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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

You all probably know about the Community promotion grant and the plan to sponsor games for users here. The idea is to sponsor copies of a brand new high-profile game to users here, in exchange the users should ask & answer questions about this game. We need to decide on the first game we try this pretty soon, we are targeting one game in May/June to try it out.
what games are coming out?
The question now is which game to target, we want to target the most promising game, it should be a high-profile release to attract more people to this site
I'd rather target a low profile game that we can become the source of
The following games were already suggested:
Brink (May 10th) [Xbox 360, PS3, PC]
We as a community targeted the Portal 2 release without getting any real traction out of it
Mortal Kombat (April 19th) [Xbox 360, PS3]
We had a spike of traffic, then it died.
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (May 17th) [PC]
I still think Mortal Kombat deserves some attention, surely someone wants to know how do do X fatility
Alice: Madness Returns (June 14th-NA/June 16th-EU) [PC, Mac OSX, PS3, Xbox 360]
While Alice's is a game I'd play, I question how many questions we can squeeze out of that
@badp I still think Portal is somewhat different, because it is difficult to find our answers here just by keywords
@badp You think you won't get stuck?
If anyone has any other suggestions, please mention them now
@IvoFlipse Perhaps in hard battles? That's the only problem I can come up with right now, in a linear FPS.
The Witcher is probably an excellent choice, since its pretty open ended isn't it? Or at least gives users a lot of choice with which they might need help
@badp How can I defeat semi-boss X?
Okay, that's perhaps 3 questions. Add the boss, 4.
@IvoFlipse I'm biased, because I've registered for the Witcher 2. But I also think that RPGs have a lot of potential for questions here. They often have an enormous amount of content and we can squeeze a lot of questions out of them, see e.g. Fallout New Vegas.
@Fabian I think bias is good, because we want you to actually invest some time in the game and ask as many decent questions you can come up with
I think the Witcher would be a good game for multiple users, as @badp points out Alice and Brink might be better for a single user. Given there's only so many questions you can have during the game
@IvoFlipse We have only 3 people registered for it, as far as I remember
well isn't that enough?
unless we need/want more, but then you would have to convince others to pitch in. but given the 'requirements' of asking several questions, they would actually have to want to play the game
@IvoFlipse No idea what number we are really targeting, 3-5 sounds good to me, but that is just a pure guess
the most important reason to have multiple users, is so they can answer each others questions and to prevent a single user gets somewhat stuck
I missed one more game:
L.A. Noire (May 17th) [Xbox 360, PS3]
oi! beautiful facial animations!
@badp - I'm trying to think of a synonym for your proposed "Tactics" tag; There are often times when "Tactics" seems almost hillariously over-focused on winning. I think we need something simpler, because "Tactics" and "Game-Mechanics" still have a little bit of a null area that neither of them sufficiently cover.
So, anyone another idea for a game or some argument on which game we should choose for the first try?
wait, you mean I can get The Witcher 2 for free as long as I ask and answer questions about it? SICK.
@Mana You didn't submit yourself to the list?
Don't worry if you're not already on the list.
@Mana Doesn't matter really, if you're interested in one of the upcoming games, just say so here
Well, I'm not signing up. I have too much games already. I still need to figure out what to do with my VCP
If you express interest during this meeting right now, then you'll be considered.
When is the current Duke Nukem Forever release date? Sometime next month?
@ArdaXi Me too. I have a huge backlog.
Three cheers for those of us with huge backlogs, then. ♪
I am expressing interest in the Witcher 2. This is me being very interested.
Hip hip free games! Hip hip free games! Hip hip free games!
Like that, kinda?
@Powerlord June 10/14 according to Wikipedia
Alright. That brings us to 3 units opting in, 4 units opting out, and some 5 more who'll be alerted just to check their inclination.
@RavenDreamer can you refresh me on my proposal? I'm not sure I recall that
I'll let the meeting resume. Also, @RavenDreamer, you expressed interest in the promotion so might as well note whether you're opting in or out of the immediate game choice we're having now.
@GraceNote Count me out, too close to my exams
Plus, it means you have an obligation to play the games. I'm already busy as it is.
Summer's so awesome, I can do all this cool stuff while feeling warm.
@Mana Summer's awesome... I can... sit in a building 8 hours a day, every day, working on an application that it looks increasingly like it'll never ship.
@Powerlord And it's hot too!
@ArdaXi Nah, we have air conditioning, until the government decides to cut that expense.
@Powerlord My school has... selective AC.
Two buildings, main building is at a constant nice temperature. Other building is hot as hell.
So the ATF server now has 2Fort in its rotation (!)
Also the items server is down
Get a medic
Go in via sewer
Meet a medic
Blow away some people
Get in the cap area via the "secondary access" (not the spawn one, the one from courtyard)
Blow the unsecured toys
Get the intel
Go out the same way
Kill a couple engies, save my medic a couple times
Get to the crossroads between bridge and sewer, go again sewer
My medic is destroyed by a heavy
I get damaged by the heavy, but save myself jumping down the stairs
Switch to the equaliz--- nope, the item server is down.
Switch back to the black bo-- nope, the item server is down.
@badp Ouch, that always sucks.
The heavy gets a medic.
I die.
The heavy camps the int for a minute.
Of course, since your items changed before the round started, you didn't have the Black Box for that entire life.
Right. You just pull another one off the shelf.
Still the sewer out was a mistake. :/
Even just outside the bridge it might've been easier for our team to rush.
Gah, only two left on TWEOTW.
@badp Yes... on 2Fort, I usually take sewer in, bridge out. Doublecross is a little different, but the lower-bridge route there still makes you ridiculously vulnerable to Pyro airblasts.
Don't forget in 2fort that you can also run across the top of the bridge (as Scout anyway)
Hmm, possibly I should not have preordered DNF if it might be for the gaming promo :P
@Powerlord As scout I would've never got in
@badp and @Powerlord can I convince you to finish off your draft blog posts?
@MatthewRead Preorder it for the TF2 bonus ite... oh wait, never mind... it's competing with TF2 for players.
@IvoFlipse Perhaps.
@IvoFlipse You could just add my videos to it and call it done!
@MatthewRead I don't see why there would be a difference between getting the game or getting the money the game has cost
@IvoFlipse They're distributing cash?
@GraceNote ya pinged me?
They is just @GraceNote and its not like you get the game, without having to do anything in return
Man if cash is being distributed I'm creating 10 more accounts under fake names. They will all contribute productively until they get the money, and then disappear with it
@GraceNote - I remain interested, yes.
I like my Favicon. A little too dim, perhaps.
I have to leave in about 3 minutes or so, actually, so @Raven and @Matt :
@MatthewRead Technically if those contributions are decent, it doesn't really matter. Mission accomplished
Current round seems to be "The Witcher 2", in absense of a closer option. L.A. Noire was also voiced. Yay or nay for you two?
Or any possibly better ideas for something sooner than June?
@IvoFlipse Whatever you say, Mr. President.
I wouldn't mind playing LA Noire
LA Noir
Are both those prospective titles available for the PC?
but i'll do whatever, incl. The Witcher
I hate to be controversial, but I could get behind Witcher 2
LA Noire is Xbox + PS3
Witcher is only PC it seems, while L.A. Noire does not have a PC release that I can see.
So yeah, It'd have to be Witcher for me.
I'd definitely get behind witcher ... what?
@GraceNote Being a Rockstar game, its PC release would suck horribly anyway.
Alright, that brings us to 5, which is the minimum I'm hoping for.
Since they don't give a crap about the PC market any more.
@Powerlord Duly noted.
Alright, I'll make one last check later tonight, then we'll start prepping the purchases unless someone comes with a brilliant idea before I head to bed tonight.
I'm sorry, I haven't played it, but I hear in order to play GTA4 for PC, you need: 1. A Steam account. 2. A Games for Windows Live account. 3. A Rockstar Club account.
@Powerlord That sounds terribly redundant.
F3AR is coming out at the end of the month, but that's not really a game to get stuck in either
@Powerlord You forgot the absurdly powerful quad-core you allegedly need for the game ;-)
@Fabian Well, I think I mentioned I haven't played it. :)
@Powerlord Me neither, I only heard about it
Ugh. Got one exam tomorrow, then I'm free for the summer.
There are companies that still care about PC gamers. Valve and Blizzard being the most well known examples. Then you have companies on the other side that support PC gamers solely because they think they can make a quick buck. The most well known companies there being EA and (I think) 2K Games.
It's probably going to be my hardest one too. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence == great "fun".
@MatthewRead Whoever starred and unstarred that message, kindly stop messing with my head :P
Then again, it's arguable that EA doesn't care for consoles either, other than to make a quick buck.
@RavenDreamer I switched from my uni's comp-eng version of the course into the comp-sci version ... bad mistake. Constantly slept through the class
Which sounds a lot like the rest of Activision Blizzard outside Blizzard itself now that I think of it...
I don't like the way EA handles exclusive pre-order content / DLC.
@MatthewRead - and of course the grad student teaching the class is horribly horribly Indian
His first words to class: "Some people have pointed out I have an accent."
"I'm sorry, but get over it."
Q: How to counter minisentries?

badpMinisentries are my soldiers' nemesis. Damn tiny, dealing damage slowly but surely, inexpensive to replace, those darn things are more annoying then they're supposed to. How to counter them?

Accents are one thing, but the number of profs I had who barely spoke English was saddening. I remember getting a big question "wrong" on an exam because the professor didn't understand the words
@MatthewRead Me too.
That was fast. Portal 2 SDK is out.
Oh come on. I'm playing locally. Let me use my loadout.
@badp Ahahah... no.
...then again you aren't supposed to build minisentries there
Oh god, the sticky bomb achievement. Worst Engineer achievement!
@Powerlord Oh, so it's not just me having trouble with it?
@badp Well, chances are they'll blow up the damn things quicker than you can shoot it.
I've cheated that one a bit by putting a mini-sentry down near some already placed stickies that a demo forgot, then shooting them.
Unless I am to destroy them midair
I still only have 22/50 or so.
(Engineer being my second-most played class)
So the angry birds beta kacks music or sound... by design?
@badp Has sound on my end.
I did 1-5 with one bird
knocking off the boulder etc.
got 63k and... 2 stars.
I too have sound
So there's a whopping 63 levels per stage?
That's quite more than I expected.
I hit a Google Chrome logo
what the heck does that mean?
Looks like I unlocked a chrome dimension level?!
My best TF2 replay so far crashes TF2.
Ha, best quote I've seen today: 'When people ask me "Plz" just because it's shorter than "Please" I feel perfectly justified to answer "No" because it's shorter then "Yes"'
@Powerlord Plz to not make me sammich
@Powerlord Plz don't make me a sandwich.
That was to be expected.
Just because I feel justified in answering No doesn't mean I will if it's to my disadvantage.
Also, time to go home. I feel we made some real progress today.
That is, in cleaning up some of this Mapchooser Extended Sounds stuff.
@Powerlord We?
@ArdaXi and by we, I mean me.
@Powerlord Egotistic bastard. :P
Part of the sound config file was still patterned after the QuakeSounds plugin, and you could tell, as it was more complicated than it needed to be.
I was fixing that, and I'll continue to fix that at home.
Q: Please identify this old Capture-the-flag game

MidhatI once had this game on a demo CD, In which you had 4 kinds of vehicles, Jeep, Minelayer, Tank and Helicopter. The Jeep was used to capture the flag and return to your base. All 4 vehicles were stored in an underground bunker. When your vehicle was destroyed, a skull appeared saying HA. HA. HA :...

Q: Looking for games with mechanics/rules similar to Diplomacy

Kevin PenoI'm doing a little bit of research and I'm hoping you fellow gamers can help me track down any games, other than Diplomacy (online version here), in the console/PC/mobile-verse that employ all or some of the mechanics in Diplomacy (rules, short form). Examples I'm looking for: Simultaneous orde...

Also, it's a lot of "fun" dealing with adt_array and adt_trie in SourceMod!!!!!1
@Lazers A ! Kill it! It's evil...
(Did I get that quote right?)
@Powerlord The original quote is "Bird! Bird! Kill it! It's evil."
I killed it more.
I think I need another roast beef sandwhich.
It's like a sandwich, but more indecisive.
Seriously @americanair, 3 weeks of telephone tag because someone stole shit from my luggage and nobody is there during pretty normal hours.
Also @americanair, since when is Friday, 11AM considered part of the weekend as in 'the person you need to speak to doesn't work weekends'?
Q: Is it possible to shoot a chicken in a minecart?

fredleyI can shoot pigs, sheep and cows with a bow when they're in minecarts, but I'm having difficulty shooting chicken. Is it even possible? I can only hit the minecart.

Bah, I was about to poke @ThomasMcDonald telling him LessPop is stranded in the Birmingham airport right now. Then he clarified it's Birmingham, Alabama.
Q: Can't play stunt rally...

TheXeverytime I try to start stunt rally via the command prompt I get following error.. ./stuntrally: error while loading shared libraries: libOgreMain.so.1.7.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory any ideas???

What the...
What is this shit?
I thought Quick Time was a media player, not an advertisement platform
What the fuck is all that US only crap?
And why can't I drag and drop files onto that window to play them?!
Jeez, Apple. Is this what you mean by consistency?
All those links open iTunes. If I wanted to open iTunes I would open iTunes
@badp Why do you think that stuff is not touching my computer?
@ArdaXi Whatever, those guys are Apple. They should know everything about making stuff that doesn't suck.
@badp I'm just going to ignore that one. Waaaaay to easy.
And then they show me this... stuff that is matched by no version of Winamp or, hell, Windows Media Fucking Player.
1 hour later…
Congrats, @badp! You unlocked the "watch TF2 crash as it compresses a replay" achievement!
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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