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Today's Google Doodle is for Douglas Adams' 61st birthday
It's pretty amazing. Go have a look.
Monday, March 11, 2013	Location	Time
14	With delivery courier	 BERGAMO - ITALY	08:53
Morning all.
maybe I can get back to sleep in a few. maybe
@GamingTopicsFromOutside DOTA 2 fault
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Eh. I guess not much internationally important happened on 11th March if they put that as Google Doodle. :D
The webpage at google.it might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 15 (net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED): Unknown error.
@MartinSojka Douglas Adams was born. That's pretty frickin' important
Wait, let me google that error message
The webpage at google.it/… might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 15 (net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED): Unknown error.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone yeah, I'm DuckDuckGo'ing the issue.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone 191 people died in in a terrorist attack in Madrid on the same day. That's like 191 times as important, in my books. :)
There's a Chrome 11 bug.
@MartinSojka It's not exactly something Google would celebrate with a doodle
yes, give the terrorists more publciity.
Eitherway, thats a cool doodle
and Google works on Incognito mode
I guess I shall just restart Chrome
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Nope, but I don't get why they should use it for anyone's birthday either. On the other hand, the internationally most important thing on that date I can find is just the signing of the Land-Lease act in 1941, and I guess half of the people even here would have no idea what that is or meant or why it's important. :)
@MartinSojka how many countries did that act effect?
How many countries/langages is hhgttg published in?
Now, which is more important? :)
The Land Lease act was obviously the first instance of leasing in the world and began an age of cheap luxury cars for rich people!!
@djsmiley2k Almost all of them.
It meant that the USA entered - though covertly - WW2.
I feel a strange sense of deja vu here
@MartinSojka You have a strange understanding of geography if you think the 20 or so nations actively involved in WWII is "all" of the world.
@djsmiley2k You have a strange understanding of global politics if you think only the geographically involved where influenced by the WW2.
How did africa feel?
@djsmiley2k Given it was mostly divided between GB, France, Italy and Belgium and that the biggest independent state on the continent - South Africa - actively participated in the war too, it was pretty important there too.
Here's a picture of Rarity turned into a marshmallow. Your argument is invalid.
The only continent which saw no fighting was Antarctica, and there are no (legally recognised) nations there. South America was also rather light on actually shooting, but economically the results of the "big brother" (or "big bully", depending on the point of view) entering the war is a whole different matter.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Here's a mooshroom riding a minecart with chest riding a cat riding a dog. Your counter is invalid.
I can't even begin to imagine what the Mojang guys were smoking when they added this functionality ...
...to their credit, they didn't.
It's a mod mod
You can actually "stack" mobs arbitrarily in the next version (via MCEdit). Not sure about the mine carts.
@MartinSojka yes, that's the feature
Hi @fredley
@djsmiley2k Hi
For the posh Brits among us, a reminder that Glyndebourne under 30's tickets go on sale at 10am.
cmon DHL I want to sleep
@fredley woah my eyes.
Yay! I found Flight. Clementi has volumes 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7.
Q: How do I change screen resolution in Dosbox through Wine?

TakkatMy old DOS game (Tomb Raider I) installs and then runs fine with Wine by making use of Dosbox. Everything works (keys, audio, full screen) but I am unable to adjust the resulting screen resolution. The display setting is always at the lowest possible resulting in heavily pixelated output. Changi...

I should spend an afternoon in the library just reading through all of them
1 hour later…
Q: What provably fair Bitcoin gambling sites work well on a mobile?

Stephen GornickAre there an Bitcoin-based gambling sites or apps that work on a mobile? Most of the sites seem to be assuming the player is on a full size display. If the service isn't considered "provably fair" then I'm not interested. An example of a provably fair game is one where the host gives the hash ...

@GamingTopicsFromOutside wat
@badp You play TF2 at that resolution?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone yes
Seems a bit... small
framerate framerate framerate framerate.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone he plays games on a 486
@fredley I very nearly got stuck in another dimension.
@OrigamiRobot Always have your home book as item 1 on your hotbar
@fredley I did, but I died.
@OrigamiRobot :-S
Q: Barbarian PVP Build and Gear

HysticNow the PVP Mod has opened I was wondering wich skill/passives/gear did you test to be efficient in PVP as a Barbarian. Is there any cool combos against differents classes? Wich weapon is better 2H - Dual W - Shield? Right now I just have tested some fights with a firend who play monk and i ca...

I really don't know how I managed to find the place I died and pick up my stuff.
@OrigamiRobot What effects were there in the age?
@fredley No terrible ones. Just hunger and weakness. It was just really far away from the spawn.
@OrigamiRobot Oh dear. Found any good ages yet, suitable for mining?
Nupe, but I did find three Logic Matrix Programmers (whatever those are for)
@OrigamiRobot I have no idea
Seems that they are used to make Factorization Router upgrades
Q: Black screen when lunching games and apps - 12.04 with AMD

ubuntuUSERwhen I try to open some programs like Treeworlds and Stellarium I get black screen (I can hear the sound) But nothing appears on the screen. My Graphic card is AMD HD Radeon 7670M And i have installed AMD Catalyst 13.2 and It's working fine. Thanks.

This is cool:
@fredley Ah yes, the feature's been there for a while now
Q: How does the 'Region Hunted Out' status work?

galacticninjaI recently got a 'Region Hunted Out' status after some time hunting animals to grind XP and loot: How does this work? Can this status 'reset'? (Will the animals 'repopulate' a region after some time?) How many animals can I kill before I get the 'Region Hunted Out' status? Also, does 'region...

Q: How does the in-game time and the day/night cycle work?

galacticninjaFirst time I played the Summit Forest level, it was night: When I fast traveled to come back there later, it was day: How does time pass in the game? What exactly determines the day/night cycle of the game? And how does the in-game time correlate to real-life time?

Q: Can projectiles pass through enemies? Can I kill two enemies with just one bullet?

galacticninjaIf yes, what weapons (and their upgrades, if it affects this) allow this? How does the damage work? Will the impact on the first enemy hit by the projectile, lessen damage to the second enemy hit?

@AshleyNunn, I don't know about a recipe, I just buy the stuff from amazon or wherever.
Tablet is back. They didn't replace the unit. They didn't replace the screen.
Except now I need the tablet
Oh god, this makes me never want to eat Oreos again...
@FAE you'd have noticed if you ate that
@FAE as if bear grylls would eat something that's not soaked in his own urine
@fredley Do you know anything about power armor?
@OrigamiRobot No
@OrigamiRobot @UnionHawk is the one to ask
He told me he hates me and will kill me the next time he sees me on the server.
@OrigamiRobot :(
That may or may not be true.
@OrigamiRobot Info on wiki seems pretty good:
@fredley Except it's all videos :(
Q: MW3 downloading 2 times on steam

DavidenkoMW3 is downloading 2 times on steam. First single player which is ~7GB its downloading 14GB, so i'm hoping it will download multiplayer too, but its not, and i have to download multiplayer which is ~7GB also, and it's downloading 14GB again! :D And I can't pick folder in which to install. That's ...

Q: What are the differences between the difficulty levels in Tomb Raider?

galacticninjaI would like to know: Do the quantity of enemies increase in the harder difficulties? Does the salvage or XP received change? Are there any enemy AI behavior changes? Do they become "smarter"? Are stealth attempts harder? Are you more easily detected? Any other difficulty changes?

@Lazers I'm... not sure if there's an actual question here?
@FAE The scale differences between those pictures does not compute.

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