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I wonder if I should stick it in Sandboxee or something
@YiJiang'sEvilClone VM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Always use VMs when playing with viruses
Well, too late now.
If I don't respond within an hour assume Apple ate my computer
Hmmm, the only nefarious thing iTunes tried to do was to set itself as my default music player (checkbox checked by default during installation, though I unchecked it)
I don't even see traces of the 'Apple Software Updater', which is good

Proposed Q&A site for exploring about water "The Life Itself", from all angles; from its composition to its uses;It is a very vast topic. All its creatures,contents, its forms,its impact, everything to be discussed here.

Currently in definition.

On the other hand, the store only has music, movies, apps for sale
All the books I see are free, out of copyright books
And there the TV show category is completely missing
@YiJiang'sEvilClone For the longest time it didn't have music or movies for sale
And the music catalog that it does have in Singapore isn't even half of what's available elsewhere
@BoltClock Yeah, I know. The store only opened... last year I think
Is the music sold still DRM'd?
I assume the movies are
I don't know, I haven't bought any tracks yet
I'm considering this single that came out last month though
Q: Is crystaloferous real

ShadowI've heard a lot of rumors that people who were data mining in borderlands 2 that there is a 3rd invincible other then terramorohuse and vermivourus in the main game without dlc is this true and if so how do you spawn it

Q: civilization 5 domination victory capturing capitals

JoshSo I was reading the in-game help on how to achieve a domination victory, and I got a little confused. It said something about the last civilization possessing their original capital is the winner. Something about "if you capture 3 of your enemies capitals, and the 5th player sneaks in and captu...

Hmmm, a 9.99USD album (like the SimCity one) costs only S$12, whereas at the actual exchange rate it should cost S$12.50
So I guess you save 50 cents?
99 cent singles are S$1.28 though, which is 3 cents higher than the exchange rate
@YiJiang'sEvilClone this is hardly surprising, yeah :)
Does iTunes sell TV shows outside of the US at all?
Maybe in the UK? Maybe?
Oh wait, iTunes Australia does, I think
Wikipedia might have the information
The iTunes Store, originally the iTunes Music Store, is a software-based online digital media store operated by Apple Inc. It opened on April 28, 2003, and has been the most popular music vendor in the United States since April 2008, and the most popular music vendor in the world since February 2010. It offers over 28 million songs, videos, ebooks and apps for sale online. by February 6, 2013, the store had sold 25 billion songs. While most downloaded files initially included usage restrictions enforced by FairPlay, Apple's implementation of digital rights management, iTunes later init...
@BoltClock wtf? that about blurb is... just... wtf?
@fredley I hate it, but I think I'm just going to keep using this workaround as opposed to one filter for each item type.
@OrigamiRobot Eh, whatever. you could just add more sorting machines
@badp I've dominated him 4 times while bearing a pony avatar and nickname
@fredley That's not the issue.
@BoltClock you gender discriminator
> They both fight for the right cause, it's just that they fight each other for different good causes. Bronies want to share the love of friendship, haters want to equalize the bias between masculinity and femininity. If both of them fight, shouldn't that giant flame war be endless?
> We stand tall, like towers. We fight recklessly for the good of masculinity. We dislike those who dare stand in our path. But their sheer cuteness has weakened us greatly. This is the reason why haters have come in from the cold to haunt you -- they believe you are giving strength to femininity.
@badp I... uh... what
2 mins ago, by badp
@BoltClock wtf? that about blurb is... just... wtf?
We should probably close this question, it's dumb plot speculation.
Q: Can Primal Queen of Blades transform into Sarah Kerrigan by using Xel'naga

Peter PADAfter I got to the ending of Starcraft II Heart of the Swarm:

@badp I think my brain just broke
It's basically "Hey, what if this happened, what would happen guys?"
i.e. discussiony and not the sort of thing we want.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's basically an elaborate way of saying "bronies are gay and the devil."
@LessPop_MoreFizz What about the question about the primal zerg?
The store is actually kind of nice. I'm not sure if I like the layout, but the design is, well, as good as you'd expect from Apple
Is it answerable/interesting/not asking you to reiterate what's been said over and over in cutscenes in the game/actually covered by the canon?
@badp No, that one is "What is this new thing" and it's pretty well documented in the lore.
And for once it actually looks somewhat native.
I can't speak to how well it's explained in game, though.
I suppose that the prime zerg thing is basically a distraction, then.
A digital download of Wreak It Ralph (HD) for S$25? Wut?
Isn't that the same price as a physical disc?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone DRM?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Those communist pony bastards!
@fredley Yup - "To play this in HD your computer must support HDCP"
eating the foals or whatever the actually correct term is for that
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well... there are pre-order bonuses... I guess
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Don't make me go find a different full priced game that's already out. You know there are dozens.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone So for 'download' read 'rent'
@LessPop_MoreFizz then again who buys games from Steam at full price?
Let me think. The economic argument for both are probably similar
Steam is also selling DRM'd media. I guess a physical copy of a movie usually comes with more extras, those DVD extra thingies that come on disc.
Does iTunes have those? Mmmhmm
@YiJiang'sEvilClone The value add for iTunes versus physical disc is cloud storage/redownloading, easy syncing with devices, and of course, 'instant' access, so no dealing with shipping time or going to the store. And you get the same bonus features as the DVD from iTunes. Also, higher resolution - SD is 25% cheaper - Wreck It Ralph on Blu Ray, as in, an equivalent resolution to that HD download is 35 US (vs. 20 US for HD from itunes).
Seems like a decent value proposition.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yes it does.
@fredley Because DVD's don't have DRM.
...that said, those 7 genuine hats can probably be sold on the Steam Market for a total of ~$10
@LessPop_MoreFizz As do CDs, remember.
so in a way that game does have a small discount applied to it
@badp Really? People would pay that much for those?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone They're 7 hats
@fredley No, CD's don't have DRM. DRM'd CD's were a pretty collosal market failure for the most part.
10/7 is $1.4 per hat which isn't unreasonable
Well, still, they're... hats. You know.
Take the Runner 2 preorder bonus
...the search page says there are 33 of those shoes starting at €5
+1 for using PsyStarcraft as a reference. Usually its not the most appropriate person to reference (adult language). — Falcon165o 23 mins ago
+1 for using something inappropriate?
I hear that genuine items are pretty expensive and can sometimes fetch keys in price
Too bad I like these Tomb Raider genuines so much I'm planning to keep them
Well, some are different from the others
The Faerie Solitaire Pins are worthless because the game was given away for free multiple times before they were awarded
Then again the most valuable item I've been selfish enough to keep for myself and not use in trading are my Earbuds
@BoltClock what are earbuds worth
@LessPop_MoreFizz 26-28 keys
@LessPop_MoreFizz Mmmhmmm, the problem is still the DRM. Or rather, the platform lock-in. I'm not sure how much a problem this is for the average consumer though. With physical media something like Handbrake can be used to rip the content out, though I don't think that's legal in most countries. Similar options probably exist for iTunes too.
More than 100 refined by now. Stupid key price always going up
Back in the day 100 refined could get you two pairs of buds
I should look at my own consumption of media, how much of it is on platforms with DRM compared to non-DRM ones
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's not a problem for the average consumer. And yes, ripping content via handbrake is technically illegal in any country that is signatory to the WIPO treaty, which is the vast majority of the world.
I mean, I guess if you're in Azerbaijan or Cambodia you can feel free to wildly disregard, but then you're in Cambodia.
@BoltClock I have no idea how that converts to dollars. I know nothing about TF2, but I have two TF2 items sitting in my steam inventory that I would happily convert to money if the amount was proportional to my effort in doing so.
Buds are at least US$30 last I checked but I could be wrong
@BoltClock Oh wow.
@badp LOL my backpack is full and the game is now asking me to discard something so I can put this crate #56 in
I have those and a Lumbricus Lid I should figure out how to get rid of.
Give them to me so I can jump start in some unusual hat trading (aka high value trading)
The strange thing I noticed about downloads for MLP episodes on the internet is that the iTunes rips claim to be of a higher quality than the original, because the fans would do color correction and fix screen tearing that are present in the original
In other words the pirates have it better off than paying customers
@BoltClock Also, Steam says both aren't tradable.
"Games made in Asia" *sigh*
But I've never used either, so I have no idea how that works
That sucks then :|
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hello Kitty Jewel HD!
If I knew how to work with in-game model files I would totally make a Pain Train reskin using the Fortune Hunter (Tomb Raider climbing axe) model
"Strange Fortune Hunter"
Q: Is there any reason not to use 'Spawn Locusts' in the mission 'The Crucible'?

SeravyI was playing the mission 'The Crucible' and they had a mechanic 'Click to Spawn Locusts'. This reminded me of 'use artifact' from the last mission from wings of liberty. There were achievements associated with the wings of liberty mechanic so I tried to hold out as long as possible without usi...

Someone downvoted my Tomb Raider question, heh
@Michel Yay free helpful flag
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ahh. I read your text wrong =X
@BoltClock it was me, 100% serious
I downvoted it because I don't like your username
incidentally, I do not believe that skill will increase your movement speed with the way that you're doing it
since you're not technically 'climbing' when you're jumping
That's an excellent point
every point I make is excellent
I also didn't really downvote you, it was @OrigamiRobot
@kalina I blame @Wipqozn
@fredley that's so 2012
@kalina You always show up just as I'm leaving.
@kalina Your face is so 2012
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have been here for hours!
This could be intentional.
@GraceNote no, not intentional at all
Pshah, I can't spread misinformation if you correct me!
@LessPop_MoreFizz If I'm honest, I just spent the last hour or so sleeping while everybody else was in a meeting
@kalina Hours during which I was asleep!
@LessPop_MoreFizz bah
I think I'm going to get SimCity, but the version that you can play offline.
When the contest of SCII HotS ends?
@fredley I just read "I think I'm going to pirate SimCity"
@Michel Mar 21 12:00 AM UTC
@kalina That is my only solution at this point
@fredley that is naughty
the worst of it is, you probably already have an origin game
@kalina I do, but I didn't pay for it
@BoltClock discard the crate, duh
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's ~50$, maybe ~40$
Ahh =(
I don't think I'll made it to the first part =X
I wanted the t-shirt =X
I wonder what game EA are going to give away for free
Either pay for SimCity and then grab a pirated version, or don't play it at all, you dirty thieves.
Is it "Nary a soul" or "Never a soul"?
Nary a soul
Actually, either one works
@kalina Origin credit.
@LessPop_MoreFizz mmmh
Uh... stoopid Word. Why isn't this 'copy' menu disappear...?
Okay worktime
bye chat
bye bestest person in chat
Get a room.
@Sterno "The Bridge, General Chat Room"
@kalina Only negative comments are allowed here. You were being way too positive.
@Sterno just because I am not a miserable person like you
@kalina I always downvote everything right off the bat. Then I read it and see if it is worth undownvoting. I never upvote.
@OrigamiRobot you never upvote?
@kalina That's more like it
@OrigamiRobot Strange, your stats says 1,287 up 888 down, thus, you lie
Or the system lies.
@kalina I only upvote my sockpuppets.
Wow, @OrigamiRob has over 300 more downvotes than I do.
@StrixVaria ಠ_ಠ
@StrixVaria like 700 more than me
@kalina I downvote most on principle.
@Unionhawk I stole a bunch of saplings from you for testing since you had 1024 stacks. You want I should pay you something?
@OrigamiRobot They'll refill in about a minute...
@Unionhawk don't tell him that, make him feel bad
he's a bad person
@Unionhawk I figured you wouldn't miss them, but I thought I'd offer anyway. I'll take any you don't want.
I don't even have 400 downvotes?
boo myself
although I do tend to destroy crap, not downvote it
Morning, Bridge
@badp I downvote nearly everything I flag. That probably accounts for at least 400.
@SaintWacko inb4 @fbueckert
Suddenly, Americans
morning @fbueckert
We prefer the term World Leaders
And by wonderful I mean I want to hurt these people
What is it about people deciding I'm actually around?
@fredley I've got a quarry running in one of the Mystcraft Ages I created. Ground level is at the cloud layer so there's a lot to mine. Hopefully it's got some good stuff.
@OrigamiRobot What is wrong with the age?
@fredley Hunger III and Slowness
Not terrible.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah not too bad
@fredley Seems like lots of apatite which is good for me.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, you should get a multifarm going
@fredley Aren't they finicky?
@fbueckert started the second Mistborn book. Stayed up way too late again. This is becoming too common with these books. I would tell you to feel bad about my loss of sleep because of you introducing me to these but you won't feel appropriately bad.
@AshleyNunn Of course I won't feel bad.
You're reading awesome books.
That trumps everything else.
@AshleyNunn I'm keeping myself from starting the 2nd book to avoid this. DST is hard enough.
picks Tutorial
Anyone have Anno 2070?
Is 'fiver' a term used exclusively by the British?
@SaintWacko I do
Not exclusively, but way more commonly
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's used a tiny bit in the US, but not much
@fbueckert but I am so sleeeeeepy. Debating if taking a nap before lunch is a possibility. (my body woke me up way early, on top of going to bed late.)
Can't buy much for $5 anymore anyway :)
@OrigamiRobot Yes
But powerful
I'm having trouble getting out of bed because of stupid daylight saving time
@AshleyNunn Good books trump all else! And if you don't have anything else to do, then yes, napping is good.
I have to get up before the sun now :(
@origamirobot yeah, DST and I are getting along now, sorta. It's the later evening daylight that really confuses me.
@saintwacko oh, I always hate that. :(
@fredley I need zero maintenance tree and wheat farms. And when I say zero, I mean zero.
Hey, guys. It's Friday!
@fbueckert I have a lunch date of sorts but that's not for hours! So I think some more sleep might be a thing. (stopped reading at 3, woke up at 745)
@Sterno brb, getting down
@AshleyNunn Bleh.
@OrigamiRobot so so so excited
@AshleyNunn Ew
This will be my last weekend before Monster Hunter steals my life entirely.
@sterno I am more surprised by this than I should be.
@AshleyNunn Why? It's Friday, Friday!
@saintwacko I have been trying to convince my body that really we can sleep more! We have no where to be before noon! It is ignoring me.
@AshleyNunn Mine tends to ignore me, too
@saintwacko In my head it is Wednesday and I don't know why.
@AshleyNunn Alternatively, if you can't sleep, drink coffee.
LOTS of coffee.
@fbueckert I have no way to make coffee. :(
@AshleyNunn Tea?
Also if I have more than a cup at a time I get paranoid and weird.
Maybe a caffeine intravenous drip?
@fbueckert I do have tea. I might make a nice strong pot later. Gonna try more sleeps.
@fbueckert if only. :p I don't even have a fear of needles so that is more appealing.
@SaintWacko What did you want to know about Anno 2070?
Time for the last meeting of the week, see you later people
Oh! @fredley protip: Multifarms will output directly into an adjacent inventory (like a relay) much more quickly than they will dump into a pipe.
@Unionhawk Ok! Thanks.
@Unionhawk I think it will be able to power that boiler, I just need to get it warmed up
If not I'll just hook up another tree farm
@fredley Mine's running fine on a large tree farm, provided it's supplied all the time
@badp Yeah, you have to read the tutorial. The game is pretty complicated
@fredley Boo boilers! Yay biomass!
@Unionhawk Mine is largest size, high pressure
@fredley It should be fine, considering the high surplus of wood I get. You'll just need a lot more fuel to heat it up.
@Unionhawk Yeah that was what I though. I've got nearly 1000 stacks of coal, so I should be ok
Steel is so expensive time-wise
Why, WHY would you ever use java for an online timesheet application!? And why is the java plugin so f*&%$@ hard to install properly? Or java as a whole. This is now going to consume the rest of my morning :/
@MBraedley could be worse. Could be Flash.
@fredley You'd be surprised how much it takes to heat up a high pressure boiler... bit.ly/Wk2fP3
Double that number for charcoal.
Cut it in half for coal coke.
@Sterno but then at least I could use it fairly easily.
@Unionhawk Holy shit. I got it up to 150 in not that long a time the other day, but I had to go so it cooled again
@fbueckert It looks like fun. Would you recommend it?
@fredley HP boilers have max temperature 1000
This is a critical application exposed to the entire web, and we're using a technology that has a 0-day vulnerability revealed every week or 2. Not a good idea.
@Unionhawk I know.
@SaintWacko Yeah, I would. It's quite fun.
@Unionhawk Still can't believe it takes 5 hours. Does the rate of fuel consumption tail off?
@fredley Yes.
@Unionhawk Ah ok, that makes it considerably more viable
How much does one steam engine output?
@OrigamiRobot Depends on type
@fredley It tails off to 713 charcoal consumed per hour... That's quite a lot.
Currently I've only got commercial
@fredley What is the best?
@Unionhawk If I need more I'll just build another farm
Q: CivWorld Caravan minigame

SergCivWorld game on facebook (which soon will be closed forever) has caravan minigame which I never seen before and cannot find anywhere else. I am interested whether this caravan game exists as a standalone application, web or pc desktop?

@OrigamiRobot Industrial
This question is like a strange mix of game rec and ITG
@fredley Which outputs?
@OrigamiRobot 8MJ/t
Commercial outputs 4MJ/t
I'll stick with Biomass. :P
Oh look, a new Civ V expansion
Q: CivWorld Caravan minigame

SergCivWorld game on facebook (which soon will be closed forever) has caravan minigame which I never seen before and cannot find anywhere else. I am interested whether this caravan game exists as a standalone application, web or pc desktop?

Q: How do I defeat the goo?

OakSo I got to level 5 of Pixel Dungeon on my Android, equipped with a +3 dagger and a +4 leather armor, and was swiftly defeated by a goo, which kept "pumping itself up" and filling my wounds with acid. How do I defeat it?

Plus, organic matter is the only way to power a secret robot base.

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