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is there some of you who still hasn't done the Portal 2 coop?
@badp yup, only done the first level here.
@badp Never done
I'm running the game right now for the cards
so if you aren't at work...
I am :( Give me three hours though...
Yeah, a couple of hours, but probably not :(
@badp I haven't installed it yet.
@Ullallulloo wat
How do you SLEEP at night
also have you checked out that card trading bot?
@badp yeah
I don't have enough TF2 cards to complete a set with 1:1 trades though, still. =/
I don't think I have it installed either
And it's like $12 worth of cards for a background or emoticon?
I can't really justify crafting a badge. =/
Use the market to trade cards
...or just sell them outright for free money
TF2 cards were ~$.40 last I checked
definitely the cheapest of the bunch
so if you sell Portal 2 cards you should have enough
@badp Good on Valve to not hold on to tech they weren't going to use.
the in-game Perpetual Testing Initiative video has the final part cut :(
@fbueckert yeah, that's how you build goodwill
Or at least, some of it is down
502 from nginx
looks up to me
Q: Where do I get the teleport spell in Candybox?

user48859I have been playing for six srtraight days now, and the teleport spell is still nowhere. Where am I supposed to get that?

@tombull89 Not sure if joke or real pokemon...
candy box questions are the best
@fredley Play MtG
@OrigamiRobot Not possible
It's always possible.
@badp World Wide Wat
@Ullallulloo I'm sad that Kevin Conroy won't be doing Batman's voice in this. =(
@Fluttershy He is doing Batmans voice.
He confirmed it in an interview last week or something.
@Wipqozn Well, he just said "the next game" ... Not Origins in particular ... Sooo, we still only have guesses.
@Wipqozn Oh cool! I can be excited for the game again.
@badp that is beautifully terrible
I was given a church in South Korea earlier.
So... many... nondescript roads...
so the XBox 360 +1 reveal starts in 24 hours exactly
time to turn the Speculation Wheel of Wat
what do you expect to cringe at tomorrow in the reveal?
(I am still really disappointed by the lack of Nexus Q 2.)
What happens when you don't agree to disagree with someone?
@Sterno You set them on fire.
I have no link.
Then please consider the fire to be figurative
But in other news, Android Hell appears to be a soul-sucking bastion of stupidity.
@Sterno That is indeed the point of Android Hell.
@Sterno You are welcome.
Oh! I know. People have been loving to use the PM feature of XBox Live to send each other corteous messages of admiration for their respective skills in videogames.
Wouldn't it be magical if that really loud 11yo could compliment your sniping skills with personal video messagging?
No longer will you have to imagine them typing "faggot" when you can actually see them pronouncing the word with their mouths so you don't have to ask them, "are you for real?"
That'll make communication 35% more efficient.
And, you can teabag someone in game AND in effigy, and now they'll know!
@badp It would give me a photo to crowdsource a manhunt kidhunt brathunt with.
I don't see how this could possibly go wrong.
Another feature people really loved about the game was the permabans and the accounts thereof. Unfortunately the permabans aren't actually permanent, they only stretch to the year 9,999. With the new XBox, they still are not going to be permanent, but they will reach the year 99,999.
Also, it will be possible to modify your profile in "illegal" ways without having to mod your console and voiding your warranty! It's the inbuilt idiot cull you've been waiting for.
On the controller side of things, the game will ship with none. People loved flailing their arms wildly in Kinect games, so all games will be body-controlled. Since the previous technology of Kinect devices isn't quite up to par for the job, you won't have to buy a Kinect 2 with HD recognition and a bunch of other software-only features that makes no sense to tie in to a new piece of hardware, but you'll really want to.
As far as backwards compatibility goes, we thought it'd be a shame to make your old XBox 360 just collect dust in a corner, so there's none. You're welcome.
The XBox 360+1 will actually run Windows 8, but we won't admit it. The executable format will be slightly different so the .exe files won't run: we'll change the extension to .xbx.
We'll have a state of the art computer with 2 more gigabytes of memory than whatever Sony announces for the Playstation 4, powering a video card that looked awesome in 2011 and a hard drive that'll be every bit as reliable as the other generation's to enhance our games' replayability.
But videogames are boring, let's talk tv. The XBox 360 has been bringing a lot of entertainment value to only a few countries in the world. This allowed players to get an unparallelled level of elite service. Gamers love to feel elite. It's why they game. This is why we're happy to announce that our new services will only be available in US states the names of which end with a vowel.
@badp has reached critical mass! Evacuate The Bridge!
@OrigamiRobot but wait, there's more! I didn't even begin to mock their ad strategy!
Don't you want to know about how Microsoft solved loading screens by placing video ads in them? It's why the games are online-only to begin with! Offline mode won't have this enhanced experience.
@badp Wow, do I still get to pay for this amazing online experience or has it been downgraded to being free like the PS3, PS4, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, and PC?
@Ullallulloo It's being upgraded to the subsidized contract Live+XBox model you know and love and games will be 70 Microsoft Points each instead of 75 for GOLD subscribers.
However, if you want even more, you can upgrade to PLATINUM level to adorn your XBox Live avatar with HATS.
Did I mention that to make games feel more personal your whatever-Microsoft-calls-the-Mii will be the leading star of all XBox 360+1 titles?
That's right! You can put your hats on in any XBox 360+1 game.
You will have a wide variety of brands to sponsor on your ad, I meant hat, so you can put some PRADA swag on your HALO 5½ The Prequel Sequel experience.
PLATINUM users can also record a variety of voice clips to use throughout games. You'll be asked to shriek in pain five or so times for all games to use.
You can use an XBox Live Shock Collar to make more realistic shriek noises for MAXIMUM realism.
Those shriek noises will be downloaded by other players in online games so that you'll be able to hear other people's shrieks as you hit them! We're totally sure people won't put curse words in these clips.
This will make your videogaming experience even more personal.
Your whatever-Microsoft-calls-the-Miis, your voices, your faces, your XBox 360 Plus One. All for $20/mo, or 25 Microsoft Points for those who still have those. (Losers.)
@Ullallulloo Well crap...
Shog9 on May 20, 2013

Stack Overflow has always had a strong focus on individual merit. Although collaboration is encouraged to some extent by the editing features, attribution on posts and the design of user profiles all tend to emphasize rugged individuality, that lone wolf toiling away at a keyboard.

But most of us don’t actually work that way. We’re social creatures by nature, and the most challenging part of finding a good job can be finding the pack you want to run with. In spite of the dearth of features aimed at networking, folks have been using Stack Overflow to find and research potential colle …

@Ullallulloo Oh wait. That says Page not Found.
@Fluttershy He deleted the tweet now for some reason.
Crytek also has a company page.
...and ...uh. Skype. What.
Tomorrow's the big Microsoft press release, isn't it?
@Ullallulloo Caaalled it.
@Fluttershy yep
Hence @badp pre-releasing all the info.
Q: Delete all waypoints from building in Supreme Commander 2

JasoomianIn either Supreme Commander 2, or Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, is there an easy to way to delete a buildings patrol route without having to go through each point one by one?

@Ullallulloo It's going to come in handful when I try and get a job either as a product manager for $CONSOLE_MAKER or as a writer for the Onion.
so that's special
@BenBrocka wat?
@Sconibulus I second this what.. I think @BenBrocka might have gone off the deep end
@BenBrocka Don't forget, people. The Earth used to be flat.
@James just some trolling from UX. Which was oddly self deleted almost immediately
@BenBrocka Ah
@BenBrocka To be quite honest, the idea itself might actually work. It's horribly phrased and the screenshot is bull. But the idea is ... interesting, at least.
@BenBrocka I thought you'd cropped the image too much
...but the image is just that
It presents a fascinating look into an impressively insane mind
Honestly, it could kinda work with some actual graphical design
but it seems like even he can't put enough time to draw something up in mspaint to go with his concept
maybe he self-deleted because he realized that much?
> is this the future of the internet ? given that this is the way heavens work beyond planet earth in terms of stars, galaxies, black holes, universes, etc.. ?
@BenBrocka Explanation and train of thought: INSANITY AT ITS BEST.
@BenBrocka To be fair most design presentations usually are at least half as pretentious :P
Resulting concept: Tweak it here and there, and there might be some merit to it.
@FEichinger of course we don't actually know wtf he's up to.
It could be the one bajillionth Stack Overflow clone.
@badp Sure looks like it.
At least he'd be the thousandth that doesn't straight out copy the Stack Overflow layout
Planets don't actually align in opposing manners though, they just circle around gravity
If you really want to have a layout inspire by space it would be 99.9% #000000 with specs of #FFFFFF
It would also cause you to suffocate and/or freeze to death
I can't seem to get the freezing to death effect to work in pure CSS
@BenBrocka That's why the W3C is stupid. They focus on stupid stuff like animations and HTML5 ... But what about our freeze-to-death APIs?
We really need more practical stuff.
@RonanForman @RedRiderX @AshleyNunn Minecraft Matches this Saturday :)
@FEichinger There's definitely not enough in web design.
I just read that Metro: Last Light has Day 1 DLC for "Ranger Mode". Makes the enemies harder and removed the HUD
A feature that was in the original metro for free
And "moving the difficulty slider and removing graphical elements" doesn't really seem like it deserves to be paid DLC
@Sterno Yeah that is ridiculous
Companies are getting really fucking stupid with DLC, its like oh we don't have to actually finish anything or give them all the usual features when we can get more money out of them
Because people keep paying for it.
I know
its a self fulfilling model
and it sucks
Of course it sucks.
But as long as people don't get their shit together and just stop paying for it, it won't end.
@BenBrocka I like more content in my murder.
@FEichinger Yeah and that is as likely as me becoming a supermodel
@AshleyNunn I don't know, I think you could pull it off.
@badp <murder><redherring /></murder>
@WorldEngineer You obviously have little idea of what I look like :P They generally don't want fat kids :P
@AshleyNunn okay, Fetish Supermodel
@badp Why did i watch that
@AshleyNunn For the wat factor.
@WorldEngineer I suppose that is a niche possibilitiy
@AshleyNunn because it was a link on the Bridge
I hope you find yourself adequately watted.
@badp I am a sucker for punishment I suppose
@badp Yes, it was adequate
@badp that wasn't that WAT, that was more of a "huh?"
@WorldEngineer I said "wat" not "WAT"
Okay, the real wat is that the community contributed model for the female scout is dressed.
@badp the distinction is important
@Fluttershy Day 28
@SaintWacko Woo!
@James Ah, what did you have in mind?
@SaintWacko How's winter treating you?
@spugsley Your Darling He Isn't Coming photo is amazing. I love the concept, and it worked out so amazingly well.
@Fluttershy I have a bunch of rabbit traps up, so I have enough food
Two heat stones
A planted forest next to my base
And an Ice box
@SaintWacko Do you have a magnificent beard?
@Fluttershy Yes
And rabbit earmuffs
@SaintWacko ... I hate you. I'm over 50 days and still haven't found any gears.
@Fluttershy I found a graveyard and dug some up
I've also been digging up all the berry bushes I can find
@SaintWacko How badly did your sanity plummet?
And replanting them
@RedRiderX The fore running is a Defend/Destroy style map
@Fluttershy Nothing that a sleep in a tent couldn't cure
@SaintWacko Well crap... I haven't even made a tent yet. Need more silk and the only spiders near me are Queens. =(
I have 65 wood
@Fluttershy Eek
I have a pig village to the north with a bunch of spider dens near it
so I just go up there and lure spiders into the pigs
@SaintWacko Last time I did that, the nest spawned 6 warrior spiders and they destroyed my pigs. =(
@James Neat. Well, I'll have to check my times and see if I can participate. Regular time, I assume?
@Fluttershy o.0
@SaintWacko Yeah...
I'm just about to take a Chester-load of gravedigger artefacts up to the pig king
gold gold gold!
@RedRiderX Aye, same as last time :)
Shit! It's beefalo mating season!
@SaintWacko Should probably stay clear of them for a while. =P
@Fluttershy Yep
Also, walked into the pig village in the middle of a massive pig vs spider battle
Free silk and glands!
I uh, don't remember google docs doing this before
There is an alligator, a chupacabra, an elephant and a moose viewing this document
@BenBrocka Yeah, anonymous viewers.
@SaintWacko OMG, Run man.. just run :)
@BenBrocka It's a relatively new feature
Seen anonymous viewers before, but they used to just be colors
Guess they decided to mix it up a bit
@James I did. I fell back and looped around
Also, just woke a Treeguard
Managed to pacify it, though
@SaintWacko Good :)
aw man I wanna be an Anonymous Nyan Cat
@James Now let's see if I can wake it back up and take it home with me
As if the guardian pigs to the west weren't enough :D
Q: What are the shields on the ribbons for?

Sean BOn the stats screen in the tavern of dungeon defenders I see a ribbon for each of the difficulties I have passed for a level/map. Some of them have a shield in the middle and some do not. What does the shield signify?

There should always be Anonymous Sloth.
there's a Slow Loris, close enough/
Oh, I see Sloth isn't on the list. How sad.
@James What're we playing?
@RonanForman Amos has suggested a defend and destroy type map
I almost just want to play Calamity again though :D
I will get the link and pass it around
I had a dream last night that I had a pet sloth. It was so awful.
@Fluttershy Found a spider queen
It is slaughtering pigs
poor piggies
@OrigamiRobot I had a dream once. It was awful
@SaintWacko Yeah... It takes something like 140 hits with a spear to kill the queen.
@Fluttershy I think I'll just wait til summer and lure her down to the guardian pigs
Or the beefalos on the way
@SaintWacko That'd probably work.
I love the guardian pigs
anytime hounds show up, I just run by them and the guardian pigs finish them off
Why do hounds ~
Suddenly appear~
Every time~
You are near~~~
@BenBrocka Ah, good ole werewolves.
@Fluttershy I survived winter!
@SaintWacko Yayyy! Congrats!
Now you just have to survive until the next one.
And I now have a neutral Treeguard wandering around near my base
This is so cute, there's a Steam toast in the trailer of Strike Suite Infinity at 0:54.
I wonder why they left it in.
Haha, the pigs killed the spider queen!
If no one has posted yet... Free Steam code... penny-arcade.com/static/rainslick-giveaway
and Service Unavailable :)
@SaintWacko How'd you manage that?
@Fluttershy I generated one while I was cutting down my forest
@badp Second try worked for me.
Planted pinecones to pacify it
@Coronus Had to try five times, but then it worked
And then the next morning it woke back up and is now wandering around
@badp Same here
@SaintWacko Well that's pretty awesome... I may have to try that. :3
@Fluttershy bah, it's about to start raining
Is anybody here going for the Portal 2 badge?
otherwise I'll sell my dupe card (Chell) to the market.
...or all of them.
I guess I haven't quite survived winter
Still snowing
@SaintWacko Alberta?
@WorldEngineer Don't Starve.
Note to self: Replant forest closer to lightning rod
Schedules are dumb. I finished my youtube videos for the next week butI want them to be live nooooow
@BenBrocka awwww
@SaintWacko looooooooool
Q: Can I play skylanders without the portal on my pc?

PourchetI have already registered 2 skylanders online and had been playing through my pc with no probs. I've logged on after an absence and with 2 new skylanders that I want to register with the webcodes and I can no longer sign in to register my 2 new characters. I don't want the portal and am feeling f...

@Fluttershy Just got 51 gold by delivering stuff to the pig king
@SaintWacko That should be plenty for a while. Science and alchemy machines and some gold equipment at least.
@Fluttershy already have science and alchemy and gold shovel and axe, and all the weather equipment
Q: Different Pictures For Items

user155791On my desktop I have alot of different shell files that run a game. I want to replace those ugly shell file looks on your desktop and replace it with the game's logo. Is there a way to do this?

@SaintWacko Oh. Do you have a farm yet?
I once got a science machine built.
Didn't get to use it though.
Lasted til day 3.
@Fluttershy Yeah, a couple tier two farms, and 26 berry bushes
Last call for a Chell card
@badp If you don't want it, I'll take it?
Oooh, Resident Evil movies on TV. Better than the rest of today's programme here, sadly.
@Fluttershy Well, I'm not giving it away :P Do you have any dupe/card you're not interested in?
@badp I have Destruction for Portal 2.
@Fluttershy Sounds good.
Nice edit. =P
Wow, Night Hands are really creepy
@SaintWacko Yep. If you walk over them, they'll go back to the border of the fire. Then you can step on them and make them go away.
I'm thinking about geting a Surface Pro as a portable old school gaming machine
"One friend has this card. Send them a message!" No, Steam. I won't get it from that one friend because we both only need 1 card for the badge.
How much are these cards going for on the marketplace?
A buck downwards
Portal 2 cards at ~€0.70
The Engineer profile background sells for €.30
The Engineer card sells for €.33
Guess which I bought with the proceedings from a sale? :P
Silly times.
@Fluttershy Just chopped down my forest and got 130 wood and 65 pinecones
@SaintWacko Now what are you gonna do? Make wood walls?
@Fluttershy Hoard it until winter
I have some portal 2 cards
I was planning to make stone walls, but wood walls are more renewable
@kalina What have ya got?
glados and underground
@SaintWacko Yeah. I have some stone walls, but I haven't been able to make anymore. x_x
@kalina Oooh... I need glados, but I have nothing to give in return. =(
@Fluttershy Oh, I also made a meat effigy finally
Fuck off, night hands
@SaintWacko I don't have enough meat to do that. I have to find a koalephant.
@Fluttershy My pet Treeguard wandered into the guardian pigs and killed them all
@SaintWacko That's one way, I suppose.
Ugh. I need Nightmare Fuel, so I have to go insane :(
@SaintWacko is that really the only way to get it? x_x
@Fluttershy Pretty much
Holy shit this is creepy
(Yes. Yes I have to run a sprite based game at reduced resolution. It's either this or it doesn't fit on my screen. Sigh.)
Horror game designers could take some cues from the Don't Starve devs
They've made going insane creepier than any other game I've seen
the whispers just started again
they won't go away
And the eyes
the eyes just outside the firelight
Q: In Game Dev Tycoon, how do I move to the R&D Lab?

Daman90I am in Office Level 2, Y13 M6 W3, 6.5M in the bank, and 6 employees (including me). HOW DO I MOVE UP!?

You're spoiling the effect! :P
For who?
Those who haven't tried Insane? :P
Wait, I need a Shadow Manipulator, which takes Nightmare fuel to build, to make Nightmare Fuel?
@Ullallulloo Yesss
See where I am now?
Get so crazy you don't realize you don't have Nightmare Fuel to make the manipulator
(by reading this you accept that this was not actual advice and all of your assets belong to Ben Brocka)
@BenBrocka My brain hurts
The shadow manipulator is mine!
Watching Degrassi High makes me realize just how incredibly ridiculous 80s and 90s fashion was, and then I wonder if people will say that about the stuff I wear like 20 years from now
Okay, done with insanity
I'm going to be sane again

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