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@kalina I have more than double your rep still! I shall hold out a little longer.
@YouDoNotExist O.o
meh, requires context
@LessPop_MoreFizz you are not my current target
my next victim is bwarner, on account of me believing fredley will pass him before I do
@kalina I said something about users on SE being "picky bastards" and someone got ticked off and said "[blah, blah, blah] I'm offended". Then I said is calling them "arrogant pricks" any better?
@YouDoNotExist I'd say picky bastards was more acceptable
Then I got banned and felt guilty, came back on and began groveling.
picky bastards is like field notes
Missions Status: so far so good.
arrogant pricks is name calling
Whatever the case it was enough for a 30 min. wait in the corner.
I do feel somewhat bad though.
Did I flag that? I forgot.
at least you didn't do that thing that some of the others do
What's that?
where you immediately go and find every other instance of somebody doing similar which didn't result in what happened to you
After I got the 30min. ban thing I acquired a copy of Bioshock Infinite and got a good hour or two into the game.
and then try and justify it as a conspiracy against you
Has anyone else noticed P2P tends to be faster than Steam?
@kalina @LessPop_MoreFizz thinks I'm a North Korean spy trying to stealz the Nuclear secrets
@jeffreylin_ and are you?
P2P for legal purposes that is.
@kalina What do you think?
@jeffreylin_ probably
everybody is a spy
@kalina "Nope" - Engineer.
even engineers are spies
I'm hungry. Do we have the ability to send food through the internet yet? if so someone send me a pot, ramden noodles, and some water.
fortunately the ability to send food through the internet is not yet available
otherwise I'd get fat
Oh and some wood and a box of matchs.
Your wish will be granted... now
I'm not fat, but that is mainly because I am tall.
my PC is misbehaving and it is making me sad
@YouDoNotExist I'm not fat but that is mainly because I am skinny
Why did you quote me?
because I wanted to
Oops I misread that... sh-t.
I demand you to never quote me again. I decree it.
@YouDoNotExist demand away
I bet you won't do that again.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Can you predict the future?
Look at this conversation

North Korean Spies

10 hours ago, 8 minutes total – 16 messages, 6 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 1 min ago by jeffreylin_

You replied before @Lazers posted.
@kalina I WIN :D
I turn my back one morning and this is what happens!
Clearly I must lock up the place whenever I'm not looking at it.
@badp Welcome newcomer.
Ping kalina
@YouDoNotExist You ping people by doing @<person>
@jeffreylin_ Yes. This is how I know you are a spy, and that, after sufficient torture, you shall recant your wicked deeds.
@LessPop_MoreFizz would you like me to begin torturing him?
@kalina Please, be my guest.
@kalina torture me? lol do your worst.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Someone was playing with my nuclear reactor and shat all over it
Replace someone with me
oh no, stackexchange changed the system
@kalina asdfsdfasdgsdgsasdgsdgdsgasfgsdgsdsdfsd
now there is flood protection on edits
@YouDoNotExist Not you. @jeffreylin_.
my superpowers have been neutralised
@jeffreylin_ That is not a Nuclear Reactor. That is a hole in the ground.
oh no, disaster strikes
@LessPop_MoreFizz .... inferencing skills.
apparently CCP made it so that when your account expires in EVE it now stops training after ~5 days
This was a triumph
I'm making a note here
Well at least Stack Exchange doesn't seem to have an apparent hate for ponies like other communities.
More specifically ponies that spawn from Flash.
@YouDoNotExist Oh, I hate Ponies plenty.
I just tend to keep my mouth shut because if I don't I get shouted down.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake
And the Science gets done, and you make a neat gun, for the people who are
@RavenDreamer @LessPop_MoreFizz I knew you were around I just had to wait for you to come out from under the bridge.
Still alive
When something is starred, what's the difference between a black star and a white star? As seen above
@jeffreylin_ Do you recognize the filly from my avatar?
White star means its pinned, and will always stay on the starred list.
@jeffreylin_ pinned = white star
@RavenDreamer at the top of the starred list.
Since LessPop pinned that, it will stick around on the top of the list for a few days.
What kind of evil person pinned DEATH TO PONIES???
@LessPop_MoreFizz pinned "Death to ponies"?
we can no longer be friends
@kalina It could've been @StrixVaria.
@kalina Agreed
@YouDoNotExist Don't be mistaken, it's not hate for MLP, it's distaste for part of its following
@LessPop_MoreFizz @StrixVaria isn't here right now
You can see who pinned a message by looking at its history.
> pinned by LessPop_MoreFizz 2 mins ago
You know, the part that first asks people to say "yes I don't like MLP" and then tries to get them banned for it. ♫
@kalina Ponies are dum.
@LessPop_MoreFizz so are people who spell "dumb" as "dum"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I KILL U!
@badp just because the fan base does not follow the shows intended demographic does not make it bad. Some fans are more ugh... vocal than others, but most of the fans are good.
Good thing I said "part" without talking about the size.
stop with the stupid flags
But.... he called ponies dum...
@kalina How do you know about them?
Does it alert you when you are flagged?
@YouDoNotExist Because @kalina has more than 10k reputation.
@YouDoNotExist 10k+ users see chat flags
@YouDoNotExist I have more than 10k rep, so it highlights the message being flagged and gives me an option to set the user who posted the message on fire
Also, what was flagged? I missed it.
@YouDoNotExist When you flag something, everyone in the entire SE network sees the flag and is prompted to vote on whether it was valid or not.
I want to be able to join in on the rage too.
@Wipqozn random pony hatings
I can flag it again if you want ;)
@Wipqozn People saying mean and entirely justified things about ponies.
@YouDoNotExist No don't.
You can set me on fire? Ooh, ooh, people flag this!
6 mins ago, by Raven Dreamer
"Death to ponies" is not insulting, abusive, offensive or spam
@YouDoNotExist Arbitrary flags are basically the worst thing you can do, and are the easiest way to get an actual moderator to step in and give you a one way ticket to ban-city.
no matter how many times it gets said
It's insulting to ponies
@RavenDreamer I agree 100%. Once the ponies are gone then the Tortoises can take the spotlight!
Is @OrigamiRobot awake or something, I seem to be collecting more stars than I should be
Because they are profoundly annoying to people not just here on the bridge but on every single SE chat room at once.
@kalina That is insulting to the fanbase that follows it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This reminds me, @YouDoNotExist you are about to get suspended.
@kalina It's just one of those days. Critical mass, etc.
@YouDoNotExist no its not, not at all
@badp That's a bit cruel, don't you think?
Q: In sites such as Steamtrades, how do you know if the 'key' that you are buying is from RU CIS or the ROW version?

WWWWWWWWWWWWI actually wanna buy Bioshock Infinite from Steamtrades, but am scared of getting scammed. Don't want a Russian version obviously. How do I know if it's a legit English version of the game? Is there any proof that I can get, or how is this done?

Q: What are the attack speed breakpoints for a critical mass wizard?

pinouchonWhen playing a critical mass wizard, attack speed is an important stat because it increases the amount of tornadoes that you can cast. But attack speed also increases the tick rate of the tornadoes, making it even more important. As far as I known, the tick rate does not scale linearly, but has ...

Q: Steam recovery for skyrim

justsomeguestI accidentaly threw my skyrim save into a folder I can't find, is there an easy way to recover it thorugh steam or something else? Nothing is in the recylcing bin so its not deleted.

See you tomorrow, @YouDoNotExist
In case you didn't hear it, STOP WITH THE STUPID FLAGS
Stop counter-flagging the messages before I can counter flag them !: (
@RavenDreamer yeah but it's approaching the point where I own the stars list again
@jeffreylin_ No. Don't abuse flags.
@kalina Quick, then! Say something demeaning about Bacon!
@RavenDreamer woah I'd never insult bacon, I don't want my account to get deleted
I can understand the "DEath to Ponies" flag, but flagging @kalina "it is not offensive" message was pure abuse.
I did warn him.
That you did. You may begin to perform the "I told you so" dance, if you wish.
Welp, let's just wait for the inevitable meta post.
I think we should all hug.
@badp I'm not sure he's found Meta yet. I was refreshing in search of one last night.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, so this isn't the first time?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I assume I missed some drama last night.
@Wipqozn Eh, not really.
yay drama
booo no drama
@kalina Drama is amusing when I'm not involved.
@YouDoNotExist the 'meta' thing people are talking about is located here: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions
have fun!
mmm cakes
He posted a question, got told it was off topic, went on a bit of a minor rant, it escalated, he got flagged, and ate a 30 minute. Came back this morning apologetic, and I had hoped it was done at that point. Lesson learned, sing koombaya, teach the new person how flags work and why he got a time out.
...so does anyone want to hug?
@Wipqozn my favourite kind of drama is the drama that happens when I am afk
@Wipqozn Maybe if you shower first.
Oh. YouDoNotExist got suspended again, eh?
@LessPop_MoreFizz but the showers all the way upstairs :(
@Fluttershy Flag abuse.
@kalina It's so hard to get a sense of time when you're just reading through a log.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yep... That'll do it.
@Fluttershy Treeeestan! Cousin! Let's go bowling!
@badp true, which is why I normally say "so what happened?"
and get it explained
Is that why your gravatar is of a tree? Because you're Treestan?
@RavenDreamer Ooooooh. scribbles
@RavenDreamer I'd totally go bowling. But you only ever visit @spugsley and @OrigamiRobot. So... =(
well, I suppose I should commit to being awake and get dressed
@Fluttershy And @IanPugsley and @jin and @Davemcclelland.
Oh boy, Math Flag party!
Math party!
Math is flagging random crap as well
you're on a roll @badp. Two suspension in under 5 minuts!
marks it all as valid
@Wipqozn You didn't see the flag counter climb all the way to 6?
@RavenDreamer I figured @IanPugsley was implied in that. But now that I know you visit others who aren't me... sadface
@badp nope, only got to 2
Well you missed out.
@badp I saw it hit 3, then he was suspended a few seconds after you left the room. Thought you finished the job.
@badp I saw it hit 6, but I only saw two actual flags.
Once I vote on something I can no longer see the flag counter.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Two flags? I only saw the "Assholes!" one.
@badp And now that I go looking at the context....
I did want to help and you erased your question and my comments trying to enhance it in a rude way! — DonAntonio 2 hours ago
I just read the flag text and go "Would GnomeSlice have been banned for saying this?" and answer accordingly
@kalina This is a pretty good standard tbqh.
Cuz I'm evil
as a result, I just flag all the things
@kalina flags
@Fluttershy BRING IT ON!
@badp How is that Bacon Porn?
@jeffreylin_ I hate bacon. That just looks disgusting.
@kalina Nah... I'm too lazy. And I have some Bioshock to play.
@jeffreylin_ "What is porn?" "I don't know but I sure can tell when I see it!" --Somebody, at some point, probably using different words
@Wipqozn flags as offensive
I still haven't played Bioshock
I have however, completed Mass Effect 1+2+3 multiple times over the last few days
@kalina Why does everyone use GnomeSlice as an example?
@Fluttershy Your face isn't offensive.
@jeffreylin_ because he's an awesome guy who attracts way too much trouble
@Wipqozn Oh, I know it isn't. Thank you. =)
@jeffreylin_ He's a celebrity.
@jeffreylin_ Because in matters of getting banned, he has earned a doctorate.
@badp Pretty sure that was a congressional hearing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Doctor Gnomeslice, Ph.D
@RavenDreamer Supreme Court ruling actually.
@RavenDreamer or something of that sort, yeah. Exceptionally convenient standard.
Everyone praises him but NOBODY WILL TELL Me WHAT THE HELL HE DID!
@jeffreylin_ pretty much if there is a reason that you can get banned for around here, GnomeSlice has, multiple times with varying different contexts
The phrase "I know it when I see it" is a colloquial expression by which a speaker attempts to categorize an observable fact or event, although the category is subjective or lacks clearly defined parameters. The phrase was famously used by United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart to describe his threshold test for obscenity in Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964). Obscenity is not protected speech under the Miller test, and can therefore be censored. The expression became one of the most famous phrases in the entire history of the Supreme Court. Stewart's "I know it when I see it" stan...
@jeffreylin_ He got a 6 mo chatban for various things, and a 3(?) month site-wide suspension suspension for ban evading.
@kalina I don't think I've yet manually banned him for flag abuse, for example.
How do you evade a ban?
> I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. [Emphasis added.]
@jeffreylin_ alt account.
create a new account
@badp are you sure?
because I don't believe you
@jeffreylin_ Think about it for a second. I'm sure you'll come up with at least a dozen ways, in varying degrees of sophistication.
@kalina No, I'm not sure. That's why I said "think."
@badp I didn't think you were sure, it doesn't seem a likely scenario that he hasn't been banned for that
"go away" is flag worthy
Lots of drama today.
@badp Hack all the servers!
That Jez guy seems to be the course of much English.SE chat drama. Crazy kid.
Pretty sure Gnome ate a flag abuse time out at one point.
Probably before Kalinas time however.
Someone should go through every message on the bridge in order to prove if he did.
Gains two reps, then realizes that it was an undownvote
/me is converted to **?
@LessPop_MoreFizz He did on the night he got the 6 month suspension, didn't he? Got suspended for half an hour for flagging stupid things, came back, went to Math.SE and flagged stupid things there?
@Fluttershy Oh yeah, that's right.
Possibly? I certainly wouldn't rule out anything when it comes to gnome finding ways to get banned.
He was an artist.
That is inaccurate. He got suspended for causing trouble in Math.SE over stupid flags they made.
Well, this place is going down
He went in, made the situation worse, got a lecture from badp, then went back in and caused more trouble.
Math flags are so mystifying to me.
I think he was flagging stupid things before, but I don't think he was suspended for that.
@badp Can you move that to Board and Card Games SE?
I'm surprised we haven't seen a meta from YouDoNotExist yet.
99% of the time they're for statements like "You're wrong" or "why won't anybody help me with my homework?"
@jeffreylin_ ...fine
For the record? 9 hours of sleep in 48 makes me very loopy. tries to get more sleep
@Wipqozn That apostrophe is extremely aggravating to me. I'm gonna have to suspend you until 2,300 AD
oh wait I can just edit messages
yay edit messages.
@badp phew, dodged a bullet there.
@ashleynunn ER shenanigans over I hope?
@AshleyNunn was in the ER? What?
@LessPopMoreFizz they kept my friend overnight (she got admitted at 3:45 am), she needs more tests and stuff, so I will likely go back later today if they keep her for surgery like they think they might (appendicitis or something of that ilk, likely)
@Fluttershy There's no such thing as an automatic flag abuse ban; flag abuse isn't a message you can flag; the six month suspension wasn't related to flag abuse.
@wipqozn one of my friends has no local family, so I did the best friend thing and accompanied her last night
@AshleyNunn I hope everything will be okay.
also. @Wipqozn @fbueckert @RedRiderX have you heard? Conclave is retiring ~10 quests and replacing them with 10 newer ones on... Tuesday IIRC
@badp Oh my.
@wipqozn Me too.
We might need to dig up the ol' party and kill some goblins...
> Conclave will have 25 quests when we launch the full campaign. 10 of those are done, and being tested by our Kickstarter Councilors right now. On Tuesday we will be launching all 10 of these quests, which will update and expand existing quests. All of these will be free for everybody to play for the time being; the next 15 will only be for those who have purchased the campaign.
@badp I never said it was automatic. Just that Gnome got a 30 minute suspension before returning and doing more stuff to get suspended again.
@Wipqozn My party stopped playing. =(
@Fluttershy Were you holding them back?
@Wipqozn No. @OrigamiRob was by not playing anymore.
@Fluttershy ಠ_ಠ
@fluttershy I keep looking at my games and being sad no one plays really :(
@AshleyNunn Hmmm. Does Steam have a "games you both own" thing on people's profiles?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone There's a website that'll do it!
Something's being stupid
Every single one of the 30 or so copies of Things Fall Apart have been loaned from the libraries here. Must be a school assignment or something
@yijiang yes, actually. There is a button somewhere I think, when you look at a friends list of games.
@yijiang that is a lot of copies of one book.
@Wipqozn You though that writing chess board would give you a chess board? I just laughed so hard I choked.
@AshleyNunn A checkbox - "Filter to games you both own"
@AshleyNunn Singapore is a big city.
@AshleyNunn Well, the library has a lot of branches
@AshleyNunn Oh wow. That's new! And awesome!
@Fluttershy It's been there forever
@jeffreylin_ I thought balpha may ave added a chess game.
There insert coin after all.
@Wipqozn Care for a game anyway?
@jeffreylin_ Not that I've seen. o_O
@fluttershy discovered it the other day. It comes in handy! (though when it gets all like Hahahaha nothing in common I get sad)
@jeffreylin_ No. I didn't feel like playing. I was just testing.
Huh, there's even a copy in the reference library
@Wipqozn Aw...
Okay, I am going to drink all the chamomile tea and hope that makes me sleep.
@AshleyNunn The only game I see that we share that has a multiplayer component is Terraria and Portal 2.
Terraria requires a server, and I really don't want to get back into that game anyway. I haven't done any of Portal 2's co-op though
@yijiang yeah, that is usually what happens. I have yet to at Terraria ans I haven't played much of portal.
Wow okay I can't type. Sleeping now.
@badp Well that's an interesting bug
The motherships are off
in the last three tabs
@YiJiang'sEvilClone When I close or open tabs, they resize and jump all over the place.
The favicon is actually clipping the location bar, which means it's probably a bug in Chrome's UI rendering code
Singapore has one Central Library, three Regional Libraries, and 22 Public Libraries.
Board and Card Games chat is a sad, sad place.
My chat actually got more attention here.
Public libraries are usually located in shopping centers
Libraries in shopping centers?
Yup. Shopping malls, top floor usually.
The one closest to me in Clementi has a relatively large comic book collection
That's not terribly uncommon. Space is space, etc.
> The Lee Kong Chian Reference Library, named after Dr Lee Kong Chian, in honour of the Lee Foundation's S$60 million donation...
@Fluttershy Thanks for clearing my pings ya jerk.
Ha, all you have to do to get a library named after yourself is to donate 60 million dollars
@OrigamiRobot Guess you shouldn't be using an auto-reply script.
@Fluttershy You're a jerk for calling me OrigamiRob, not for clearing my pings.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone that's only $5 million USD
@jeffreylin_ No it's not...
It's 48.38 million USD
Forgot a 0
@badp Ah, so the icon around the Arqade logo is the new tab playing sound notification
@OrigamiRobot Yeah @Fluttershy, leave @OrigamiRob alone!
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah
Whoever told Jennifer Hale she should take jobs requiring a British accent should be punched in the face. She makes it harder for me to enjoy Bioshock Infinite. =\
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's... not unusual at all. Take a look at the library on the campus of basically every university in America.
Oh no, I'm not saying it's unusual. I've just never heard of a concrete figure cited before
@Fluttershy I don't know that I'd call that british. Late 19th century american accents could sound quite close to that.
@OrigamiRobot Breed some forest and meadow bees
@LessPop_MoreFizz Good point. Still, she's terrible at it.
@Fluttershy Actually, this is an even better example.
That's Teddy Roosevelt!
@Fluttershy Also, Bastila = Argument invalid.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I also disliked Bastila, so... It's still valid to me!
That said, that was a British accent.
@Fluttershy all I am going to say is "sylvari"
@kalina Oh, I know. I hate it.
Q: Increase import fom trade ports's freight rail terminal

borisCallensI'm trying to ditch mining for importing. Since my roads are already taxed enough, I want to import through rail station. Raw ore imports are however not even close to filling the demand. No matter how many lots I build, it just imports 120 tons of raw ore per day. How can I increase the importe...

Q: How do I hire new crew members?

cringeI know how to buy new equipment in stores, but how do I hire new crew members? http://www.ftlgame.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11447 reads like the crew members show up in shops, but the buy interface don't show any crew details. If I can not buy crew, what are my options to get more crew memb...

Q: In MCEdit, is there a way to manually specify the coordinates of a region?

JohnTitle pretty much says it all. I'm trying to clear out a large region in the Nether to build a gold farm, and I'm really struggling with the GUI, I know exactly the regions I want to specify (x/y/z) and the filters I need to run, but with all the crap in the nether, it's extremely difficult to g...

This will NEVER get old.
@YouDoNotExist One more chance.
@FEichinger He has a day off at the moment.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm reading it right now. I'm still giving that one more chance on my ignore because I'm kinda sad I missed that.
man I forgot how much I love the mass effect soundtrack
> Panda Victory Lucky Wet Meat Metal Cone.
Patton oswalt on what a KFC Double Down is probably called in Japan.

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