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cya folks
@StrixVaria That chat's been around for like 2 months :P
no one checks the chat list though
Plz giv starz
@Powerlord Star Bait.
~You would bacon too if it happened to you!~
@LessPop_MoreFizz Bacon is always starbait.
@fbueckert Stars were made for bacon.
bacon is made of stars.
Q: Are there any benefits of helping "friends" other than a little extra cash?

animusonWhile playing GTA4, I sometimes run across these blue person icons that the game refers to as a "friend" which is like a small side mission. Sometimes I accidentally walk into them without noticing and just complete them because that seems like the easiest thing to do. Do these friend side missi...

Q: Can I activate engines on spent stages?

Nick TTo avoid cluttering my sky with bits of engine and fuel tank, I had the thought to strap some solid fuel boosters to stages pointed retrograde and activate them during staging in order to deorbit them. However, on the couple rockets I've tried this end up being damaged by their thrust and/or the...

@djsmiley2k There are stars in space, but no spaces are allowed here.... only stars.
Bonus points if you can name the game that quote is from.
@Ullallulloo You poor soul
@BenBrocka It's addictive.
So's meth
@BenBrocka Also the second most active chat on the site according to @badp =P
Like crack cocaine.
aw crap
Only stars...
@BenBrocka Mostly from playing Dota 2.
@Coronus Whoops, I missed that part. Edited it in now.
@Ullallulloo Not sure if that's better or worse
no obnus points for me
Incidentally, Coronus gets bonus points even without naming the game. :D
@casperOne over the blog/minecraft rooms? Seems unlikely, at least overall
@BenBrocka I don't either, but it's more free and it kind of has hats.
The more well known quote for this particular part of the game in questions is
> Skipping threes and skipping fives is how one derives the answer to this wordy tale... you cannot win, you're bound to fail.
The game being The 7th Guest and the puzzle being the one in Martine Burden's room.
@BenBrocka Have you seen the Minecraft room?
Still has more overall messages
but, have you seen it?
Yes, recent activity has been all but active
That is what I meant precisely
any activity at all makes the FGC the 2nd most active
@badp Hey, I'll take what I can get.
@casperOne I don't mean it to diminish the room
@badp Didn't take it as such =)
Is it time to go home yet?
@Powerlord only if you want so
It feels like it should be.
@badp Yeah, too bad my time reporting was due in 4.5 hours ago.
It's actually kind of dumb, as this time reporting period covers until I leave today.
@Powerlord I loved that game. It's strange, I remember all the puzzles but not really what the object was. I need to dig that one up again.
@Powerlord I've worked places that do that. Submit your time for this week by Wednesday...
@Powerlord If I say yes... can I go home too?
@JasonBerkan It's not just my hours, but also which projects said hours are billed to, and for my current main project, what I was working on in said project.
@Powerlord Awesome.
When there's a Monday holiday, said hours are due a day earlier (Thursdays at noon).
Bureaucrats gone wild.
It's really fun because it also applies to Thursday/Friday holidays like U.S. Thanksgiving, in which hours were due on Monday.
And by Monday, I mean 4 days earlier than normal.
Despite that SOME of us were working until Wednesday that week.
@RonanForman @OrigamiRobot I'm back
And I've fixed the clock reset
And implemented the easter egg
I've got a sneaky suspicion that this user is upvoting this one again.
All of the first user's votes were reversed a couple days ago. This morning, they have two upvotes, one question, one answer, which corresponds awfully well to User #2's first rep gains yesterday; two upvotes in the space of a minute.
Maybe I'm being a little suspicious about this, guys; what do you think?
@fredley Game developer?
@ShotgunNinja Minecraft
@fredley Ah, ok. Easter egg in a server, a map, a mod, or the core of Minecraft/Bukkit?
@fbueckert Once a serial upvoter, always a serial upvoter.
@ShotgunNinja A map
@Wipqozn Might as well merge 'em, chuck a suspension their way for sockpuppeting, and call it a day.
@fbueckert Assuming the mods have a way of determining they are the same user, who did serial upvoting, then yes, I agree.
I know the SE team does, not sure of the mods do.
@Wipqozn I know mods can cross-reference IP addresses. Not a full confirmation, but pretty damning o it's own.
@fbueckert Given their names, even if it is two people, I would assume the same IP address.
@fbueckert Then again, they could be husband-wife, or brother-sister, or something... the problem is, spouses and siblings should still not chronically upvote whatever each other posts to SO/SE.
I think we should just give all the rep to me.
@JasonBerkan As would I. Either way, it's been reversed once; doing it again and trying to stay under the radar sounds like a deliberate circumvention of the automated tools.
Oh, and we should rename @OrigamiRobot to @OrigamiRob.
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@Wipqozn That, I second.
@ShotgunNinja No, they shouldn't. And after getting the votes reversed the first time should have told them something. Continuing to do it should throw a suspension their way, regardless of if they're the same person or not.
bioshock: disney
@agent86 I was gonna say Disney Bioshock.
> I am the creator of www.kittywarriors.com. I really want reputation and am trying my best to earn it.
@agent86 What Epic Mickey should have been.
re: the users, we are aware of the situation and keeping an eye on it
there is no current cause for alarm.
@JasonBerkan lol, I really don't see that coming, ever
@agent86 Okie dokie. Good to know.
@agent86 I disagree. Clearly you're being paid off to look the other way.
@Wipqozn Yes, that's the problem with elected officials. ;)
@Wipqozn psh, clearly the only recourse is to pay me more to look back the first way again.
@agent86 Can I pay you in hugs?
You got 99 problems, and with a little bribe, you'll have 98.
@Wipqozn nemesis hugs are the opposite of payment, I think.
Why is it that now that I have pulled myself away from reading books and actually want to play my DS, my charger is nowhere in sight...
@AshleyNunn Not good.
How can you solve the mystery of 999 without it?
@Powerlord And my game case is also missing
This greatly ruined my plan of playing 999
@AshleyNunn Maybe they're together.
@AshleyNunn :( :( :(
@Powerlord I know, right?
How can you find out why [spoiler] did [spoiler]?
@Coronus I don't think so - I have found the charger before, but the game case has been missing since....I don't know, I was with my last boyfriend then, so....4 weeks?
(I have an odd sense of time measurement)
@AshleyNunn Oh, and what about when [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler]?
(I just pasted [spoiler] a random amount of times. :P)
I should have stuck a "Zero" in there somewhere.
I just use spoiler markdown in chat, because that totally works.
After all, the game's retroactive title is Zero Escape: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors
You'd think it'd be Nine Escape
@badp Just because it's the Nonary Game?
Which is why 9 is the major theme.
Arity matters
@Powerlord Did you see what [spoiler] did to [spoiler] in the [spoiler]? It was pretty [spoiler]ed up
It's named Zero Escape for a reason, namely because (major spoiler) the person who's making you participate in this game goes by the name Zero.
And by spoiler, I mean "mentioned on the box"
I will [spoiler] all of you right in the [spoiler] if this continues.
There's no need to get [spoiler]
hey man, I'm not the one who [spoiler]
That's [spoiler] talk
[spoiler] please.
@agent86 [spoiler]s.
@badp I don't even [spoiler] we're [spoiler] about now.
and now I can't look at that word without it seeming misspelled. THANKS INTERNET
I think the takeaway is ABANDON [SPOILER]
Here are some other spoilers: The 9 persons are: Ace, Snake, Santa, Clover, Junpei, June, Seven, Lotus, and the 9th Man. Which if you're clever, you'll notice that with the sole exception of Junpei (the character you play as), they're all numerical references.
Although... Santa is a reference to the japanese name for 3.
My plan is to search my apartment after dinner. Both things should be here.
snake? snake? SNAAAAAAKE???
The Doors are (huge spoiler): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
not 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and Bacon?
Thanks for ruining the ending @badp
@badp Maybe... sniff Maybe.
I forget the hours, but as I recall, the game starts at 8pm.
@badp So the ninth door wins.
@Powerlord Well now I don't have to find the game and play it :P
So... 8pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, midnight, 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am.
Excuse me, guys. I'm off to find this ninth door...
@AshleyNunn Well, if I wanted it to be a spoiler, I'd tell you the doors are 5, 4, 3, 7, 8, 1, 2, 6, 9.
the 9th door was cooked 9 hours ago and eaten by 9 people. there's no bacon left :(
@agent86 NOOOO!!!
But knowing the door numbers doesn't really tell you anything. :D
@Powerlord .... >.>
@agent86 NOW I AM SAD
31 secs ago, by agent86
user image
51 secs ago, by agent86
user image
@AshleyNunn You'll notice I didn't delineate which doors you find togehter. I know you've found at least two of the doors by the point in the story you stopped at.
(I'm so sorry sniff)
@Powerlord Yeah, I have :)
@agent86 The game is actually about finding who ate all the bacon
@RavenDreamer Worst hugs :(
And I also didn't outline the order of the doors you need to go through to get any of the endings. :D
ffs, now I want bacon
@RavenDreamer I'd hug it.
@Powerlord The fact that there are multiple endings makes me convinced I will inadvertently get teh worst ending
@AshleyNunn The "worst" ending?
@AshleyNunn gets the ending that erases your save data
@BenBrocka That game is the game of my life.
@Powerlord I assume there has to be some sort of terrible ending.
@BenBrocka it was me. I ate it. I <3 bacon.
Spam account.
He's made two posts, both spam on LoL questions.
@agent86 Way to ruin my gaming experience
@AshleyNunn you're going to get to the end now, and it's just going to be a picture of my avatar that slowly fades to the grumpycat gif. and then you will be sad. MWAHAHAHA
@AshleyNunn It's impossible to get the best ending on the first try. It's very hard to get the second or third best ending. The other three are all equally probable on your first time through.
@agent86 See, I KNEW I would get the worst ending.
Did I say very hard, I meant you'd have to be very lucky.
There aren't 9 endings? I am disapoint
@agent86 Are you deleting folks I'm trying to delete?
@Powerlord Which means I won't be :P
@BenBrocka 6 endings in 999, 24 in Virtues Last Reward.
@RavenDreamer I deleted one thing, someone else deleted the other thing I don't know what is happening i am scared and confused and omg what is that
@RavenDreamer oooo snap, it's on now! MOD FIGHT MOD FIGHT MOD FIGHT!
@AshleyNunn Well, the better endings require you to know how things change depending on which doors you go through.
@agent86 We should hold each other until things are more certain.
@Wipqozn remember, if there's a fight, you're the hammer.
@RavenDreamer holds
@agent86 Just don't hit @RavenDreamer in the face. I don't feel like kissing a shark.
@Powerlord 24? O.o
@Wipqozn oh, you'll kiss him if I say you will.
@AshleyNunn Well, see... 999 makes you start over from the beginning each time, but Virtue's Last Reward has a flowchart that lets you hop to any point in the story.
who wants to be first on @Wipqozn's wheel of kissing?
aka agent's wheel of smiting?
but mostly the kissing.
Still, Virtue's Last Reward will take you somewhere around 40 hours to complete...
@Powerlord Ah, that makes it a little more friendly to ending-getting
@Powerlord O.o
Once, or for all endings?
@AshleyNunn All endings.
@agent86 I NEED AN ADULT!
Well, a responsible adult.
VLR takes 999's general mechanics and runs with them, though. You have way more than 9 doors in that one.
@Powerlord Iiiinteresting
@Wipqozn ... oh, nvm.
So apparently, given the latest stars, I should have been here 15 minutes ago.
I'm so glad VLR has the flowchart, because even with 999's fast forward for dialog you've already seen, it takes time to get back to where the plot branches.
But in VLR, you can jump straight there.
Anyways, why does YouTube Airplay streaming have to such so much? As in, why does it have to buffer so much for any video longer than a few minutes?
I keep wanting to tell AshleyNunn 999 things that are probably considered spoilers if she hasn't already gone through certain doors yet. :/
@Powerlord Im sorry
I am trying to find it and hte charger so I can play, I really am
Oh hey, it's going home time. Therefore, I should go before I say stuff.
@AshleyNunn @Powerlord Game, book, or TV?
or which game, as the case may be
@MBraedley this game
Interesting concept. They should port it to PC so I can play it.
There you go, @kalina
@agent86 WRT the Palamarchuk's, as I mentioned in one of my meta comments, it seems that the serial upvoting also occurred on History and Board and Card Games (albeit to a lesser degree). Has this factored into the mod's monitoring of the situation?
@MBraedley You aren't really supposed to judge behaviour beyond your own site, iirc
@AshleyNunn I know, but when it comes to user activities that are done network wide, how can you not?
@AshleyNunn That's not judging the behavior on the other site, but taking it into account when judging the current situation.
@MBraedley Easily enough
@Coronus That is something you aren't supposed to do
@MBraedley I don't know the situation elsewhere. The overall panic level here is pretty low, honestly.
@MBraedley We really didn't need to know
...or care
@AshleyNunn The reason why it wasn't caught on Hist or B&CG is that it was only a few votes, not 16 in the span of 2 minutes.
@agent86 I'm not panicking, but I also don't want to send the user(s) down the wrong path. The fact that they haven't said anything (AFAIK) is a bit concerning.
@MBraedley I fail to see why everyone is up in arms over this, if the mods of this site have said repeatedly that there is no real cause for alarm. That might just be me though
@MBraedley they've been talked to from our end, so they're more aware now. we'll see what develops.
@agent86 Okay, that's something that could have been communicated to the rest of us.
@GraceNote Apparently, Totori Plus has achieved an 18+ rating in Australia.
@fbueckert I read this as "Toyota Prius" and was very confused.
@MBraedley Mostly, all I wanted was an acknowledgement. That's been given, so I'm done with it.
@RavenDreamer Yay for reading comprehension!
@AshleyNunn Fair, but seeing some of the stars, then looking at the chat log for that period didn't quite give me enough information. Now I have that information, and I'm good. Personally, I would have liked to see an acknowledgement on the meta post that something was done, as I'm not keen on sifting through a couple days of chat logs.
Q: What's a reasonable control setup for a controller in KSP?

Nick TI can bind this and that axis to whatever in Kerbal Space Program for sticking my rockets, but my binds always feel clumsy and inelegant. Is there a good "standard setup" for using a controller (i.e. X360) in KSP; especially for the major controls? Bonus points for a config file of some sort (a...

Q: Which skills provide leadership bonuses for your squad?

kalinaIn EVE Online, a variety of skills that you train can increase various statistics for any members of your squad while you're in a fleet. The bonuses I'm talking about are the Leadership bonus, which provides a 2% bonus to fleet targeting speed per level, or Mining Foreman, which increases minin...

@MBraedley I just don't....argh. I can't explain my brain right now.
@AshleyNunn I realize seeing something like this coming up for the umpteenth time can be frustrating. No need to explain further.
wait wait wait. wait.
@badp @Fluttershy You can jump over the checkpoint?!?
@Mana Yep. If you die after, you start from the very beginning. But you get 50k bonus points.
that changes EVERYTHING
brb beating all your scores
@Mana \o\
Q: Repeated scrolling game backgrounds. How to remove line at start of scroll repeat

Mr. AwesomeI have an application with scrolling background images. Some of these images (e.g. the sky) are set to endlessly repeat. However, once the image is done scrolling, there is a hard line visible where the image ends and the new scrolling begins. I know there must be a technique (image editing tech...

Let's see...
Hey, not bad, all of the details on the avatar are still visible at the smallest 16px size. Well, almost everything
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What is that? Are you bleeding? OMG, @YiJiang'sEvilClone Is BLEEDING! WHAT DO I DO?
Apparently George Martin's idiocy is rubbing off on the show's director. "I'm 100% Opposed To The Piracy I Just Said Helps My Show Survive"
@YiJiang'sEvilClone God, what is it with using Fluttershy (I presume that's the character) as an avatar?
@fbueckert What he said was actually smart. I hate that he's force to backpedal because all the headlines were "Petrarca Supports Piracy!"
@MBraedley I... Uh... What?
@Coronus Well, not really. His public opinion has to toe the line of the entertainment industries.
If he doesn't, they'll probably come down on him like a bag of rocks.
@fbueckert Yeah, so now he's stuck trying to "clarify" what he said to keep his job. Grrrr.
@MBraedley That one's not Fluttershy, but I have no idea what it's name is.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I am right, aren't I? That is Fluttershy, right? In any case, there is someone else (relatively new to Arqade) that has a different image of her as their avatar
@Ullallulloo Is it Shutterfly?
@Coronus Welcome to the entertainment industry's paranoia of downloading.
@MBraedley That's not Fluttershy, no
If they'd offer something decent, for a respectable price, and not locked down to hell and back, at the same time that it airs, people would buy it.
It's Apple Bloom, Applejack's little sister
That's why I download all my TV shows; the convenience of it beats having to deal with commercials, paying extra for cable, and I can watch it where I want, when I want.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Actually, that's the image that I saw (albeit cropped). I thought it was @Fluttershy until I actually looked at the name associated with the post.
@fbueckert I could complain about that industry for hours, but I'm out of coffee and tired.
@Coronus I drink so much coffee, my body produces caffiene as required.
Fluttershy has a lighter shade of yellow, and a very pink mane. Apple Bloom's mane is the same color as Big Mac's coat, and her coat is the same color as Applejack's mane
@MBraedley I mean my avatar isn't Fluttershy. I think the user you're referring to is.
But sadly, the industry has been screaming "Piracy will kill us!" for so long, reasonableness isn't anything they can do without backpedaling on everything they've done online for years.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone This is me not caring. It just gets confusing with more than one person using a yellow skinned My Little Pony .
@fbueckert The fact that we get little slip-ups like this gives me some hope...
So, rather than go, "Hey, you know what? We're wrong. Sorry. We'll to do better.", it's just full steam ahead! "Piracy bad! End of story!"
@Coronus It shouldn't; they'll fire him before they ever admit piracy might be good for them.
Hmmm, rsync:// is actually a protocol
@fbueckert Why can't they offer a reasonable alternative to piracy? BTW, a cable subscription is not a reasonable alternative.
@MBraedley Because piracy! Control! Must get consumer to pay for every platform they want to watch it on!
But that's nothing new for the industry; they scream every time new technology allows something they don't control.
VCR? Death of the industry!
Internet? No new shows ever!
@fbueckert I am willing to pay (a reasonable price) to watch Game of Thrones, but right now, I'm paying nothing. Same goes for every other show I watch.
@fbueckert Content on Tablets? WE'RE DOOMED
Streaming online? Death of TV!
It is a ridiculous situation when pirates enjoy a better user experience than paying customers
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Welcome to American copyright.
Where it's not what makes sense, but who has more money.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone But that is typical, regardless of the media. Consider copy protected root kit infested CDs from 5-10 years ago.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That is pretty much standard.
And don't get me started on the revolving door between the industry and lawmakers.
Steam does a relatively good job for video games (though I'm still worried about the DRM in the long term)
Heh. CliffyB is defending EA's microtransaction shit.
"Don't like it? Don't buy it."
The latest Real Racing game is stupid blatant about in game purchases.
And blocks you at every turn.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Steam is the exception to the rule. They've managed to implement DRM in such a manor that it doesn't piss off the consumer, and in some instances, actually benefits them.
@Wipqozn Sad chimney
@fbueckert I mean, I'm not going to defend it, but I can't say as it makes me particularly angry tbqh.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, it makes me angry. I don't like being treated like an illiterate cash cow without a brain.
There are so many things in this world to be angry about, video games and dumb decisions made by video game manufacturers are right at the bottom of the list.
@Wipqozn Swap the chimney with @Rav's face
@LessPop_MoreFizz And that's alright. Not saying you have to, but I find it angering.
@fbueckert Stuff like that annoys the crap out of me
(sigh) I'd much rather be closing as dupe than flagging as NAA. Why can't people see the nice big "Ask Question" button?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I approve.
@MBraedley I'm not sure how it helps consumers. Personally I think the only 'good' DRM scheme is one that's completely invisible to the consumer, and to be frank Steam doesn't come close (though it's gotten better)
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's definitely not perfect.
I like when I can buy a game and play it. Hell, if I could just pay once, even if it was more money, I would be more likley to buy your game (look at how much money I have given Kairosoft)
Compared to every single other DRM system out there, though, Steam's the best of them all.
Lesser of all evils, to sum up.
@AshleyNunn Or even if it has microtransactions, don't make it a blatant cash grab.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Because of Steam's DRM, I am able (if I so choose) to not only play the game I purchased, but also from my cloud synced saved, a game on a multitude of computers.
@fbueckert Exactly!
Kairosoft does that well; they offer multiple ways besides buying resources.
@fbueckert I was wondering about that. I haven't seen IAPs in Game Dev Story.
@MBraedley It had lazers and everything!
@Coronus It's only in their free to play games.
@Coronus Most of their games don't have them. The free to play ones do, but it is relatively unintrusive.
@AshleyNunn And isn't even available until you get further into the game.
@fbueckert But not in their demos? Don't they have 2 FTP?
@Coronus Beastie Bay and Dream House Days.
Nope, not in their demos.
The demos are to give you a taste and hook you.
@MBraedley I don't think Steam Cloud depends on the DRM to function though.
@AshleyNunn My wife is addicted and wants more Dream House Days tickets.
@fbueckert And they do it so well.
@fbueckert And they work, which is not something I say about demos often
@Coronus giggles I know that feeling!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Fair, but without the DRM, the last part of that sentence doesn't exist.
A: How do I get more Tickets?

fbueckertThere are several ways to get tickets: Play the game Save your game, quit, and re-launch it. Re-load your save, and viola! More tickets! They are awarded at a rate of a ticket for every seven minutes, and you can claim up to a maximum of ten at once. This time does not include being in menus...

More tickets, you say?
The other interesting use for DRM that may actually benefit the consumer is the 'sell back' feature built into GMG's capsule client
@YiJiang'sEvilClone GMG? Never heard of it.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone There's no system that's perfect; I get what they're trying to do, but I don't see that as all that hard to bypass.
@fbueckert Yeah, I have to take a look at what she's doing because she claims closing and relaunching doesn't give her tickets, and I've been sucked into GDS, so she doesn't get any tickets from me. -_-
Although a second hand marketplace in Steam would be nice.
@Coronus You've got my friend code.
@MBraedley Green Man Gaming. Online game retailer, just like Steam. Their client allows customers to sell back game, though it seems a little odd to me, returning digital goods.
@MBraedley Yeah, then maybe DRM can finally live up to its name
@fbueckert Yeah, if you don't mind, I'll pass it along.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone They also give away free games from time to time that you can then sell back to them and almost always have a 25% off code usable on anything.
They're a really good service.
@Coronus Just deleted a friend off the list to make room.
@fbueckert Better not have been me!
@AshleyNunn It was probably me. :)

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