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@saintwacko good choice.
@fbueckert It's the only one that required essences
> Razorspikes - Now require 30 Exquisite Essence (instead of 25 Iridescent Tears)
I have int for Cold Snap, Raise Spectre, and Raise Zombie
@OrigamiRobot My understanding was that every item would require some essences.
@fbueckert Right, bracers are not as good as gloves
@fbueckert Nope
@OrigamiRobot So start buying up tears.
They're stupid cheap.
@fbueckert I already bought 15000 essences
Hmm. Essence prices should still rise, as people roll to try to get perfect mods for their bracers.
Not to the extent they would have, but it'll still go up.
I bought ~9000 or so.
@OrigamiRobot Only Tomes of Secrets for chest and shoulders? Boo.
Those have been so stupidly cheap I haven't even bothered trying to sell them.
@fbueckert Rubies are getting a big boost.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that I saw.
I just want it to be live so I can make actual progress
@OrigamiRobot Indeed. I want to see if I'll actually get all my money back (and hopefully a ton more) from all those exquisite essences.
I haven't seen the latest PTR notes (and can't look now)... are they changing crafting for the existing recipes, in addition to adding the BoA ones?
@Beofett No, just BoA
@OrigamiRobot hrm. Don't the existing top level crafting recipes still roll level 62 affixes?
I was really hoping that would be fixed. Or at least the useless, yet incredibly expensive, crafted legendary recipes would be fixed
@OrigamiRobot You keep saying BoA and all I think of is this.
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Q: Farcry 3 weapons can no longer be assigned

user41754Near the end of Farcy 3, i can no longer assign weapons to slots. Not even the arrows highlight in blue when i press a direction on the assign screen. Does anyone have this problem too?

Gnomeslice has free copies of Toki Tori, Nuclear Dawn, Unmechanical, Krater, The Ship ×2.
This is a duplicate of this
@YiJiang Look at the imgur link.
@badp See, if I was still an owner I could pin that for you.
@Wipqozn or I could pin it meself
@badp But you already work so hard! You shouldn't trouble yourself with pinning.
I can't live without the sarcasm :(
Anyone here familiar with LINQ-to-Entities?
@fbueckert I am.
@OrigamiRobot I'm having trouble getting an outer join to work properly.
But before you start, I should also inform you that I am a compulsive liar.
@OrigamiRobot ...Where's the damn stare icon when I need it?
@OrigamiRobot Is any one else ashamed at LOLing this?
@fbueckert ಠ_ಠ
@James There we go.
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
@fbueckert happy to oblige :)
If you ever need the stare icon, just call me OrigamiRob
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
Ah LINQ. Or "hey, I can put the disease that is SQL syntax in the programming language!!!!111"
@OrigamiRob really?
@James ಠ_ಠ
... Well damn
Hey OrigoBob
@Powerlord Unless you're using Lambda. Which I am, for the most part, except for this one little niggly area, due to the join in the first place.
@fbueckert Have to say I am with @Powerlord on this one.. I dislike LINQ even with lambda capabilities... or maybe its especially with that. Leads to a lot of 'WTF is this programmer doing!?' moments
@Powerlord Syntax error near "the". Please refer to the documentation for details.
@James I'm just trying to peel data out of my database without writing straight SQL.
I could do it that way, but I'm trying to keep it more or less consistent.
@fbueckert Why not just use SQL?
GameStop just sent me an email wishing me a happy birthday.
It's not my birthday.
@James String concat makes for sucky data pulling?
@Ullallulloo They wanted to send it to @BenBrocka but he diverted it to you.
@fbueckert You are concat in SQL?
@James My way of pulling data would be to create string objects, and throw them together to generate an SQL statement. And then execute it.
The LINQ-to-Entity Framework is working well, I just need one part to do an outer join rather than an inner one.
North Korea's been put under martial law?
North Korea was ever not under martial law?
@Ullallulloo Oh, geez, and probably leading up to a nuclear test
@badp This was my first thought.
@SaintWacko If it turns out to be successful, I suspect an American invasion shortly thereafter.
Dammit. LINQ query compiles but the association between the tables is gone, so my data doesn't match.
That's not a join, LINQ!
Want me to help?
@OrigamiRobot No.
user image
@fredley earlier in the week a user asked a Mod Rec question about minecraft, wanting to know if any RPG mods excist. I shall echo his question to you, our Minecraft Guru
@badp Exactly
@fbueckert Yeah, I had expected the biggest nuclear threat to be around Israel, but this may change things...
@badp Yeah... I gave up on that set of mods.. makes the game very short lived
@James Howso?
I find that there's a lot more to do with FTB than there is in vanilla minecraft
@SaintWacko People just set up the tech levels and once you get through them people lose interest very very quickly
@James How is that different from vanilla minecraft?
@SaintWacko Vanilla doesnt devalue the resources nor make transport to new sources of materials instant
Oh, I see what you mean
Yeah, a lot of the mods in FTB, the highest tech stuff is designed to make it more like Creative
@SaintWacko If you do not enjoy playing in creative then FTB is going to be short lived.. cause its pretty much spend a week and build yourself into creative mode
@SaintWacko YupYup :)
That's how I enjoy it, though, I get to fight my way up through survival, and then build whatever I want!
We spent last weekend (We being the people I game with on my server) and went over the issues we had with FTB and put together just a few mods to play with
Still not as bad as EE2, though
@SaintWacko Haha, Very true :)
The other thing we found with FTB is that it ... promotes?? rewards?? single player game play ... which in an SMP setting we found to be.. very odd. :)
@James Last time I played on a Tekkit server, before too long I had a setup generating a dozen stacks of red matter every night
@SaintWacko We dropped EE from the Direwolf pack immediately, then two days later hopped over to Mindcrack + Mystcraft :D
This is the server setup we play with now: pastebin.com/EbYY0REC
And with Thaumcraft becoming a newly skinned tech mod I am not sure how long it will stick around :D
@badp thats exactly what i was worried about with FTB when I expressed hesitation last week, but none of you have explained how it makes the game an RPG supposedly
@Ender It's kind of a joke really. FTB is the kitchen sink mod pack for Minecraft
It's no less than 53 mods (?)
@badp Its the new Tekkit w/ permission :D
@badp Depends which pack
like, fifty fucking three new things
@James The default one
@badp Has been discontinued.. the two main ones are Direwolf and Mindcrack
from the minimap mod to buildcraft to equivalent exchange to a lot of other stuffs
@James uh, okay.
I last checked a couple of weeks ago for the SE server
@James And actually up to date, which is nice
@badp You can still get the final beta of just the FTB pack, but they stopped after that.. I think it kind of became the 'direwolf' pack.
I was kind of turned off by having Thomas and fredley fuck around with /give while I was starving to death with my first stone pickaxe in hand
@James EE3 really isn't bad
@SaintWacko I have heard it doesnt really touch ores n the like any more.. But its still a bit beyond what we are trying to accomplish
@badp I've gotten to where I prefer playing on servers where no one has op
@SaintWacko I'd much rather just play in Creative mode forever
@badp That's still EE2. EE3 doesn't do that
@SaintWacko buildcraft/robots/whatever
@badp Yeah they've thankfully stopped doing that now.
@badp That was actually the final nail in the coffin for FTB for us. It was too close to 'Why dont we just put people into creative or /give' cause at the end it was saving 10min or time :)
So, apparently someone already ported TinyXML to a SourceMod Extension.
Excellent, I need this for my plans for world domination.
@badp Oh, you mean the quarries
Yeah, I've never used those
I still have this pipe dream of turning the nether of an established server in a fast and possibly safe (or at least structurally safe) travel system
That's just a long way to get infinite material
Now I just need to figure out how to tell what the current TF2 schema version is.
@badp We have that dream as well
Think motorways but on feet and you only travel 1/8th of the way
@badp I've done that on a server before
WHich is damn hard when we are using things that require water :D
I just built a rail station in the nether
@James What does?
@badp Ah, I want to use Trains :)
@badp The new locomotives are pretty much a steam boiler.. and so require water as well as something to burn.
Yeah, you're already (ideally) cutting down travel time by 87% just by using the Nether; I figured throwing the complexity of a train system on top of it would be overkill
I want to make a station that you can put in how many carts you want, have it pop out up to 5 or so and then speed off to a destination :)
I just noticed that GnomeSlice's gravatar is now crying.
@Ullallulloo Yeah, he changed it shortly after being banned.
@fbueckert Banned? :O
As in "longer than 30 minutes" ban banned?
@Powerlord For like a week...
@Powerlord As in, "Next screwup gets you banned for six months" banned.
Till July.
@Powerlord He is banned til July
Should I ask what he did this time?
April on Arqade.
@Powerlord Mostly, was himself.
@Powerlord It was a culmination of things I believe.
Basically he hit Enter before realizing what he was sending a few too many times.
Well it's 3 am, I should head off
In other news, I have a 401k now. I am such an adult.
Nothing interesting so far 3 hours into February
Who wants to be my beneficiary?
@BoltClock Wait, tomorrow's January 31st right?
@badp Huh? I don't get it
No, that's today.
@badp Er... no
@BenBrocka You tweeted about Google+ and birthdays. People only ever tweet about birthdays on their birthday. Happy birthday.
It's like inescapable logic.
@OrigamiRobot Hey, me too! :D
Er no, Google + was hinting that I should complete my profile
My birthday's april 19th
So you have two birthdays this year? Luck you!
Enjoy today's first though.
One birthday at a time, people.
@BoltClock China?
Did you get me a time-space anomaly for my birthday again? I told you not to do that again after next year's birthday party
@Ullallulloo Singapore
Same as Yi Jiang
@BenBrocka Got to close the temporal loop or the universe goes poof, man.
How I wish I could set myself to a different parent user on per-site chat rooms
I guess that means you're going to live with two-years-older-than-you yourself for a few months. It won't be too bad
Cats love themselves some double petting action
@BenBrocka I thought it was last tomorrow's birthday party?
In other news, the news coverage of Shootmania confuses me
I don't really understand how having guns that pulverize you counts as "not violent"
Dammit, LINQ! I can't use .DefaultIfEmpty! Gimme some other way to go, "If this is null, give me an empty value."
It's like "the spycicle is 20% more kid friendly because when you dip that knife into somebody's back, they turn into ice sculptures rather than corpses. Ice sculptures are FUN!"
@badp yeah I read an article about that, while slightly less graphic it's certainly not a "non-violent FPS"
Besides, everyone knows that video games support arms manufacturers!
Woah. what? No GnomeSlice for 6mo?
I was about to call Portal a non-violent FPS but it does involve a fair amount of violence at you
That's terrible
@fbueckert if ( value == null) value = "";
@James In a LINQ statement
@fbueckert Pft.. We have been over this :)
@fbueckert You should probably give up.
@James Yeah. And I have to pull the data before I can do anything with it.
@fbueckert Make a lambda for it?
@James Tried that; there's a join in there, and those are really complicated with lambda.
C# needs a ??= operator amirite?!
@OrigamiRob No
@Powerlord Ah yes I nearly missed today's edition of Manufactured Outrage Weekly
@fbueckert ಠ_ಠ
@James Since nine days ago.
@fbueckert Why not fetch the data and then clean it up man??
@Ullallulloo :O well I have been more lurky than chatty as of late.
@James Too many cycles; the DB can handle it just fine.
I just have to find the right LINQ commands to pull the data properly.
@fbueckert k... Write SQL :P
1 min ago, by fbueckert
@James In a LINQ statement
Say'm, anyone know the name of that Brawl mod that attempts to sorta balance things in a more Melee-type meta?
YOU, sir, are no help at all.
As much as I hate Oracle, IFNULL is handy
Hell I wrote a combo of a base script plus some StringBuilder search and replace that implemented REST capabilities for any C# object
@Powerlord SQL has an ISNULL equivalent.
I am not sure what you are doing, but it can not be more complicated than that was.
@GraceNote What's it do, remove tripping and those super attack power thingies?
@James All I'm trying to do is join two tables in a left join.
If I was writing straight SQL, I'd've been done hours ago.
@fbueckert I assume you mean TSQL, because I'm pretty sure the standard itself doesn't.
@Powerlord Yeah, I do.
And yes, I believe it's named COALESCE
@BenBrocka It actually does things like alter the behavior of certain attack strings in the game, affects what can cancel into what, and reverts some skills to behave as old (like for example I believe Falco goes back to his old reflector style).
Doesn't IS NULL work in just about everything? Been a while since I used oracle though
@fbueckert Outer or Inner?
@Ullallulloo Thanks
@BenBrocka IFNULL or COALESCE let you return a pre-defined value instead of null.
@James Outer.
The stupid LINQ code defaults to inner.
(or the actual value if it's not null)
And freaks out when I get an outer join, because null values.
var query = from person in people
join pet in pets on person equals pet.Owner into gj
from subpet in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { person.FirstName, PetName = (subpet == null ? String.Empty : subpet.Name) };
@James That...might work. Lemme give it a shot.
Speaking of projects and M, did that Metroid 2 remake ever get completed?
But just want it on record that I still dislike LINQ! :)
@James Well, duh... I think men in general prefer Zelda over Link.
@Powerlord /facepalm
@Powerlord Psh, Malon.
@James Hmm. Just noticed that uses DefaultIfEmpty
I can't use that.
@fbueckert Not applicable to your case?
@OrigamiRobot Isn't Marin a bit... young?
@James Have to use Entity Framework 3.5; defaultIfEmpty wasn't implemented until 4.
@fbueckert Ah... Ouch
Wow, even with EF .NET forces you to use LINQ?
@James Hence why I'm having issues with the stupid outer join.
Q: Left Outer Join via Linq To Entities via Entity Framework with Where clause

EulerOperatorI have read all the posts related to implementing the equivalent of a LEFT OUTER JOIN in Linq to Entities (.NET 3.5) when using the Entity Framework, but have yet to find a solution to the following problem. Given two tables, represented by the objects below: public class Foo { ...

You can thank Sharepoint for the inanities.
@James Found that one; having to double query it sounds...off.
@fbueckert Not when there is a limitation in the framework man :)
@Powerlord For data filtering, yeah.
Oh, I see what he's doing there.
Sorta an inner join, and one where there's no entries to join against, and then unioning them.
@Powerlord Not when you're adult Link.
Crap, that's convoluted.
@fbueckert I agree, LINQ IS convoluted. ;)
@Powerlord If you know of a better way to do an outer join, I'm all ears.
@fbueckert SQL, but you already said no to that
@Powerlord Entity Framework is supposed to abstract the damn SQL layer.
@Powerlord This seems an odd star for a gaming chat :D
Sorta defeats the purpose of using EF if I have to use SQL.
@James I can't star my own posts, so someone else is to blame
@Powerlord I am.. But it does still seem odd :)
and then Fluttershy murdered everyone. The End.
Well, Bridge, I am officially unemployed.
@Fluttershy Uh oh.
@Powerlord I knew it was coming, My job was only temporary.
@Fluttershy Is that why you murdered everyone?
SQL all the things
For ALL your stock photo needs: http://imgur.com/a/Qlh7Y
@Fluttershy :(
@Powerlord I... wha?
@Fluttershy Time to move to NC. I'll find you a job.
@OrigamiRobot You just want me to live with you. <3
@Fluttershy More time for gaming!
2 mins ago, by Powerlord
and then Fluttershy murdered everyone. The End.
@Fluttershy Logical conclusion.
@Fluttershy Stop putting words in my mouth.
@Fluttershy 'shipped like a true fandom member
@Fluttershy Ping!
@fbueckert At least until Monday, yeah. Then I hit the job search again.
@badp shutcha face
@BenBrocka You can't ping yourself. That's sick
Shut up @badp
@Powerlord I didn't murder anyone. =(
Yes you did, but it was in an alternate reality.
I get the feeling I need to watch more season 3...
@Fluttershy No, actually, I was making a reference to a video game and not the show
And not an MLP video game either.
Ah... >_>
WTF are Sonic 2 & 3 doing in my itunes sans the boss music? That was half the reason I got those
Ok, everybody cross your fingers.
Time to see if the LINQ works.
@fbueckert inb4 grumpy cat
@OrigamiRobot Nope, damn class won't compile.
@BenBrocka No idea.
Sonic CD had some great music too, btw... even if the game was mediocre.
@Powerlord Why do you not know these things?!
Q: How do I beat "Ad Nauseam 2"?

JeffIn Ad Naseum II by Cactusquid, I can progress to the point where the game says "game over". Is this how you beat the game? Or is there a better ending? If there is a better ending, how do I get it (do I just beat the game faster??)?

Q: Is "mod rec" really am umbrella category that we want to use? Or is it confusing the situation?

Grace NoteThis is a bit of a take on the discussion largely brought up by this question of last Fall, but to take a different approach to it. One might also gander at this oldie. As an upfront note, any instance I use of "native" refers to the original game design, without any modifications. Game-rec wor...

I couldn't get into sonic CD. I did enjoy the racing game for some reason though
Well, the thing about Sonic CD is that it has two different soundtracks, and both are pretty good.
ugh and these tracks all skip
Why can't game makers just release their damn OST on iTunes and crap. You already made the damn songs, just let me give you money
Finally! Damn thing works!
@BenBrocka Don't make me get out the "Just shut up and take my money" image.
@fbueckert I'd have laughed if it started Cartesian joining on you
@BenBrocka Not familiar with that term.
@fbueckert SELECT * FROM table1, table2;
@Powerlord Oh, no relationship joins.
Bleh, that would suck.
I'd be pulling SO much data.
I've had that happen on occasion when screwing up join conditions, pulling all/most of two tables multiplied by each other
@fbueckert how big are your tables?
@BenBrocka Yeah, things get crazy when you do that.
(wink wink)
We have a > 3 million rows table which isn't fun to work with (which has like 60 columns or something)
@BenBrocka Ok, you definitely beat me in that regard.
Total rows, across two tables: 60K.
Then again, that's because I normalized the shit out of the DB.
After I peeled it out of it's original format of Access.
Yeah I hate that table. Was trying to add a couple indexes on it in the test system, took ~20 minutes to add an index and I had to try several different indexes to test performance
@BenBrocka "My code's compiling!"
@fbueckert This is a 3rd party DB with crazy denormalized design. They shove every possible thing into a row, resulting in relatively few tables but lots of columns and lots of rows
@BenBrocka Psh, 3 million
When I left my old company, we had a table with around 12 million records, and it was still growing
@BenBrocka My Access DB I had to fix was built organically, by people that didn't know what they were doing.
indexed of course, so searching wasn't too bad
Oh god access
And it made data input incredibly hard to do properly.
Useless meeting in 8 minutes!
@SaintWacko even with our indexes this one is pretty nasty to query. I ended up one-way copying data over to another table for my app
Anyone want to come up with an excuse for me to skip it?
So I tripled the tables, enforced referential integrity, and am building forms to be able to input data now.
@Powerlord Your dog ate it!
That way I could perform one ~1 second "update" query to update the table the app touches instead of several hundred millisecond queries at every action in the app
@Powerlord Shout "WATERCOOLER IS SPY" and jump out the nearest window
@Powerlord You died, and will regretfully be unable to attend
Well, basically, this meeting is usually between the lead dev, the db programmer, the db administrator, and the kinda/sorta PM with me offering very little (since I have very little to do on the project other than testing now)
@fbueckert in my project I was tasked with replacing an access app and just started from scratch and only used the access DB to update some row info
Lead dev is out today
All this talk of databases requires me to invoke one of my horror stories.
@SaintWacko Be sure to tell them in person so it's credible
Happily, I've already told it, so I'll just direct you to the link
@BenBrocka eXACTLY
And I'll watch you all wince in horror.
@fbueckert We've heard the one about SELECT *
@fbueckert wince
@BenBrocka That's not a horror story. That a dev being stupid.
@BenBrocka That's all I need to hear to wince
Linked and loaded!
@Fluttershy Good luck on your completionist run of The Cave!
Ok, that's enough tearing game names out of the title for the moment.
I still haven't beaten The Cave once, let alone 7 times.
and by 7, I mean 14.
@Powerlord I've only beaten it 5 times. This is my 6th.
Did anyone get proteus?
@BenBrocka raises hand
@FAE you like it? It seems neat I'm just wondering if it's worth $9 (e.g. wondering if I'll get bored after 10 minutes)
Was also thinking of doing a (possibly blind) let's play of it though, which might be worth a purchase
@GraceNote Aww, you didn't use Cthuligon :(
there's decent variety in...stuff, right?
@OrigamiRobot As much as you were the only suggestion I got, alas, no I did not.
@BenBrocka I played it for an hour today. I found it to be pretty interesting, but it's not quite a game with goals or anything. I posted a bunch of screenshots of my playthrough today on my Steam.
@BenBrocka Spiderbro! =D

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