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It was patched a long time ago
It doesn't exist anymore
@Fluttershy I feel kind of bad for Lara.
@Fluttershy I know its a game, but she did seem like she was in pain. That and the fact she is prone to bad things...
any of you watch the GSL?
Such as falling off high places, explosions, getting mutilated various times, and getting crushed.
(Starcraft II)
@Scootaloo You will spend more time falling than anything else, so you get kind of used to the bad things happening.
@Fluttershy Well I like it, but the only thing I don't care for is that the camera is locked 90% of the time. I am only near the part where you get out of the cave (the tutorial level basically), but so far it feels to easy.
@Scootaloo It gets harder. But I wouldn't say it ever gets too hard.
@Fluttershy On the plus side her hair does look really good. If you change the setting that is:
It really shows here: youtube.com/watch?v=oaDhSReeDWU
@FEichinger and yes I know graphics don't matter that much, but it never hurts to have some eye candy...
@Fluttershy I never really understood Lara Croft that well. Is she like a female Indiana Jones or what is she?
she's a Tomb Raider
which is a fancy term for Grave Robber
@Scootaloo I always cringe when Nate leaps onto jagged metal things and other climbing things in Uncharted
Man must have hands of steel
@Scootaloo There are some similarities. Both are archaeologists who end up on adventures filled with crazy antics!
@BenBrocka Too bad I don't have a PS3. The only reason I want a PS3 is for the backwards compatibility and Uncharted 3. At least I have PCSX2 and my PS2 games.
Lara just has worse luck
@Scootaloo Uncharted 2 is still the best IMO, but 3 is great (not done yet either)
@Fluttershy It wouldn't be very entertaining without seeing things die now would it.
But there's more than just that on PS3 too
@BenBrocka I know PS3 has some good exclusives, but I am kind of sad that Skyrim didn't turn out so well for it. I heard that Skyrim (for PS3) had many bugs that got fixed much later than the Xbox release.
Does Lara actually control well in the new Tomb Raider? I heard it took some queues from Uncharted
@Scootaloo I'd never get a game like that on console anyway...but I guess if you don't have a PC
@BenBrocka For me? kind of. It feels like you are almost always on a fixed path which is disappointing for me.
@BenBrocka I can barely run it on my PC. I have a nice FPS mod for it, but I can barely maintain 25FPS. That is playable, but hardly. If I were to add mods. to it than it would suck (because of low FPS thanks to mods).
@Scootaloo I guess it depends on how fixed of a path it is, games like that are usually linear, but they can be fun as long as it's not too forced. At least with Uncharted I was more than willing to give it a path
But Nate always controlled super well, while controlling Lara usually feels like moving around a tank
Moving a tank around narrow ledges and death pits
I need to upgrade my GPU, but why fix what isn't broken? I can run most new titles at medium to high settings just fine. I guess I am just being cheap, but no one else is going to give me $150-$200 to buy a new one.
@BenBrocka Well I haven't played too many Tomb Raider games, but so far I like this one.
For some reason I have either 2 or 3 free from Playstation Plus, and I had one for Dreamcast where I never got past the second level or so
I just stick with my computer
But the dreamcast was more or less before decent 3D movement on console
@BenBrocka The new one doesn't have this issue. They took a lot of queues from Uncharted.
Although I'm inordinately tempted to get a Wii U for Monster Hunter
@Fluttershy Er... "cues"
@Fluttershy Good to hear. Might pick it up when it's cheaper
That one bugs me
Though I'm stuck 30 minutes to an hour in 3 different tomb raiders on PS3
My bad I said "queues" first
@SaintWacko Don't pick on Fluttershy :'(
@Scootaloo I try not to pick on anyone for grammar or spelling, but that one had me twitching
Command PaperStare is back online.
PaperStare @Wipqozn
@Wipqozn   ಠ_ಠ
@SaintWacko Sorry. Still recovering from last night. My brain is butts today.
@OrigamiRobot I wasn't aware it was offline.
@Wipqozn I did not want it to be abused last night so I turned all my scripts off.
@BenBrocka That's a good loop.
aren't scripts designed to be abused?
I think I see where it restarts, but I'm not sure.
There's a couple frames clearly mismatched
@Wipqozn I'm pretty sure I know, but I'm RDPing, so it's choppy anyway.
But it's hard to tell since the camera is shaky overall anyway
Yeah, it looks like it loops somewhere near the bottom of the slide.
@OrigamiRobot the gif is just actually pretty choppy, it's a lean 1MB
@BenBrocka I'm getting the whole wave dealie.
Mama cat can climb that slide like a boss
Atom Zombie Smasher is pretty cool, though it is, to borrow a phrase from @spugsley, hard as balls
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah, it is tough at first
Q: Where to buy a type-59?

Xavier Samuel HuppéI often see some type-59 in tier 6-9 games but I don't see it in any tech tree. I Would like to buy one because it seems to be very strong. Do I need to buy premium for a certain ammount of time? Do I need to buy something else? Is it a special tank or a more-than-premium tank? Thanks!

two women rang 30 minutes ago while casually chatting
luckily our mailbox was overflowing and my window was closed, so they left a minute later
I now emptied the mailbox and found two coupons for a copy of Dianetics each
what happened to the good ole Jehovah's Witnesses?
@badp Burned at the stake.
@badp Died for want of a blood transfusion
@FEichinger Maybe the end did come for them and we're just living forever in limbo.
like in at least a couple short stories of Asimov's.
@badp Or calvinism.
...maybe just one though.
@badp When you think about it ... The lack of JW annoyance-squads is suspicious.
@FEichinger gg I guess
@FEichinger They're up to something!
@FEichinger They got officially outlawed here, ironically because they are pacifists
@YiJiang'sEvilClone uhh.
At least, I think that's why they were banned
speaking of which, are you guys at risk from North Korea?
Yes, no, maybe, who cares?
I care about my Yi Jiang's! I only have one.
No, the original's dead. I'm only an evil clone
@badp They do seem to work well with cloning, though.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's what they want you to believe.
yeah... but this is Arqade, we like evil clones better than originals
@Sconibulus That's why I cap--- err--- capsize in memory
Seriously though, there's no point caring about what North Korea does. You caring will not have any effect whatsoever on what North Korea does. Even if you do care, there's nothing you can actually do from 4900km away
In other words, my official stance on North Korea is meh
Oh wow. Good deals on Steam today! Mirror's Edge is $5 for the next hour-ish, and The Walking Dead is only $10. People should go buy these things.
@Fluttershy Dammit, Steam!
@Fluttershy I'll have to buy the Walking Dead after all ...
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You know, Germany and Poland are even farther away from Japan
@Fluttershy People don't need to get Mirror's Edge
@FEichinger I typed up a brief review for it, if you're interested. It's an excellent game.
@OrigamiRobot Yes they do.
Not at all.
@OrigamiRobot Incorrect. Mirror's Edge was an awesome game, and we need more games like it.
@badp Are you referring to WWII?
@Fluttershy I know it is. I just don't follow the franchise itself, and I didn't feel like paying that much for something I am only interested in objectively.
Faith is pretty badass
@Fluttershy No, it was bad because it made something really awesomely fun, and then prevented you from doing it.
@badp please tell me this:
@Scootaloo this:
@Scootaloo This was in the demo
@OrigamiRobot What did it prevent you from doing, exactly?
@Fluttershy Running.
and yeah, the terrible jump animation is also in the stock. Second
@OrigamiRobot It didn't prevent that at all... Sounds like you just got butthurt with your experience.
@badp Did that ever get changed? I have not played the game yet.
@Scootaloo I don't think you understand how bad Duke Nukem Forever was.
@Fluttershy "You know what's fun? Running. You want to run? No, fight these guys instead."
Duke Nukem Forever should really have stayed Forever in development.
@Wipqozn I haven't played it.
@Scootaloo I haven't either.
Nor do I intend to. You shouldn't either.
@OrigamiRobot It didn't really do that, no.
It absolutely did.
I played Duke Nukem 3D and I never really liked it. So Duke Nukem forever never really appealed to me.
@OrigamiRobot I beat the game with very minimal fighting.
@Fluttershy This. It's very much possible to run rather than fight.
There should have been no fighting.
uh I thought he looked at himself jumping at that video
The fact that you had to stop ruined the game.
@OrigamiRobot That's the thing... You didn't have to stop. You just chose to stop.
No, I had to stop.
I've never played Mirrors Edge, but I'm going to side with @OrigamiRobot just to gang up on @Fluttershy.
We must be talking about different games.
According to some random top comment on YouTube: "You do realize that this was a homage to the old Duke Nukem 3D games, correct?"
@badp so there's that....
The game I played forced you to stop and shoot people.
no idea, if it's an homage it's the shittest homage
@badp Well, unless North Korea is going to join Iran and the other Axis of Evvvvvvvvvil (TM) countries in a grand conspiracy to start WWIII...
I think that was just an excuse used by the devs to excuse their own laziness.
I don't get why EA was awarded the "Worst Game Company" of the Year. Most EA games I've played (The Sims series, Mirrors Edge, and BF) were good.
@Scootaloo Mmmhmm, it's not so much the quality of the games, it's the practice of the company itself
@Scootaloo EA does not make games.
@Scootaloo Worst Software Company I believe is the title of the award
Feb 14 at 14:37, by OrigamiRobot
@SaintWacko They are publishers. All publishers suck.
@OrigamiRobot I know that. They are the publisher not the dev. I also know that if it weren't for the publisher I would have never gotten o play it.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Worst Company In America.
@OrigamiRobot Wrong. Publishers don't suck they deliver content not all content deliverers suck.
@Scootaloo If you want stars, you should be saying negative things about EA, not positives things.
For example:
EA is stupid.
@Scootaloo They have literally said they do not care about video games.
I hope someone stars that, or I'm going to look like an ass
Their policies harm the games though. The microtransaction, "casual appeal" and online play focus significantly harmed Dead Space 3
@Wipqozn Why am I not allowed to play the devils advocate?
@OrigamiRobot No it doesn't.... as theres a chevo for exactly NOT doing that.
@Scootaloo Because it doesn't get you stars. It's all about the stars man.
funny tho
But, to actually anser your question...
EA... really, the worst company you could think of... was EA?
EA is not that bad of a company.
@djsmiley2k Again, we must have played different games.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone If the award had been "Worst Software Company", I wouldn't be so gorram pissed about it.
Do you know what would be really wonderful? If I can listen to Still Alive from Mirror's Edge without having to go to YouTube
@Scootaloo The problem isn't the games, it's what they do. Like forcing their employees to work 80 hour weeks and refusing to pay them for more than 40.
@Wipqozn I wasn't talking about apple.
@FEichinger It's the consumerist. They go by which complaint is most prevalent right now.
@Wipqozn how about insurance companys that refuse to pay out for stupid reasons
or health care companies which don't provide such?
@Wipqozn No company is perfect.
Oh wait, it's on iTunes
"I love EA and I will stand by every decision they make." - Generic Customer
@Unionhawk I know. Doesn't change that the people who voted for EA need to get some perspective.
Wow, it's 2013 and iTunes can't even stream music properly
@FEichinger hi.
@FEichinger I agree the entire internet needs perspective. This isn't news.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's why you should use Google Music
@Unionhawk Of course it isn't news. But it gives EA another reason to dismiss any complaint. And that's what pisses me off about it.
This is hilarious
Hang on, let me do a screencap and show you guys
fine I'm awake
@YiJiang'sEvilClone YouTube is still the worst streaming service I've tried to use.
@kalina I've missed you :D
I'm not happy about it
I wanted several more hours of sleep
@kalina Awww, poor you
@StrixVaria It doesn't have a modal popup dialog box with a progress bar come up every 2 second telling you that the stream is buffering, does it?
Oops... bad timing?
boo hoo.
Because that's exactly what iTunes is doing right now
I've been up for four and a half hours -.-
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Modal popups. What.

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