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I'm still not jumpy, but damn is it an excellently put together game
And some of the worst parts are when you know it's coming. Needle in your eye, sawing off your arm in Extraction, the Hunter chasing you...
@BenBrocka Ick, ick, ick. twitches
@BenBrocka Oh, this just gives me the heebiejeebies like mad
It was actually very well done. As much as I hate on-rails shooters, I have to give Extraction credit for a quick-time event where you saw off your fucking arm
@BenBrocka The actions themselves are no problem for me whatsoever. When they come out of bloody nowhere, or I expect something to come out of bloody nowhere ... well, I better not ate that day.
@BenBrocka That is pretty fucking crazy
Heck, sometimes even the occasional Splicer-around-the-corner in the original Bioshock was enough for me to call it a day.
@FEichinger I'm not very jumpy at all. It's just how they put it together
A corpse falls on isaac and he flails around, throwing it off and yells "FUCK!". They really put work into those
Definitely. And they have insane objective value as gameplay mechanics.
But they're absolutely not my thing.
I'm glad I didn't see too much of that erode in DS3. Though there really wasn't a raise-the-stakes moment to compare to the arm-sawing, eye-needling past
Unless you count the ending, which is just damn depressing
They built up "cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in your eye" so perfectly
See, I can appreciate Dead Space for what it is, even though I don't buy or play it. And I flat-out disagree with bringing any game away from what made it special in the first place, in favor of something that is just meant to grab more sales.
I also see no reason to invest huge budgets into games that have to do that to break even.
There is no reason whatsoever to be so god-awful at budgeting that games cost millions of dollars.
And most of our advancements in the last decade were graphics - which I personally don't even give a shit about -, physics - which the original Red Faction got almost perfect already - and story - which should never cost that much.
("almost perfect" meaning that we took tons of steps back in between, just to move towards setpieces now that have next to no dynamic gameplay to them anymore)
@FEichinger Yeah. Some stuff is made for mass-appeal, but Dead Space is never going to be mass-appeal. And that's not a death sentence either...God of War certainly isn't mass-appeal either, but it's a damn good game and it gets plenty of sales
@BenBrocka And yet EA tries that. It doesn't work, but that doesn't stop them from trying.
They just can't expect every single release to sell >10 million units or whatever. They had 2 previous releases to base sales on and they knew the formula. If they stuck to that and kept quality up (and gitched microtransactions) I bet it would have sold better and been better
but EA has dumbass policies like always including multiplayer (It's a HORROR game FFS)
Some games should be played with a buddie, some games should be played alone, in the dark. There's little overlap
@BenBrocka Yep. They just look at other, entirely unrelated games, come to some ridiculous conclusions and think "every game needs to have [arbitrary feature we decided is responsible for game X's success]".
@FEichinger I do have to wonder if any of EA's executives have ever actually played a video game
You can say all you want about managing a business being it's own skill, but if your heart isn't in your product, it's going to kill you in the long run
@BenBrocka Riccitello actually did. And that's the sad thing.
Riccitello used to have great ideas that would've worked wonderfully. And then the shareholders looked at the numbers.
On that note, when I first heard about the vision for SimCity's online features it sounded great.
Sim city's online stuff seems like the stuff that would be neat if it were optional
World-wide economy, travel, persistent cities ... That would've been great.
What they did was not that. It was forcing the previous regions into an online setting.
That doesn't work.
It was forcing a tiny fraction of the previous regions into an online setting...
@BenBrocka Well, don't get me started on the "limitations" ... I'm already looking forward to the city expansion DLCs.
I would have completely forgiven them for always-on DRM, if the online features were what they originally promised. That actually was an MMO, even.
@BenBrocka Me too!
(Sorry, don't mind me, reading backlog because it's 7:30am and I woke up from a dream and can't get back to sleep)
@FEichinger yeah, they're playing the MMO card and they just can;t
No one in a million years would have called WoW or Guild Wars 2 Always Online DRM. They're not single player games. SimCity, even the new one, still is
@BenBrocka And, sadly, it's only because they failed to deliver. Sure, Sim City was traditionally single player, and this would definitely have pissed people off, but I understood the vision they presented back at E3.
I'd never trust a vision like that coming from EA knowing their policies
If it has online features or microtransactions it's because EA pushes for it, not because some designer thought it would work
@BenBrocka Which is part of why I didn't buy SimCity either.
Heck, I haven't bought an EA game released post-ME2, as far as I remember.
I'm just glad Dead Space has always implimented it in a relatively quiet way...I've still never played multiplayer in DS2 or DS3. Despite 4 playthroughs of DS2
Though Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was actually alright, I just couldn't take the grinding
But that's not even their fault, online multiplayer grinding is the industry standard thanks to CoD. God forbid you play a game for fun, not because in 14324 more games you get the pistol with SEVEN bullets
(And that's coming from someone who will GLADLY farm for Borderlands guns which shoot various kinds of/amounts of bullets)
Borderlands is ... different.
It's mad pointless grinding ... But it's fun.
Yeah, Borderlands is crazy special. And there's no one thing that really differentiates it. It's everything
Borderlands is one of the few games I'd play just for the story but just for the graphics but just for the gameplay but just for the co-op...
And I am still torn on whether I love or hate Gearbox for financing Borderlands 2 by friggin scamming SEGA.
They got money for Sega from that?
Wait, Sega has money?
@BenBrocka They got money from SEGA for A:CM. Which they instead used on Borderlands 2, if the sources are to be trusted.
Oh, I've heard some conspiracy theories. Not sure I believe that, but Gearbox sure as hell puts 10x as much work into Borderlands as anything else
And I don't begrudge them a bit for it
It just takes gigantic balls to pull that off.
@BenBrocka I dunno, I love BL's gameplay, but their storytelling ability is not the high point for me. I think the writing is great and characters are hilarious, but for like, narrative arc, that's not super strong, IMO.
@FAE BL's story doesn't live on arc, though.
It lives on character interaction.
And boy is there character interaction.
@FAE Tiny Tina. Mr. Torgue. Handsome Jack. Face McShooty. It's not the story in the book-telling sense. It's the characters, the world
And I'm okay with that, honestly, I play more for the gameplay than the story really.
@BenBrocka adiask;jvkld;sjbl I watched that crazy video you linked on twitter
It's the sort of thing people shit on games for, but it's stuff a book could never do
its a good thing I am not sleepy.
@AshleyNunn you haven't even seen the eye one
@BenBrocka I don't plan to
that one was horrible enough
@AshleyNunn It was even a cheaply produced one!
I wonder how much money Dead Space spends on vocie acting for screams alone
@BenBrocka Hey, it did its job well, as far as I am concerned!
@BenBrocka I think there's a difference between creating a good world and creating a good story, but maybe that's just me. I think BL's strength is more its world and setting and characters than its narrative, that's all, and like I said, I'm okay with that.
Q: My kids won't "go to bed when it's time"

Miss SkyrimMy children in Skyrim (I'm a mother) sometimes do not follow their commands. I told both of them (Lucia and Blaise) to go to bed and they said "Yes, ma" and just stood there. My home is in Whiterun, with the name Breezehome. It gets quite annoying, especially when they block the entrance of th...

@Lazers You're a terrible parent.
@FAE I prefer a good world to a good story though, honestly. I don't care that oh hey, intrigue, double bluffs, whatever (unless you're The Prisoner. You're not The Prisoner, though. Ever.), it's just a bunch of crap. A whole world I can experience and imagine all this amazing stuff happening, a world where Pandora is real, that I can respect
In this day and age, being able to pull off that much lore with working continuity is getting rare outside of RPGs.
@BenBrocka All the story in the world doesn't save a world I can't immerse myself in.
Borderlands honestly doesn't have that much lore though. They leave so much unsaid. But it's so beautiful. It's all the little things that make you realize Pandora is special
How does arqade detect "subjective" questions?
Like the fact that you never see the pandoran sun; Day is just sunlight off the moon. The sun is that overpowering
I think it is pretty cool, but how does know what to look for?
@YouDoNotExist Did it nag you for your title? IT just looks for stuff like "what is the best" "what's the best way" I think
It applies less on Arqade than other stack exchange sites, though
Ya. I am guessing it is looking for words like "What is the [blah, blah]"
@BenBrocka That does qualify as lore. Having this reasonable but special explanation.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I understand that, I'm just saying I greatly appreciate a game that has the ability to both create an engaging world and tell a compelling story. I'm a huge Guild Wars fan, but I long ago realized that Anet's strength is not in arc-style narrative (the main campaign stories in both 1 and 2 are, frankly, mediocre) but they create characters, lore, and a world that I love.
And rolling with it, over the course of two hugely filled games.
An engaging narrative is important to some people though, and I can respect that viewpoint as well.
@FEichinger Yeah, but they don't go into too much detail, just enough IMO. You see amazing things like Digistruct stuff. They don't explain it too hard, but you just realize how well that fits in this world where they manufacture a bajillion guns
Not to mention that they had to pull all of these explanations out of their arse.
So has anyone played Bioshock Infinite yet? (like a substantial amount of time)
They don't really explain all that much. How space travel works is never even referenced, just that trans-galaxy travel/communication is possible
I've got a few friends who were really turned off by the ending of BL1 and it kind of soured them on 2 because they felt that the narrative arc and ending was weak, and I can understand that.
Borderlands was the result of a rushed production. It wouldn't have gotten this artstyle, these half-assed explanations and all that, if they had finished it. And that's why it is so impressive.
@FAE Actually they tie that up * spectacularly* in BL2 IMO. But yeah, like he said, it was a rushed production
So... no love for Bioshock? well I liked it anyway...
But honestly the only thing I gave a shit about at the end of BL1 was that they left the door open for more Borderlands
@YouDoNotExist We try to avoid discussions about such recently released games here. Spoilers be bad and stuff.
@BenBrocka I've heard varied things about the ending for 2, reserving judgement on it until I get there, but I've muchly enjoyed playing it so far.
There is love for Bioshock Infinite, but for the most part it's a "just ... let's just wait, alright?"
The Destroyer was a weak boss though
BL2's final boss is better
@FEichinger You can always make a separate chat room to discuss stuff.
...I still kinda miss Crawmerax though. He's better than Terra I'm afraid
I was wondering if anyone else was having trouble with FPS. I was going to talk more about the technical side of it not so much story wise.
I didn't get Bioshock Infinite yet, I have the first two but I'm still ~1 hour or less into them
@BenBrocka I never got to beat him.
plus it's still full price and I have other games to beat
I can only get 40-50FPS with everything turned down - then again it doesn't really help that I am using a GT430.
Ugh, I hate everything right now. Why do I have to be awake.
@FAE I don't disagree, it's just usually not exactly the best way to come into the bridge and ask "So, about [recently released game X]..." or similar. ;)
@FAE I soloed him. He drops okay loot for the reward, but fighting him is too frustrating. Mostly because of the slow-ass elevator
@FEichinger Since when did it become bad to talk about recent games? if I were to start blathering out the ending then I could understand, but I've mainly talked about FPS issues so far.
@BenBrocka I don't enjoy playing BL as much solo. I still like the game well enough, don't get me wrong, but playing co-op increases the fun for me so much more that it just makes playing solo feel a bit more "meh" to me.
we just recently had some troll-y issues with people talking about end-game spoilers for very recent games
@FAE :( Having had crazy sleeping patterns lately (fell asleep at 5 am, woke up at 4 pm today) I feel your pain
I never actually even finished all the DLC for BL1.
@FAE Same here. I had more of a chance to play him solo since I was on PS3 (knew no one else online) and my friends were too scared to fight craw
@AshleyNunn I've only had about 4 hours of sleep. I could live with it if my pattern was broking, but I hate being up after A-a short perid of time and B-in the morning. I hate mornings.
It's easier to gather people now that I'm on PC (and it's not using goddamn Gamespy)
The majority of my playtime in BL2 is probably coop still
@YouDoNotExist Since we've had ... incidents. I'm not saying that it's inherently bad to talk about recent games, I'm saying we try to avoid it, because it easily spoils stuff just by mentioning it in a slight sidenote.
@BenBrocka Aaah, gotcha.
@BenBrocka Oh god yes. I'm really thankful that they're just using Steam for 2.
@FAE Also, Phasewalk is awesome against him
@FAE Yeah, I totally get that. Nothing you can do to soothe yourself back to sleeping?
Well regarding Bioshock why did they swap from plasmids to vigors? (I'll avoid talk of the story line)
I still miss that skill, though I think Phaselock makes more sense in general. More tactical, more options for coop play
They did? I always like Plasmids because it's such perfect terminology for it
Someone mentioned it and that is what reminded me: gaming.stackexchange.com/a/112386/41419
It came up when we I asked a question about flavour animations (or idle animations)
*I not we
Is Bioshock Infinite in a different time period? that might explain it
@BenBrocka Haha nice. Maybe one day I'll finish going back and taking my solo Siren through, I'd like to, but honestly it's difficult for me to go back to earlier games in series after experiencing the QoL improvements in sequels.
Not really sure what time period it is supposed to be from, but everything looks to be from the 1940's (and lower).
Yeah, Borderlands 1 feels a lot rougher after playing 2
Even the damage numbers just feel so...weak
@AshleyNunn Laid awake for an hour trying to get back to sleep. I know myself well enough that I know it'll just be fruitless to lay there longer, so I got up.
@FAE Fair enough. :(
typographically speaking, not the actual numeric value
@BenBrocka They were really skinny, iirc.
All of this talk of BL2 being weaker is making me want to play it less and less. :(
skinny and transparent
BL2 isn't weaker O.o
Maybe I can trade it for hats.
@YouDoNotExist No, we're saying it's better!
BL2's a masterpiece. It just makes the rough edges in BL1 more noticable
@AshleyNunn Yeah, having something to eat now and trying to figure out what to do.
@FAE Well in that case I may play it.
@BenBrocka What are your criticisms for 2?
Then again I feel more inclined to try and get hats for TF2... this is a tough call.
Time to install the NoHats Modification!
@FAE Endgame, how the raid bosses were handled, less backpack space (granted I'm a packrat), too easy to over-level yourself by playing all the sidequests, legendaries are a bit too rare. Could use more gun parts to differentiate guns more. Elemental DOT is too weak by the end of playthrough 2/playthrough 3 (though The Bee seems to exaggerate the advantage of bullet damage a bit)
And some of the skins are vastly rarer than others, like the ones that are rare boss drops, which is lame. Verimivorous is too rare to spawn
It's mostly endgame stuff really
And stuff I notice because I mainly use elemental guns
So Alienware's new computer can play over 25 games? that's what they are choosing to brag about... wow. I know that it is using Linux, but still I find it funny they are using that as advertising.
Yeah that's pretty sad marketing
@BenBrocka I'm definitely feeling the backpack pain, I'm a packrat as well. I've been carrying around an SMG of each element and a Sniper of each element, but I've recently dropped it to just a SMG of each and whatever element my highest damage Sniper is due to space limitations. I still carry around a bunch of mods though, even though I don't switch that often. I just want them there. >_>
I think that Gabe said something about source games performing slightly better on linux computers though.
Also I find it annoying that, while the gun manufacturers have way more personality now, I find myself avoiding more manufacturers than in BL1. I Avoid Jakob's (no element), Torgue (EXPLOOOOSION doesn't do DOT), Dahl (burst fire is gross) and Bandit (overall weak stats despite the good ammo capacity)
I've noticed the sidequest thing as well too. I think we're like 5 levels above the story mission right now because we're doing all the sides.
So that mostly leaves me with Vladof, Maliwan (<3) and Tediore
@BenBrocka Yeah, same, I carry around mostly Maliwan and Vladof.
If it has no element, I'm all "meh".
Valdof seems a bit OP really, they have good ROF and no real downside (other than using up ammo)
So is the stackexchange chat basically a overhauled IRC [web] client?
Whereas Bandit just kinda sucks in many senses
@BenBrocka I had this amazing Vladof sniper with a 5.2 firing rate and 21 rounds in the clip. I'm really sad I outleveled it.
I still keep around a crazy vladof Corrosive Sniper
Eats badass constructors for breakfast
@BenBrocka Is a Chulainn SMG worth using at all later on for the double elements? I'm worried about the self slag effect screwing me over too much in later playthroughs.
That's the one that slags you right? I wouldn't use it personally
Yeah. Just seems like it'd be too painful on playthroughs 2-3, though playing multiplayer, you're not always the target and all.
Yeah, but it persists for a few seconds after swap too. And enemies hurt enough in playthrough 2/3
Plus I usually count on surviving the most, so I can heal everyone else
Since Jin stopped playing I've never had another siren to insta-res me/heal me
Yeah, that's true. I'm looking forward to the later playthroughs mostly for the fact that it'll feel more challenging. Because we're doing all the sides, we've been overleveled for a lot of the encounters.
@BenBrocka Haha, yeah, I've got Res now and I got the No Time to Be Lazy achievement last night.
challenge, whatevs
yeah, I hate feeling overleveled
@BenBrocka I feel like my gameplay ability suffers for it, because the average encounters feel too easy, so then I feel like I have less practice/skill to address stuff ramping up later on.
Like, it's been easy-ish so far, so I've gotten into lazy habits, you know?
Q: How exactly blizzard nerf down zolten kun abuse?

Jim ThioBefore there is a way to gain level quickly. Keep repeating zolten kun quests again and again (usually with a friend). I've heard it no longer works. What changes did Blizzard make to make sure it doesn't work? I also want to know if repeating the same quests again and again can help us gain l...

I tried not to do too many. I do wish they'd include an option to always scale stuff to your level off the bat
I'd rather not ever have the level advantage
@BenBrocka Well my problem there is I don't really consciously realize what lazy habits I've gotten into until all of a sudden I'm getting my ass handed to me unexpectedly.
@BenBrocka Yeah, same.
@FAE you'll be forced to wake up in Playthrough 2
@BenBrocka Haha, so I hear.
Q: Best Items You Can Have in Skyrim?

Miss SkyrimIn Skyrim, I have few good items, such as steel armor, a fire resistant shield, steel sword, and an Ancient Nord Bow. I need to know the sturdiest, strongest, best types of armor and the finest, strongest weapons. Or just any good items to have. I'm not very far in the game so I am limited to cer...

So I was at the Blue Jays game, and they lost :(
This list of top international rankings by country includes global-scale lists of countries with rankings, sorted by country that is placed top or bottom in the respective ranking. List In order to limit the scope of the list and distinguish notable statistical indicators from trivial ones, entries in this list should contain a link to one of the following: * A list of countries with the corresponding ranking * An article which contains the corresponding ranking in one of its sections * A global-scale map reflecting the corresponding ranking {| class="wikitable sortable" |- style="backgr...
@gracenote Ermagerd HDN V has little babby IF
1 hour later…
Q: Minetest not working

AbunujumI'm running uberstudent on my ultra old pc, a P4 2.4Ghz CPU with 1gig RAM and intergrated graphics card, I downloaded minetest, but it doesn't work. It just flashes briefly on the screen and then disappears, does anyone have any idea why it isn't working?

Q: I've triggered an alarm, what does that mean?

OakIn Sword of the Stars: The Pit, I occasionally trigger an alarm - e.g. when failing to unlock a door. What are the implications of an alarm? Should I care?

Q: Customer Support within a Webhosting company

Martina StratfordCustomer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. Accordingly, "Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation." To wh...

good morning people, or i guess mostly @kalina
don't honestly know why I am up here instead of snuggled up in bed though tbh
hey @badp
Q: Bioshock Infinite won't launch, goes to background everytime

YogiIn my PC, Bioshock infinite doesn't launch properly. 9 out of 10 times it minimizes itself on launching. Repeatedly attempts may lead to successful launch, but even after that after 1-2 hours it automatically reverts to Desktop(Game still runs in background though). I have disabled my Windows Def...

morning @YiJiang'sEvilClone
Howdy, y'all.
hello @RedRiderX
@spugsley When I saw this in the starred list I thought you were trying to mock my kitty cat song.
somebody tell the sun to stop shining in my eyes
and my hair to behave and stay where I brush it
and my coffee machine to be quiet
Q: How does friendly fire work?

galacticninjaWill I take friendly fire from allies, units summoned through a tear, or possessed enemies? If I will take friendly fire, what is the AI behavior when they are firing and the player character is in their line of sight? Do they stop firing when the player character is in their line of sight? Or s...

Q: What is this key for? Where is it used?

tombull89I recently bought the BioShock Infinite Strategy guide to help me in finding all the Voxelphones and other collectibles. It came with this key key ring which is used in-game, but I can't remember where from. Is it the key given to Elizabeth by Booker to escape from the tower, or used by Elizabeth...

Q: mobile access layout request

MichelThe site doesn’t show some menus, like the "review" and "meta". So to use it I typed in the url. Also the suggested questions that appear when you are creating a question didn't show either. And the tags are having the same problem, no auto complete and even after I write down they doesn't app...

mission accomplished; Mass Effect trilogy completed twice, both 100% completions, one full renegade, one full paragon
now I never have to play Mass Effect ever again
well, I suppose I could play it as male Shepard, since I've never done that, kill Ashley instead of Kaiden, save the collector base and kill the council
@kalina Nice try
You have not completed ME until you've taken every possible route through the story
I pretty much have, except those ones there
@kalina Fair enough
assuming that the switch to male shepard doesn't completely change the game
sadly, I expected the most annoying part to be playing through Mass Effect 1, with its antiquated controls
@kalina It affects which toilet is accessible in the Normandy, and some romance options
but it was in fact the ME3 multiplayer grind to 100% military strength
@kalina I never even tried that
which is extremely annoying because it seems everybody who can point and shoot went to play something else, leaving a bunch of dribbling incoherent wrecks who wouldn't be able to coordinate getting out of bed in the morning trying to play through on gold and platinum even though they'd fail on bronze
incidentally, the ending still sucks
I suppose I have to kill wrex on virmire too
I have never played through that story
Sounds like you've got a lot of ME left to explore
its not really a lot
I want to play Bioshock Inifite, but it would require a new computer :(
and its not really exploring, since I know what happens
I still haven't made it past the title screen of bioshock infinite before getting bored and playing something else
That dull? I'm surprised
I don't know, I haven't played it
I heard it was good, just cba to play it
I found out that if I have any of the mass effect games open on my PC for more than a day, I have to reboot my PC when I want to quit them because they won't exit by themselves
@kalina Task Manager?
nothing will make it quit, including taskkill and plenty of time
@kalina I am surprised.
you should be
the new ME3 dlc is quite good too
Never tried that either
Too much time required for Minecraft
nobody stands between us anymore
Minecraft takes up all the time
I am coming for you!
@kalina Potential star candidate
Q: Weapons will not equip after arrival on South Island in Far Cry 3

user46283On the max difficulty I went to the South Island and after I jumped from the plane I died. When I jumped again and landed safely my weapons would not engage. Also, the second time the pirates were not on the beach. So now I am running around the island with no weapons. Is there something I can...

Q: Is there a difference between Adventure play after pass 2 In Plants vs. Zombies?

DVKIn Plants vs. Zombies, after you pass all levels of Adventure Mode the first time, and start playing them a second time, there are 2 big differences: The game pre-selects 3 plans for you in advance for each level, that you can't change. There's a Yeti Zombie on a later level. Are there any di...

@fredley 1100 internet numbers left until I pass you
@Lazers shhhhh
@kalina :(
My internet numbers feel so worthless
and on that day, there will be cake
hardly 'chat'
@kalina For me?
I don't wanna go to wooooorkkkk
its just me, fredley and lazers
@LessPop_MoreFizz Saturday
@fredley no, why would you get cake, you didn't achieve anything!
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's Saturday afternoon
@kalina I achieved 22k before you!
@fredley Yeah, but I didn't work Thursday so I need to make up the day
@fredley you have been a member of the site for a period of time measured in years
@kalina So has everyone
don't star me -.-
Wasn't me. Can't originate stars on mobile chat.
oh its exactly 60 days until I have been here a year
you're not doing a good job of leaving no evidence
tbh, the way the ending of ME3 plays still supports the indoctrination theory as being possible
@fredley How are your demanding chat mock-ups coming?
@RonanForman Still at my parents', on a Photoshopless machine
I am building a wood display instead
@fredley Okay, I might make some, and then we can compare!
@RonanForman Ok!
@RonanForman Do I need to generate new chunks to get Quartz Ore?
@fredley Yeah, I don't think I can force generate it in old chunks.
@RonanForman Ok, np
I suggest mystcraft, you've been hoarding pages right?
@RonanForman It's ok, I've got a descriptive book for a good age, just making another
Q: What are those silvery punpkins in this Plants vs. Zombies screenshot?

DVKWhen reading this question, I noticed something on the screenshot of the accepted answer that I never saw in my own game despite collecting 100% plants: silver-colored pumpkins. What are they and where do I get them? My PvZ is on a PC.

@OrigamiRobot Great. Can you please permanently destroy the caps lock key on his keyboard? kthxbye.
oh that's retarded
stupid game
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hmm, that reminds me that I wanted to actually build my mobile chat client mock-up...
Someone remind me to do that.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I never use caps lock at home anyway.
@TimStone Do that.
@FAE I do this to my family all the time, and they always yell at me for it.
@Fluttershy This surprises me not.
@badp Too late, I have slain the intruder.
@FAE My family has no sense of humor.
@Raven Dreamer has been slain? Quickly, we must find a mod abuser in chief while we organize new elections.
@OrigamiRobot He forgot to disable defense drone mode, amateur mistake.
@Fluttershy I more meant the fact that you do it, not their reaction. :P
@badp I would be the best mod-abuser. Allow me to show you my owner-abuse resume?
@FAE Oh. <_< Yeah... That too!
@OrigamiRobot Your second tranche of owner abuse was quite disappointing.
That was me trying to be responsible and was still removed. I will make sure to do better next time.
I'm not dead yet!
@RavenDreamer That's because you haven't eaten @spugsley's cooking yet.
@Fluttershy What a funny pony.
People need to get Terraria on Xbox!
No. I refuse.
@Wipqozn I said people, not turtles.
@Fluttershy Did they improve upon Terraria in some way or the XBOX?
Because I already own the clearly superior PC version.
@Wipqozn New content.
And a world map.
@Fluttershy Those might be backported
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Emphasis on might. Again, the creator is working on a new update for the PC version, but it may not be the same as what's in the console version. The console port was handled by a different company.
@Wipqozn Sadly, the PC version isn't all that superior. Which is why there was that massive backlash when it was announced to begin with.
AoE II HD doesn't scale UI elements properly on high DPI screens reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1bslgq/…
I wonder if they'll fix that.
If not I'll never buy it.
I'll just play the original when I've got the itch, and deal with some of the bugs it has on newer systems.
There's also complaints of poor performance, but that's fixable with a graphics driver update, and the developer have publicly acknowledged the issue and say they're developing a fix
Okay, let's see...
- No LAN play
- The game has problem running on XP
- Quite a number of report of choppy framerates
- Lack of UI element scaling option as mentioned above
I honestly don't understand the last one. It just seems like a case of either incompetence, or not enough time spent in testing.
The performance and UI problem will probably be fixed sooner or later.

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