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@Fluttershy I don't know what new features there are, but I don't think they'd be worth buying the game all over again for. Besides, development for the PC version might be restarting.
@Wipqozn If you play it on a reasonbly sized screen (which QA labs have), it isn't all that bad. The real issues show up on the smaller screens, say, a Laptop.
Just an oversight.
@FEichinger Oh? That isn't so bad then.
The complaints I saw made it sound like using a high resolution anywhere resulted in impossible to see UI elements.
The reddit post mentioned a 17" 1920x1080 screen. That's very high DPI
Laptop, probably.
> The resolution of the original was maxed at 1280x1024 (if I recall correctly), and this was at the time it was made expected to be played on monitors on average between 15-17". If they don't resize the UI, then the monitor size it is expected to be played on needs to increase in size proportionally to the resolution change, meaning only around a 23"+ one will offer a similar size to the original.
> It's especially bad when they don't offer UI upscaling with games like this because they are so old that they can run on almost any system, so you will get a lot of people trying to play them on small-screen laptops and getting disappointed.
Explains it best, imho.
Someone made a Ceasar III mode that enabled it to work at 1920x1080 resolution.
No excuse for me to go dig up my old disc, then
Q: Does it make any difference if I choose the Bird or the Cage?

Django ReinhardtI was wondering, does choosing the Bird or Cage Pendant in Bioshock Infinite change the game in ANY way (aside from which pendant Elizabeth wears around her neck for the rest of the game)? I've read some people say that they didn't notice any differences, but does anyone know for sure?

Q: Skyrim what level should I be to kill alduin

Skyrim playerOk,I am level 31 and. I have the elder scroll and I am trying to see if I am at the level to go to white run and trap one of alduins minions am I the right level?

Just please don't say any bad words in the answer thx — Skyrim player 17 mins ago
That's adorble.
If there is a luck-based battle and I abuse emulator load/save states until I get the right action, does it make me lame or was the fight lame in the first place anyway?
Mostly the former.
A bit the latter.
I use emulator save states as a replacement for save games. I did notice when playing Advance Wars DS that sometimes the same battles turned out differently after I reloaded to try a new strategy, but that's no different from using the game's own save feature (which allows you to save any time, and has three slots)
Chrono, Frog and Marle. Marle hastes, Frog heals and Chrono hits the wrong flame over and over
sounds like a terrible plan.
What I don't get of Chrono Trigger is that while I have battles on wait, battles don't actually seem to wait unless you're in a menu or all three wait bars are full
that results in not a whole lot of waiting on the whole
I'm so glad I installed an adblocker on this tablet
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I realize there is a new update in the works for Terraria. It gets pointed out every time someone mentions it. x_x
@YiJiang'sEvilClone But now you don't know if you should be compelled to lose that frumpty dumpty look.
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@Fluttershy Superior PC Master Race
@OrigamiRobot It just doesn't feel right without seeing that.
die alreadyyyyy
thanks for having died
come again
That doesn't sound too good...
I need a name for my Nintendo ID
OrigamiRobot is taken.
No, that's dumb.
Or... OwiigamiRobot, so you sound like a five year old.
And it's no worse than your OrigamWiiRobot.
@Fluttershy That's terrible, but it's the best of the three.
I bet it was @Wipqozn who took OrigamiRobot just to spite you.
@OrigamiRobot @OrigamiRob
@fredley ಠ_ಠ
@fredley I suggested this as well.
No, I hate you all.
@OrigamiRobot That would be a good name, try that
No commas :(
@Fluttershy He should take Wipqozn to spite him!
@Fluttershy That sounds like something I'd do.
@fredley I already made that joke in the MH3U room.
I think you should go with "Wipqozn is Awesome"
Q: Is there a way to auto-collect suns in Plants vs. Zombies for PC?

DVKI know that: There's a way to auto-collect coins/gold with Gold Magnet plant There a way to collect all suns with PlayStation version of PvZ by tilting. Is there a way (aside from clicking on each one) to auto-collect suns in PC version of the game?

> Feel like hacking the EA2700, but only have a keyboard with one character on it? If that character is a "/" then you are in luck. Add a "/" to any URL while browsing through the administrative panel, and you will be presented the raw source code of the page. No, I'm not talking the HTML source code, but the actual web application level source code that is used to convert the page to HTML.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Saw this. Lol.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Saw this. Lol.
Ugh... I can't find a Magic Mirror to save my life! =(
@Ullallulloo sadface Any game on that list that I'd want, I already have.
Well look who turned up on my holiday:
And my entire flat now mells like garlic. Fun times!
@fredley Chat bombed. Sorry. :P
He's uploading a photo, this will take a while....
Scale it down first!
@RonanForman Gah, slow parental internet is slow, downscaling in progress
(Hint, it's @Wipqozn)
When is it not @Wipqozn? :P
@fredley If you took it with a camera (not a phone) it's like 3000 pixels tall.
That'll take a while regardless of internet speed.
@RonanForman Took it with a DSLR...
I was just reminded of something about SimCity by someone on Ars Technica
> Right, so that means it is now officially not a copyright protection mechanism and is exempt from DMCA action if anyone were to post a patch to disable this online play.
Turns out there is something handy about them claiming SimCity's always online isn't DRM.
@Powerlord Oh Sheeet! That makes sense!
and I'm pretty sure US Copyright law has something in there about compatibility with ones system.
@Powerlord But just a patch right? Not a version of the game.
@RonanForman Only a non-substantial amount of original data may be provided with the patch.
@RonanForman Yeah, the game itself would be copyrighted and illegal to distribute.
Basically: It mustn't be useable on its own without the original game itself.
OIC, patches are fine, unless they remove DRM, but because the always online thing isn't drm....
Anyway, the point is, if I have a computer without a 24/7 Internet connection, it's now perfectly legal for me to use the patch that disables online mode, thanks to US Copyright Law's Section 117(a)(1). Whereas, if they had DRM, it'd be illegal.
> Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106, it is not an infringement for the owner of a copy of a computer program to make or authorize the making of another copy or adaptation of that computer program provided... that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in the utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a machine and that it is used in no other manner
@Powerlord Does that not apply if it is DRM?
@Ullallulloo No, because the sections on DRM (512?) would overrule it.
No wait, 512 is safe harbor provisions.
Sorry, section 1201 Circumvention of copyright protection systems
@Powerlord Depends who "them" is. Some customer support schmuck? EA will just claim "They were wrong"
@Brant EA's Chief Operating Officer on EA's official blog.
Actually they'd probably do that no matter who it was, if it ever went to cour… oh.
@OrigamiRobot @spugsley @IanPugsley Reporting back to Raleigh .All systems Go!
Given that EA's CEO left the company, iirc that means the COO is in charge until they appoint an interim CEO.
Larry Probst and Peter Moore are currently in charge of EA.
One of them (probably Moore, since Probst is busy) will most likely be appointed CEO.
Q: Orc and Light Armor

EmanueleTrying to play as Orc in Skyrim, the character would be a sort of dual 1 handed fighter using bows too, between warrior and thief so to speak. I would be sneaking sometimes, but I would want to use blacksmithing too. What kind of armor should I pick? Light or Heavy? Is it cool to have an Orc in...

@Lazers Hello tags. You can leave now.

Proposed Q&A site for researchers who their field of interest has root in several well-known scientific disciplines but doesn't fit in one of them.

Currently in definition.

This will go well.
@Powerlord DMCA action isn't just about DRM though. The specific language is any method of disabling or circumventing encryption. Regardless of the purpose of that encryption.
So no, that argument doesn't hold up.
Text Interpretation and Analysis

Proposed Q&A site for everyone interested in the interpretation and analysis of written, sung or spoken texts, like song texts, poetry, literature and speeches.

Currently in definition.

@LessPop_MoreFizz Does the moon REALLY hit your eye like a big pizza pie? Would not the grease and ingredients pose risk for eye infection?
...And if so, given that's amore, does love actually feel like a third-degree burn to your corneas?
Love is blinding and requires a trip to the hopsital
Is Deus Ex Human Revolution worth it to someone who got tired of the first after a few hours? I felt pacing was a problem
Whee, house hunting!
@SaintWacko Remember to use a large caliber
@BenBrocka Fortunately I don't need to have a high accuracy rating
My -2,+13 Cannon of House Slaying will do admirably
Dupe of a closed site.
@Ullallulloo No way man, this site is for any text! You couldn't talk about songs and speeches on Literature.se! That's why it failed!
Q: What shall I do when im trapped in a rift dimension (crafted with the door thing) on Big Dig minecraft modpack?

Haydn WhiteYesterday i was on my Big Dig survival map, I made a rift door so i could have my own house/secret room type of thing until I later discovered that I was trapped. I cannot find a way to get out :(. Please help. Thanks, Haydn

@BenBrocka It's a different developer, working 15 years later.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm sure it's not the same, but that doesn't particularly mean it's better or worse in any particular way
@BenBrocka I enjoyed it up until the end, but I haven't actually played the first one to compare.
Also hadn't realized the original was 15 years old, thought it was more like 10
@BenBrocka My point is that regardless of whether it is good or bad, the fact that you had issues with the pacing of the first isn't really going to have anything to do with that. There's enough separation that it's going to be different enough that so long as your issue with the first wasn't the setting or the genre, it's largely irrelevant.
"Is Fallout 3 worth playing if I couldn't stand the voice actor in the first one?"
It was in part due to the core gameplay mechanics of all the hacking, skills etc, which seems to still totally be the case
Pacing as in gameplay, not story
@BenBrocka The new game places a similarly large emphasis on rpg style skill development and use. That said, it is mechanically an entirely new and different system.
"I was frustrated by the slow acquisition of nanites to build my character in System Shock 2. Will I like Bioshock Infinite?"
@BenBrocka My point is that the gameplay is probably the most different thing.
Deus Ex isn't built on an external rules system of any sort, and squeenix started from scratch for HR.
Q: Monsters weak to oil? What oil?

McArtheyI'm playing the newly released Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet for the iOS and have read that the Thunderbird is the only creature weak to Oil. Oil? I haven't seen any oil in the game? How do I use oil? I can only assume this is a as-yet undiscovered spell combo but I haven't been able ...

Q: LBP2 Infinite Loading Screen Glitch - Hangs/Stuck at "Important Information" at Startup

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftI haven't played Little Big Planet 2 in months. After all the updates were finally done downloading and installing, I started up the game, only to find that it hangs at the "Important Information" screen forever. Apparently there was a similar loading-screen glitch when the game was launched. ...

Q: Which equipment should I unlock first?

EBongoI've reached a level now where I am constantly unlocking new equipment, and while I sometimes get a demo of it in a particular level, more often it is just a growing list of items with unexplained capabilities. I understand the master categories of "distraction" and "lethal", but beyond that I n...

Q: Why my gamepad is not being detected by my game

giorgos123I have cordless rumblepad 2 and I want to play with it in tomb raider. But the problem is that although I can perform actions like jumping and play with it the tutorial shows the keyboard and mouse buttons and I also can't change the buttons arranged for the controller. There is also the problem ...

A: How does friendly fire work?

user46489Hibdmdnzozjsbsmshshhehelsjbsj then jdjsijdbsn u jdjsndkdkjdbrjd jdbrudjdjdjdhdbosns&-&2$£b&&:$8&9£§§9°!:@5432176548976()₩•—:/;.…,¿¡`

It all makes sense now.
@uni what's that inside your front door?
@fredley ...
On the right hand side
Pillar like thing
With an arrow
Portal gun pedestal
Q: BuildCraft Filler with Saplings

mellamokb the WiseI'm trying to build a self-contained automated tree farm with redwood trees. The main problem I have is how to replant saplings. So I thought I would use a BuildCraft filler with height 1 to fill in the area with saplings. The problem is that in testing, a filler will only plant a single sapli...

The more I use Chrome, the more tempted I become to switch back to Firefox
Especially after I accidentally closed a tab, reopened it (which is annoying in Chrome to begin with as you can't choose which to reopen), and it's lost all the changes I made in the text box.
Found out you can't remove the close tab button in chrome unless you pin a tab (or use an extension to lock it)
You can by opening a new tab and using the "Recently closed" menu at the bottom, but I'm not sure if there's a one-step way of doing so.
And... gone. That was easy enough.
Now I just have to decide whether I want to uninstall Chrome or keep it around.
Q: Should the Pkunk rejoin the Yehat?

JonathanAt some point in the game the Pkunk decide to rejoin their relatives, the Yehat. You can easily enough convince them to forgo their plan and go back to their home world. What are the consequences if they rejoin? What are the consequences if they don't?

Bridge, what do I want for dinner?
@FEichinger You're about as helpful as @FAE.
@Fluttershy Grass and oats.
@Ullallulloo Can I have a salt lick to go with it?
@Fluttershy Yep, and some raw corn.
I'm thinking Arb... er... pizza
Actually, I need to run out to the store to pick up a few things, and I think I'll stop for pizza on my way back
@Powerlord I'm glad you were able to decide on something for yourself. =P I had pizza last night.
I wonder if Hungry Howies knows its lying when it says it has the world's first deep dish flavored crust pizza. It's not even true if they limit it to the US.
I gets Deep Dish Flavored crust pizzas from Jets Pizza all the time
Q: How to limit/lock framerate (FPS) like in FRAPS video-recording mode?

acalypsoIs there a way to limit or lock framerate (FPS) to a certain maximum value, just like FRAPS is able to do while recording? I am trying to play Last Bronx on Win XP, but the game runs way too fast, even with Frameskip set to "None" (there is no framelimit option). I had some success experimenting...

Q: How to open the turnstiles at the end of Emporia level in Bioshock Infinite?

user1113270I'm at the end of the Emporia level, just finished going back to the Salty Oyster Bar to complete the Sally quest, and can't open the turnstiles to move to the next level. When I approach them, a red message is displayed that says something like "cannot be used during combat." This made me thin...

So, the Occulus Rift and the Ouya have both shipped their first wave of products to backers... And I'm still waiting for a damn point-and-click adventure. What the hell...
@Fluttershy DoubleFine?
@LessPop_MoreFizz discuss.area51.stackexchange.com/questions/9941/… /cc @Ullallulloo @BenBrocka
@fluttershy. :(
@Powerlord Yep.
@Fluttershy Physical products need to have something resembling a prototype to be kickstarted, as far as I remember. So, there's that.
Speaking of KickStarter, why is the ShadowGate remake not coming out until November? ;_;
@FEichinger very good post. :)
Speaking of the Ouya... the devs kina pulled a bait and switch on that one as soon as they announced they were releasing a new model every year.
But it was too late to pull funding at that point.
I don't see that site doing well. Too narrow and text interpretation is kinda a discussion thing, not a q and a thing
@powerlord what, seriously? That's shirts.
.... Shitty
@AshleyNunn I had actually hoped for it to confirm what @LessPop_MoreFizz said here ... Kinda disappointed by the answer.
yeah, but text interpretation usually deals with literary text. So it is unlikely to go that way.
Although I can see people arguing over song meanings for -days-
@AshleyNunn The proposal description was a little ambiguous in that regard.
> Proposed Q&A site for everyone interested in the interpretation and analysis of written, sung or spoken texts, like song texts, poetry, literature and speeches.
Oh good lord
That's a cluster fuck waiting to happen.
To me, those votes read that this proposal would've been well within the scope of L.SE.
Yeah, but Lit was so broken from the get go
@AshleyNunn That's a totally different topic, though. If L.SE was to be tried again, with a reasonable explanation of what should be done better from the start, that's totally fine. But TIaA doesn't attempt to do that either.
Someone fix, please
Q: Modded Minecraft Crash Report/Windows/CodeChickenCore and Not Enough Items

ShadowOkay so I am trying to get the mod Too Many Items to work...I got CodeChickenCore to work but as soon as I add NEI to the coremods folder, log in, and try to start a world itll load but then immediately go to the "Shutting down internal servers..." message and then crash, this is the crash report...

Q: Why would I break the flags?

Ben BrockaWhen you learn about the Scout System the game teaches you about flags you can stand/break in the dungeons. I haven't noticed any real differences but I've always stood up the flags, because the tutorial hints that you get better bonuses (there was a + after the bonus on the "with flag" image). ...

Q: Modded Minecraft Crash Report/Windows/CodeChickenCore and Not Enough Items

ShadowOkay so I am trying to get the mod Too Many Items to work...I got CodeChickenCore to work but as soon as I add NEI to the coremods folder, log in, and try to start a world itll load but then immediately go to the "Shutting down internal servers..." message and then crash, this is the crash report...

Q: How do I boost the "shares" score?

Ben BrockaAt the end of chapter's there's a "shares" score. But problematically, there's no more Arfoire/"evil" shares anymore, so shares are basically a zero-sum game. So how does the shares score work? I just got scolded at a chapter end for "only neptune's shares being adequate", so it seems like just s...

Oh boy, final season of Eureka's on Netflix.
@Ullallulloo :D
@AshleyNunn would like that.
@Blem Ya take soem bacon and you put it in a pancake. Bacon pancakes, that's what it's gonna make, bacon pancaaaaaaaaake!
For a 12 second song, I enjoy it way too much. <_<
i made it 26min in to the 10h version once
then i could see on the facial expression my room mate gave me that he was very tired of it
@jeffreylin_ @OrigamiRobot has a new avatar
@jeffreylin_ This is an accurate description of him.

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