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There's a lot of good sportsmanship.
@badp This reminds me of a certain thing reported at kayin.pyoko.org, hah.
Ah, naturally, you're referring to it anyway.
@badp To be fair, each community has it's share of jerks who think their viewpoint is the be-all end-all of the community.
@BenBrocka I think shmups is also because it's a lot less... fitting in here. I mean, you don't really have all this strategy and meta building in shmups as you do in other games. It's more of a "survival of the fittest", it is all about training your ability to see through patterns. The answer to nigh any boss is "Dodge better".
We do much better answering questions about strategy than about execution.
@StrixVaria So why are we lacking on the fighting department then?
Tons of moves, tons of counters, very little time to think during a fight. (That's my perception)
@badp Because fighting games are equal part strategy and execution.
@badp We need people to ask.
Since we can't help with execution, it's not really worth it to come here at all.
@badp Because fighting game meta is totes wak.
"totes" teehee
@GraceNote There's often specific places that are safer on bosses though. And there's the more general questions like "how do I get secret achievement" "what's worth more points" etc
@BenBrocka i.e. stuff that's already answered elsewhere.
@badp And? I didn't say nobody asks.
@JasonBerkan Depends, it can be a bitch to find that info
Digging through forums, even if they're super bullet hell focused forums with all the info, is unpleasant at best
@JasonBerkan That's not relevant, because at no point SE was about being the first source of information, but the best source of information.
Q: How does the replay system work?

IsziI've searched all over the Mass Effect Wiki and can't find a page that has all the information I'm looking for. I was hoping to find something similar to the Playthrough 2 page on Borderlands Wiki but it seems no such page exists, or no such page is easily findable via the logical search terms I...

well, okay, maybe not even "best" as much as "least noise"
Should we not delete all answers on this question? They answer a question not being asked.
@BenBrocka Forum signatures. Grrrr.
@badp HATE those.
@badp That's SEs viewpoint, not the people asking the question's viewpoint.
Take up so much space, for no reason.
Well there's forum signatures and forum fucking signatures that never goddamn end and are at least ten times as high as the non-witty oneliner they are invariably linked with
If I have a choice between asking here and checking GameFAQs, I check GameFAQs first.
JasonBerkan's point is relevant, though, and that brings another point against Fighting Game-ness and that's the rather individual forthcoming-ness that exists within the Q&A system. People need to ask for information to get posted.
@JasonBerkan That's okay. I'm happy to know that there are questions GameFAQs doesn't answer, actually; the guides I've read there are usually rather thorough. It doesn't mean it's a problem if people ask questions covered by GameFAQs.
But if I search and see answers here and on GameFAQs I prefer it here
@GraceNote My experience with asking questions about fighting games is that responses tend to be hostile and invariably result in, "Lern 2 play, noob."
But gameFAQs does do well for simple things like Shumps and Wikis are better suited for fighting games really
So most people who dedicate to those types of games have learned that asking questions tends to be an unpleasant experience.
In my experience we're also usually better for new games, when we don't try to catch up with all the existing sources
Whereas, in a good community, you have frame analysis and combo lists and match up data and all the rest of that meta available for perusing. In varying amounts of readability, granted, but it's basically an entire encyclopaedia where it's done right. It's all about research there, rather than Q&A.
@James It's harassment.
@BenBrocka Wikis are great for name-information dictionary lookups and they have tables, which we very very very sadly (cough) lack.
@MadScientist This. Our biggest explosion of questions (and visits) have been new games where we can get the answers faster.
It's harassment at BEST
It has a different atmosphere of approach to how you get information in that kind of context than in a lot of the stuff we normally look up.
unless they are the Binding of Isaac wiki, then even we'd do a better job than them at organizing information.
It's shutting down a business and harming innocent workers at worst
Sleeping Dogs wiki sucks too
We would have to fix tagging to really organize content better, but I suspect hell will freeze over before we get a tagging system that actually makes sense for the site
@OrigamiRobot Haha, I am certainly not asking people to sign the petition.. This is more of jaw dropping Huh!? to me I felt worth sharing :)
The BoI wiki is pretty much one page with a huge table, one row per item
Though in my own experience, a lot of the learning and research in fighting games is done by getting your face punched in repeatedly.
@fbueckert Help Vampires?
Also, forgetting an impasse, as it turns out, does absolutely nothing towards getting past that impasse. Bwargh.
@James I was just commenting on the subject. It wasn't directed at you. The reply was merely for context.
> Comparing these attacks to the 'occupy' protests Anonymous notes that instead of people occupying an area, it is their computers occupying a website for a particular period of time.
No, it's like calling a business over and over or going into a place and shouting as loud as you can so the people can't hear legitimate customers.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah its not being in the area to voice your opinion on something, its removing someone else's freedom of choice.
Does he ask the same, tired questions others ask (at a rate of once or more per minute)?
Does he clearly lack the ability or inclination to ask the almighty Google?
Does he refuse to take the time to ask coherent, specific questions?
Does he think helping him must be the high point of your day?
Does he get offensive, as if you need to prove to him why he should use Ruby on Rails?
Is he obviously just waiting for some poor, well-intentioned person to do all his thinking for him?
Can you tell he really isn’t interested in having his question answered, so much as getting someone else to do his
@RonanForman Mindcrack is better
@James We had a vote, they're mainly the same anyway.
@RonanForman EE makes playing the game pointless :)
@James This is EE3, not EE2.
@James Not EE3
@James Also what's your username, so I can whitelist you.
@OrigamiRobot It's worse, it's more like swarming a store so no one can go in. You can picket (in some cases) but you can't physically prevent people from using a building/service, that's illegal
@RonanForman Crysyn
@James Also known as people I want to murder.
@James Oh yeah, it's 1 on youtube.
@BenBrocka Exactly
If you can't help yourself, don't expect me to help you.
@SaintWacko Does it still allow me to change cobble into diamonds?
@GraceNote Equivalent Exchange.
@James Done!
@James Maybe, if you go through all the intermediate steps
@fbueckert I am still not sure I am getting the name reference appropriately :D
@GraceNote Yes. Turn very many "worthless" items into very few precious items and then blow things up.
I don't know much about EE3 yet
I see.
@SaintWacko Making it take a few steps to turn on creative mode is... pointless to me :)
@GraceNote Equivalent Exchange was found out to be a lie (or at least a half truth) anyway.
@James Nope, you can turn logs into diamond, that's as far as it goes.
IIRC, you can turn 9*9*9*9 blocks of stone into 9*9*9 blocks of iron into 9*9 blocks of gold into 9 blocks of diamonds into whatnot, I have no idea.
@OrigamiRobot Doesn't stop half of people implementing systems called "alchemy" from referencing it.
@RonanForman Hehe, That does not make it better :D
@GraceNote I know, I'm just showing off.
@OrigamiRobot Go do that on the Anime & Manga site.
@GraceNote We need proper alchemy systems.
(It's Minecraft if you haven't understood)
You know what I'm talking about.
@GraceNote I would if my knowledge of anime and manga wasn't limited to FMA and FLCL
@James Plus the stone you use takes damage and get's destroyed.
@fbueckert Ahhh I see now :)
@RonanForman so wood → stone → iron → gold → diamond?
@RonanForman Yeah.. Mindcrack is still better :)
@James Wait, what?
if that was true I'd be interested in taking 1 diamond into a shitton of wood.
@fbueckert Aye aye.
Course we add in MystCraft and Atmos Mobs to it :)
@OrigamiRobot That hasn't stopped a lot of people.
@badp Logs obsidian iron gold diamond.
Obsidian below iron? uh, okay.
@badp Lava is infinte.
@badp It is vastly more abundant
@GraceNote Just like I don't really participate on B&CG because my knowledge is limited to MtG.
In the nether at least.
What I really want are crafting systems that can be customized out the yinyang. You can build a base item with X, Y, and Z. But you can modify the functionality by maybe adding in A, increase the output by moving Y into position B, or cause a completely different effect by putting in Z in reverse.
@RonanForman And yet unsafe and scarce.
Rock, otoh...
@badp Not with pumps and igneous extruders :)
@fbueckert You should play Lost Magic.
Q: Where's all the ladies at?

IsziIt just occurred to me that, for the majority of alien species in the Mass Effect series, I haven't noticed any female representation. Species I've seen females of: Human Quarian Rachni And... wow, that's it. Now there are actually several species we can logically exclude from a list of t...

@RonanForman Even with out these they are not that dangerous or scarce... I mean honestly you do not jump off a cliff, stop jumping in Lava :D
@RonanForman because Minecraft doesn't have enough extraneous junk in it :P
@OrigamiRobot That game was fun
Some of the 3rd level spells were pushing it though
@BenBrocka In power level or in complexity of the symbol?
@fbueckert I can probably come up with some examples of more complex things in that fashion but I'm too busy being at an impasse.
@badp 55 for us.. and no I do not consider this real minecraft.. I consider it a FUBAR most of the time and a royal pain in the ass.. I would have stopped hosting it if I had not gotten 2 other admins to test it out.
@GraceNote Go left.
@James I said 57 because 57 is the amount of mods the FTB launcher reports coming with.
I think the mine stack gaming server only uses ~20 or so.
Which is still a mind blowing amount of mods for me :P
@OrigamiRobot Wall.
@GraceNote Break though it, obviously.
@OrigamiRobot Some of the mixes between elements for the better skills make no damn sense
@badp Oddness.. we disable 12 mods from mindcrack to get down to 53 then add in 2 of our own.. implying it deals with atleast 66 mods
Oh I mean the mixing 3 symbols not 3rd level spells, I forgot there were spell levels in addition to mixes
@BenBrocka Yea I seem to remember this.
@badp Ture :)
@OrigamiRobot Yeah. Been tryin' t'do that.
Try harder.
Use explosives.
I hate when google instant does this
(it auto-searches for it's auto-complete, then doesn't refresh the search after I finish typing)
@BenBrocka Are there really that many sites for pet names? And very specific pets at that.
@OrigamiRobot I've even dug out the ancient stuff but still no breakthrough.
Obviously the game is bugged, then.
Because my directions are flawless.
Not playing a game.
Then what kind of eldritch wall have you encountered?
Design balance.
I don't even know what we're talking about anymore.
Not to imply I did before.
is the site down?
can't seem to compulsively refresh the flag queue at this particular second
Yes. Everybody panic. Please.
@GraceNote did the weasels get loose again?
ok, it's back now, panic time is over.
@OrigamiRobot Working on a project. Needing a secondary positive effect and a secondary negative effect but most traditional options are either used up on other effects or would not fit the essence here.
Success! I am now the proud owner of Minecraft. Yay for Christmas money.
Secondary Positive Effect: Rocket Arms
Secondary Negative Effect: Bad Breath
Q: Location of save files for Knights of Pen and Paper

Brian MulcahyI was hoping to transfer my Knights of Pen and Paper save information between multiple Android devices. Does anyone know where I might find the relevant files? My devices are rooted. Thanks a lot! Brian

@OrigamiRobot Positive effect, perhaps not in full execution but in principle result, actually already is on another ability.
@GraceNote Rocket Legs?
Though things must be said that some game must happen where the attack boost effect really just adds rocket power to everything.
@GraceNote If it's in a gaming context, I really want to know about it.
20 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert You should play Lost Magic.
@OrigamiRobot DS?
Yes, it's not building, but it has the combination system you describe.
...ooh, silence.
Not like, silence silence, but silence!
@GraceNote ..., ..... ..!
. ... .... ... ... .....
Also, related. But not quite. Still.
@GnomeSlice Ooh! New game from the devs of Revenge of the Titans!
@fbueckert Yeah!
And Titan Attacks!
Definitely going to check that out.
Never did finish Revenge, but I really should.
Q: Problems with Minecraft Spawn Trap Up In The Sky

ColdComfortSo! I've made a giant mob spawner/killer up in the sky (y=220-235) over an ocean. Light level 1 spawn floors, 540 block area, 3 high, periodic water flush that pushes mobs into a pit, where fall damage kills them. Problem is, mobs seems to rarely spawn inside, and endermen just vanish. I know th...

Thanks, @OrigamiRobot. Though indirectly so, your suggestions have allowed me to get halfway through this impasse!
I take full credit.
As you should.
Speaking of taking undeserved credit, where has @Wipqozn been?
But... you do deserve the credit.
Not all the credit.
@OrigamiRobot I haven't seen pixel around lately, either.
All the credit that doesn't come from my own person, and since I can't take credit for helping me since I am me, that means all credit goes to you.
Rocket Arms - > Jet Power -> Gun Scythe -> Snow -> Silence
I disagree that you can't take credit for helping yourself.
@fbueckert She's in here right now.
You setup the dots, I connected the dots.
@Ullallulloo In the chat room != around.
Or, perhaps more apt, you set up the road I had to walk. All I did was walk down it. You found the destination in order to setup the road, though.
Did you use Bad Breath?
Still stuck on the secondary negative effect.
Also, how is Silence a positive effect?
In this case, it's the cancellation of incoming magic.
@AshleyNunn I had forgotten about that.
She doesn't do it for that long, I don't think.
@OrigamiRobot Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt
@Ullallulloo I hate uncertainty.
Basically, instead of "Silence, the status effect that robs you of the ability to speak and thus makes you unable to cast spells in most settings", this is "Silence, the absence of noise and disturbance, maintained if necessary."
@GnomeSlice I'd be in trouble if I hated uncertainty since I don't believe in certainty.
@OrigamiRobot Me neither. Which is why I hate pretty much everything.
removes all doubt
@fbueckert The BuyMore is a spy base OMG
Oh, that's where you are in there.
@GnomeSlice I don't hate anything.
@OrigamiRobot Me neither.
@AshleyNunn It's always had a spy base underneath it, now it actually is a spy base.
@fbueckert I am debating if I like it or not
@AshleyNunn It's Chuck; reserve judgement for the inevitable punch line.
@fbueckert I just don't know if things are getting too much OMG spy
@AshleyNunn Reserve judgement; they work with that later.
Q: Bioshock crashes on start up or fails to play in-game sound

bitmaskDisclaimer: There is a related question, describing missing in-game sound. This is about the game crashing on start up and starting only with the -nosound flag (obviously deactivating sound output). When Bioshock is started on Windows 7 (Steam version), it shows a splash screen with the Bioshock...

oh god
I am so glad to be home
@AshleyNunn Surprisingly, Jeff becomes an intelligent, coherent individual later.
@fbueckert Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe...
Hey kalina.
@GraceNote Have you watched Chuck? Or are you giggling about something unrelated?
@fbueckert I watched all but the first two or three seasons. I am actually not sure when I jumped in but then I ended up watching all the rest from that point on up until the finale.
some customers just cannot be pleased
@GraceNote There's quite a bit of history you're missing.
And many, MANY geek references.
@kalina What happened?
I migrated one of our super problem customers who were having performance issues onto a nice new cluster of load balanced servers
the super problem customer has an ex-employee of the company I work for whose sole reason to live is to cause us grief
after I had finished, I told him to log in and test the system, advised that certain parts were not up and running yet and that he must not use them
one of them being payroll functionality
so he logged in and ran payroll for the entire site
@kalina So of course, he tries to use them?
@kalina Wow.
@fbueckert Oh, most definitely. But I can't be bothered to backtrack now.
and then started reporting performance issues again
What did it do?
even though there is absolutely no way that there are any performance issues
our payroll is modular, I had set it to use a dummy module which we use for training
@GraceNote I'm rewatching the whole series, after getting @AshleyNunn hooked on it.
so it marked all 30000 of their staff as though they've been paid this month
which is obviously a critical issue to us
hence why I've only just got home at 6pm
@kalina I can see why
so one of our customers knowingly delayed my weekend
@kalina What an asshole
so I wish he would catch some kind of deadly flesh eating virus
@kalina Bill the company for the overtime.
Their moron caused it, they can pay for it.
I don't get paid overtime
oh right
no I did the next best thing
I rolled back the fact that everybody had been paid this month except him
so he won't get paid this month
@kalina Really?
Ahahaha, that's awesome
@SaintWacko hey, just because I'm cheery on the outside doesn't mean I'm not evil in spirit
@kalina While that is awesome revenge, that doesn't resolve the underlying issue, which is that they employed a moron.
@kalina Oh, I already knew that :D
Naha! Impasse bypassed! Spell data mastery complete! Job done!
@GraceNote Yay?
@SaintWacko So very yay.
@GraceNote Yay!
By billing the company for the emergency work, and providing the documentation, it's a way to go, "We did our jobs. We wouldn't have had to do this if Mr. Moron over there had read the email properly."
@fbueckert tbh the guy is reasonably smart, he's just got a vendetta against us for not giving him the promotion he wanted
and, I'd much rather he gets charged by his bank for late payments
Of course, now I'm not sure what I'll do next.
because that's not damaging our customers
and I love our customers, because they're the reason I get paid so much
but, I am glad to be home
Welcome home!
@kalina CYA. Drown them in reams of documentation that shows their employee is the cause of the additional cost.
my home doesn't feel very welcoming tbh, it's like 8 degrees in here
@fbueckert wrong method
That, better than anything else, is revenge.
@fbueckert my method was sending an apologetic email to their management forwarding the specific email in question as an attachment
@kalina That works, too.
with my assurances that I would get the issue fixed before leaving today
It's better when there're costs attached to it, though; it sticks better than, "Hey, just letting you know, Mr. Moron is an idiot."
@fbueckert our customers pay us a ridiculous amount per year in support as it is
@fbueckert "Hey, just letting you know, Mr. Moron is an idiot, and he isn't getting paid this month."
@SaintWacko I can't do that, that shows malicious intent
which is gross misconduct
@kalina Does the support agreement include fixing their employee fuckups?
Most don't.
@fbueckert for issues as critical as their employees getting paid, yes
with an initial plan of action within 2 hours
@kalina I know you couldn't actually say that :P
and a fix within 6
I just reversed the issue for all 'employees' on the system - since he insists on breaking the system by logging in with an sa level account with an accompanying lack of permissions in the application he doesn't show as an employee
@kalina Nice!
@kalina And for problems that stemmed from the system breaking through no fault of theirs, that makes sense.
And yeah, that kinda defeats the purpose of having permission levels...
its his fault he was missed, he chose to ignore the documentation for the application, and the training for the application
Q: Questions that are only loosely related to gaming. Are on topic?

Michel AyresIn questions like What is the genre of music in Katamari called? and Who sings 'Embrace the Heresy'? where the main question is not about a problem, rather than that, about a feature that is unknown to the OP. Like those two examples above. How should we treat this?

For an issue that's deliberately caused by their employee, that sounds like all SORTS of billable costs.
@fbueckert I doubt she can prove it was deliberate, though
@fbueckert what @SaintWacko said
@SaintWacko Email sent telling him not to run module X.
He runs module X anyways.
Doesn't matter if it's an "accident".
@fbueckert many people who play MMOs give people their account details by not paying attention
not reading is not proof of deliberate
you can easily argue negligence
but I'm not going to argue with panicking customers that think they're not going to get paid
@kalina Oh, no.
You still fix the issue.
I can see that many would, since it shifts the balance of power
and the sql I wrote to fix it was awesome
And THEN you send them the bill for the emergency work.
@kalina Which should still have a cost associated with it.
People don't learn if there are no consequences attached to their actions.
I will go for the moral victory of making the guy look stupid in front of people who listen to what he says too much
especially since he immediately started to whine about performance issues after the migration was complete
@kalina With any luck, they'll stop listening so much...
@kalina I suspect he has a ready-made excuse for when he gets asked about it.
well, there are no performance issues
none of these servers are doing anything more than idle at any time
@kalina He's probably just upset that his games won't work on them
I can access them from home and work and our application runs pretty fast
probably faster than any of the other customers I deal with
so I'm going to make him look silly again by demonstrating it's their network and that's what we told them months ago
For what it's worth, @MichelAyres, I definitely agree with you. But let's see what the community thinks.
@fbueckert I'm going to make a edit to put more info in that answer of mine as @OrigamiRobot sugested
@MichelAyres The basic premise of your question has already been covered in another answer.
and I'm going to stay out of it, because getting involved in policy debates never goes well for me
@OrigamiRobot o.O ? wha
Q: "Here is a thing. Look at the thing. Do you see the thing? I would like to know what this Thing is Called." A plea for sanity

LessPop_MoreFizzidentify-this-game was a Bad Tag. It was applied to Bad Questions. It is gone forever, and I could not be happier. But it appears, that we have been throwing some babies out with our admittedly filthy bathwater. So, before I move on, I want to talk for a second about why identify-this-game is b...

@kalina I don't think it ever goes well for anyone...
@MichelAyres you can't see it, but this is a perfect example of why the music question should be closed:
that is a question about a track in a game that was closed and deleted
I'm fighting my first team battle in White, with Cheren and his water pokemon
I'm using my fire pokemon
and the first move he uses is the one that decreases the power of fire moves -.-
@kalina Saving this on my bookmark, so when I got 10K i'll check it out! (Or you could make a SS for 'us'?!?!?!?!?)
@kalina <3 Thank you ma'am ^.^
Q: Are questions that are only loosely related to gaming on-topic?

Michel AyresIn questions like What is the genre of music in Katamari called? and Who sings 'Embrace the Heresy'? where the main question is not about a problem the asker has, but about a feature that is unknown to the OP. How should we treat questions like this?

Why did I vote to reopen this question, I wonder? It's a classic, "Why did the devs design it that way?" question.
I see Sonic Racing Transformed is finally up for pre-order on Steam.
Ok, @Lazers likes me <3
@fbueckert not really
@kalina HOW is answerable.
WHY, not so much.
@fbueckert the question is "A way to discovery if the Game runs into my Console" not sure if accepted question or not, but not a good one in my POV
@fbueckert yes but, that's the title being written wrong - the question is 'how', not 'why'
@kalina Derp. Reading fail on my part.
@Lazers Great, now I have the Katamari theme stuck in my mind.
@fbueckert and that title was edited in by somebody who wasn't the original poster
@kalina The why was still in the question.
@fbueckert there isn't a "why" in the question -.-
@JasonBerkan Grats! How much is it nowadays? 20 €? 40 €? too many €?
Nov 22 '12 at 15:58, by fbueckert
@fredley I agree; the title needs changing though.
that will do
> How do I find out why my phone is incompatible with a game?
that's the title not the question
Am I missing something? There's clearly a why in the question title.
don't you think closing a question for having a bad title is a little overkill?
@fbueckert Would you rather "How do I find out what causes my phone to be incompatible with a game?"
@kalina The original question was, "Why doesn't this game work on my phone?", distilled to it's basics.

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