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Firefox intentionally splits its English spellcheck dictionary into American and British. Colors, for instance, is underlined for me right now. I don't understand why they can't have an International dictionary with both versions merged.
Q: How do I disable or hide the big picture mode option on steam?

spartacusThe steam big picture mode is really annoying on my desktop. Because of its location (right below the useful min/max/close buttons), and right above the "Friends" item in the right click menu, sometimes I accidentally enable it. The problem is, every time I exit big picture mode it causes my st...

Windows memory management is such a mystery
I have 1.9 GB of absolutely free RAM
and 1.0 GB of swapped RAM on disk
So why is the disk busy 100% of the time with seconds-long response times?
because Windows is moving things to the swap
What the actual fuck Windows
Do you just get crazy when the uptime goes above 5 days or somethin'?
Why would it put anything on disk when there's free real memory?
Why do you think I've just finished staring at Task Manager for a while and wrote the seven previous messages?
because I don't have any fucking idea!
I wish Windows had a way to forcibly unswap everything
like, on linux you can swapoff -a, leave to eat something, come back, swapon -a and resume working.
Linux does a lot of useful memory-related things that I wish Windows had.
The ability to kill a process without asking that process's permission, for example.
@YiJiang There are also Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and South African, English dictionaries, and probably more. That said - you can roll your own. :)
@InvaderSkoodge Turn off UAC.
@OrigamiRobot No thanks.
I've had it legitimately save me twice in like 6 years, but that's enough.
@OrigamiRobot That's got nothing to do with it
@badp I can kill processes just fine.
It's the difference between the Linux command kill 24945 (what Windows does) and kill -9 24945

Michel AyresI would like to nominate this answer by Sean. he did a well structured answer and with good references. He has being a great contributor for our community, not only with good questions/answer but also reviews and edits that improve our quality.

@badp kill and overkill :D
The -9 flag tells Linux to send that process signal number 9, which simply destroys the process - no questions asked.
Although to be fair I think Task Manager does do a kill -9 thing, it's just it wants to load the whole process in memory before it kills it entirely.
Then it keeps it in memory and loads the crash handler for a snapshot.
Then it queues the dump for error reporting.
Sometimes you just want to PLEASE JUST KILL THIS THING PLEASE
@badp We need some tags synonymized! <_<
@badp That's what I do.
@badp Just use the Process Explorer.
@badp Is that why it sometimes takes so long to kill a process?
@SaintWacko I believe so.
I've wondered about that
You'll probably notice that a new process spawns, like CrashDumpHandler.exe or something
when that quits the original process also is destroyed
@Fluttershy Go ahead and ask, my little pony
@badp taskkill /f /pid <pid>
@badp or taskkill /f /im <exe name>
@InvaderSkoodge ಠ_ಠ
This is very "funny" when the reason you wanted the process dead in the first place is because it ate too much memory and everything else grind to a halt. :)
@OrigamiRobot Yep.
@pixel I had to use this in a batch file I wrote at my old work to update my AHK script across the department
It left a cmd.exe window running for some reason, so I just had it kill all cmd.exe processes
terrible kludge, but it worked
@InvaderSkoodge I can't see the answer nominated. Is it at least good?
everything in the Windows UI wants you to tell it how to improve it
if something crashes, it tries to work out why
if you run taskkill it just kills all the things
@badp I'm still unsure what to do about Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation...
@Fluttershy I've made the ps-vita one.
Also, back in a second, computer wants to restart
@Fluttershy Same here. I don't want to have "ac3-" but...
assassins-creed-liberation is 26 characters long.
@OrigamiRobot No.
@badp Mark was right about the usual convention for Assassin's Creed games. It's always been where XYZ is an abbreviation of the subtitle...
The Creed of the Asses 3: Liberation of the Mules
Which is what lead me to suggest or somesuch.
@OrigamiRobot It's difficult to read because he bolded half of it arbitrarily, and it's full of links (references, I presume, which I guess is useful) which also inhibit readability.
Also it already has 34 upvotes.
Q: Rename the [legend-of-heroes-tits] tag

JosefvzI'm not sure but i think that the tag legend-of-heroes-tits should have something else in it instead of 'tits' or am i just being overly sensitive? The game name is Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

I wonder how long it'll take people to notice the typo
@YiJiang Ok, fine, then.
Approximately 5 seconds
@YiJiang That one was amusing
@badp that would be cheating
just rename all previous ac3 tags to ac3-game-name
What about "Assassin's Creed"? Yknow, the original one.
@badp Air Conditioning
citing the proposed as template
for the parent game
0 questions
as expansions/dlc
@badp that's because arqade got half way through 'the great cleanup of 2012' and went 'bah forget it' and gave up
hence proposed.
@pixel Giving up is what I do be
@OrigamiRobot it's fine, most men fail at following through
I'd stay away from shortening "Assassin's Creed" to "AC"; there are already two franchises (Armored Core and Ace Combat) which you can shorten this way if you want to confuse people, and it wouldn't help.
@pixel I am a robot.
@OrigamiRobot you are a male robot
Am I?
female robots have a purpose
@MartinSojka Are there any games in those series that might be shortened to AC 3?
@pixel Like, delivering orbital/shore bombardments?
@MartinSojka yes
@MartinSojka when robots take over the world, it will be the female robots that started it
skynet was obviously a female AI
no male AI could ever be that vengeful
evryting @pixel sez is wrong cuz she gurl lololololol!!!!!!!!!!111
Am I doing it right?
@OrigamiRobot YAWN
Good morning, Bridge
why give AIs gender?
@fbueckert good afternoon
@YiJiang Both are up to AC6 right now; Ace Combat also has "Ace Combat X", which isn't a number if I understand it correctly.
@OrigamiRobot I don't want to yawn, I'm fighting staying awake as it is
@badp Does such thing as a genderless voice exist?
all that time lag from playing games with Americans
Even if you did based on speech engine voices, all major free software packages default to male voices
from espeak to Microsoft Fuckin' Bob.
I'm actually considering changing my sleeping pattern so that I sleep from 6pm-10pm
@badp I prefer Regular Bob
@pixel No, I meant because ships are always female; and so are robotic ships. See also: Cortana.
@OrigamiRobot That's what they call Microsoft David in Windows 8
he had his name changed to protect his identity. His voice is also much more stable.
You told me to google something halo related
you will pay
The trauma was tough to overcome but B--- David made it. David made it!
@pixel Don't like Halo?
Q: How should we tag Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation?

FluttershyWith the release of the PS Vita title Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation, I find myself struggling on coming up with a good tag. assassins-creed-3-liberation is too long assassins-creed-3-lib doesn't look quite right ac3-liberation looks good, but it does away with our normal tagging scheme for Assa...

@pixel ... google? Why would you do it?
Meta post made. In other news, if someone just copies and pastes from Wikipedia for a tag wiki here, that's grounds for rejection of said tag wiki, right?
I have no feelings against Halo at all, I've never played it
not even once
For "Copied Content"?
@Fluttershy Without attribution, yes.
@pixel It's fun. And unlike most mp oriented games, it actually has a pretty cool story
@Fluttershy "Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License" (from the English Wikipedia).
@MartinSojka Which means attribution is required, right?
@Fluttershy Yes.
@SaintWacko It has been suggested to me otherwise
K Good... Just rejected like four tag wiki requests due to copied content.
I'd have just added the attribution if possible. :)
@Fluttershy Yes
@pixel The original Halo: Combat Evolved was excellent, story-wise. It went downhill from there.
unless there's attribution
@Fluttershy see I heard the story in the first was average and that it plummeted from there
@MartinSojka It also didn't follow our guidelines for tag wikis, I just didn't notice that as a reject reason until I'd already clicked "reject"
and besides, GW2 is going to take up too much time between now and some point in the future
@pixel This :/
@pixel Crazy thing about opinions... <_<
I am addicted to jools
@Fluttershy oh yeah, sure thing, I know lots of people liked Halo, but tbh, they're all console gamers so their opinion is invalid when talking about any kind of shooter that isn't top down or platformer
@jmfsg dammit, why are we giving rep to people who just copy paste from Wikipedia?
@pixel I'm not sure how that is relevant...
So how many of those edits made it through the approval process?
The console gamer bit, I mean.
Halo: CE was even better on PC because mods
@Fluttershy first person shooters don't play well on consoles, and console gamers are the main reason the pace of modern fps games is so low
Halo is really the only reason I have an Xbox
@badp I rejected those! D=
@pixel Quake is where it's at.
@SaintWacko pretty much the same for me, except I also play Mass Effect
@Fluttershy since such gamers have never played fast paced/deep story driven FPS games (such as Half Life or Deus Ex for story, or Quake 3 for pace) - their opinion is invalid when talking about "good" FPS games
@pixel I enjoy FPS games on consoles. =(
Why yes, I would like my shotgun pellets to be replaced by fuel rod blasts. Thank you.
I'd rather not play all first person shooters at Quake 3's pace
@pixel So what would you think of the fact that I played Half Life and I love the Halo series?
It's not an insult, its just "forming an opinion based on the call of duty generation of games"
@murgatroid99 I originally got ME1 on the xbox, but now I Get them on PC
@murgatroid99 then I can ask you questions like "is the story in Halo as deep as half life"
@murgatroid99 I was just about to ask that. =P
@murgatroid99 Me too!
and you can give me an indepth answer
@pixel yes
@pixel Yes
rather than just dribbling "YEAH CALL OF DUTY"
@pixel yes
Especially if you include the books as well
@badp If you want to develop twitch reflexes, that's the best way to do it.
Actually from what little I've seen of Brown War Simulation games, the pacing is really faster because... it's like Quake 3 but everybody has 15 hit points instead of 100
@SaintWacko I agree! The Halo books are actually pretty damn good.
@badp I actually played the Omega DLC for Mass Effect 3 at something akin to Quake 3 pace, but without the rocket jumping
@Fluttershy I know, I was surprised when I started reading them!
I missed my geth plasma shotgun so much
Normally books based on video games are pretty bad, but the Halo books are really well written
And so are the live action movies
@SaintWacko I was really disappointed with The Flood, but enjoyed the two Eric Nylund books... I haven't read any past The Ghosts of Onyx, though...
@pixel I don't think it's fair to people who play console games to call your average CoD frat guy a gamer.
@Fluttershy I Think I've read up through The Cole Protocol
@OrigamiRobot I don't think it's fair to call people who only play games on consoles gamers, period
@Fluttershy the Thursday War (the most recent one) is pretty interesting, especially because it was stuff related to Halo 4 right before Halo 4 came out
@pixel I don't think it's fair to decide who can and cannot be counted in our little group based on what kind of games they like
@pixel now now
@pixel I have never understood this mentality.
It was more of a joking comment
consoles are good for driving games
Am I not a "gamer" because I don't want to buy ALL the consoles?
sports games
(or ANY of them)
Yea, but some people really think that.
4 people gathering around a console to play random FIFA games
@pixel That's getting a bit far.
@pixel No medium is good for sports games. =P
@pixel Yeah, controllers are definitely the best for driving
You're going to tell me JRPGs don't make you a gamer?
But you can use controllers on the computer, too
I would never play Gran Turismo or F1 2012 on a PC
@pixel Even though you can still use a controller for it?
@badp Heh. Never will buy a 360, or other microcrap console.
most of the stuff on the Wii would never work properly on a PC
Poe's law, named after its author Nathan Poe, is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that without a clear indication of the author's intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between sincere extremism and an exaggerated parody of extremism. The law and its meaning Poe's law states: The core of Poe's law is that a parody of something extreme by nature becomes impossible to differentiate from sincere extremism. A corollary of Poe's law is the reverse phenomenon: sincere fundamentalist beliefs being mistaken for a parody of that belief. Poe Paradox A further corollary,...
Playing video games does not in itself make you a gamer. Regardless of platform.
@SaintWacko you can, but most of these kind of games are more designed for the format
whereas first person shooter was designed for the PC format, and doesn't work properly on a console because you can't control a character in that way with the required level of precision
that's why all console shooters have auto aim
and why all console shooters don't share multiplayer with pc gamers
The Dreamcast tried it with Quake 3, it got patched out immediately
@pixel Don't most "modern" consoles have USB ports anyway, which you can simply add a mouse and keyboard to?
@MartinSojka the games don't support them
@MartinSojka likely, find a console gamer that will do that
@pixel Yeah, Halo 4 has a little auto-aim now
@MartinSojka that sucks for couch gaming
and find a console game that supports it
@SaintWacko I'm pretty sure every Halo has had it
It's annoying as all get out for a sniper, because it auto-aims for center of mass
@murgatroid99 Really? I've never noticed it before
Any sufficiently disguised autoaim is indistinguishable from bullet spread.
@SaintWacko I'm nearly positive. I could probably check, but it would require too much work. And I don't really notice it anymore because I'm so used to it
or something
@badp I'm pretty sure the Halo autoaim actually causes slight movements of the targeting reticule.
@murgatroid99 Yeah, it's not just redirecting bullets
I had a lot of fun on Halo 4 with my two week Gold trial card thing
I need to actually get Gold now
@murgatroid99 I never understood why not. There is a ton of specialised input hardware for all kinds of games - steering wheels, "music instruments", joysticks and so on. It would make sense to support the ones which are better for the kind of game you're making.
@MartinSojka Because it would show people they don't need consoles :P
Gah. He's still going at the copypasta.
@MartinSojka because the games are optimized for controller input, and as pixel referenced earlier, someone aiming with a mouse would destroy anyone aiming with a controller
@fbueckert Sometimes I wish this place had direct messaging
@SaintWacko It does!
@fbueckert It does?
@ChargingPun, any chance you could join us in the Bridge, please?
@fbueckert Ah, right
@fbueckert really, from where?
@murgatroid99 Still Wikipedia
Hearthfire and CoH were rejected edits.
@fbueckert not like that
@badp No? What did I miss?
@murgatroid99 So everyone who played competitively would get the hardware to do so, and everyone else can just use the default. Add Bridge scoring based on the hardware used and the ping to the server, and you're fine.
@fbueckert It's a mod only ability. If you had a diamond you'd see a window pop up when you type @@

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