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@StrixVaria Both, actually.
I hate it.
I think it's messed up. The main page said "We're currently offline for maintenance" for me a second ago... >_>
Q: My chat tags are borderless

Kyle TraubermanWhen I post a tag into chat, borders on my tags are missing, but other's tags have them: also: inspecting the page source, the style attribute for my tags are missing: normal tag <span class="ob-post-tag" style="background-color: #E0EAF1; color: #3E6D8E; border-color: #3E6D8E; border-s...

Apparently chat is having issues remembering what sites exist in the network, I guess.
@John It's gonna be a while on Conclave. I think tonight's comic book night for @OrigamiRobot
The API in general seems to be working just fine though, not sure why that could be.
@Fluttershy @John The three of us could make a new party.
@TimStone fixitfixitfixitfixitfixit
I'm afraid I don't have....THE POWER. I will go get ready to go out to dinner, though.
Q: There's any benefit in have a second commercial port?

ApocatastasisI constructed a second commercial port to avoid traffic. Both ports are full of employees well paid. However, since the construction of the second port the merchant boats are getting no service any more.

Q: Can I restore a save file from PSN+ thats a couple of days old?

GhermanI'm having problems with Dead Island with some trophies and DLC's and I was wondering if there was a way to restore an OLD PSN+ save file?.. It already updated my last save file :/ Does it mean it overwrote it and its lost!? D':

I just found out about nglayout.initialpaint.delay = 0 in Firefox.
I can't find a good place to test it, but it sounds cool: kb.mozillazine.org/Nglayout.initialpaint.delay
@John Sorry, I went to see the Hobbit (in 48fps, IMAX and 3D) and now it's midnight.
@RonanForman I'm jealous. I only get to choose to have two at a time (and may even be more limited than that)
Choose HFR, it's interesting.
Q: Does taking Piero's Workshop Key in Dishonored have any negative effects further in the story?

Ishmael NemoRight before being assigned your first assassination in Dishonored, you can pick up Piero's Workshop Key next to the Hound Pits Pub. Due to the harsh nature the game has in regards to some choices, and as there's a sidequest later in the game where Piero and another character are hiding in his wo...

Q: How do i get the Twitch-tv Popout chat?

AssraceI am a streamer at nl.twitch.tv and whenever I see someone streaming, they always have a window of the chat next to there game. my question is: Does anybody know how i can get this "popout"chat?

@RonanForman wanted to with my family, but they weren't willing to travel the hour it would take to see it in a theatre that was showing it in HFR. Did see it in 3D though
Meh, the 3D was okay.
Planning on going again for HFR + 3D or HFR + IMAX (if available)
Do the latter.
@Ullallulloo that page says lowering the value could increase rendering times. Do you know of any stats on that?
@RonanForman shoot, it's only IMAX + 3D
What is HFR?
@MBr IMAX is nothing new, it presaged digital film.
@Flutter High frame rate - 48fps
I don't see how that's an issue. The Hobbit was filmed at 48fps. Wouldn't IMAX 3D already be 48fps?
@Fluttershy 48fps per eye
Not nesacceraly (screw spelling) most cinemas scale it back down again.
3D movies should be banned for discriminating against one-eyed people.
And... I was not aware of that. I just assumed it was automatically viewed at 48fps.
@Sterno I'm not one-eyed, but I can't see 3D like that.
@Fluttershy You are the victim of discrimination!
Smart Phone get!
@RonanForman 7I wanted to see it in HFR, but the people I went with didn't. I was planning to see it again, but I wasn't very impressed by the movie.
It occasionally looks like an ameture film because you can sometimes tell they're just actors throwing props around.
@Sterno But one-eyed people can watch it. It will just look like everything else they see
@Fluttershy so I've already seen it in 3D (not IMAX), but not in HFR. With active glasses, what would have been projected would be 2x24fps. With passive glasses, it's two projectors each running at 24fps.
Anyway, it's late and my spelling processor has gone, night all.
@RonanForman g'night
Well, Prenda Law is continuing to dig itself in deeper. And Charles Carreon is quite close to digging straight through the earth, he's so deep.
Hmm, I need something deserty
I wonder if my parents have any ice cream
@fbueckert really?
@MBraedley Trifle is always good.
@AshleyNunn Yup. It's always amusing to watch lawyers try to stave off the writing on the wall.
@fbueckert I am amazed they still have anywhere to dig.
@AshleyNunn You know about the Alan Cooper identity theft, right?
@fbueckert yeah, I do.
@AshleyNunn They decided to attack the judge, since, you know, seems like a plan...
@timstone idiots.
@AshleyNunn Judge ordered them to give a straight answer to that question. So, yeah, like @TimStone said, they decided to attack the judge.
Apparently, he's biased against porn copyright firms.
That is crazy stuff.
@AshleyNunn Welcome to John Steele's lawyer-y tactics.
Not quite Jack Thompson shenanigans, but they're starting to get there.
@fbueckert wow. The fact that people think that stuff like this will work is just mind blowing.
@AshleyNunn Lawyers.
One more reason to outlaw that profession.
Anyways, it's time for me to go dancing! Later, Bridge!
@fbueckert no argument here, but can't begin to imagine replicating my aunt's trifle
@fbueckert enjoy the dancing!
Oh yeah, ice cream should go back in the freezer
Hm. My SIM card does not fit in my Nexus 4.
Now what?
@RavenDreamer Get a new one. They're cheap.
@RavenDreamer really? Does the N4 take mini SIM?
@RavenDreamer If the phone is using the new micro SIM card format you can probably get it swapped, or if you're adventurous, cut it yourself
@YiJiang易江 not as easy for micro, doable for mini
@MBraedley so it does. Well, drat.
Q: Can all EUR Nintendo 64 cartridges be set to English?

xiaohouzi79I purchased Paper Mario 64 a year ago and it allowed me to set language to English. I live in Australia and most games don't have the language select functionality they are just set at English. I am wanting to buy Smash Bros online which is marked as NUS-006(01)EUR. Do all EUR cartridges have ...

damn it. I posted the wrong video.
@TimStone It's the same as the last time - chat must have momentarily lost connection to the API. My chat profile got changed to Chinese.SE, again
I didn't realize there were so many sizes
@Wipqozn you're too young to be posting that video
But it's still the same chip, so you could, in theory at least, cut it down yourself, right?
@Wipqozn Coins suck. The fact that Canada doesn't have a $1 bill makes their money stupid.
@Wipqozn WHAT, NO
All money should be paper bills.
@StrixVaria Toonies are fucking awesome.
@GnomeSlice $2 bills would be even more awesome.
Because coins suck.
@StrixVaria We used to have those.
I think.
Maybe it was $1 bills.
Anyway. Coins are where it's at.
I don't know how you could seriously think that.
What's wrong with them??
They're heavy and stupid to carry.
Bills are much, much more convenient.
@StrixVaria What do you throw into fountains then??
@StrixVaria except American bills, which all look the same
@GnomeSlice It doesn't matter. The loss of things to throw into fountains is worth not having coins any more.
@MBraedley They're getting better at that.
I disagree!
@GnomeSlice definitely not toonies
@MBraedley Well, no.
Vending machines?
@MBraedley I thought it said 'death to panties' for a sec there.
Also, I love how my name is shortened to 'Yi Jiang's Evil' on chat
@YiJiang'sEvilClone They take bills already, and I'm sure it wouldn't be that difficult to design one that gives change in bills.
The only reason not to switch everything to all bills is the infrastructure that already exists for coins.
Same as how the USA still uses stupid units for everything.
@StrixVaria Oh. Personally I wish they can all take NFC cashcards. It's almost been a decade since we started using those for buses and trains. It's absurd I still need a pocketful of change for those.
Honestly if I could pay for everything with my credit card that would be even better.
There are still some local stores around here that have credit minimums or don't take credit at all, though.
@StrixVaria A lot of stores here added a minimum after Visa increased it's charges on transactions
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's lame.
PS3 needs to get HBO GO
@StrixVaria not in most vending machines in Canada. Except for things like parking garages
@MBraedley That's because Canada has stupid $1 and $2 coins.
@StrixVaria but even before the twonie, vending machines didn't take bills. And probably before the loonie as well
@MBraedley That's because that was in the past before the technology was good.
@StrixVaria the twonie was introduced less than 20 years ago. A lot less, actually. At that time, the US had plenty of vending machines that accepted bills
@MBraedley Well I'm sorry your country just sucks then.
@StrixVaria I'm sorry yours can't get with the times
@MBraedley Uh...yours is the one lacking basic technology.
@StrixVaria why buy something really expensive when you don't need it. I probably should remember I'm talking to gamers here, though.
I can't figure out how to change my new phone from thinking I live in Kansas City (AKA Central Time)
@RavenDreamer settings->date & time and uncheck set automatic. Unless the settings menu is significantly different
Then turn on GPS, get a good signal, and turn on automatic clock again
@Fluttershy reject as radical change and flag as NAA?
@MBraedley There doesn't appear to be a date & time.
@RavenDreamer shucks. I haven't flashed the latest ROM to my phone, so I'm only using Gingerbread
But we have an SE for your exact problem
@Fluttershy Google Translated, most likely
@YiJiang'sEvilClone that's why I say reject. It doesn't look like it did a stellar job
@MBraedley It's Google Translate. =P Do they ever do a good job?
@Fluttershy good? No. Passible? Usually.
"List of 10 games, Margaret, said Wednesday at the national Office CD Jimma Burkina Faso" Thank you BadTranslator.
@MBraedley which?
@RavenDreamer Unrelated to your current dilemma. Are you a PS+ member?
@Fluttershy Nope.
@RavenDreamer You should get it! Or just buy Gravity Rush. >_> Either one.
I play about .012 playstation 3 games a month.
Q: How do I set the correct time zone on my Nexus 4?

Raven DreamerI just purchased a Nexus 4. I'm perplexed, however, in that it thinks I am in the central timezone (I'm in Eastern). The Clock application that came with the phone has a "Home Timezone" option, but this only puts a secondary clock on the clock app when I'm outside of my Home Timezone... which, ...

Also, I need a microsim card. :(
@RavenDreamer It's a Vita game!
@Fluttershy Ah. I play about .12 Vita games a month!
@RavenDreamer Even better!
@RavenDreamer I'm thinking that, because you don't have a SIM, it's going off of wifi, which google must think is in Kansas
Have you tried getting a GPS lock?
@RavenDreamer Mixed good? Or mixed bad? <_<
@Fluttershy Mixed is, by definition, both.
I thought that was common knowledge :P
Well... I didn't know your original feelings. So... <_<
@RavenDreamer what exactly do you find off putting? I mean I see a few things that might do it, but I want specifics.
This is assuming that you originally wanted a Japanese girlfriend
@MBraedley The high pitched squeaky voice.
@RavenDreamer yeah, thought so
Additionally, this particular specimen appears simple, though I cannot be sure that is simply the language barrier.
Well, opinions on the attractive lady playing the game aside..... It's a pretty awesome game. And it's one of the ones that are free to PS+ members.
However, there are numerous Caucasian women who also suffer from high-pitched squeaky voice syndrome, so this Japanese girl may be the exception
But I fear not
@Fluttershy Attractive she is.
@Fluttershy What is the gameplay like?
@RavenDreamer It's hard to compare it to anything. I guess kind of like... Um... Hell, I dunno. It's kind of an open-world action adventure game.
Wikipedia lists it as "Action-Adventure, Action Role-Playing, Open World". <_<
@BenBrocka I need your assistance!
> I think she's a pretty news anchor. I'm a dude that could totally lesbian for her.
@MBraedley Not at all. I think it would just have to be the time from loading it multiple times though.
@MBraedley How do I close out of an app completely?
I just found out I'm running every app I've opened so far.
Oh snap. I've seen @Mana playing FTL and Mark of the Ninja on Steam today. This might be the first time I've ever seen him play anything.
@Fluttershy @GnomeSlice I would not be opposed to yet another party
I'm on a phone, but I'll do what I can
Game seems to work okay
I did stuff
Yay for stuff!
@MBraedley The number is in every corner.
@AshleyNunn Did you watch that show?
@RonanForman No problem! It's a casual game. Play when you can :)
@John Did you start another game?
@RavenDreamer there is no real standard way, but pressing the home button is generally not how to do it. Pressing back or using a menu option is usually how you do it.
@RavenDreamer Usually you'd keep pressing the back button until you exit the app
There's also the press home button, then open the recent app menu and slide to the side to remove the app from the list method
If I can remember correctly that terminates the app. Or at least prevents it from clogging up that list
@OrigamiRobot it's more that every bill is not only the same colour, but also has similar designs. If you think Canadian money is crazy because they're all different colours, you should know that the Euro has different sized bills as well.
@MBraedley I don't think either of those things are crazy
I just think our money is pretty easy to tell apart.
@OrigamiRobot oh, was I not arguing with you earlier? (looks through chat) No, that wasn't you
@MBraedley It was Strix. Same thing.
Common mistake.
Hello them my phone!
I am still learning how to use the rolling touch outright fard
I meant keyboard
What's a fard?
in CTV

In my dictionary but I don't know
facial cosmetics.
verb (used with object)
to apply cosmetics to (the face).
Can I not edit my messages with the phone version?
Le lame
@RavenDreamer Hit Menu, and then Edit Last
Oh 8 did not realize that was a menu for chat
@RavenDreamer so you're using swype?
I'm using whatever comes on the phone which I think is not swipe but Same idea
@fluttershy I just added your name tothe phone's dictionary. Woo
@RavenDreamer Woo!
Anyhow I'm going to bed. Night!
Q: Can't find the Lymith?

ParalyticNot sure whats up, attempting to turn in the quest The Important Chest but Lymith isn't at the bank or near the spot on my map where it shows the quest is supposed to be turned in at. Why is Lymith not at the bank? or is Lymith somewhere else?

Q: Which investment should I make?

EBongoI recently started Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - and I see I now have the ability to make "investments" in shops, which seems to involve and upfront outlay of cash, and sort of a "dividend" system of randomly getting a return on that investment. Its been a while, but I don't recall this system ...

Whew, it's cold outside.
@RavenDreamer I want to show you what swype looks like on my phone, but the iPad is failing miserably. It doesn't want to upload the cropped version of my screenshot.
Anyways, I'm off to bed
@fbueckert how cold!
@AshleyNunn I'm assuming that's supposed to be a question? :P
Yeah yeah it is. I always swipe the wrong way for question marks on here
@AshleyNunn -15, -20 with the windchill.
@Origami No, but I'm close to that point. It would only be my third...
@fbueckert that makes me want to crawl in a pile of blankets and never come out. Xd
@RavenDreamer Swype is better than the swipe thing that comes with the phone
@Fluttershy it was a really lazy day
3 hours later…
Q: Why is my ship taking the scenic route?

aslumSo I've found that you can examine the route that ships are going to take by holding the right mouse button down. I would have thought I could send my ship straight there, why is he taking a three turn route instead of a straight shot in two turns? Is there anything I can do?

1 hour later…
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Don't post ponies just to try and get attention
How can I get attention when there's literally noone around?
The question stream seems to be dead. @Lazers is slacking again
I'm here, and... not
I'm still waking up
It feels surreal to be actively using my brain at 9-30am
Q: Are there any spells that can stop Juggernaut while spinning?

MegaNairdaAre there any spells that will cause Yurnero's (Juggernaut) Blade Fury to stop?

@kalina I'm not
@fredley I'm not now, I got distracted
@kalina Good good, glad to hear
Q: What are the commands for the lan world? I want to know them all!

YoshiI've figured out that if you do /spawnpoint it changes your spawnpoint for the lan world. So every time I die, I spawn where I want to. And I don't have to use my bed! :D So If you have answers or a website for all the commands, please tell me. Thanks :)

Q: Can you create two railway stations picking up goods at one coal mine?

Cow KingI have a few coal mines that output quite a bit of coal. I have one station (multi ro-ro) where it's efficient and trains are loading as fast as they can. If I add another station on the other side of the coal mine, will I be able to load even faster or does it not work like that? Will it mess u...

@Lazers It missed a spam question that was sitting out there for at least half an hour
@Lazers Does this look like Minecraft?
Q: Website where you can find Ordered Lists of Items?

Panagiotis PalladinosI know there are many libraries for League of Legends Items but I still haven't found one that allows you to sort Items for a particular stat category (ascending or descending). Lets say for example that I want all items giving Ability Power Descending (starting from the one giving the most and ...

Q: A couple of Skyrim questions

ShirishWell, I just started an assassin type character in Skyrim, and before I put too much time into it, I wanted to confirm a couple of things. Can the Shrouded Gloves be disenchanted? I prefer the Nightingale set for its slightly higher armor rating, but I also want that 2x backstab multiplier fro...

Wasn't @Lazers blue yesterday?
Great. My phone just autocorrected "arqade" to "al qaeda"
Who wants to be my Dragonvale friend and gift each other gems?
When I saw Dragonvale in the android app store I sweated cold a little. Then I skipped it.
I couldn't see myself along the ranks of people asking "OMFG HOW DO I BREED THE CACOPHONY DRAGON???!!!?" monthly
@Sterno It's always been green, but I guess maybe you're running too fast towards it?
@badp Yeeaaah....I plan to leave those questions to others.
@Sterno green has been its color for some time now. I think it might have been red last year.
man, chrome leaks memory like mad.
No, seriously, looked blue to me yesterday
maybe it was different viewing it on my ipad
@Sterno It was blue, and it sucked.
13 hours ago, by Lazers
Q: There's any benefit in have a second commercial port?

ApocatastasisI constructed a second commercial port to avoid traffic. Both ports are full of employees well paid. However, since the construction of the second port the merchant boats are getting no service any more.

(for this reason, anyway)
You know you want to get the Overlord Complete Pack for $5 during its Flash sale...
Q: Ps3 controller in the PC version of Far Cry 3

giorgos123I have recently bought Far Cry 3 on the PC but I can't play well with the keyboard. So I thought of using the ps3 controller with the ds3 tool. But the problem is that the game doesn't let me play with it. I have changed the setting in the options to gamepad so why this happens? Do I need to do s...

Q: What determines key drop rate in Ingress

VortexfiveI'm experiencing widely varying drop rates for keys in Ingress lately (and other players tell me the same). Does anybody know what the drop rate depends on? There is one place where I experience a high drop rate (ca 1 in 4 hacks). This area has a high density of high level portals. There is a se...

Dwarf Fortress

Proposed Q&A site for people who want to dive into one of the most complex game ever created.

Currently in definition.

n00b coder

Proposed Q&A site for programming beginners with explanation as simple as possible, answers with simple examples and analogies.

Currently in definition.

@MBraedley ?
Just saw the Canada US semifinal highlights (DVR didn't cooperate).
@Less Need...downvote button...
gasps for air
They had some damn good goaltending
@LessPop_MoreFizz 1337 coder: proposed Q&A site for explanations as complex as possible
@BenBrocka Please actually propose
I'd buy CS:GO, except not enough of my friends own it.
@MBraedley It's only on sale for 52 more hours.
@StrixVaria that can't be right.
TIL the Commission générale de terminologie et de néologie is a thing that exists and is responsible for things such as "téléchargez le fiche", or, more recently, "enregistreur de frappe"
The French are more than a little weird. :P
I think one of my speakers finally died. I've had these since 2005, so I guess it's not that hard to believe.
@badp They expected their language to be ligua franca.
And so have institutions devoted to making sure it is well-defined. Unlike the actual lingua franca, English.
@badp Is that the organization that makes up new words for all tech terms because how dare someone use a non-french word?
@BenBrocka Yes. Email is email everywhere in the world, except in France, where it is Courrier.
@fredley I hear that a lot of people ignore the "official" words and just use the ones from foreign languages instead.
@StrixVaria Yes. Occasionally it sticks, see: le weekend, le t-shirt
@badp Is it bad that I thought you were talking about registering coffee there?
@StrixVaria If my speakers ever die, my monitor has built-in ones (that probably suck...)
@Powerlord I might just switch one of the side ones that's still working for the front one that died and use them in 2.1 instead of 5.1
I think some of my monitors technically have speakers although that sounds like the worst option.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Nice!
Also, Morning, Bridge
I already mentioned Overlord Complete Pack was on sale, right? You know you want to play Evil Pikmin!
I didn't even have to use up all my Bolts of Mass Destruction
@Powerlord Overlord is seriously fun
@Powerlord The phrasing you used made it seem like it was a sarcastic recommendation.
Is it actually good?
@StrixVaria Yes. :D
Although Overlord 2 is more polished than Overlord 1.
(no surprise there)
@Powerlord Yeah, I don't think I actually played Overlord 1, I went straight to Overlord 2
> I've always wanted to enslave the human race, is this the game for me? You've come to the right place!
> What can my minions do? Minions are angry little Swiss army knives of pain
I might just buy Overlord 2 based on this description.
@SaintWacko Overlord 1 is $1.24 or something... but its expansion is $2.49. :/
@StrixVaria The entire pack is $5. :D
@Powerlord I have them all; I bought the complete pack a year or two ago
@Powerlord Yeah but knowing me I'll never play them both anyway.
Although gotta love how 1 and its expansion are more expensive than 2 is.
(Raising Hell is an expansion to the first game)
Ok fine ugh I'll buy the complete pack.
The weird part about Raising Hell is that its contents aren't just at the end of the game.
@Powerlord That's odd
It throws a bunch of new dungeons in that you'll uncover as you finish areas.
(Gnarl mentions when they're discovered and they show on the Quests screen)
D'oh, I just remembered I never finished my Overlord 2 Domination run. Got annoyed at how the Elves kill each other and make me get Destruction points.
The only regret is that I didn't take up the wandcrafting skill so that I can craft The Bomb. Would been fun to play around with that
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Someone set us up the bomb?
WTF why are my downloads suspended in Steam?
Would have, rather. Typo.
Crafted using an Aetheric Power Cylinder, Bolt of Mass Destruction, Orb of Nothing and Vodka.
Q: Will offline progress on another system update trophies on my system or PSN account?

Iszi Incidentally related: Transferring save games to a system without DLC I'm going to be spending the weekend at a friend's house. I plan on taking some of my saved games off my PS3, and loading them on his, to work on. However, I do not plan on logging in to PSN on his system and would rat...

Q: Transferring save games to a system without DLC

Iszi Incidentally related: Will offline progress on another system update trophies on my system or PSN account? While I'm spending the weekend at a friend's house, I'd like to make some progress on some of my games. However, my friend may not have a license for some of the DLC I have in those ...

@StrixVaria Suspended downloads usually mean that the Steam network is seeing a lot of traffic and it'll try periodically to start them again. Having said that, if you pause them then resume them, sometimes they start downloading.
@Powerlord Maybe it's because I'm remoted into work today. I wonder if this remote desktop thing uses a lot of bandwidth.
@StrixVaria Hmm, that could be too. Every time I've seen it, it's usually because Valve just updated TF2 which bogs their network down every time they do it.
@Powerlord Oh I misread you before.
@StrixVaria Maybe, but it still makes sense that traffic on either side could affect it.
> FIXED: Insufficient terrifying and foreboding graffiti on the walls. Added terrifying and foreboding graffiti to the walls in preparation for the Ominous Countdown.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What game is this?
Dungeon of Dredmor's last change log. I have no idea what this is suppose to mean
@StrixVaria Depends.
@fredley One thing at a time is working. As soon as one finishes the next starts downloading.
That's fine, since I can't play anything for 8 more hours anyway.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Ominous Countdown? That sounds good
Why does bluetooth fail so hard on XP :/
> FIXED: various issues with saving and loading games, including but not limited to your inventory disappearing, your save games breaking, and you losing levels when entering or leaving the pocket dimension
That's why I stopped playing the new expansion
It kept breaking my games -.-
Q: How do I get more presents?

Abby T. MillerOne of the achievements in the holiday update for Ski Safari requires that you collect ten gifts. (They are located on clouds and when you bust through one of them you get 25 coins. Thanks, Santa!) On a normal run (generally 700,000+ points) I'm lucky if I get 3 or 4 presents. What's the trick? ...

@Powerlord Evil pikmin
@Fluttershy ?
How has there not been more WinXP Bluetooth questions on SU
@BenBrocka Yes, isn't that basically what Overlord is? :D
I didn't know XP supported bluetooth
@Powerlord That was supposed to be a question, I'm not familiar with the game
@BenBrocka it doesn't, really, that's the problem
@BenBrocka Basically, you play as the titular Overlord. A lot of time you're sending Minions out to fight enemies, move things, take things back to your tower, etc... Although the Overlord himself can attack things.

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