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I was just a very successful businessman that time.
Wow. I'm never going for lunch again.
Origami Robots dream of paper sheep.
Androids dream of being iPhones.
@Powerlord Ew.
I will note that having been killed like that was actually not as frightening to me as a time that I dreamed about having already been dead and was already in the afterlife (which, in this case, was actually a pretty nice place, still-looking-like-modern-society aside).
@fbueckert I never said they were GOOD dreams.
Being killed was more of an "Oh, sh... well, that's not good." feeling for a moment.
I see dead people...
@Powerlord Bad dreams aren't dreams. They're nightmares.
Now is not a good time
@fbueckert ...but you just called them bad dreams. Nice job breaking it, hero!
@GraceNote You should read The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
@Powerlord I was clarifying. snob
Don't do as I do, but as I say! :P
Do as I say you do?
@Powerlord Heh.
@OrigamiRobot A link to either the reading in question, or to where I may acquire this reading properly, would be nice.
Blargh. Sometimes I'm very detailed about clothing, other times I'm not. Sometimes I can easily remember what it is even when all I write down is "princess garb", other times not so much. Bleh.
@GraceNote Well, actually reading it might be a chore. It's an unpublished story by HP Lovecraft so it's kinda rough. I recommend listening to the HPPodcraft coverage of it.
As long as you're not wearing a meat dress.
~for no reason now I'll sing in French~
@OrigamiRobot Ahha
@OrigamiRobot Work is blocking Imgur again this week. I think they may be perma-blocking it now. :/
Weird that I remember my outfit from 9/8/2007 better than 3/9/2009 (MM/DD/YYYY).
@GraceNote In it they talk about how it's silly how sometimes the protagonist randomly knows things that would have prevented earlier events had he known them then, but that's exactly how dreams work
@OrigamiRobot Heh.
@GraceNote One example is when Randolph Carter can suddenly speak cat. Also, cats have an organized military. Also, the can fly to the moon.
me and my wife say "I am the meat" randomly when we are wrapped in a blanket like a giant sausage roll o_O
^-- Indeed.
I never really had much opportunity to chat with my wife. Alien invasions and giant sandworms kinda made it hard to have an opening.
@GraceNote Oh sure it's always "sandworms this" and "alien invasions that" with you
Other people have feelings too
Aye, we do. Like love, which was like, much of the driving factor of making sure we both stayed alive.
@GraceNote Survival is so romantic.
Oh EA.
My wife left me for a sandworm
I came back to a really odd conversation...
time to feed mah froggie.
I think we'll get him something nice!
20 mins ago, by Jason Berkan
Wow. I'm never going for lunch again.
@AshleyNunn That's what you get for chatting instead of looking for your missing games.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is supposed to be released in North America in 4 days! \o/
@Powerlord I am so excited for that.
@Powerlord I have been! At this point I should just pack to move again, maybe then they would come back
@Powerlord I'm tempted to get it but I'd really prefer a "full" console game
Unfortunately, I won't have my copy of the original game back until the 31st.
It'd be so perfect for Wii U
@BenBrocka But this is also awesome :D
This is disgusting.
Is it home time yet?
@Powerlord I wish.
One more boring as hell class today.
@Powerlord 2.5 more hours T_T
@OrigamiRobot 2 more for me.
I also have to remember to not pick up food on my way home, as I still have half a calzone from when I went out with some friends on Monday night.
@AshleyNunn Are you saying the one you left was normal?
Do you live in a weird timezone or get off at a weird time?
@OrigamiRobot I get off work at 5:30pm EDT.
Trust me that you don't want to leave here at 5:00pm.
I get off at 6 today T_T
@Coronus Not entirely, no, but this one was extra strange without context
@Powerlord Yea I never leave at 5 even when I am able to.
So, anyway, do I wait an extra week to play Dark Moon so I can play the original again first?
@Powerlord Are the stories connected?
@AshleyNunn I've heard rumors that the final boss of the first game returns in the second.
Although since the game isn't out yet, I'm not sure that I believe that.
var images = ['http://i.imgur.com/9gC05CV.gif', 'http://i.imgur.com/m9uvTIH.gif'];

    var img = new Image();
    img.src = i;

    var ele = this,
    	$t = $(this),
        id = this.onclick.toString().match(/vote\(\'([\d\w]*)\'/i)[1];

            $(ele).vote(id, null, evt);
        }, 1900);

        var dis = $('<img>', {
        	src: images[0],
        	alt: '',
        	css: {
@Powerlord Traffic or other reason?
So I wrote a little script that runs on reddit
Which will cause Discentia to pop up and downvote your post for you if you click on the downvote button.
@Powerlord Yeah, I have heard that too. Not sure I trust it.
Well, technically speaking, any of the two buttons. I haven't gotten around to coding Karma for upvotes yet
@GraceNote Lots of traffic. I work smack dab in the center of downtown of a city of 100,000 or so people.
It's kind of cute.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Kinda like the Commander Keen script for Stack Overflow?
@Powerlord That does sound like a terrible thing and good enough reason to withhold commute until it goes away.
@GraceNote Pretty much, yeah
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Nicely done, then.
Also, I am annoyed that I preordered it at my old apartment, so the GameStop that I need to pick it up from is entirely across town from where I live now.
Except less awesome, because the sprites I'm working with aren't as good
Although 100k may be including the population of East Lansing and all the suburbs. I forget.
@AshleyNunn Whoops.
I preordered through Amazon, and I'm not sure if they have release date delivery for this game.
@Powerlord I work by I-77 and live by I-485
@Powerlord Yeaaaaah, hour long bus trip, and at least two buses. Three if I time it wrong.
I take backroads home.
@OrigamiRobot I work near I-496, which intersects with US-127 and I-96 on the east and I-69 and I-96 on the west.
10 minutes to get here in the morning, 30-60 to get home.
What's dumb is I swear trucks use I-496 as a "shortcut" between I-96's parts despite the heavier traffic and longer distance.
And I have to drive though SC for a minute to get home where all the people are coming from NC to get cheaper gas.
I'm on highways my whole way home
Technically speaking when you cancel an upvote or downvote Apathia is suppose to pop up, but... nobody cares
I take a bus! It takes me about a half hour either away.
@OrigamiRobot haha carrowind drive?
> You have fully used your vote allowance for today
Oh, ffs
@tiddy Yep, how'd you know?
@SaintWacko I don't think I have ever hit that
@YiJiang'sEvilClone needs more bloom
@AshleyNunn I hit it annoyingly often
@OrigamiRobot I know NC and SC very well
@SaintWacko :(
I need a userscript that tells me how many votes I have left
My drive is roughly 15 minutes to work (because I go at 8:30 instead of 8:00 or 7:30) and anywhere between 15 minutes and 45 minutes to home depending on how dumb people are driving that day.
Like we get for flags?
@BenBrocka I was thinking along the lines of sparkles, actually
My drive home is short, because I leave at 4 instead of 5
@SaintWacko There's no API query for that, unfortunately
The script can record all the votes that go on in one tab on one computer, but if you switch computers the data won't be synced
@tiddy It's dumb because you can just go right to the other side of 77 and nobody is at those gas stations.
That entire conversation all happened because of DST. Huh.
Q: How do I zoom in?

wokIs there any way to zoom in the camera in DotA 2? The characters are really small on my screen and I cannot enjoy the special items for cosmetics. I have found a zoomed-in screenshot, however, there is no visible HUD. Any tips?

I work within 2-3 miles of my office so gas doesn't really enter my mind but maybe twice a month
Even when I take weekend trips
You don't work within your office?
@tiddy My shitty car gets like 15 miles to the gallon.
@OrigamiRobot That's because it has to carry around a heavy robot.
But anyway, I've spent many nights in Charlotte
Stupid... butt tattoo
butt-HOLE tattoo
@GraceNote I've only ever had one job where I spent more than 25% of my work time in the office.
And that job was retail, so replace 'office' with 'store'.
@OrigamiRobot So what you're saying is you live in the Carolinean equivalent of West Berlin?
The Carolinas are their own beast
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know your job, but not tiddy's.
@GraceNote I have had a number of other jobs that involved minimal office time as well.
@GraceNote Oops, 2-3 miles from home
Heh, I see.
two things today that suck: stomach virus (finally sitting up again today) and godaddy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ooh, such as?
I could tell you a story to try and make you feel better.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I fully appreciate the extra $0.25 we pay in NC for gas. Roads in SC are so bad.
They aren't 25cents a gallon bad
@OrigamiRobot Heh. You want bad roads? Come see what six months of snow and freezing do here.
The road in front of my house is classified as, "Bad", the worst rating it can have.
Roads are rated?
Despite this, the city has decided that to save money, any road classified as such gets no maintenance at all.
Everything is rated
@AshleyNunn I dunno about other places, but here in Winnipeg they are.
One of the apps our office created is supposed to collect road ratings from across the state of Michigan. Except that the local governments tend not to report it so now it's optional.
@fbueckert That seems backwards.
@fbueckert I am curious if it is similar here.
@GraceNote Their logic is that they will focus on roads that aren't there yet, to prevent them from getting there.
@GraceNote It's too far gone. Let it die.
Which makes me wonder why I'm paying property taxes.
Poor quality roads can be very dangerous, though. Bleh.
@GraceNote Indeed. I'm not at all a fan of them, and it seems stupid I'm paying taxes for something they won't do.
For almost 80% of my life, the Westfield area was one of the worst parts in road conditions, ridiculous potholes just being the least of it. We used to regularly joke about how often they tore up the town square to repave it, it was quite ridiculous and at one point the amount of road work resulted in massive gorges in front of homes in the residential areas.
I used to live out in the middle of nowhere, technically between two townships, so neither wanted to take care of anything. That made road maintenance interesting. This eventually changed when township lines were redrawn when places amalgamated, and roads are slowly getting seen to, but now it has become a case of "we have to rip up the entire road and start over"
Which makes life very interesting.
@AshleyNunn My back lane got re-paved a couple years ago. Good thing, too, as it was pretty bad.
Since moving to Southwick, Westfield now has extremely nice roads that are very clean and smooth, and indeed better than the quality here. If it can last long enough, it may have made all those years of torment worth it for the people of that city.
But then whenever I think about anything involving "transport" and "worth it", I remember "The Big Dig".
two summers ago, they ripped up a 5 km-ish section of road that basically is the only real road through my parents town, and redid it entirely. While it is pretty and nice now, it was hell while it was happening. And they are slowly doing this to other sections of the same country road, and a couple of sideroads that branch off of it.
The contest ends tomorrow and I didn't reach the Gold league (for the t-shirt) =( because 1 vote T_T
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Aww
I think I just found the one case where a minor edit is good
@AshleyNunn At least I live in a township, even if it is near the edge of one. Then again, there's an expressway on-ramp 500m or so down the road.
@SaintWacko And yet, your edit explanation is wrong.
c = chair
Tsk, tsk.
@RavenDreamer c++ = chair++ ?
AoE II HD has multi monitor support, hmmm
@Powerlord b->c = build chair
b->C = build construction
Oh hey, did I ever ask @AshleyNunn why she took off her hat?
b->b = build bed
@Powerlord Yeah, this is pretty much as much the middle of nowhere as you can get. It gets funnier, because their phone number is listed under town x, they have an address that lists them as a rural route of town y, and another address that lists them as living in township z, none of which feature the actual name of the town they live in
@Powerlord You did not.
You should always wear a hat, even if it vanishes when you put on a flimsy paper mask!
@Powerlord I feel like I am missing a reference here.
@AshleyNunn ?!
@AshleyNunn TF2 spy, I think
@Powerlord Ah. yeah, that is a game I know nothing about. :P
Oh yeah, it's 4am where I am right now. I think @AshleyNunn knows what to do
Q: How much magicka do the different spells cost?

user26147I'd like to know the amount of magicka that each spell needs to be used. I think that info should be available on the wiki but I don't have access to that site.

> You gain knockback immunity, regardless of disguise color, with some exceptions
Pretty sure the TF2 Wiki has that wrong
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Go the fuck to sleep!
(I have been waiting all day for that. :P I wasn't sure exactly how far ahead of me you were)
This class makes me sleepy. :(
The prof's voice is just so soothing
@RavenDreamer Wups, I was thinking b for some reason
That's odd
Especially considering I just placed a chair
I even tabbed back into DF to double check, and pressed b-b for some reason
Wtf, brain
For some reason all my dorfs are refusing to dump stone from a channel I dug
@AshleyNunn WAKE UP!!!!!
@Powerlord startles
And yes, I did two updates to that just to make it ding again. :D
@Powerlord You are terrible :P
@AshleyNunn btw, did you ever play the original Luigi's Mansion for the GameCube?
@Powerlord Yes I did :)
That is why I am so excited for the new one
@AshleyNunn Ah OK. I just thought you hadn't from what you asked about related stories earlier.
@Powerlord I haven't heard a lot about story for the new one, really.
Which is why I asked, wondering if you had heard things I hadn't.
@AshleyNunn Something about the moon getting shattered into 5 pieces.
@Powerlord And thus the various mansions?
@AshleyNunn Yup.
@Powerlord Iiiinteresting.
Of course, the original game had 5 items hidden in the one mansion...
@Powerlord They like the number 5 :P
Then again, some of the items were easy to find in the first game.
Wasn't one gotten by talking to another character?
@Powerlord I want to say yes, but I played that game so long ago that I could easily be wrong
I have a feeling things are a little more difficult this time around.
@Powerlord That is the feeling I am getting.
One of the funnier things I saw in the Dark Moon ads was taken right out of a Scooby Doo cartoon... the stairs that fold into a ramp dumping you back down.
@Powerlord That is beautiful.
@RavenDreamer Have you ever run into something with your dwarves refusing to dump rocks?
I dug out a channel, and they dumped some of the rock from it, but they're ignoring the rest...
I am hoping this game is awesome. I have such high hopes for it, because the first one was delightful. I am scared it will have a lot of gyroscopic type controls and I don't like those :(
and i am back, for a couple of min before my computer runs out of power
@Ullallulloo saw your question, you got my support
@Blem Thanks. One vote away, and I got 3.5 hours.
i reached 19/20 with 3 votes and sudanly i got 2 downvotes on questions
@Blem That sucks :(
@Powerlord I don't remember getting knockback from e.g. soldier rockets while simply disguised
@Blem Sadly, there are people that will downvote others for a better chance themselves.
I think you do once you dead ringer though
@badp You do, I've had it mess up backstabs before.
@AshleyNunn gyroscopic?
@BenBrocka Like tilting and stuff. That is the right word, no?
Oh, yeah, I wouldn't expect it
The Scorch Shot and Loose Cannon also knock back disguised spies. And of course, sentry rockets, though if a level 3 is firing at you, you're probably dead (thanks teammate behind me!!!)
Also, what's with the price on the Ap-Sap? Are people really spending 15 keys on something that comes with a $14 soundtrack?
@badp What part of me am I using to press A?
@AshleyNunn Your sock.
Your nose
@badp I don't think I could get my nose to where my feet were. I am not flexible.
@AshleyNunn Fair point. I also wouldn't be able to
Maybe that's what the game is about! Wii Luigi Fits U
@Powerlord This seems a bit more feasible. wiggles her toes
@badp read that as Will Luigi Fit
@AshleyNunn and the sequel, Will Luigi Blend
@badp Poor Luigi.
With some slow-mo quick time events bullshit I'm sure Luigi will come out just fine.
Whoa what are we talking about?
@badp You underestimate my ability to complete those events
But maybe he would make a decent milkshake, I don't know.
@OrigamiRobot Why we don't do speculation of the game industry
It lets the shine through.
Oh hey, KSP, Starforge, and Prison Architect are now on Steam.
Because of feet. Got it.
@OrigamiRobot DATA- ACCEPTED.
@Fluttershy Oooh, Prison Architect is tempting
@OrigamiRobot Or blenders
at hardly popular prices. €21 for KSP or Prison Architect?
@badp i.e. "We're sorry, no more WarZ we promise!!"
@BenBrocka Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Q: Do you have to defend Fort Condor in the mini-game to get the Phoenix and Huge Materia?

JeffIn the last battle for Fort Condor, you are able to get the Phoenix summon materia and a Huge materia. Do you have to actually win the Fort Condor mini-game to get these? Or, if you fail the mini-game but still defeat the boss triggered by failing, do you still get them?

@badp It's a similar price to what the devs themselves are offering for the games.
@AshleyNunn That doesn't make them low.
You have completed Diamond League!
@badp Oh, no, I wasn't saying that at all.
@Blem grats
and my computer is about to run out of power :)
@Blem congrats
@badp ...why would they charge less for them than the devs do?
Unless they're on sale, that is.
@Powerlord I don't think Steam is the price setter anyway
I'm goin' to Graceland.
@LessPop_MoreFizz godspeed, you magnificent bastard
oh. It seems like airplanespeed will be enough then
You guys keep distracting me. I was going to go write a parser for these vote configs, but I keep coming back here.
(More specifically, I'm heading to Memphis on Monday.)
> Drunken Robot Pornography
@BenBrocka The Internet in a nutshell
@BenBrocka RIP Dinosaursfuckingrobots dot com.
@badp *Drunken Robots optional
Huh... Organ Trail has Jesse Eisenberg's likeness from Zombieland, and the merchant from Resident Evil 4 in it... o_o
@Coronus poor @OrigamiRobot
Is Steam's login server down right now?
@badp Eh?
Trying to update to the latest TF2 Beta on my server, but it keeps boming with no connection errors
@Powerlord The community is up
@Powerlord I got disconnected.
@Fluttershy Ah, OK.
> Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Login Failure: No Connection
Not really helpful, Valve! :O
On the bright side, I know that @ShutdownOnFailedCommand actually works.
Has anybody here actually tried the TF2 Beta to see if it does load stuff faster?
@badp Haven't tried it.
And annoyingly, sometime soon, it's going to convert to an opt-in Beta for the main TF2 app for the client.
Meaning that you can't have normal TF2 and Beta TF2 both installed at once.
Who does want both installed at once?
@badp Anyone who wants to be able to connect to older servers?
If switching from one and the other doesn't involve redownloading all the things, I might be trying it more often.
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Failed to receive license info.
Silly Valve, You call that successful?
@Powerlord uhhhhh... is that something people want?

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