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An hour until time?
Well, I'm hoping an hour until time
@ThomasMcDonald Can't be, that'd contradict the text below the countdown clock.
Speaking of which, people are watching that to make sure the text doesn't change... right?
No it wouldn't contradict it, Portal 2 could be the final test
plus this:
@ThomasMcDonald Yes, because a post on an unofficial Steam group has some bearing here...
Q: League Of Legends In Game Chat Message to all

TangoIn LoL how do you send a message to all, y'know to say gg and the rest thanks

Yes, because the guy who said it has been part of the ARG (read: Valve) since they started "taking over" accounts.
sounds so yummy... plus I have 36 regular potatoes in addition to my gold one.
In other news, resurrection_pin++
@Powerlord ur a potato.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You used that joke once already.
@Powerlord I've used it 4 or 5 times.
(I mainly just tend to find the over-the-top ARG stuff Valve does to be far too exhausting to pay attention to.)
"Stand by for an important announcement from the Aperture Science Emergency Surprise System." <-- they should totally reuse this quote.
That was from last year's E3. :D
Yeah, I was listening to that yesterday
One thing I found annoying in the Defense Grid aperture science level was that at least one alien takes a random route, and may get away with one of your energy cores regardless of your tower placement. :/
Had to replay one section at least twice until it took a different route.
Fithos! Lusec! Wecos! Vinosec!
00:29:34 :P
it got me, I pre-ordered. downloaded: 340mb/10,000.3mb...this is going to take a while.
Heh, unlucky.
@tombull89 I had mine pre-loaded as soon as we could... didn't want to sit around waiting around on launch day
@Wipqozn Same here, particularly if launch day was Friday. ;)
I got caught up with the excitedment and the countdown clock so I went right ahead.
Mission Ends in 30 minutes.
Well, less than that, but eh.
Decided to play through Portal.
@ThomasMcDonald Did you get the achievement for all the radios?
what's moar awesome it's half term this week (school holiday) so instead of working when it gets released I'll be able to jump right in.
@Powerlord No, but I'm at like tc5 now
@tombull89 ...must... not... stab...
@ThomasMcDonald Yeah, I started another play through the other day. Got to chamber 19... then I started messing around with noclip
The radios achievement is much more difficult than the actual game.
Come to think of it, that's what started the entire ARG thing at Valve.
I just wanted to have a playthrough so I could remember it all again. :)
the advanced challenged give me a heart attack as it is.
Well, the radio thing is how I legitimately heard the stuck message, where GLaDOS opens an emergency escape hatch for you.
Q: How do Minecraft mobs behave in water?

MattSeveral questions here related to mobs and water: When mobs enter water, do they swim at the top, or will they dive down? Can mobs spawn in the water? I assume mobs can exit water one block deep, but can they climb out from a deeper sheer edge? (Players can, right?) Is there an easy way to make...

whats the Pkaamn.S,S,b,b...wcpamfwIaatnIb...stand for? I know it's a bot like Community, but still...
@tombull89 that's a good question
I expect there's some reasoning behind it but I'm not that active on G.SE
@tombull89 Click on his name
heh, Bob.
@failbadp: What happened to the thing in his profile that explained his new name? It's showing the old one again.
I need to go and do something IRL, so I expect to come back shortly and watch the Aperture Science Timer go from 00:00:01 to 00:00:00 to 99:59:59
I've been sat waiting for the best part of 2 hours now.
@ThomasMcDonald At least you'll be able to play it the moment portal 2 released (assuming that's what it is), some of us have to wait till we leave work (like me for example...=()
@Wipqozn and me.
I may skip lunch to leave an additional half-hour early.
@Powerlord I can't :/ I car pool with a family member, no need to wait for them. Otherwise I might do the same.
@Powerlord Fixed.
@Powerlord I can't :/ I car pool with a family member, so need to wait for them. Otherwise I might do the same.
and by "skip lunch" I mean eat it at my desk
<Announcer> Mission ends in 10 minutes.
So, stuff I expect to download on Steam today: Portal's last bit, TF2 bugfixes for crashing issues with the new patch.
Deploying Aperture Science Emergency Surprise System in 7 minutes.
Yes, I don't know why I'm quoting the TF2 Announcer.
Besides that she's the human version of GLaDOS.
wikis down, in case nobody noticed
@Wipqozn saw earlier
is there a USA timezone that hits midnight in 4 minutes time?
it's counting down to 7am I think (in some timezone)
the site says "The time is near, humans. But it is not here yet. Tomorrow you will be given the final test."
so it's going to be "tomorrow" somewhere.
In that case i assume it is set to the timezone of the aperture science building, or something along those lines
@tombull89 It said that since yesterday (PDT) sometime.
@Powerlord ah right, didn't see it with the previous text before.
I'd love to see the hits on that page at the moment.
@Wipqozn We already know it's counting down to 04/15/2011_9AM, which implies PDT.
deploying surprise in 90
it's 5PM GMT/UTC so nothing special there
well, here goes.
5pm UTC+1
inb4 massive anticlimax
@ThomasMcDonald part of me hopes so, since it would be hilarous
deploying surprise in 3, 2, 1
oh man. here we go
So, anything interesting?
09:00 – Hello again.
09:00 – I’ve been waiting a long time for this.
09:00 – I know it’s arriving later than expected.
09:00 – But I have a message for you:
09:00 – April Fools.
09:01 – I’m joking.
09:01 – Seriously, though:
09:01 – You’ve been surprisingly competent at
09:01 – generating electro-chemical energy to jumpstart the system.
09:01 – But now we need raw computational power
09:02 – to speed up the reboot process.
fnarr fnarr
So, we need to do @home processing?
I think...I may need to get a particular sack.
No, it's on potatoes
Need to get loads of potatoes before it launches.
I have 36 already... :/
those dicks lol
And the sites down
Wait, those look like the number of people playing each of those games.
@ThomasMcDonald works for me, or do you mean the wiki?
-blink- i have audiosurf? o.O
@Wipqozn It went down temporarily
@tombull89 ...did it just give all the games to people or something?
@ThomasMcDonald ah ok. didn't notice
@Powerlord haha, no, I must have bought it ages ago and forgot/not installed it
The potato count just dropped by 40k
Well, if just playing the games helps, I'll probably continue my way through The Ball's levels. Unless I need to continually unlock the old potatoes.
the bar above the clock just filled...
....and I can't see the bars any more.
think it was a glitch,
@Powerlord same.
@Powerlord also same
back to normal..
So if a sh*tton of people start potato farming, we get portal 2 early?
potatoes back up to 119,076
@Brant basically
Those progress bars are worryingly empty.
@Brant Yes, they are.
I've noticed that some bars that have lower numbers are still farther ahead.
I wonder why that is...
I think it's simultaneous people running a game rather than potato count.
I assume it won't be released too early then
Everyone run TWETW, it requires the least
@ThomasMcDonald hmm yeah, that makes more sense
store.steampowered.com/app/15500 has the highest despite one of the lower user numbers.
Which game is that?
@ThomasMcDonald Ah, I thought it was potatoes earned in that game thus far.
@Powerlord: TWEOTW
@Powerlord That one.
It could be
Hell, would just running the title screen count? :D
it does say computing power, and by buying the game we reboot
I like the title screen music for TWEOTW
the potatoes are barely mentioned on the page,..
everyone, launch every potato pack game you have
Potato Sack Pack plus Portal 2 are still part of a bundle deal on Steam, I assume?
@Wipqozn That's what I was thinking.
Also, there's the banner at the top that kind of explains it all:
09:01 – You’ve been surprisingly competent at
09:01 – generating electro-chemical energy to jumpstart the system.
09:01 – But now we need raw computational power
09:02 – to speed up the reboot process.
makes it sound like the potatoes are full done, and all we need is people running the games
Oh blah, the background is hidden on me.
I bet it's counting player hours.
@ThomasMcDonald yeah. If I wasn't at work... I'd launch it up
maan, I was hoping to play it tonight..
Steam measures those anyway.
media.steampowered.com is blocked in my adblock rules, as my employers also block access to it.
Everyone should just launch killing floor, and go nuts
I'll likely play The Ball or Amnesia's campaign instead.
those numbers are not changing at all though :/ if it was people playing, you think ti would be changing
Pretty genius marketing campaign on valve's part though.
But if you need a KF server, kf.ocrtf2.com is always running with no funny quirks!
"Play these indie games, dammit!"
Normal difficulty, Long game.
"those numbers" meaning the status bars next to the games
@Wipqozn They change when I reload the page.
A ton of people probably have most of those games sitting in their steam list from some sale or another and have never even launched them, so this is a good reason for them to actually try them out.
TWEOTW went from 61 to 72 CPUs.
(well, I do anyway, so "a ton" is valid for a sample size of 1)
my bet is that it's measuring cumulative hours played since the page went live
@Powerlord must have just been the first few that are not changing then :/
which is something that steam tracks anyway
so it'd be easy to do
When I get home and finish dinner, I'll see which ones have the lowest bars, and if they're one I like, I'll play it.
Or I could cheat and launch all 13 and leave 12 sitting at their title screens.
steam probably only tracks one at a time
@Powerlord sounds like the best plan :P
Likely whichever is listed as the one you're playing in your Profile, but just in case...
none of the games are CPU intensive either,
I have a quad core.
Besides, the menu ones won't be doing much, and I can mute them.
@Powerlord same. So I should let my computer take one for the team...
Too bad I can't have Steam running on two computers at the same time
Oh hey, that reminds me, I still have giftable copies of a few of these games that I already have.
Not Killing Floor, as Melissa wanted that one and I gifted it to her, but I still have... lets see... Audiosurf, Super Meat Boy, and Cogs I think.
Okay, the bars are the amount of time spent playing the game
App 12900 has a shedload of players now.
Which app is that one?
@ThomasMcDonald just guessing, or did you test it ?
@Wipqozn According to the IRC topic.
@ThomasMcDonald oh ok
audiosurf has gone from 501 to 2358
@ThomasMcDonald I'm glad. Because I don't particularly care for it, so the more people that do that one, the less guilty I feel for playing something else.
Killing Floor is going to take absolutely ages
@ThomasMcDonald yeah :/
scatch that. It's probably based on how long the game is
I have no doubt that as we closer to 90% complete, a horde of people will switch over to whatever game is needed
@ThomasMcDonald I'm surprised... I would have thought that one would have a larger community of people playing it.
I guess if KF is in last place tonight, I'll play that instead.
it sure as hell will for the next few days.
@Powerlord except it needs a lot of hours till it maxes out
@Brant in a few days... the game will be out regardless :p
Which one is this one? It has over 4000 users right now.
and a very small percentage bar
@Powerlord Can you not view the steam store ?
@ThomasMcDonald and yet, it's not the shortest bar.
@Wipqozn Nope, work blocks it.
@Powerlord oh ok, gotcha
I'm playing aaaaaaa. because I've never played it before :/
@ThomasMcDonald Enjoyable game.. for a bit
@ThomasMcDonald That's one of the games I don't like from the set.
Well, I'll do my bit to push it up a little
Aaaa, Cogs, and 1...2...3... Kick It are the three that I'll likely uninstall immediately when this thing is over.
@Powerlord Cogs just terrible ? or just not your type of game ?
@Wipqozn It's a sliding block puzzle game, except with gears and pipes.
With timers and move counts.
Just going to set everything loaded and then go for a walk
And of course, you're graded on how few moves and how little time you take to complete them.
I found even the easier levels in Cogs to be frustrating to get done in the time limits they give with the move limits they give.
c'mon computer, you can run all 13 games at once
@ThomasMcDonald Start the one with the lowest bar first, in case it only does track one. ;P
Evening all
@Powerlord I see I see. I thought about picking it up... but was mixed :/ Since it just seemed like it would get old after 20 minutes.
Even better, I could copy all the games to my laptop, start them all there, then use my desktop to play WoW. :D
Is defense grid any good ? That is one I keep meaning to try :/
@Wipqozn It's a tower defense game. It's pretty good if you like that sort of thing.
@Powerlord Anything special ? or is it just a flash game with prettier graphics?
@Wipqozn ....flash game with prettier graphics sounds about right. :P
Granted, there ARE quite a few types of towers.
@ThomasMcDonald Aww, you revoked your gift? :(
and aliens.
@Ragnar I did?
@Powerlord haha ok, that's why I've been holding off on buying it.
Uh, okay, I'll send it again later.
RUSH was surprisingly fun, though.
Computer is unresponsive now, not usually good for running 13 games at once.
Especially when you figure out the proper solution to one where the obvious solution = failure.
@ThomasMcDonald Yeah, when I click the email link, it says that the pass may have been revoked.
@Powerlord Yeah, I bought that during the sale - right after I bought TOki TOri. Have yet to play Rush,... but I was meaning to buy taki tori for awhil. Glad I did: Excellent game.
@ThomasMcDonald Oh, well, either way, thanks for trying in the first place.
@Wipqozn It's a XBLA port.
Opinions on bit trip beat, killing floor or defense grid?
@Ragnar I'll send it when I get back
@Wipqozn I've only gotten through the Forest easy levels and the Aperture Science Bonus levels, so I need to play that more.
@ThomasMcDonald Well, sure, thank you.
> 08:57 - Default boot scheduled to finish in <span id="console_clock">71:23:18</span>
Hmm. ±_±
Defense Grid is okay, it's pretty (see above comment) but nothing revolutionary in the tower defense department
I played a few hours and then forgot about it
@Macha bit.trip beat is good... killing floor is great with friends, and have not played defense grid
@Macha Bit.Trip BEAT is kinda fun, but can get annoying at times. Essentially, you're playing a 1-player game on Pong, but the various balls all have special properties.
ah man, if you refresh the source code, you can see the time getting less and less
Everyone still potatoing I see?
<3 KF. I like it better than L4D/L4D2.
> 335792, 335784, 335777
BTB is part pong, part rhythm game
I enjoy KF a lot. Bought it when it first released.
@Powerlord You really can't compare them imo.
@FallenAngelEyes Basically, those bars move up as people are playing the games.
@Wipqozn You're right, KF is so much better that it's not in the same league. ;)
@Powerlord ahah :p
GEtting the itch to play some killing floor now... if only I wasn't at work
@FallenAngelEyes and the understanding is, when all 13 games hit the top, Portal 2 gets released on Steam.
I played a botmatch of two of KF. It reminded me of CS with zombies instead of Ts.
So there's a cycle going on?
So we're now ~1minute less than when we started
I think.
Guh, I wish I had more of the potato sack
@FallenAngelEyes They should still be on sale.
Yeah, but I can't really afford to buy anything til we get paid :/
And in the Netherlands, you get paychecks once a month rather than biweekly
and that's at the end of the month for us
@FallenAngelEyes Ouch.
I got paid yesterday. :D
Yeah, it makes for an entirely different budgeting experience
@FallenAngelEyes I can imagine.
Oh hell, I filled out the hours part of my time sheet, but not the project tracking part.
Really had to get used to it after I moved here
That was due nearly an hour ago. :O
@FallenAngelEyes Did you live in North America before ?
@Wipqozn I'm American, I grew up in upstate New York
@FallenAngelEyes These games went on sale on April 1st... you didn't buy them then? >:O
(aka "Potato Fools Day")
My boyfriend is Dutch and I moved here 4 years ago to live here
@Powerlord Had a lot of expenses this month that we had to pay and also from last month that we had to pay :(
I've needed to curb my game spending this year. :/
@FallenAngelEyes oh ok. Interesting - big move, that's for sure.
(...which you wouldn't know if you looked at my Games Interest on the poll >_>)
So, I don't think it will get released early.
@Wipqozn It's still mid-day on a work day in North America... I wouldn't count things out yet.
@Powerlord but if the counter has been going since yesterday... I don't know, I'll hold my jugdement till tomorrow then
@ThomasMcDonald Hey, nevermind, somebody else sent me a gift card for Killing Floor. Thank you either way, Sir. :-)
@Powerlord but if the counter has been going since yesterday... I don't know, I'll hold my judgement till tomorrow then
@Wipqozn tomorrow's the weekend, it very well may spike
@FallenAngelEyes That is true. Just need to wait and see I suppose.
@Wipqozn These counters didn't even show up until 53 minutes ago, and they were all empty then.
@Powerlord hmm yeah. Either way, only 4 days at the most, not a long wait
@Wipqozn: Not sure what you're doing that keep repeating messages like that.
@Powerlord When I go to edit, I press backspace.. but my browser reads it instead of the message box
But yeah, I expect Portal 2 will release sometime tomorrow. We'll see, though.
@Wipqozn Which browser? This sounds suspiciously like a chat bug.
@Powerlord Surely you've seen your profile?
@failbadp Not yet today.
@Powerlord Firefox 4
@Powerlord Perhaps you should.
Last I checked, it had a golden potato, 36 normal potatoes, and a PO TA T O logo in it.
@failbadp Can't, blocked from here.
Take a screenshot of it!
@Powerlord And nothing else... peculiar?
@failbadp Well, I changed my name, avatar, and description yesterday!
You also left yourself a comment?
My avatar is a Portal 2 coop bot (blue), my description mentions how I can't wait until PO TA TO is released or something like that, and my name is Golden Potatolord.
@failbadp About Kamen whatever being prophetic? Yes.
HAH! Portal 2 wasn't actually released early
@failbadp Of course not. The timer mentioned one last test.
It could've been the game itself.
Are the potatoes new?
At this rate we'll have it in a day or two at most
or so I like to believe
@failbadp I have 36 (3 rows of 13) right?
I mean the potatos needed to "boot up" GLaDOS.
@failbadp It's play time, not potatoes.
At any rate, surprise surprise, the wiki is down.
08:57 - Default boot scheduled to finish in 92:57:12
08:58 - Activating emergency distributed computing grid...
09:00 - GLaDOS@home starting...
09:01 - Recruiting cpus to force faster boot sequence...
There's something wrong with this log
Isn't it backwards?
@failbadp Why would that be backwards?
Flimsy reasoning, sure, but backwards?
The timestamps.
It's activating the emergency distributed computing grid to speed up the boot.
Which starts GLaDOS@home, which recruits other CPUs to speed it up.
Okay, then the first line should be last
@failbadp Not really, after all, it started the emergency distributed computing grid because of how long startup was scheduled to take.
Now, what is wrong is that line continues to update the time.
I can't tell how long each bar will be, because background images on that page are blocked. :/
TWEOTW doesn't need to be played that much, it seems.
Q: Gaming Questions of the Week #3

Ivo FlipseIn an effort to try and keep the Question of the Week going, please submit your suggestions for this week! Sample Questions from last week: Last week's question - Minecraft's World Size Is it possible to finish Deus Ex 2 without killing a single enemy? What is the optimal position of a sentry...

Bad news is
8 mins ago, 92:57:12
Now, 92:48:50
It appears that the games that are shorter have lower requirements for their bar.
That's perhaps a minute every 10 minutes
Killing Floor, unsurprisingly, has the highest requirements.
So less than 10% off.
So ~8 hours.
21 mins ago, by Powerlord
@Wipqozn It's still mid-day on a work day in North America... I wouldn't count things out yet.
@Powerlord If my math isn't off it's 9pm in UK
If I have some of the games from the potato sack, but haven't purchased the whole thing, can I still contribute to the Portal challenge?
@failbadp Eh? My clock says 1:15pm EDT. Which would make it 6:15pm BST.
@bwarner Yes, playing any of them you have will.
@fail How could it be 9pm in the UK when it's only 7:14pm in CEST?
EEST confuses me :(
And do I have to have pre-ordered Portal 2?
Especially when this computer is using CEST read as UTC
So do you have to contribute a certain amount of hours to each game or...?
@bwarner I would imagine so (that only owning some potato games would be enough)
@FallenAngelEyes Yes - according to Thomas, who cited the IRC as a source
@bwarner I hope so; I'm on the same boat
Also, how do you quote I post, such as what powerlord did with mine... I looked over the FAQ, but didn't see anything
At any rate -- bbl.
@Wipqozn Paste a link to a chat message (click the dropdown arrow and copy the permalink) and the chat system converts it to the actual message you linked to
7 secs ago, by Brant
@Wipqozn Paste a link to a chat message (click the dropdown arrow and copy the permalink) and the chat system converts it to the actual message you linked to
46 secs ago, by Brant
@Wipqozn Paste a link to a chat message (click the dropdown arrow and copy the permalink) and the chat system converts it to the actual message you linked to
Excellent! thank you =)
it does similar things for wikipedia links, SO blog links, question/answer links, images, I think amazon.. there's a list somewhere which someone will hopefully link me to because I'm to groggy/undercaffeinated to look
A: What links and sites are handled specially in chat?

Juha SyrjäläThe current list of integrated (we call this onebox, or oneboxing, ala search engines) sites is: Stack Exchange Questions Stack Exchange Answers Stack Exchange Users Stack Exchange Chat Messages Stack Exchange Chat Rooms (though not really pretty yet) Amazon Twitter Wikipedia XKCD YouTube Githu...

Too slow, suckas!
haha, thank you :p quite useful information indeed
@Powerlord so if I just fire up KF to run while I'm eating dinner or something, it'll contribute?
@FallenAngelEyes It should. That's what a few people are already doing.
@FallenAngelEyes it's 6:30pm in the UK currently.
fires it up then
I could create a 6 hour song, a mash of tracks that I have, and leave it playing on audiosurf...come back in 6 hours, do it again.
I don't really like how they changed Steam's Library's submenu to a dropdown
And apparently my KF doesn't want to startup and keeps crashing ;_;
what, Steam. What?!
Hey guys, what's the $ price for the potato sack bundle?
Wondering what it is in comparison to the euro price
@FallenAngelEyes what's it in Euro? It's £24.22 for the UK
34.47 euro
Dammit, just heard from a friend that ti's like $38.72 in dollars, which is only like 27 euro or so at current exchange rate >:(
@FallenAngelEyes Things are generally cheaper on the North American Steam. :/
It may or may not have to do with VAT... not sure.

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