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@kalina I agree
@FEichinger What if I had epilepsy? How would you feel for all but killing me?
@MBraedley I would primarily question you being on a site that discusses a medium that consists of flashy colours.
@FEichinger That's not true of all games
A: BioShock Infinite closures on release day

SternoI think Ashley is absolutely right about why questions may have been closed, but I don't think the community is right in doing so in the majority of the cases. I kind of feel like people need to get over the whole "oh no, they're camping questions!" thing. If a question is bad, downvote it. Clos...

@MBraedley That's not what I said. What I said was that the mediu itself consists of flashy colours.
Short version: stop worrying about rep so much, people
@FEichinger flashy colours != flashing colours
AFAIK, most epileptics are fine with highly saturated colours
@MBraedley My aunt, for example, can handle watching some video games over others.
But stuff like that image? No go.
Hell, I don't have epilepsy, and that image is making my brain icky.
@Sterno I agree
I think the instance in question is a bit poor and reflects badly on us as a community
and I've just realised that my speakers are way too loud for the time of day it is
@Sterno I wish I could upvote this more than once, it looks a little lonely with a score of 0
Q: How can I skip the opening logos in Bioshock: Infinite?

BrantWhen I start the game, I have to sit through a barrage of unskippable logos and splash screens. How do I disable these logos and get straight to the main menu?

@kalina the amusing part to me is he could have just posted them at midnight, still beat everyone, but to the rep nazis that'd be a-ok
New proposal to make everyone happy: make those early questions community wiki
Now I'm going to go play Bioshock
I should play Bioshock but instead I'm watching random TV shows
Amazon acquires GoodReads
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I wonder if that will change anything
Luigi's Mansion is hard :(
@AshleyNunn Doesn't GoodReads already make money off its Amazon affiliate program?
Q: Anyone mind explaining to me how the Gibbed Modder works?

Jonathan ChowI am about to configure a save file but I have no idea how to use the Gibber Modder. Someone care to walk me through? I need to revert a corrupted save file. Pics would help.

@YiJiang'sEvilClone I believe so.
@FEichinger Party 2 days straight (NSFW)
I am falling asleep at my keyboard and it is early and I still have two-four pages of this essay to write.
Q: how does one make a circuit with a delay of 1 minute on mine craft?

kmmnderkoalai am trying to make a circuit with a delay of 600 ticks.could anyone give some help? this diagram from the minecraft wiki looks doable, but i cant get it to work. if someone could post a picture of it as how it should look upon completion, that would work toohttp://media-mcw.cursecdn.com/8/82/Ext...

Well, I can't seem to find a good group vector of the 6 main characters, but I did find this, which is super cute
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I find this super adorable.
@AshleyNunn So you mean you have 2 pages to write? ;)
@Ktash yeah, pretty much
I am just out of things to really say, which sucks, but getting 6 pages so far out of two books I have yet to read is pretty respectable
Yeah, that was how all of my college paper went...
except the one where I cited Beauty and the Beast (the Disney version). That one I did the "reading" for ;)
@Ktash I manage to read some of the books, but Ulysses is a 750 page monster that doesn't seem to have ANY paragraphs and very little punctuation, so......
@Ktash I wish I could cite stuff like that
@Ktash How did that get past the teachers? :P
Mine is all blah blah blah boring academia
I did manage to stick a couple block quotes in that even make sense to be that long, so that is nice
@YiJiang'sEvilClone "past" the teacher? Please, it was 2 paragraphs in a persuasive paper. I described the movie in detail. And I got an A on that paper
@Ashley maybe be the devil's advocate for a while and find counterpoints to your arguments, then proceed to destroy them
@badp That might work
Maybe insert a snarky reference on how the page count doesn't really matter :-P
My citations in that paper (which I just pulled up) included: Peter Pan, 300, Beauty and the Beast, and Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
@badp Yeah, that likely won't go so well
@Ktash What the crap. What were you even writing about?
The folly of modern man to assume he is better than his predecessors
@Ktash And you managed to quote all of those things? AWESOME
Hrump. The National Library catalogue has the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but it's marked as Not for Loan
Also if it is about Ulysses then there's this other bad idea. youtube.com/watch?v=MLK7RI_HW-E
My school is SO academically minded (thats what I get for being an Artsie in a Mathie school) that stuff like that wouldn't fly
@AshleyNunn Each one got about a paragraph or two of analysis :)
@badp " it presents incredible challenges to its readers; including a giant cast of characters, huge walls of text"....that sounds like Joyce!
@AshleyNunn Seattle is just full of hippies. It's to be expected here
also, it was a mandatory intro english course. Not very many people were putting in much effort
@Ktash yeah, Waterloo is like omg high tech, so I am going to the Math/CS/Engie school, which means that they really don't know what to do with Artsies like me
They even offered a "Harry Potter" version of the course, but they didn't have it the semester I had to take it
@Ktash whaaaaaat
UW (that is the University of Washington, the better UW ;) ) is a very tech/engineering heavy school as well. But we're big so we've got a mix of peoples
@Ktash Yeah, any of the artsies that were actually hardcore in their artsieness went to Laurier, the other uni in town
@Ktash And by semester I mean quarter :/
@badp I half wish I could cite this somehow
Also, I am trying not to watch EVERY video on this channel now
@AshleyNunn Increase font size and line height
That always worked for me
Increase the font size of just the periods
@Ktash It likely was the better UW - I only went to this UW because it was my ex-wife's alma mater so I was like oh yeah lets do this. (At the time, I was also going to be a psych major, which Laurier didn't offer.)
@Ktash How would I even./
Find Select all
I am using Word, if that makes a difference? idk, my brain is melting
Although then I'd change the font sizes of all spaces rather than periods
Just be writing
@AshleyNunn Ex-wife?? ...
Learned something new today lol
I wonder if I can call Joyce a misogynist and get away with it
@Ktash Oh, yeah, we separated almost a year ago now. :P
@AshleyNunn I once wrote an essay insulting the author... don't do it. My teacher was a big fan, and it did not go well
@AshleyNunn Interesting
@Ktash I suppose that is a fair point
@Ktash yeeeep
@AshleyNunn Maybe writeordie.com/#Web+App will help you? :P
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You know, it might.
@AshleyNunn Sometimes I forget a lot of the rest of the world is ahead of America in terms of rights for LBGT... We've only just legalized it here in Washington
@Ktash Yeah, go Canada. :D
@AshleyNunn Heh, indeed. But we've still got weed on you I think ;)
@AshleyNunn Although the backlash in Manitoba against the bullying of said LBGT is very sad.
(We were common-law, but for all intents and purposes according to every governmental thing and all teh rights and stuff, we were as good as married, and considered ourselves such)
@fbueckert Yeaaah, it's not perfect anywhere :(
@Ktash Hahaha, this is true
@YiJiang'sEvilClone is it bad that I actually like the "annoying sound" I am getting for not keeping up my word count?
@AshleyNunn Granted, the bill is a bit overbroad; it does have some problems.
@fbueckert Overbroad?
@AshleyNunn It's most an anti-bully bill, not focused specifically on LBGT.
@fbueckert Ah, yeah, that one. It's pretty icky.
The discipline a coach metes out, such as yelling at an athlete, could be defined as bullying.
@less what are actually the internet speeds of cable providers? (We don't have cable in Italy, just ADSL)
New York wins the overboard award with their soda ban
@fbueckert At least it isn't anything like this
@Ktash That got overturned, did it not?
@AshleyNunn Thankfully, but I think the Mayor is still trying to get it through or something
@AshleyNunn That's got human rights issues written all over it.
@Ktash Yeah, thats what I heard.
@fbueckert Oh yeah, it really does
@AshleyNunn Ahahahaha. How late in to the night is it for you? :P
@YiJiang'sEvilClone only 10:18 but I have been working on this esssay for 5 hours straight
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is so true and that sucks
Q: What player is chosen for the challenges before a match in career mode? FIFA 13

Marc PedersenHow does Fifa choose which player you get in the challenges before the match starts? Is there anyway you can choose it yourself?

@LessPop_MoreFizz And boy, howdy do they scream when someone else enters the field.
Because that means they have to actually gasp compete!
@fbueckert Yeaaaah
The NYC soda ban was overturned by a judge yeah. The city intends to appeal.
TBQH, the problem with the soda ban (which is really not a good term for it) isn't that it's over-broad, but that it isn't broad enough - essentially, it has so many loopholes as to be worthless, and yet, as written, caused all kinds of things that shouldn't be affected to be adversely affected.
The basic policy principle of restricting the sale of sugary sodas in quantities > 16 oz is perfectly reasonable at it's core.
It's just that because the city can't regulate whole classes of retailers that sell large drinks, but can regulate lots of others, there are a ton of places that are exempt.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Mostly accurate, except the part about cartels. Actual explicit collusion between large companies are very illegal, but that doesn't mean implicit collusion and price leadership can't happen.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why? What gives the government the right to police what I do and do not drink?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone The cable companies have been succesfully sued over price fixing/collusion on several occasions.
@Ktash Nothing gives the government that right. However, they do have the right to determine what restaurants do and do not sell. Which they are exercising.
You however, are free to drink as much as you please.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Then what gives them the right to police the size or quantities a business serves? :)
@Ktash The same thing that gives them the right to police the restaurant's cleanliness, it's choice of ingredients (i.e. trans-fats are not legal in NYC either), etc.; the governmental prerogative to protect the health of the citizenry.
The problem with the soda ban is the wild inconsistencies that came from the fact that the Mayor had the DoH do it unilaterally, rather than getting the city council to pass a law, which resulted in loopholes all over the place. (And resulted in a lack of several key loopholes that would've been handy, like allowing delivery restaurants to continue delivering 2 liter bottles of soda)
If a paper asks for at least 3 sources outside of the two novels, how many is too many?
@AshleyNunn 300 is probably too many.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thanks, that helps :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why is my health or unhealth something that should be governed by law? Why is it not my choice and decision to treat my body as I will? What makes it a state or city issue whether or not I have a sugary beverage with my meal?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ha! Companies don't actually need to communicate to exhibit cartel-like behavior, though.
@Ktash Because your health has a external effect on society as a whole, not just yourself
Also, the choice of ingredients should fall under the same category (in my book) but public health code is about protecting consumers not from themselves, but from the company
Being unhealthy exacts a public cost that's not internalized by private individuals
@YiJiang'sEvilClone So? So does how often I use the public sidewalk. Should we limit that so I don't "wear it out"
Different issue. Sidewalks are public goods. This is a matter of externalities.
@Ktash Part of the argument is that the portion limit does in fact protect you from the company, because sodas are deceptively unhealthy, and, more to the point, standard portion sizes have increased wildly over the past 50 years for arguably no real reason.
Also, why is it the governments right to control how I "effect" society. There are people in my community who don't agree with LBGT individuals, who might cause unrest if these individuals are seen. Should we not limit those individuals and not allow them public displays of affection?
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, that protects you from yourself. You are more than able to look up nutritional facts on all of the drinks you will receive. You cannot, however, look at the kitchen and it's state.
At least not in most restaurants
@Ktash That information is... not as accessible as it ought to be. (And no, I do not mean 'easy to find on the internet' when I say accessible.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz On the side of every can in the US???
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is true
Also, using that argument, why not go to the root of the problem. Make that information more widely available. As they do with things like cigarettes
@Ktash because Mcdonalds sells it's soda in a can. But, more to the point, where I used the word accessible, you can easily substitute 'comprehensible' to get a better idea of what I'm getting at.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Then education is the problem.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, most nutritional info is generally useless in terms of actual merit to the population
Educate people, don't force protections on them and consider them ignorant and leave that as ok
I mean I know what it all theoretically means, but that doesn't make it useful to me - not as much as people like to claim
@Ktash There are things the city has the power to do. There are things the city does not have the power to do. In the absence of action by the state or federal government, the city does the things it has the authority to.
@Ktash It could be easily argued that a limit on single portions is a pretty excellent form of education.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And I'm saying the city does not have the rights to encroach upon it's citizens (or in this case, businesses) a forced portion control because it thinks it's population is too stupid to choose for themselves
@Ktash No, the city pretty clearly has the authority to restrict what businesses do and do not sell. That's not really a statement of any legal merit.
Now, you can argue that just because the city has that authority doesn't mean it ought to exercise that authority.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ok, I'm going to do my best to not yell or be mean here. This is a sensitive topic you've touched on there, so, know I mean no disrepsect with the following. HIDING THE TRUTH DOES NOT COUNT AS EDUCATION!
@Ktash Who's hiding anything? The limit essentially is saying "Drinking more than this much is irresponsible". That is a True Statement, not an obfuscation of anything.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It has the authority to say what it can sell, not the portions, nor price. The free market is there to take care of that. And where the free market can't (monopolies) the government occasionally has stepped in to help the situation for consumers
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, they are assuming that their population is ignorant and cannot manage to control their portions themselves
UGHHHHHHH someone make me go pack
@Ktash No, control of quantities sold is a well established as within the bounds of government authority. See also: Various laws around the country regarding the sale and service of alcohol; restrictions on the sale of individual cigarettes; restrictions on the sale of large quantities of pseudoephedrine.
@StrixVaria sadly, Skorn (unless it has like 2k dps) is totally worthless
@Ktash They're not assuming anything. That is also a True Statement, that is backed up by decades of evidence and research. It's not exactly a secret that obesity is at an all time high in the US, and that the increase correlates quite closely to the rise in annual sales of soda.
@spugsley GO PACK LADY
@spugsley Go pack because chat is nothing but a boring argument between me and @Ktash
@AshleyNunn *le gasp* NO, not the SAD FACE!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone oh yeah, no holds barred, it will get all sad face up in here
uhhhhhhhhhh but packing is boringggg
@Ktash I mean, you're welcome to think that it's a bad policy. There are plenty of those to go around. I'm largely ambivalent to it. But there is really nothing inherently overreaching or unconstitutional or otherwise inherently improper about it, which is the argument you've been trying to make.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Alright then let's ask the hard problem. Why is it the responsibility of the government to stop obesity? If we had all been educated since we were children about it, and chose it for ourselves, would it still be their responsibility?
The reason it was struck down had nothing to do with any inherent impropriety and everything to do with procedural matters regarding how it was introduced and implemented.
@AshleyNunn yes I'mma go gamble for my birthday
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also, correlation does not equal causation ;) As a gamer, that should be your motto ;)
@spugsley When is your bday??
@AshleyNunn lol my birthday isn't until April 15th :p this is an early bday excuse to gamble!
Answers my question lol
@Ktash yerp :)
@spugsley Well then we can have cake TWO TIMES
@Ktash For the same reason it's the responsibility of the government to stop lung cancer by restricting tobacco.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Another one I disagree with :)
Oh, I get it, this is just like making out with giraffes. I know this.
I believe whole heartedly it is not the right nor responsibility of the government to protect citizens from themselves, only from others
I don't know why this made me laugh so hard I am crying
@spugsley giggles I live to please, m'lady, and I really do like cake
@Ktash Tobacco is significantly worse than sugary drinks and other fattening food. The addictive quality of nicotine, for instance, and also the externality imposed by second hand smoking.
@Ktash Trotting that out is possibly the most facile and worthless way of arguing about any subject ever. Correlation doesn't imply causation, but there is a clear causal relationship between increased consumption of sugary soft drinks and obesity. There has been a marked increase in obesity. There has been a marked increase in sales of soft drinks. All of these statements are facts.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone External impact is the one thing about cigarettes that can change it slightly
@Ktash I'm cool with you considering it improper for government to do so. But the fact is, that what is proper, as in, a policy you support, is not the same as what is within the authority of government as established by the various constitutions and charters under which our various levels of government are organized.
Like I said, I'm largely ambivalent to the soda ban. I could see why you'd disagree with it. I'm not sure it'd be particularly effective. But I also don't think there's anything wrong with it from the perspective of being something that the government ought not have the authority to do. The proper response is not to get it overturned by the courts as being an overstep of authority, but to elect officials who will enact different policy.

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