(Nonetheless, if a problem eludes you it probably eludes me.)
I wonder whether the existence of non-zero linear functionals on every non-zero vector space is equivalent to the existence of bases.
(And hence the axiom of choice.)
@DanielFischer Asaf is your guy here! Heh!
Well, he's not here right now, is he?
@DanielFischer He doesn't chat here, nope.
You can "summon" him on main and use IRC.
Even if, he's probably asleep now. I should be too.
Yes, @Pedro?
@DanielFischer You can ask Andres Caicedo.
He's online.
@TedShifrin I am trying to find a new topic that interests me.
Not in this room, it seems. How do I reach him? Comment under one of his answers?
@Daniel: Note the discussion on Wiki under Hahn-Banach re axiom of choice.
@DanielFischer Yeah.
@TedShifrin I started reading "Introduction to Real Analysis" by Kolmogorov and Fomin.
@Pedro: what about projective geometry if you're tired of analysis?
@TedShifrin What are the prereqs for that?
Not much. Look at the chapter I sent you. And Pedoe has a classic book on geometry that is quite sophisticated.
@TedShifrin OK. Melooks.
@TedShifrin Oh, and Dover. Cool. Do you know the guy?
Of course, then you'll ask me questions I can't do :)
@TedShifrin ?
No, he may be dead or else 90. He was a student of the famous Scottish geometer Hodge.
@TedShifrin Oh. Hodge.
You've heard of him?
Isn't he a star?
@DanielFischer Hehe.
@TedShifrin Your book has the "Hodge star".
A dead one, yes, very much. Hodge Theory, Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations ...
Does anyone still use Euclid's Elements for courses?
Ah, yes, that's the warm-up for theory of harmonic diff forms.
Occasionally, cyber.
Sorry, @Daniel ... Too long a day. I totally missed your pun.
Well, you haven't missed too much there :/
So @Pedro, hodge and pedoe have a 3-vol treatise on alg geometry.
@TedShifrin Pedoe is so close to Pedro. Daydreams.
@TedShifrin I'm reading Chap 8 of yours.
OK. There are some good exercises :) Very different flavor from all this analysis stuff.
@PedroTamaroff I'm a little confused about the max min function
$$f_k(x)=\max\big\{\min\{g_k(x), M\}, -M\big\} = \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} -M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)<-M, \\ g_k(x) & \mbox{if} & -M \leq g_k(x) \leq M, \\ M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)>M. \end{array} \right.$$
because first I take tha min
between g_k and M
@Twink OK.
but then I take the max
between g_k and -M
not between the min and -M
what if the min is M?
@Pedro: A high school kid I'm doing Spivak Calculus with had a creative idea. He asked about non-integer derivatives and wanted to graph $(x,s,f^{(s)}(x))$. Intriguing ...
@TedShifrin IIRC one can do fractional derivatives, but it is ugly.
@Twink Then you get $\max(M,-M)=M$.
Oh, I told him the idea of how they're defined. Fourier transforms :)
But his graphing idea is cool.
@TedShifrin Why?
I don't know how this behaves with $s$, but I should think about it in a few months.
$$f_k(x)=\max\big\{\min\{g_k(x), M\}, -M\big\} = \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} -M & \mbox{if} &\min\{g_k(x), M\}<-M, \\ g_k(x) & \mbox{if} & -M \geq \min\{g_k(x), M\} \text{ and } g_k(x) \leq M, \\ M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)>M. \end{array} \right.$$
It should be continuous in $s$, methinks, based on Fourier/inverse Fourier ...
wouldn't that be the correct definition?
no wait
@Twink I would have to check. Maybe I fucked up =)
$$f_k(x)=\max\big\{\min\{g_k(x), M\}, -M\big\} = \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} -M & \mbox{if} &\min\{g_k(x), M\}<-M, \\ g_k(x) & \mbox{if} & -M \leq \min\{g_k(x), M\} \text{ and } g_k(x) \leq M, \\ M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)>M. \end{array} \right.$$
what do you think @TedShifrin ?
is that equality correct?
and this one
11 mins ago, by Twink
$$f_k(x)=\max\big\{\min\{g_k(x), M\}, -M\big\} = \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} -M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)<-M, \\ g_k(x) & \mbox{if} & -M \leq g_k(x) \leq M, \\ M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)>M. \end{array} \right.$$
they're the same? :S
Looks like you can simplify it more, since you know $-M<M$.
@Twink Just make a drawing =)
Damn, now I've convinced @Pedro to draw :D
@TedShifrin Well, I did like drawing before Ted-era!
Yes, @Twink, your earlier version wins, I think
Good, @Pedro :)
I already made a drawing
but it doesn't help
I guess I'll try to continue doing it analytically
2 hours ago, by Twink
user image
I have that
but I don't know how to handle the case $|f(x)|=M$
wait, @TedShifrin which version did you say was correct?
this one?
8 mins ago, by Twink
11 mins ago, by Twink
$$f_k(x)=\max\big\{\min\{g_k(x), M\}, -M\big\} = \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} -M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)<-M, \\ g_k(x) & \mbox{if} & -M \leq g_k(x) \leq M, \\ M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)>M. \end{array} \right.$$
@Twink Just remember we have a pointwise limit Twink!
I think I almost finish
with my proof
but there's something I don't see
Since $g_k\to f$ and $f\leqslant M$, $g_k\leqslant M$ eventually.
in the case $|f(x)|=M$
that's what I proved
but if $f=M$
it's not necessirly true that $g_k \leq M$
left and right
that's my problem when I handle the case $|f(x)|=M$
as you can see in my proof
like a sequence that converges to 0 by both sides
@Twink If $g_k(x_0)>M$ then $f_k(x_0)=M$, so no worries.
yes but it's not for a fixed $k$
it's for the limit
the proof is for the limit
I want to prove that for a fixed $x$, $f_k(x) \to f(x)$
in the case that $|f(x)|=M$
They're both correct, but your earlier one is more informative, @Twink.
which one is the earlier one?
so they're correct?
if both are correct then I there's no problem
11 mins ago, by Twink
8 mins ago, by Twink
11 mins ago, by Twink
$$f_k(x)=\max\big\{\min\{g_k(x), M\}, -M\big\} = \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} -M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)<-M, \\ g_k(x) & \mbox{if} & -M \leq g_k(x) \leq M, \\ M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)>M. \end{array} \right.$$
if this one is correct the problem is over
Yes, I believe it's correct, but my brain is half-dead :)
I'm trying to understand it seeing it like a composition of two functions max and min
but I can't :S
for me it makes more sense this one
29 mins ago, by Twink
$$f_k(x)=\max\big\{\min\{g_k(x), M\}, -M\big\} = \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} -M & \mbox{if} &\min\{g_k(x), M\}<-M, \\ g_k(x) & \mbox{if} & -M \leq \min\{g_k(x), M\} \text{ and } g_k(x) \leq M, \\ M & \mbox{if} &g_k(x)>M. \end{array} \right.$$
but I don't understand why they're equivalent
I think I already understood :D
even if I don't know how to go from the second one to the first one xD
I'm sorry for my LOOONG proof
that took me some hours :(
@Twink Note that $\min\{g_k,M\}<M$. So you may drop the $M$ in there, that is, you can just state the "middle" part as $-M\leqslant g_k\leqslant M$.
Similarily, if $\min\{g_k,M\}=M$, it cannot be less than $-M$.
Thus only the option $g_k<-M$ remains.
so, $\min\{g_k,M\}$ cannot be $M$?
@Twink If you got to that case, no. Follow the possible outcomes!
I see
thank you so much Pedro :D
you're awesome
@PedroTamaroff Congrats on your recent discovery of the Tamaroff-Loy-Farin Theorem..... top billing is no laughing matter
@KevinDriscoll which theorem is that!?
check the starred comments ------------------------------->
@AndresCaicedo Are you there?
Hey, quick question. I'm a bit rusty with sigma notation, and I was wondering if the following equation holds true:
\left[\sum_{i=0}^m a_ix^i \right]\left[\sum_{j=0}^n b_jx^j \right] = \sum_{i=0}^m \left[\sum_{j=0}^n \left( a_ib_jx^ix^j \right)\right]
@Adriano Try it for some special cases and see!
@PedroTamaroff It seems to work out. =]
when they're finite sums you can do almost whatever you want
like interchanging the sigmas
associating however you want... etc
@Adriano Just use distributivity.
@PedroTamaroff Can you take a look at something?
@GustavoBandeira Yeah.
@PedroTamaroff This.
Any ideas?
@GustavoBandeira What is troubling you?
@PedroTamaroff I'm not sure if all subsets of the mapping $\mathbb{N} \mapsto \mathbb{N}$ are symmetric.
@GustavoBandeira What is the mapping? And what do you mean by a subset being symmetric?
@PedroTamaroff @PedroTamaroff Subsets like $(n,n)$.
@GustavoBandeira Those are elements, not subsets.
Aren't they also small sets?
Well, $(a,b)=\{\{a\},\{a,b\}\}$, but that is not what you're thinking, are you?
@GustavoBandeira "Small"?
Yes. I mean, they have only two elements.
I know the usage os small is meaningless.
@GustavoBandeira Well, using my definition above an order pair is a set having two elements.
But they are sets that are elements of a bigger set.
They are not subsets of the set in question.
@PedroTamaroff do you want to be a teacher?
I'll have to got out in a hurry.
@Twink You mean professionally?
@Twink I wouldn't want to dedicate my career to teaching, not really.
But I do like "teaching" if you can call it that. =)
so, you want to dedicate to research?
@Twink Yes.
but almos all researches from universities must teach some courses
generally 2 courses when they're titular professors
@Twink Yes, sure.
I just mean I don't want to devote my math-life to teaching.
I think you're going to be a very nice teacher
hi pal @cyberskull
why didn't you say hello?
@Twink hi pal
how are you pal?
I hadn't seen you for a long time
@Twink Fine thanks. How are you pal?
fine too, thanks :)
I missed you :$
Aww thanks...that's very nice of you to say.
:$ :)

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