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Well that would be why they require a duplicate to be closed as a dupe of an answered question
@LessPop_MoreFizz I've seen worse
runs off to A51 to see the latest bad ideas
Minutiae of Everyday Life

Proposed Q&A site for typically processed in the subconscious, the minutiae of everyday, when observed, can provoke deep, burning questions. Most often, they are forgotten when a butterfly or shiny object catches our gaze. But no more! They will cast in zeros and ones!

Closed before being launched.

This is the most recent really awful one.
@LessPop_MoreFizz huh
You suddenly remember you have to breathe
@lesspop that seems more like philosophy, which already excists
@Ender No. It is not like philosopy.
Philosophy does not mean "Dumb Questions that don't really have answers".
Kinda looks like 'mind of a 6 year old'
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, another proposal for Everything.SE
Yay, new Pebble update!
A: New phenomenon: Rage Unaccepting

asdf_enel_hakPlease consider this as a self vandalism. As I respect I will upvote each answers given. Comment them "thank you" as well. However I have a changing mind. Makes me think larger. in any direction oscillation.

@YiJiang'sEvilClone ...what?
@SaintWacko oscillation
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I don't know what you- ...oscillation...
@SaintWacko Yes, yes, you have seen the way. Oscillation.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I have seen the way, and the way is good. Oscillation.
Good morning, Bridge
@YiJiang'sEvilClone wat
@BenBrocka oscillation
It's probably some sort of new age religion.
@fbueckert Oscillation
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I really like your site, by the way
@SaintWacko Oscillation, indeed.
@BenBrocka Either I'm a much better web developer than I thought or you're being very sarcastic. I can't tell which.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm usually much more biting when I'm being sarcastic
Um, thanks! :D
So my phone when from "Being in local depot" straight to, "Delivered", with no intermediate step.
@fbueckert You got it?
@SaintWacko Yup! Last night.
@fbueckert Yay!
@SaintWacko I spent a solid half hour extracting my SIM card from my other phone.
@fbueckert Did you read through all our app recommendations?
@fbueckert Oh yeah, I remember seeing a mention of that
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Trello, don't need. I have SwiftKey installed now, haven't had a chance to use it yet.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Where are these recommendations? I'll see if I have anything to add
@fbueckert Use Swype instead
@fbueckert arg
If you need an RSS reader, use gReader
@BenBrocka Welcome to jamming a Micro-SIM into a slot meant for full sized SIM.
I only had trouble cutting up T mobile's full sized sim cards, had to order a second one (lucky they were only $1). Only to find T mobile's "3rd party service" means "lol screw you we consider you roaming no data for you"
For a great simple e-reader, use FBReader
@SaintWacko On my tablet, I prefer Pulse News. Not a traditional RSS reader, but the interface is nicer
@fbueckert Don't they have adapters for that?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Pulse is nice, I just wish it worked better with a lot of feeds
Also, download ALL the emulators! The *oid emulators are great
@BenBrocka Indeed they do. My SIM card had those breakaways, to convert the full-sized SIM to Micro.
And, silly me, I snapped off the end of it before realizing what it was for.
FPse is a pretty good PS1 emulator. Haven't gound a good N64 one yet
720p video is the bane of this hotels wifi
@fbueckert I hate when they don't warn you about shit like that. I had half-removed the "sticker" on my UPS' battery before I realized it's not a sticker, it's stuck on to give you "handles" to remove the battery
@MBraedley doesn't youtube have like 240p? With absurdly low quality even considering the resolution?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I haven't tried that, but gReader has a lot of nice settings to customize how feeds appear
@BenBrocka Yeah. I left the top parts of the breakaways on, so that it would fit properly into the slot. But without the bottom part, getting it out was...interesting.
If you need free games, Angry Birds, Temple Run and Jetpack Joyride are all excellent time wasters
@fbueckert Also, ES File Explorer is a great root file explorer
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I have Kairosoft. Time wasters, I have.
@SaintWacko Got that.
@BenBrocka yes, but it really not worth watching at that point.
I used to use Astro, but it doesn't do root
Used it lots for streaming from my fileserver.
Ummm... Google chat is wonderful
I prefer that to any other form of communication
@SaintWacko oh yes, ES is great
Hacker's Keyboard is great for playing DCSS webtiles on a tablet
I need a Task Mananger-esque program, too. I've been using Advanced Task Killer.
I use IMO.im to combine all IM clients ever. Google voice is pretty sweet though
Android 4.2's task thingy isn't that bad. And I don't use task managers anymore anyway, it's easy to close stuff via the Recents menu now
Chainfire's StickMount will let you connect a flash drive to your phone with an OTG cable
@fbueckert No.
Only things the Recents won't close are services
You don't need that anymore
Oh yeah, I used to have nethack installed on my tablet. It actually works better than the desktop version because I absolutely hate using the home keys for movement
In fact, you'll be better off not using that
Yeah, Android's auto-task handling has made task killing pretty useless
It's a bad idea to use task killers anymore
@BenBrocka 1964 is relatively okay if you run only software from the US (NA). However, not all the opcodes are implemented in all emulators. Granted you'd be hard-pressed to find an official release cart that uses the Trap commands or writes to some of the more esoteric registers that are usually read-only. This is probably why most post-development stuff won't work on emulators without patches... all the current N64 emulators are full of crazy Bugs and have big stability issues.
And if you really really need something closed, just swipe them away from the recents menu
@SaintWacko Why is that?
It actually hurts how the system runs. It's been that way since 2.3. Trust me, get rid of that
@SaintWacko Okie dokie.
@fbueckert Android does a much better job of managing processes, and there's a bit more inter-reliance between services and processes
So the Recents menu displays running and recent tasks?
@Krazer Huh. N64 emulation always seemed buggier than PS1 emulation
@fbueckert Yep, and you can swipe them off the side to close them
@BenBrocka Project64 1.6 or 1.7 (haven't checked lately) would probably be the overall best emulator, but it's still full of bugs.
@fbueckert Apps yes, not services. But closing services is risker anyway. And it's of course also a nice way to get back to your previous aps
Ironically Wii emulation is currently in a much better shape than N64 emulation ever was and far more professional, stable, and reliable.
@Krazer Most of that is due to cracking the Wii wide open; the homebrew helps a ton for development and emulation.
@fbueckert You use Google Music, right?
@BenBrocka I'm learning lots about the new Android. My old phone just had Gingerbread.
ScummVM has been ported to Android too. Beneath a Steel Sky works well enough. Most of the other games unfortunately requires keyboard input which doesn't appear to be supported.
@SaintWacko Nope.
Oh, and AndChat is a good Android IRC Client
My phone is not a music player.
Also don't need IRC.
@fbueckert Oh, okay
If you have your phone rooted AdAway is quite nice to have
@fbueckert 4.2 is kick ass
3G Watchdog is useful for keeping an eye on your data usage
Most people can't live without music. My brain provides ready-made entertainment value while travelling.
@BenBrocka I didn't like the newest update much
@fbueckert Welcome to new Android. It's better
@BenBrocka So I'm finding.
I've found the default 4.2 tools make 3G watchdog pretty useless
All it added were things I didn't like and/or wouldn't use
It also made it even faster
I still liked the curved unlock swipe for early versions of Android.
@BenBrocka I just use it for the homescreen widget and the notification when on data
@fbueckert I really like the circle unlock
Are you using Google Now?
@SaintWacko notification when on data? Android already shows one
@SaintWacko I would like to point out I don't currently have a data plan.
I want to get one, but currently, don't have one.
@BenBrocka What? Mine doesn't
@fbueckert Blame Apple for that. Because sliding to unlock things is novel. But I prefer the circle unlock anyway
@SaintWacko you don't see different icons for 3G, HSPA, Wifi or voice only?
@BenBrocka It does make it easy, yeah.
I'm still not sure what to fill my tablet's circle unlock with
@BenBrocka Oh, no, I mean an actual notification, sits in the status bar when I'm on data and tells me how much I've used
Camera is useless, as is Google Now. I filled one slot with a browser, but I don't really use that either
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Google Now is amazing
@SaintWacko It is, if you have a data connection
@fbueckert Mint.com is a great financial app
@SaintWacko yeah, but there's already an icon which shows when you're online. Doesn't show how much data you've used
Otherwise it's useless
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Oh, okay
@BenBrocka Right, that's why I use 3g Watchdog
@fbueckert yeah, I occasionally swiped the wrong direction or not far enough etc with my last phone's unlock, I prefer the omnidirectional unlock, plus the unlock to phone/etc thing is nice
I found it telling me that my ETA to a location I had already arrived at was 60 minutes
And the alarm uses it too; left to snooze, right to wake up
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Haha, nice
I also have to find a live video game based wallpaper.
Who the hell wakes up at 6:30 and then just goes online? Oh wait, that would be me this week.
I stopped using live wallpapers. They cause the battery to drain a bit faster
Oh, there's also a uTorrent app
and an XDA app
@SaintWacko i use a clock live wallpaper
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It refreshes slowly sometimes, but it's really really nice sometimes. It'll often automatically tell me how long it takes to go home from a completely random place I'm at, which is cool
And I like the weather card
@SaintWacko speaking o the uTorrent app, I need to load some torrents at home
@BenBrocka Those are my two favorite things about it
The sports scores/stocks options seem like they would be neat if I cared about that crap
I forgot it did stocks...
I should have it watch mine
And the voice assistant part of Google Now is pretty nice. It's like Siri with less BS, since 90% of the time Siri asks "would you like me to search the web y/n" anyway.
Siri is still better for verbally abusing though
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's why I've spent extra for the cellular data!
@BenBrocka That's the half of Google Now I'm still missing. How would that work?
@SaintWacko Yes, speaking of, I may have to do some tweaking on my home network to allow remote management.
@badp jsut hit the mic button or say "google" in google now then ask for something
Do I just say "tomorrow at sixteen I need to berate Ben" and it saves "Berate Ben" in my calendar tomorrow at sixteen?
At least that's what I get on the N4, I see no reason why the tablets wouldn't have it
@BenBrocka yeah, it's the "ask for something" bit that's the question mark for me - if it's just a search box or it can do something more
"google create and open a document in the work folder" and Google Drive pops up?
@BenBrocka Yeah, that's how it is on my N7 and GS3
@badp I don't know, I usually use it for stuff like weather on X day, how do I get to Y, who freed the slaves, mostly as a more accurate, specific search
My expectations on the "actually do things" are very low thanks to Siri never being able to do much
Just ask it to do stuff and see what it can do I guess
Yeah, it seems to be "just" Google search
@BenBrocka "Google. Do stuff."
That's my problem with the "natural language assistants". THere's clearly a limited set of things they can really do, but they don't seem to be enumerated anywhere, and they're not nearly smart enough for me to expect that just anything will work
@badp Nah, it can make calls and send texts and things
That's all I've tried so far
If you open up the help it'll give you a list of commands it can understand
but I'm sure it can do other things as well
I used to play around with the voice recognition, but I think somewhere along the way I busted the tablet's microphone
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That would make sense. I didn't realize it had a help. I figured that was for the cards and stuff, not the voice assistant
It won't recognise anything now
It even recognizes italian (no idea how well)
google.com.sg/mobile/voice-actions these are the old voice actions. I'm not sure if Google Now expanded on them
@BenBrocka Ah, there's the more current list
@YiJiang'sEvilClone ah, the old voice command thing I'd accidentally bring up all the time. Stupid search button
@BenBrocka Not quite.
even when I did manage to speak up clearly enough for it to understand (third try) it just googled
That's odd. "Listen to" should be one of the supported verbs
@badp Huh. Come to think of it I'm not sure if the voice commands are now a part of google now or not
@BenBrocka > You initiate a Voice Action the same way you initiate a voice search, by touching a Microphone icon in a search box or the Chrome omnibox, or by saying "Google" when the Google Now screen is open. For details, see Search & Voice Actions basics.
I'd test but I'll look crazy for talking to my phone at work and there's no data connection at my desk
It's even supposed to work from inside Chrome
Huh. It does say it's just supposed to "search youtube", maybe listen to just narrows the search now to music sites?
it did bring up lastfm
at any rate, yeah, I find talking aloud to the tablet super awkward too
I mean, I'll do it when I don't feel like typing, but that's not often
Some day, I'll just talk into it and it'll spit back "wawawa waaawawa waaawaaa?"
@badp I use it in the car
Or when asking for directions
Speaking of using it in the car
is it just me or the speaker on the Nexus 7 is atrocious?
I guess that's what I use the voice for most. "Directions to x"
Like, by far the worst part of the device
I can choose between "too quiet to hear" and "cracking terribly all the time"
Voice directions are completely unintelligible.
I've been actually thinking about sending it for warranty, but I noticed it's not just me complaining about this problem on the internet.
@badp That would probably be a good idea
The speaker on mine is perfectly fine
time from first release to first "remove all trailing whitespace" pull request: 2 hours. Oh open source, U SO CRAZY
Q: Give Your Subjective Aesthetic Critique

Tyler Langan Critique this image or down-vote and close this question in a misguided attempt to assert your superiority. Then I'll admire you.

LifeHacker even suggested putting some padding into an opened Nexus 7 to block it into place
@badp Yeah I don't like talking to the phone even when I'm alone, and I'm not that bad on the keyboard with Swype
@SaintWacko This is how the Borderlands 2 intro movie plays on my Nexus 7 speakers, skip the first thirty or so seconds.
Q: What Class determines Class Time Spent in Battlefield 3?

SSumnerIf you play as a class in a Battlefield 3 map, obviously whatever class you spawn in as will receive time spent as that class towards the service medal. But what happens when you pick up another kit? For example, if I spawn in as an Engineer, then run out of ammo and pick up a Recon kit, does my...

I cranked up the volume to the maximum for maximum effect.
(as recorded by my laptop's internal mic, which also isn't great)
My N4 has a weird squeaky sound in the phone speaker if you're super close to it (which...you are) which is annoying, but I think that might just be how they are. I haven't bothered to send it in
All the cracking aren't recording artefacts but how the thing actually plays :(
except it sounds worse "in real life"
@BenBrocka Wow, this guy sucks at figuring out what SE is about.
@badp Wow, yeah, that's bad
@fbueckert Pretty sure he's just being difficult on purpouse
@BenBrocka Those people deserve punting with extreme prejudice. If all you're doing is causing trouble, do it elsewhere.
@fbueckert Wow, what a troll
Q: Can a ninja star (hira shuriken) used as a thrown weapon kill?

Sonny OrdellIn many movies, especially from the 80's when Ninjas were involved they would use their ninja stars as a deadly weapon. An example clip is here. Is this realistic? Can a ninja star penetrate and be accurate enough to kill a person?

@fbueckert Yeah. There's a reason he doesn't post on UX anymore...
Q: Including 'Thanks' In Your Questions

Tyler LanganIs it appropriate to include something like "Thanks for your help!" in your question? I'm assuming including 'thanks' in the question will encourage users to answer. Maybe 'thanks' should go in the comment area instead? Some people won't read the comments, so they'll miss the thanks.

Why does every site get one of these!?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Meh, just like a thrown knife, works better as a distraction
@SaintWacko I like the final sentence of the new answer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Heh
@fbueckert That's one of his most level headed posts. The bad stuff has long since been deleted
Q: Was time travel achieved and then hidden from the public?

AdnanBackground Without getting in too much details and going off-topic, I just want to say I personally find that the idea of time travel is ridiculous, at least in the current frame of physics and our understanding of time. The case While I was on Facebook I stumbled upon a page called Time Trave...

But yeah the "thanks" thing is annoying. It's one of those things that seems great in theory but when you're reading these sites all the time the last thing you want to see is another "thanks" or signature
@BenBrocka Now I'm tempted to get 10K on UX just to see the crap.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Kunai > shuriken
@BenBrocka I love how he so transparently tries to manipulate people into not closing/downvoting his questions
@BenBrocka Or all those stupid, "Hope this helps!"
@LessPop_MoreFizz That should get deleted before long.
@BenBrocka signatures are just weird. Questions/answers already have a user card attached...
It's a crap question, with a crap justification.
Can I ask why everyone's so serious on this show, seriously everyone edits my stuff and tells me off... — CHARLO Jan 15 '12 at 19:06
Well I'll just than shadow wizard in a comment — CHARLO Jan 15 '12 at 12:59
It doesn't matter that much, as I brutally murdered the woman for running her mouth at me — CHARLO Jan 15 '12 at 19:04
Such a gem of a person.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hehe
Of course, nobody beats ronnie. He pro much.
@fbueckert Pro much.
@Fluttershy Better?
@fbueckert Prashant P was better.
Prashant P is my favorite bad user ever.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't think I remember him.
@fbueckert I think most of his stuff is deleted and I don't have my screenshots to hand. :( Lemme go digging with search.
Q: How do I download an embedded flash game from a site?

PRASHANT PI would like to play Super Mario 63 on my work laptop, but not in a browser. I have only found the game embedded on a site. How can I download it?

@LessPop_MoreFizz No 10K for me. :(
Be sure to check the edit history on these.
Q: OpenTTD Jukebox?

PRASHANT PI'm enjoying OpenTTD a lot more than Transport Tycoon Deluxe, but I miss the jazz jukebox from that game; there's a poor variety of music in OpenTTD. Does this feature exist in OpenTTD? If so, where can it be found?

@fbueckert Sounds very much like a typical RPG player in-character.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ooooh I remember that guy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Holy crap, that original question is craptacular.
I am in search for a game I have played.

It is a Western game from an American company
It is a RPG released in the early 90's
It has a view of the 3d with world area, which is GIANT!
It is eye level view from player's eye!
It involved a lot of walking, and there was a lot to do.
It is game for PC with the DOS
You can play male female any class many options
The game began in a dungeon
Weapons were easy to equip, just a click
It was easy to disrobe in inventory by mistake
@SaintWacko It's worse on other sites. Like those image signatures you get after EVERY POST in a forum. So a conversation can have the same image like 50 times
@BenBrocka Geez
@Wipqozn Oh come on, that version was positively coherent.
@Wipqozn Baldur's Gate? Maybe?
Good forum software only shows the signature the first time it appears on a page
@Wipqozn Let's go back to the original:
help me to find the rpg game

i am in search for game i have played

i have seen played game 1 time only in past, distantly

is western game from the american company

is rpg game in the beginning 1990s

has view of the 3d with world area GIANT !

game has much walking and much to do

is audience of help ?


Or, version 2:
I am in search for a game I have played. It is a Western game from an American company It is a RPG released in the early 90's, and it has a view of the 3d with world area, which is GIANT! It involved a lot of walking, and there was a lot to do.


thank you to @c.ross for the edit !

is game for PC with the DOS

is eye level view from player's eye !

has MIDI music !


can play male female any class many option

begin game in DUNGEON

remember easy to equip weapon with click
@LessPop_MoreFizz is this a poem
@BenBrocka Yes. It's title is "Help me to find the rpg game"
@LessPop_MoreFizz That actually sounds like Planescape Torment, a bit.
@fbueckert I'd have guessed Daggerfall, or maybe Arena.
@fbueckert No, because you can't play male/female any class many option.
> Aardvark i have increased thank you – PRASHANT P Feb 28 '11 at 20:00
@fbueckert he would always lash out at either the community or moderators when a post as closed, insisting we didn't care about/understand UX after closing his questions such as "can I use moss to make a checker board"
@BenBrocka Heh, I remember seeing that one
Q: Product design materials

Tyler LanganDo industrial designers have a rule for the number of materials used in a product? What if I want to use moss for a board game? download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups

@BenBrocka When the same thing happens over and over, chances are good it's not other people that are the problem.
@BenBrocka Moss. As in, "Grows in dark, damp places and is sorta gross moss".
@fbueckert Yes. As in "the product is actively rotting in the box" moss
@Fluttershy @murgatroid99 @FAE ^^
@Wipqozn Profile shot of @GraceNote?
@BenBrocka Oh snap!
@BenBrocka Too bad I don't see an associated meta post to go with that, justifying the question.
Queen Chrysalis.
@Wipqozn So creepy.
The logic would be somewhat mind boggling.
God, I cannot believe how quickly I recognised that
@Fluttershy Very.
@Wipqozn, you're looking fabulous today.
@Wipqozn Dayum
@agent86 dawww, thanks.
@FAE I'm not quite sure what that means, but Google suggests it's similiar to whoa.
@fbueckert I don't think there was one, though he did have one about his question about using homeless people as wireless hotspots (I've noticed most of his "brilliant" ideas are actually stolen)
@Wipqozn Redneck "Damn"
This is technically a duplicate of this, right?
@fbueckert Unless he wants to make a board game out of old Russian Tu-126 AWACS planes ...
@BenBrocka Oh, jeez. Yeah, that might have to do with user experience, but, damn. Throw a little sanity in there.
@MartinSojka Nice
@fbueckert It didn't really. The question was just "how can I run a for-profit homeless shelter". If I wanted to be a jerk I could have migrated it to On Startups...
@agent86 that poor turtle
@Ullallulloo @OrigamiRobot You're all just using defensive posture and recover! We're being swarmed by rats. =(
@BenBrocka ...What? I don't even. How does running a for-profit homeless shelter have anything to do with user experience?
> Comment on every answer in this format:

"Yes, and ..."

So if someone says "sell used hypodermic needles" you comment

"Yes! And get doctors to buy the needles so they have real tissue samples. Put needle recycling bins in restrooms."
@BenBrocka Since when is SE a medium for improvisational theatre?
@BenBrocka ...That's so unsanitary as to be a major health hazard.
Running afoul of probably every medical no-no ever.
@Fluttershy Looks to be pretty similar, yes.
According to most experts used hypodermic needles result in a poor user experience and or life-threatening infection
@SaintWacko Good forum software gives you no signature.
@badp But... but... where would all my awesome animated gifs go? They are part of my personality, an extension of who I am, man!
@badp Great forum software gives you an infinite signature line, shows it to you and hides it from everyone else.
@fbueckert @Wipqozn I'm sorry for taking so long to move today; I must've mistakenly ignored the email that told me to go
@JasonBerkan Bet you could write a userscript to do that
@JasonBerkan That is an awesome idea. However they might notice no one else has a signature
@badp No worries. We've all had a few long-moves.
@BenBrocka I don't normally say things like this, but: loooooooool
@Wipqozn I actually logged onto Conclave figuring, "Man it's been a while since my last move. Somebody must've been slacking off!"
I forgot, he had edited in "Do not debate this question. Read my first comment for clarification."
Holy shit, that guy is as thick as a brick wall
And completely oblivious to it
> Do not include thoughts on why any idea is bad, wrong, or off topic. This a strictly generative question. I want as many ideas as I can get. If you're about to post a comment or answer, first ask if I'm expanding the field of possibilities or am I narrowing the possibilities.
> Thinking based on limitations is not UX and it's not design. It's something very normal people do who can't see things as they might be. I don't care if it's absurd or irrelevant. In fact I'm encouraging those sorts of thoughts.

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