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Good news everybody. I just deleted the single worst answer on the site! Apparently
This answer so bad, 121 people clicked on it.
for @Wipqozn
@agent86 who'll probably say something about 'Tortoise' and just mess it up
Huh, I had forgotten we had a community police room two years ago.
New Dresden Files book today. Huzzah!
@Sterno No spoilers! I probably won't be getting it til Christmas.
@Sterno I'm so close to finishing The Shadow Rising. It was going so well and then all of a sudden it just stopped being interesting. Then I'll be able to read more of this series.
@Sterno This is not ASoIaF.
@Sterno Woo! Must pick up.
Speaking of which, it's probably time to choose a new taboo topic of the week
@FAE I'd work some joke spoilers in but they'd really just spoil previous books for people
@GraceNote community police?
I was interested in reading The Dresden Files, the I heard it was like 14 books or sommat
wheeee ooooh wheeeee ooooh
@OrigamiRobot They're all like 6 hour reads though
Has there been any discussion in the last few days that caused massive triggers?
I have just started Mass Effect 3 up for the first time in MONTHS.
Sir, do you know why I flagged your post? 18 exclamation points. Where's the fire, son?
:7111174 You self-deprecating bastard.
@agent86 made me check, dammit
mod abuse!
@Sterno I saw my friend pick up the latest one the other day. It is gigantic.
@InvaderSkoodge I made that edit.
@OrigamiRobot I promise you, quick reads.
back me up here, @FAE
Then maybe I'll read it when it is over.
@InvaderSkoodge Sorry, I deleted it because I thought I might have been wrong.
@badp I was making a "community (the user) police" joke that apparently nobody got and now i am a sad panda omg
I'll give @GnomeSlice's troll another 3 out of 5
@badp My what?
@badp My post isn't the one that was flagged...
@GnomeSlice That's why it's a troll!
@agent86 Posting things for people to vote on and such.
@badp What? Oh. No, I didn't do that on purpose.
@OrigamiRobot Dresden Files books are really short. The latest one is apparently way longer than what they usually are.
@GraceNote Have I ever been a topic in that room, out of curiosity?
@agent86! Not in front of the ladies!
@GnomeSlice I have no idea.
Works for me.
@OrigamiRobot All the more reason to get on board now while you've only got 13 short ones and 1 long one. Otherwise it'll be all "Man, it's 13 short ones and 8 long ones!"
And then you'll be punching babies
oh lol
I didn't finished Leviathan
@OrigamiRobot They are ALL good books.
@GnomeSlice I don't even know the room that is being discussed, FWIW
And the humor is fantastic.
loaded my save game and I'm in the middle of fighting reapers
(then again, I'm only a year old, so)
Who else threatens to bill God for doing good around the world?
@Sterno No, I refuse to wait for a new book to be released. Either I can read it all, or I read none of it.
@OrigamiRobot ImpatientRobot
@fbueckert I like them all, but to be fair, the writing is a little weak in the first few
@Sterno I haven't read the first few for a couple years. I may have to re-read them.
@Sterno I'd say 1-3 are only okay, past that is where it really picks up.
@OrigamiRobot Man you would HATE most of my favorite series's, then.
Guys, I'm starting to think we need to change our name. It's become very clear to me that our absolutely favorite thing to say in this room, or on this site, other than "close," is "Strawman." I vote we change our site to www.strawman.com
@Fluttershy We also like to say pedantic
@Sterno True. www.pedanticstrawman.com
@fbueckert That's why I don't read anymore.
@Fluttershy ...What?
I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that in here before.
@Fluttershy www.pendanticstrawman.vtc
@OrigamiRobot If you're that picky, then you don't deserve to read the awesome stuff that's out.
@GnomeSlice You've never seen anyone say Strawman? O_o
I don't think so, does it mean something?
@GnomeSlice 1943 servers are indeed up.
@GnomeSlice be trollin'
@tombull89 Wicked. I'm dumb.
@GnomeSlice It means to misrepresent someone's point to make it easier to refute.
Apr 28 '11 at 13:07, by GnomeSlice
Hey, no strawmanning.
@Sterno Ah, okay.
@GnomeSlice You're a liar.
@Fluttershy What? About what?
@Fluttershy WTF when did I say that!?
@Ullallulloo Someone must have just told me what it meant and I was trying to sound smart.
@GnomeSlice April 28th, 2011
@GnomeSlice <_< Just guessing it was sometime around April 28th, 2011 at 13:07 UTC... Just a guess though.
@fbueckert yoo. you started gw2 yet?
@Fluttershy This is the funniest thing I've seen all week.
@Jin Never!
@fbueckert It's not being picky. I will forget important points and have to reread stuff if I wait for the next book. Doesn't sound like an enjoyable experience to me.
oh i thought someone here was gonna get gw2
@Jin That was @OrigamiRobot
@Jin Yeah, @OrigamiRobot. Not me.
@OrigamiRobot how you like it?
my Mesmer is getting hawter everyday!
2 days ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Fluttershy I hate it.
@OrigamiRobot it starts off as a bit slow.
i hated it too, for the first couple of hours.
@Jin I don't really, I'm just grumpy about the differences in movement from GW1.
well, maybe hate isn't the right word. i was more annoyed.
And auto-attack can be wonky
i spent 6gold on that dye. call me crazy, maybe.
@OrigamiRobot i turn off autoattacks
@Jin You're crazy.
@Jin I want it to auto attack more
Abyss Dye is going for like 16g now. that's crazy. so i bought the next best thing, Midnight Fire. it's actually a super super dark red, almost black.
@Jin O_O I'm gonna start identifying my dyes...
@Jin I see your character is well-protected.
@GnomeSlice yes... all the vital parts.
the head is the most vital organ
@GnomeSlice <some comment about an outfit like that not even protecting from weather, let alone axes, arrows, etc>
@pixel she wears body lotion so she's protected from the elements.
So far I've got to level 65 with a 55 hour playtime
I had the worst PUG experience the other night. the guy who started the group wanted to switch to his alt before the last boss... when he logged off the group auto disbanded :(
i hate pugs
Pugs are ugly little dogs.
I haven't done a dungeon yet
@pixel You need to find something to do that involves getting out of the house.
I take offence to that rude comment
@fbueckert this concept of getting out of the house intrigues me. tell me moar.
@Jin Do you not know what I do as a hobby?
either that or I sense extreme jealousy that you will never be that good at levelling
@fbueckert no?
@Jin I dance.
Q: Are the Battlefield: 1943 Servers Still Running?

GnomeSliceI used to play Battlefield: 1943 on my Xbox 360 a year or two ago back when I still had an Xbox Live Gold subscription. Then one of my friends who also owned the game told me the servers had been shut down a few months after I had last played it, so I never tried to play it again. I was a littl...

Latin and ballroom.
Can someone else vote to close this, it's too localized.
@fbueckert on DDR or Dance Central?
@GnomeSlice Are you sure?
Today's deal at IndieGameStand - Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
@Ullallulloo Yes? Isn't it?
I don't want to just delete it though.
@GnomeSlice I already got that in an Indie Royale bundle, I think.
i want that greatsword skin.. but it's almost 50g right now
@GnomeSlice I don't know.
> Weird Worlds is a hybrid Rogue-like space adventure game created by Digital Eel. Playable in short sessions (10-30 minutes), the game is randomly generated each time you play it. You can choose from three different missions, and several other options that vary the difficulty and length of the game. There are many more things in the Infinite Space universe than can be experienced in any one session, so you will find something new each time you play.
That does sound really cool, but I'm flat broke.
@GnomeSlice Just delete it...
@GnomeSlice It was in an Indie Royale bundle.
You might have it.
@Ullallulloo I don't remember this ever being in an IndieRoyale bundle. Are you thinking of 'Star Wolves' or something?
Oh, that was the IR that had Dungeon Defenders in it, apparently.
I don't have it then, I didn't buy that one.
@fbueckert which one is you?
@Jin The youngest one.
We're thinking about doing a tango next.
i don't know if you're a girl or boy
@Jin Hello Professor Oak
@Jin Professor Oak?
@Jin Thanks, Jin.
Thanks a lot.
@Jin fbueckert has a beard at least.
Q: How to start the Omega DLC?

pixelI have just got the Omega DLC for Mass Effect 3 and it isn't particularly obvious how to start it. I have checked the Galaxy map for any markers and all that is left on my map is the final mission and the remainder of the Leviathan DLC: I have also tried visiting Aria on the Citadel, but she j...

i really don't! i just know you guys as these pixelated gravatars with androgynous names!
@Jin When in doubt on the interwebs, bet on XY
@fbueckert you look uncannily similar to somebody I know, minus the beard
That's star-worthy? Really?
^ that is me
@Jin Takuya Kimura?
sure why not
Oh... Oh my. <_<
@Jin So yeah; no more jokes about DDR, then?
@fbueckert The tie is worth 0.8 stars
@badp ...it's a tie. Is it really that good?
I've seen worse
@fbueckert DDR is a fine game sir!
@badp Oh, you're dissing it. I see.
You said that
Did I say that?
No I didn't.
@Jin Indeed it is. I have a metal pad at home and everything.
@badp Implications! Ain't language grand? :P
@fbueckert If I have seen worse ties than yours why would I be implying it's bad?
@badp You could actually read that implication both ways.
I took the more contentious route.
Q: Relentless Medal and Killstreak Rewards in Black Ops 2

AlexandruIs it a bug or am I allowed to use killstreak rewards to get this medal in a match? I'm having such a difficult time getting it.

I killed chat! Yay!
@Jin I've posted pictures of myself on multiple occasions.
@Jin seXXXy
@agent86 Bah, anyone can look good with professional photography.
@Jin Ahem.
Jan 5 at 22:17, by GnomeSlice
user image
Maybe that's what he was going off of?
That's still uncanny.
@GnomeSlice Jealous?
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, fairly.
@ArdaXi Isn't it? It's really... weird.
Although, that tie thing...
@ArdaXi Heh.
@ArdaXi You should make that into a gravatar for a while, and see how many people think it was designed to be a representation of you.
What game is that, anyway?
Um... I'm trying to remember
Jan 5 at 22:21, by GnomeSlice
Uh... 'Dawn of Magic' on ios.
I think it's some old JRPG that was ported to iOS.
But I dunno.
No one else has any bounty worthy questions/answers to post in that meta thread? O_o
Q: Eerie music in the Nexus

DerpI'm in the Nexus in Demon's Souls and have progressed fairly far through the game. I've just completed World 4, the Shrine of Storms. I've noticed some quite eerie organ music playing in the Nexus that I'm pretty sure doesn't exist at the beginning of the game. What is the reason for this change...

Q: Does the Xbox 360's 'Auto Shut Off' Feature Wait for Downloads to Finish?

GnomeSliceI think the title is pretty self-explanatory. The newest version of Xbox 360 firmware comes with a feature that automatically shuts down your Xbox after a period of inactivity, which you can set yourself. If I'm downloading something big enough that it takes longer than my shut-off time, will t...

I'm probably going to bounty that one either way.
Since nobody has answered it.
@fluttershy I plan to find a few posts to add to that thread. Just lack time. But it shall happen!
Since everyone else is doing it...
@GnomeSlice I was under the impression that if you turn off your system, the power light will keep blinking and that it will turn off automatically after the download is done.
@Krazer I saw that somewhere too, but first of all, do you know that for a fact? And second of all, that involves you pressing the power button, not the auto-shutoff feature.
Are we all posting pictures of ourselves now? Fine.
@GnomeSlice I have to dust off my old 360 in order to test this
@Krazer ...?
though you should use some shades to complete the ensemble
It looks... weird.
it's looked pretty bright
@Krazer Oh. Yeah. Well, the girl with the camera was really hot, so I managed.
@GnomeSlice If I recall correctly, isn't there a option in Console Settings under Shutdown to turn on BG downloads? I assumed that if you have that turned on that the console would put itself to low power mode when it auto shuts down until the dl completes.
I can't tell what this is so I hope it isn't embarrassing.
@Krazer I don't know, the autoshutdown must be new because I've never noticed it happening before.
@OrigamiRobot Cosplay?
@OrigamiRobot evil santa?
Ah, it's @spugsley's wedding.
@GnomeSlice No, I've posted pictures of my cosplay before.
@origamirobot I am in love with that hat. So much awesome.
@AshleyNunn It's sitting right next to me right now.
@origamirobot Oooh jealous.
Pssh, I have no need for real hats.
I'll survive with just my virtual ones.
I tend to look ridiculous in most actual hats.
@Powerlord You're just jealous.
@AshleyNunn which 3DS do you have?
Thinking about getting the 3DS XL
@Powerlord Is Stack Overflow going to have Hat Dash this winter?
@BenBrocka I have the original 3DS in flame red, and I like it. I haven't had a chance to try the xl but I have heard good things.
Also holy crap I want that cooooooow
@badp God I hope not
@AshleyNunn That cow (and Harvest Moon) are pretty much the only thing making me want to get a 3DS
But I've gotten so many games recently
@BenBrocka HM is pretty awesome though. And that cow! How can you say no!
I am honestly considering buying just it and waiting to get a 3DS. For the cow
@Powerlord I double checked, feel free to guess the answer
@BenBrocka I see no reason not to!
@badp >:/
K. Buying the game and cow. The 3DS can wait
@Powerlord SO is special though and it'll be opt-in rather than opt-out.
@BenBrocka Seriously? I already own 4 games (although I've since decided that the Paper Mario is the worst of the 4 Paper Mario games) for the 3DS and I have my eyes on at least two more.
@badp Meta.SO doesn't seem to have mention of hat dash when I search for it and order it by newest.
@InvaderSkoodge He did not. I was the only one with a top hat.
Where are you getting any info about it?
@OrigamiRobot Oh man you're awesome.
In the special place that doesn't exist
wavy hand motions
@Powerlord Paper mario is the only other one I'm particularly aware of and I hear it sucks
I totally want a top hat for my wedding.
I also have a pile of other new games as I said, and an upgraded gaming PC and PS Vita to play games on
you can get a readiness rating of like 6000 now
@BenBrocka Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, Super Mario 3D Land, and Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask are the others I own.
The other two I'm waiting for are the Phoenix Wright games.
SM3DL sounds fun but I don't think I'd drop $40 on it
That's the problem with new consoles
@BenBrocka Most new games cost $60, so...
@Powerlord DS games typically started at $35
$20 is more acceptable for a game I don't know is going to be amazingly awesome and get 50+ hours of gameplay
@InvaderSkoodge I can lend you my Respectless Rubber Glove.
@badp I don't know if it's physically possible to wear a TF2 hat in real life.
3D printers
Wait, 3DS still isn't capacitive either?
@BenBrocka have you tried the 3DS eShop Cave Story is the best story yet? it has the music and sounds of the original with all the extras of Cave Story+ minus the redrawn gfx
@BenBrocka nope
@Krazer I already have Cave Story +
Also screw whoever put in "Oh yeah!"
Are the eShop things untransferrable and horribly limited like Wii downloadable stuff was?
I have serious doubts about anything involving the words "Nintendo" and "online"
I think Nintendo must be the only ones to have built (or needed) penis drawing detection methods
@OrigamiRobot I just got disappointed that that wasn't the Hat Dash 2.0 site.
@badp How do you explain that to your wife when she asks what you worked on all day?
@JasonBerkan I imagine this happened in Japan. They probably both laughed it off.
@BenBrocka yes, for now...
Apparently the penis drawing obsession is purely a western thing.
@Ullallulloo I am more than happy to disappoint in that regard.
@badp chatroulette has penis-tracking software
@badp This was a hoax story.
@FAE orly? I thought I read it on PAR
@badp It was picked up really quick, but yeah, it was not true.
@FAE Well it was fairly well made up then, the story I remember reading had like interviews and people awkwardly smiling
Then the west remains the top dog in penis recognition technology! WE'RE NUMBER ONE
@badp Yeah but the interview wasn't actually sourced, is the thing. It's not actually on Iwataasks at all.
Well conspiracy hat on I can see how they'd rather not go on the record on the topic and challenge the internets to an arm's race for the most undetectable penis drawing
Where is @GnomeSlice when his expertise is needed?!?!?!
@OrigamiRobot I don't know, I've been away. Does that come up often?
@BenBrocka insert shitty fan fic here
@badp badp/Gnomeslice
...how is that relevant to Oak?
Sshh it's fanon now
We even have @Oak
@agent86 I'm such a nice Tortoise.
@BenBrocka I prefer Gnomeslice/badp
@Wipqozn who is the nice tortoise? you are, that's who!
@OrigamiRobot is the order meaningful?
If so please don't elaborate how
@BenBrocka I assumed the order of the names corresponded to the order of appearance.
@OrigamiRobot I'm here, what's up?
@OrigamiRobot why Gnomeslice on top?
@GnomeSlice You're too late! Enjoy the poop.
@OrigamiRobot Someone asking about music or indie games?
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
@BenBrocka I assumed the order of the names corresponded to the order of appearance.
@GnomeSlice Don't act like you can't read the transcript.
@OrigamiRobot I tried, I can't find anything obvious that I would have been able to give good advice on...
Usually when you guys ask for me, someone wants to know about some indie game.
@GnomeSlice Tell me more about indie
@Krazer ??
Okay, whatever the fucking joke is, I don't get it, are you guys satisfied?
@GnomeSlice You have thoroughly satisfied me.
@GnomeSlice They meant drawing male body parts.
@Ullallulloo Wow.
@Ullallulloo and/or recognition of said drawings.
@GnomeSlice I was just playing Stealer have you tried it yet?
@OliverSalzburg Was there a flag or is this a social call?
@agent86 daaaawwwww
@badp I was expecting 9 minutes of continuous play. Disapointed
@BenBrocka I don't even think each individual level is 9 minutes long

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