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@kalina \o/
@fredley ikr
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Where do you want to be?
@kalina Cleanse it with fire.
@fredley the best I could do about the situation was phone up the developer who wrote the hotfixing system and call him stupid and short sighted
@kalina Did you?
he's a good mannered guy, so I did actually say those words
he then called me a moron
@kalina Damn incompetent people with good manners
so I retorted with "well you basically took a masterpiece and then took a dump on it, I don't see why I'm the moron."
National University of Singapore's computer science undergraduate program or the information technology system and design program under the Singapore University of Technology and Design.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Sounds good!
@kalina NO U
@fredley the conversation did kinda devolve into this afterwards, yes
I have no idea what are the qualifications for the latter though. The university is brand new - it doesn't even have a permanent campus yet
five minutes of name calling before our managers intervened thinking something serious was happening
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Wow, exciting
@kalina Yay for office mud-slinging
it's my favourite passtime
I still haven't forgiven them for getting me drunk last year
@kalina Shocking behaviour
it is, I entered the night and said I don't drink
they said that they wouldn't spend their development budget on feeding me unless I drank
I asked for coke, I got vodka and coke
@kalina Yeah, that's not so cool
I asked for more coke, I got rum and coke
and by the end of the night I was drinking shots
@kalina Not so sensible
Anyway, the university is having an open house tomorrow. I need to go have a look. Should be fun.
The only problem is the permanent site of the university is on the other side of the island
Which means at least an hour of commute each way if I do enroll
Why don't you drink by the way?
just randomly outta interest
because I don't like alcohol
Anyway, enough about universities. After getting my results I went to the central reference library and found the 3.2 edition of The Elements of Typographic Style.
which bit of it, the taste? the effects?
I've never been a drinker, so I also have literally no tolerance to alcohol
@kalina ah ok.
I dont' smoke cigarettes either
but I do smoke extensive quantities of weed
You know, you can easily get away with just ordering yourself a coke, then nodding knowingly when people ask what your drinking.
It's a phenomenon book. Incredibly accessible, and enjoyable to read, yet full of useful information and can double as a reference
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Not so good
I drank very little for so many years.
<3 the drinking now :D
It really is as good as everyone says it is
If only I could borrow it, but alas the library classified it as a reference book
I'm seriously considering buying a copy on Amazon and having it shipped here, but the shipping fee is outrageous
@djsmiley2k I have probably drank 20-30 pints worth of alcohol in my life
The shipping is more expensive than the book itself.
@kalina Ok, I'm not judging you, I just trying to understand different points of view
What I don't understand is people who claim to hate alcohol, yet have never had any.
yeah I hate people who have opinions based on other peoples opinions
everything they say is invalid
if you've not experienced it, you're not allowed an opinion on it so stfu
Thats why I asked, to see where your opinion comes from.
I know people who can't drink because they just get purely sick. Others just don't like it.
or they don't drink for religion reasons, which is fine also.
/me steps off the soapbox for now.
yes but in each of those instances, they're still not allowed an opinion on other people drinking
even if you do drink, you don't gain the allowance to judge others.
Well you can have an opinion, but it's largely irrelevent.
my favourite "opinion" ever
is the one where governments tell you that smoking marijuana turns you into a murderer
Hmmm, I've not heard that one
However I have an interesting problem with Marijuana smokers. I've never met one who...
Well I can't say what, because then it invalidates the point.
go ahead and say it
I feel that hilarity may ensue shortly after
Who admits it sometimes has bad effects on some people.
and some, seems to be a large percentage of the people I know.
oh, that's not funny
well, it's like everything
if you overdo it
it's damaging
Maybe the ones who smoke that don't get effected, also don't discuss the fact they smoke.
@kalina stop being valid and sensible plz.
just because excessive smoking can damage your lungs doesn't make it bad
just like excessively drinking damages your liver doesn't mean that having one drink will
just like excessively drinking water can break down the process of osmosis in your cells and kill you
doesn't mean you shouldn't drink water
like consuming a large quantity of mdma will cause a fatal heart attack very quickly
but in moderation will make you feel floaty
or driving too fast increases the changes you'll die in a fireball
but driving in general is fine
your gonna get spam banned :)
I haven't hit the limiter
O_O impressive.
chat.SE currently agrees with my topic of conversation
So yeah
the people who I know who smoke..... well they all got issues. Are those issues due to smoking? God knows, does it make them worse? It seems so.
moderation is the key thing, if you don't overdo it, then you don't increase the chances of problems stemming from over indulgence
they seem incapable of helping themselves by not overdoing it.
meh, being a smoker is no worse than living in a major city
whereas I seem to have the ability to moderate everything I do.
assuming that you're not smoking 20+ a day
I guess I'm rather strong willed.
I have an addictive personality, but as a result of "being there" I know where my limits are and never exceed them
nothing like collapsing in a nightclub due to overdosing to prevent you from ever doing it again
Same, I think.
not gone that far... but in other ways
nearly melting my face for example
or blowing up a psu which I was under the impression was unplugged.
There's a reason I've never done any proper electrical works in my house...
which reminds me, really need to buy a step ladder :/
when your heart is physically trying to escape from your chest, and you're struggling to breathe, and your pulse is distorting your vision
@kalina Touching the limit is scary. I nearly got swept away in the sea once. It was terrifying.
you know you've pushed it slightly too far
I could be naive and say "well it's not my fault the air conditioning system in the club failed"
but I never want to experience that again
i blacked out on my birthday
all I remember is falling , then throwing a punc hat some guy
then talking to the bouncer and leaving
all with black periods inbetween...
that was too much, and pretty scary
@kalina Oh yes....
@djsmiley2k Drowning is scarier.
I used to have this choking thing, where sometimes I couldn't swallow, once it happened in a locked bathroom, and I started seeing stars front of my eyes, and it got dark around the edges.... that was really scary
@djsmiley2k My housemate had that. He was drunk and his blood pressure must have plummeted, because he kept trying to get up from the toilet and blacking out.
@fredley I wasn't drunk, I have barretts esophagus.
(now that I was finally diagnosed)
"you must login to post..... wat?"
@djsmiley2k Scary. Had a friend with a severe heart murmur (I think?) that had a similar effect, a few minutes being unable to breathe, at random, every now and again.
urgh. that'd scare me too.
I thought for a few seconds then "oh hell i'm gonna black out and no one knwos i'm here"
then it cleared :/
Q: Removing .Diffuse colours from an FBX model

Jon CI am currently working on an AR project, based around the original 'Tutorial 8 - Marker Tracking' program supplied by GoblinXNA. I've had a play around with it, and replaced the models with some of my own designs, saved as .fbx format. The problem I am having though is that the .Diffuse extension...

Q: How do I play FreeSpace 2 Open

blade19899I went to download-page downloaded the fs2_open_3.6.16.tar.bz2 package, extract it. runned it like so ./fs2_open_3.6.16 but i get the below error: ./fs2_open_3.6.16: error while loading shared libraries: liblua5.1.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (The liblua5.1-0...

@fredley being unable to breathe in general is very scary
@kalina Yes. See: drowning.
@fredley I've never experienced it myself, I can't say I'd ever want to
if they have got liblua, they can try the symlink thing
But they are doing it wrong.
need to ldtree against the binary
@YiJiang'sEvilClone And yet, /r/humansdoingbearthings does not. Reddit, you have failed.
@fredley Yeah, that's not particularly fun
our connection to our customers has just died
one of our support monkies had just performed a large database update with a begin tran
customer is now on the phone saying that the application has locked up
he can't get back on to fix it
@kalina It starts slowly. First you're just ducking each wave and coming up for air, then you realise that you're having to work harder and harder to get up in time to grab a lungful before the next wave crashes over your head. You're being dragged further from shore, but you can't swim back because you're expending all your energy trying to get up for air.
@kalina yoo
@kalina look at this edit. You're expert in Deus-ex =) gaming.stackexchange.com/a/29636/12936
To me, looks fine, but I never played D-ex before =X and this looks more like another answer than an edit.
BTW, Funny fact. Deus == God in portuguese
Morning everyone ^_^
@Michel Or Latin. Deus Ex is a reference to the Latin phrase Deus ex machina, or 'God from the machine'.
A deus ex machina ( or ; Latin: "god from the machine" ; plural: dei ex machina) is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved, with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object. Depending on how it's done, it can be intended to move the story forward when the writer has "painted himself into a corner" and sees no other way out, to surprise the audience, or to bring a happy ending into the tale. Linguistic considerations The Latin phrase deus ex machina comes to English usage from Horace's Ars Poet...
Beat to the punch by @fredley
@BenBrocka Nothing is faster than a porkchop.
@fredley I was looking to see where I could find another reference to that =) thanks =)
@Michel Google autocomplete is your friend
Looks VERY interesting game -
need to try it once =)
@Michel it extensively changes the original post, I would normally reject something like that
regardless of content
@fredley this frightens me just thinking about it
@kalina Agree, but I think the info is useful, usually I create a comment for that kind of edit and reject the edit itself. But That one looks more like an answer.
I just don't know if that is right or wrong, so I just skipped (to keep that "Up") for while.
@kalina Me too. That was the last time I swam in the sea, and I don't think I'd ever swim in a rough sea again.
On that same day my sister twisted her back badly in the waves and could barely walk for a couple of weeks. Don't know why they were even letting people in.
@fredley YEah, I don't like boats anymore
@BenBrocka I'm ok with boats, as long as their very large, or on calm water.
Tip for not drowning: don't swim in a place called the Côte Sauvage (savage coast).
Q: What are all the commands for singleplayer minecraft?

A dude that lives in your buttI want to know all the commands for singleplayer minecraft without mods

Off-topic or too localized?
My only bad experience with water was the one time my family thought it was a good idea to take a speedboat off the coast of Shenzhen to an island. The sea was a little rough and boat bounced off every wave
How do you flag a user profile again?
@fredley Rolf
I held on to the boats railing for half an hour until my knuckles turned white
@fredley good question, never did that =X I want to know too xD
@fredley Flag a post by the user, write something for mod attention explaining.
If user has no posts, yell at @badp in chat I guess
At least I didn't get seasick, like my cousin
After last week's vom-a-thon aboard the Luton to Cambridge airport coach, I don't know how I'll fare the next time I attempt coach travel.
Letting my beard grown... it's kind weird, ppl like it a lot or hate it (comment because of the T-shirt)
@LessPop_MoreFizz thanks
I open ALL the posts with 9 upvotes. so I can see if they are good and give the 10ish upvote =)
*Bored at work...
@fredley Done.
Oh no! The robots have invaded! Everybody run!
@OrigamiRobot what is this, old avatar day?
@kalina K9 wasn't working out for me.
@OrigamiRobot what about gir?
I was GIR before I was Canti. Now it's back to BMO
I don't dare use red GIR again.
red gir is the best gir
@GraceNote tks
sudo @OrigamiRobot dance
sudo @OrigamiRobot spam
@kalina red GIR got into trouble and messed everything up
Origami looks very sad
No, this is grumpy BMO
NEPTR is sad
Aw, didn't break 100k before end of February
oh shit it's March alredy?
@badp Yes. Please inform the weather.
@fredley weather looks fine here
Mother Nature has answered. She has sent a blizzard your way.
Aha! @fbueckert Now I'm Deputy !
@badp :(
@Michel Woot!
@fredley Only ever been on small/very small boats. But the horror stories of stuck cruise ships (and the bore-or stories of non-stuck cruise ships) make me perfectly happy to never use them
Q: Do gems have secondary effects?

DrakeDo elemental gems in Torchlight 2 have secondary effects other than direct elemental damage or elemental armor? I am referring to poison, fire, ice and electric gem and try to understand which of them are better-

Q: How do attachments that add damage effects to projectiles work?

galacticninjaI'm trying to optimize the DPS and effectivity of my weapons. With that goal in mind, I would like to know how attachments that add damage effects to projectiles work. Those attachments are: Electric Charge Flame Glaze Acid Bath Damage Support I would like to know: How do these att...

Q: Is there any maximum numbers of Gems that a Team can Buy?

Marcello Grechi LinsI've heard, several times, that a certain team in Dota 2, can't buy more than X gems (where X varies from 2 to 4) and thats why some people don't break the gems of the other team once they drop them, keeping them safe at the base. Is this true or it's just a Myth ? Whats the maximum number of Ge...

@BenBrocka Cruise ships are not my idea of a good holiday.
sometimes Runner2 makes me think I have some learning disorder
why did people star me having a serious conversation, I thought the stars list was for fun stuff that sounded funnier out of context
@kalina Are you accusing people of abusing the star list?
I prefer 'extortion'. The X makes it sound cooler
blackmail? It's not personally identifying information
@fredley yes but I'm not going to do the thing I did yesterday, because I ran out of stars before the end of the day
@kalina Wow
They learn so fast
@badp I changed my mind, and resolved the problem without moderator intervention
oh, you were moderated. Just not by me
@badp I haven't been moderated for days
limiting the stars per day is an automated moderation tool for the moderate use of stars :P
I'm going to try and last until the end of week, but no guarantees
@kalina I've never been banned \o/
@badp I don't see that as moderation, I guess it is moderating the usage of stars if I think about it in depth
but that kind of thinking makes my brain hurt
@fredley honestly chat bans don't count, that's child's play
@fredley I get banned for doing the same things you do
@badp Never even had one of those
@kalina You just do them more
I call it discrimination, and then I guess if we extrapolate that a bit further using the me vs you comparison, it could be sexual discrimination
and then if we expand it even further out of the realm of reality, it could be hate crimes
honestly @fredley is nowhere as much fun to talk with than @kalina is.
and then once everybody reads my completely sarcastic and joking comments and starts taking everything I say seriously, it makes me look batshit crazy
Iit's the internet, I don't take anything on the internet seriously.
so basically, none of you get me and the misunderstanding that causes results in hostility
If I did, I'd be breaking down crying while looking at my bank site.
@djsmiley2k lol
Amusingly, I think I do get you @kalina
@djsmiley2k creepy
I jump for joy when I look at my bank balance on the 28th of each month
It ain't easy being a genie
@kalina Maybe people just like porkchops more than...pink angel thingies
@fredley :D
I'm kind of worried/confused about our mortgage
partially joy, partially disbelief that I get paid that much per month for playing EVE
@badp Is that what you are?
2 mins ago, by badp
honestly @fredley is nowhere as much fun to talk with than @kalina is.
While we got a new deal which is cheaper, the last (which was the first) payment was £100 more than it should of been :/
a genie wouldn't say that would he
I don't see why, but we'll see...
@badp I see you have finally mastered sarcasm
because you would never say something like that and be serious

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