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Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh @badp knows a seeeecreeeeettttt
@OrigamiRobot I know maaaannnnyyyy secret.
@badp Clearly it was ME
and my magic "I don't have an account on this site"
@Powerlord That would never stop a spy
@GraceNote oh yeah, I expect that this current instance will clear itself up at 3am or whenever the script runs
We clearly have a traitor in our midst. eyes @Wipqozn suspiciously
@Blem questions, if they had downvoted answers they'd be losing rep too
@OrigamiRobot <3
@badp I disguised myself as... randomly chooses a name of an use from the active list OrigamiRobot and did it.
I was going to say GraceNote as that's the first icon I landed on, but that's too obvious.
@badp One of the regulars on RUGC Midwest's TF2 server last night was telling me how I shouldn't use the Spy-cicle and Red-Tape Recorder (which, I'll note, I was only using when they had 5+ people clustered around the sentry gun). So I switched to the stock knife and stabbed him just after he exited a teleporter and he complained about that, too. :D
@Powerlord It wouldn't be that hard. The mask is made of paper and everything.
@pixel Somebody's got a grudge against you for some reason.
At least when I get serial downvoted, it's due to me going, "I don't like this question very much", they take it personally, and hammer me with downvotes.
Specifically, he was telling me that I'll "never learn how to play Spy" using them (which I just ignore since he's a douche and I'm already a better Spy than he is)
And it's a one-time deal.
@fbueckert exactly Watson, well deduced.
Seriously, anyone playing TF2 and argues that Scout is the best Spy disguise deserves to be killed (in-game) in a fire.
@pixel Technically, if you really wanted to know who it was, you could record rep levels, and after the reversal, see who has +X rep unaccounted for.
@fbueckert no rep loss for downvoting questions
@Powerlord ...even I know why that's a bad idea, and I'm a terrible Spy.
@pixel Oh, right. Questions.
Well, sorry, that was my only idea.
@fbueckert otherwise the scrape I did last time it happened would have found who was doing it, and I would have declared war by now
@pixel Yeah, don't do that.
Don't perpetuate a grudge.
Especially not on SE.
I don't see it as a grudge, the person in question obviously doesn't understand the rules enough to be allowed access to downvote
@fbueckert I had the opposite happen to me once. Someone apparently found a comment helpful and they then went and upvoted a whole bunch of my stuff.
@pixel So...you throwing the rules out the window and doing the same means you do?
nope, I'd be just as bad, but at least it would be public
@FAE That sometimes happens to me, too. Surprisingly, that's never been reversed, so it's just under the threshold.
@FAE One time I asked @Fluttershy to help me check my minecraft and terraria answers to make sure they were still up to date. He upvoted some of them along the way and it got serial reversed.
@OrigamiRobot Whoops. o_O
@pixel There's a reason it's supposed to be anonymous. For exactly the reason you want to know who did it.
Revenge downvoting is exactly the wrong thing to do.
@badp I'm a Tortoise! You can always trust us.
Turtles are the least trustworthy of the animals.
@Wipqozn On the contrary, I think tortoises are never to be trusted.
My word. You guys are specist.
@OrigamiRobot high-five
@Wipqozn Hey, I don't think robots are to be trusted, either.
I'm an equal-species hater!
robots are not a species
@pixel They're not human. They're a species of non-human.
species is a classification of biological organisms
In biology, a species is one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank. A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition is adequate, the difficulty of defining species is known as the species problem. Differing measures are often used, such as similarity of DNA, morphology or ecological niche. Presence of specific locally adapted traits may further subdivide species into "infraspecific taxa" such as subspecies (and in botany other taxa are used, such as varieties, s...
"In biology..." /end of discussion
@pixel Really? You're going to get pedantic on a sweeping statement I didn't mean seriously?
@pixel Excluding robots from classification as a species is totally specist.
@fbueckert everybody does it to me! :p
@OrigamiRobot awwww :(
@fbueckert Dude, how long have you been here?
Pedantry is The Bridge's jam.
@OrigamiRobot I am well aware. It doesn't mean I can't trivialize the statement by pointing it out.
Woo, go pointless arguing!
@fbueckert you killed the channel, prepare to die...
@pixel Better the channel than me!
A: Do all merchants have replacements?

okidollI just had this issue last night. After the release of Dawnguard, vampires and their thralls show up randomly and attack the town. I walk out of Dragonsreach only to find Belethor is an ash pile. Very frustrating. Had to load a much older save game, but before I did, I tried to see if he would be...

I would've deleted this as "not an answer" ("me too!") but it's got two upvotes
what's the deal here?
@pixel That is not dead which may eternal lie.
@badp That's what I'm wondering.
I flagged it as NaA, but yeah, it's got two upvotes.
btw, it's not on the starred list so I wonder if you all are aware of
Sadly, there's nothing in the bundle I even WANT to play.
Apropos of nothing, I really hate university bureaucracy.
Q: Does "consumes X ammo per shot" cancel the assassin's One Shot One Kill skill?

Ben JacksonI got two new sniper rifles from the gold key chest. One has about 7000 base damage. The other is E-Tech "consumes 2 ammo per shot" and has a little over 10000 base damage. When I test fire them (noscope headshots) at the dummy the 7000 base weapon does about 110k damage. Sometimes it also ca...

@badp A humble bundle that requires Steam? Seems rather uncharacteristic for them
On the subject of actual indie games, I'm surprised at the lack of support for this 30 new indie games for $15
@Lazers No, it doesn't.
@AshleyNunn Bureaucracy in general tends to frustrate everyone.
Unless you know how to cut through the red tape.
@bwarner Hehe, None of the games in the bundle are indie this time around. Might explain the use of an actual distribution platform like Steam.
@OrigamiRobot No two people are not on fire.
@fbueckert Saint's Row is actually pretty fun but I admit I do not play many of them.. However, Darksiders is awesome.. Like zelda on steroids.
@James Right, but one of their selling points has always been "DRM Free"
Metro is underrated
@OrigamiRobot (back) Anyway, the reason some people use it is because Scout is the smallest character model (which is arguable, since Engineer is also short and fairly thin). However, as soon as you're spotted, anyone who has played the game for a while will know you're a Spy.
@tiddy because it sucks
@James I thoroughly enjoyed it
Incidentally, don't use the Pyro disguise if you're trying to hide around a corner, as the Flamethrower model sticks out.
@tiddy The AI/Physics allowing crotching was a game killer for me. AI should not be able to run 'inside' of me where they can hit me but I can not touch them.
@James Never had that. I found playing on Ranger Hardcore was the key
@tiddy Lucky
yay another famous question
@Powerlord Do disguised Spys adopt the hitboxes of the class they are disguised as?
@James Oh my.
@OrigamiRobot No.
@fredley -1, not enough wub; much better than expected though.
Really? Seems like that would make Heavy disguises awkward to shoot (not that anyone disguises as heavy)
@OrigamiRobot I hate blatant AI advantages.. and just bad gameplay :)
@Powerlord So the only reason that makes any kind of sense is for hiding/moving behind something?
@BenBrocka Heavy is also way too slow to be practical, plus if you're using the Dead Ringer, a 300HP class dying to a single hit is incredibly obvious.
@OrigamiRobot Disguises are all about blending in. Which is why the disguise kit has a "change team" key.
@OrigamiRobot I don't actually know if each class has a different hitbox. At any rate it doesn't really matter
Well, change disguise team key, but I don't think they put disguise in it.
@Powerlord I thought you didn't assume the speed of the class (which is why heavy/scout are so obvious)
You bump into spies.
Or is there an item for that now?
@badp They do, actually.
@BenBrocka You assume any slower speed.
@Powerlord Well, what's so different except for height?
Oh. I guess that makes sense
mostly height of the head
@Powerlord Right, but if I see a Scout moving slowly or a scout who is not moving at all, I'm gonna assume it's a spy.
@badp Heavy has a wider hitbox for one, but mostly the height.
At any rate "any slower speed" only really excludes a few cases
scouts, obviously
set pyro
probably medic?
Medic's second fastest
and equalizer soldier and GRU heavies
Just recall that any items they have that affect their movement speed doesn't affect yours.
(something you can easily avoid)
This is most obvious when they have the Scotman's Skullcutter (which cuts the Demoman's speed by 25%?)
@Powerlord Does death factor into it? I thought you decloaked if you die
Where does everyone play
@BenBrocka The Dead Ringer fakes your death.
@tiddy Whichever server is running Harvest_Event when I log on.
If you're using a friendly disguise, it's supposed to drop a corpse of that class, but they broke it.
Good map
Which is rarely anymore.
That still in seaso?
@tiddy RUGC_Midwest. Or /r/RUGC_Midwest if you're on Reddit.
@Powerlord Are they good?
@badp ALSA
@ArdaXi get yourself Pulseaudio too, then.
The players on RUGC_Midwest tend to have a... higher than normal skill. But being TF2, a lot still depends on team makeup.
I guess you'd like to be able to hear sound from more than one program at any time yeah?
Before I stopped playing regularly, I was more often than not in a trade server. I liked the Minecraft ones.
@badp It works now. It has cost me many, many headaches to get it to work.
Map rotation or 24/7?
No. I will not get myself PulseAudio.
(I tried PulseAudio. I almost threw the PC out of a 3-story window.)
@ArdaXi That's your problem. :P
@tiddy It uses a map voting system... but it has both stock maps and some custom maps on it (including what we affectionately refer to as "shenanigans maps")
@badp MPD and XBMC work simultaneously. That's all I can ask for in a HTPC really.
Having said that, the typical map set on RUGC_Midwest will go something like:
and so on
Midwest really hates CTF and really likes Payload.
I'm partial to dustbowl and gorge
I hated CTF when I used to play.
most of the 5pt maps
2fort was the worst map.
pl_badwater gets voted up every single time its in a vote.
I can do badwater
@InvaderSkoodge Valve made a better version of it named ctf_doublecross.
Huh. Another Humble Bundle.
@InvaderSkoodge 2fort is the worst map when you have people fucking around. If you actually run a 30 minutes 3 cap game where both sides want to cap, it doesn't suck
If it's a 24/7 server, all bets are off no matter the server
@badp I only ever played pub games.
I still think ctf_doublecross is the best CTF map in the game. But like I said, people on Midwest REALLY hate CTF. And Arena.
A few friends only ever played 24/7 2fort and I couldn't play with them after a while.
@InvaderSkoodge Same here. I don't think CTF gets much time from "pro" TF2
I didn't mind ctf_well as much.
Occasionally, Midwest ends up playing other maps, like pl_swiftwater_ugc and cp_snakewater.
I haven't played these newfangled maps.
@InvaderSkoodge ctf_doublecross was added like 3 years ago.
@Powerlord It's kind of too easy for good enough pyros to save a defensive fuckup with airblasting on that map
I remember when people played hydro and liked it.
The nice thing about our voting system is that custom maps have a nice little * in front of them, so you can tell which ones you'll have to download if they win the vote.
It's also kind of too easy for the enemy to set up shop in your base
although unlike in 2fort once you know about it removing the nest is not actually impossible
@badp Pyros can be a problem, but it helps that there are two bridges and not just one.
@Powerlord Intel usually takes the lower route anyway as it's got less traffic
@badp Stop giving away my secrets! :(
Most people also miss that spawns have an exit directly into the sewers. Helps to ambush people trying to ambush your team from below.
@Powerlord Yeah, sometimes in a pinch I'll just go engie and build directly there
Jan 1 at 19:23, by StrixVaria
@OrigamiRobot His New Year's resolution must have been to explore new ways to be an idiot.
Not relevant to anything, just memories.
Q: How to get down the streets (chapter 4)?

AntoIn chapter 4, just after killing 4 guys in some wrecked building, Passos yells from a balcony that "There is a way down the street". But the guy isn't moving and he's blocking the way out. The only way I found to get outside it by jumping on his left side. But after a short while, while going ...

Although, now that I think about it, that lower exit would be a problem if the other team has Neon Annihilator Pyros.
Since it drops you right into the water pool.
Youch, the surface pro will be $899/$999? Yeah I won't be buying one
@Powerlord eeeehhhhh. That's kind of a side case
@Ullallulloo Hahahahahahahaha... I feel like donating 101.01 and say "vv Makes me LoL"
@James They'll just add $0.02 so that you are laughing at poor Lostwave.
(Well, probably not poor, because he clearly has $100 to blow on advertising.)
@ArdaXi Then Ill go ^^ or donate another $2 :)
If he adds $10.10 you're in trouble.
Figures, this week... when everyone's posting images... is the week work decides imgur needs to be blocked. Next week it'll probably be unblocked again.
@Powerlord imgur is blocked here too.
@OrigamiRobot I don't even remember saying this.
Probably because it didn't get starred.
If it didn't get starred, it didn't happen.
Does that mean if it did get starred, it did happen?
@OrigamiRobot No.
@ArdaXi Nah. Math doesnt confuse me I can always figure out what number to put in to keep on top of things, so to speak ;)
@Ullallulloo I have to trust @InvaderSkoodge here.
@James No, because the other one will always be above you.
@OrigamiRobot I am a verb now.
Wow, using me as a verb sounds wrong.
@ArdaXi I use windows man, clearly that means I have more cash on hand to waste than a linux user who bought a bundle just to complain on behalf of his 'community' :D
I sentence you to play Ghosts and Goblins for all eternity! Or until you beat it, whichever comes first.
@James No, because you'll have spent all that money paying for your Windows crap.
The Linux user has all this money to spend because he has no costs.
I spent money on Windows?
@ArdaXi I have spent zero dollars on my Windows crap. Yay MSDNAA!
@James Well, they have at least $70 more than you...
@OrigamiRobot You don't count.
@OrigamiRobot I spent zero dollars on Office. Yay MSDN! :D
@ArdaXi I do have to question the thought process of 'I refuse to pay for my OS but Ill put out $101 bucks to voice the fact that I was left out of this software package' :)
@James Why, though?
@Ullallulloo You are assuming the person works for the same price I do :)
Although I noticed my MSDN subscription got downgraded back to a Professional account instead of Ultimate. I guess someone decided that all the devs here didn't need the one that has an MSRP of $12,000 USD
@OrigamiRobot I miss that, no more for me though
I think charity is a better direction to throw money in than Microsoft.
@BenBrocka I wonder if my account is still active...
If I wanted to, I could grab Visual Studio 2012 and start designing shitty Windows 8 programs!
@Powerlord Wooo!
@OrigamiRobot hax, mine got deactivated
Well, I'm downloading Win8 and then not installing it.
@ArdaXi Its like a person who buys a PS3 and then gripes about 360 exclusive releases.. Or vice versa.. Its just a ... odd way of doing things? Like wondering why I cant play super mario brothers on my PS3
Oh blah, I'm going to have to write a script for someone to run on a CS:GO server so I can some more info about it.
@James Not really.
It would be more like complaining that SMB is suddenly an Xbox exclusive
@ArdaXi Seems that way to me.
@James That's fine, but that's not the way it is.
They've generally (always?) been cross platform before this one, and definitely not steam only
If you want to know why, talk to @LinuxGames, I'm too tired to get into that argument now.
@ArdaXi Then what way is it?
@BenBrocka I'm perfectly fine with Banjo-Kazooie being a 360 exclusive.
@BenBrocka Havent they always been indie bundles as well?
Unless Rare suddenly makes a decent, non-"Lego Racing!" Banjo-Kazooie game, that is.
@BenBrocka I was pretty sure I read 'THQ Bundle' instead of 'Indie Bundle' this time around, I can go check.
@BenBrocka Always.
@James The original bundle was the Humble Indie Bundle, and yes the rest of them all followed that.
Until now.
@OrigamiRobot No server 2012?
@OrigamiRobot Yes, yes, you get free access to crappy software. Yay.
@Powerlord That's on there too.
@ArdaXi I am specifically rubbing it in @BenBrocka's face.
Huh, they must have updated the interface
@Powerlord I am still not sure why them offering a new bundle they negotiated is cause for people to spend money on complaining.. literally the only thing I can come up with is one of their potential sources for getting a game they can try and run just isnt offering them anything for the next 2 weeks.
@BenBrocka Yea it's all kinds of different now.
@OrigamiRobot Wait, is this MSDNAA or DreamSpark?
The two used to be separate...
Yeah it seems like MS finally hired some designers
I mean.. 101 bucks.. Wouldnt that have paid for a copy of windows + the bundle at a more reasonable price? They could be playing those games and have spent less money??? I dunno, just makes no sense to me..
@Powerlord I googled "UNCC MSDNAA" and that's what came up. I logged in with my MSDNAA credentials.
Gotta love the title of the Ars Technica article.
@Powerlord Are there other 'Pay what you want' sites out there for video games?
@James Indie Royale isn't quite Pay What You Want as it has a minimum price, and the minimum price rises as more people pay just the minimum (and goes down when people pay over set amounts)
Having said that, the minimum prices for Indie Royale starts usually at $5.
Brilliant, put your $500 phone in this ball and have your kids throw it around
@Powerlord It starts at $4. It just balloons fast at the start.
@James Indie Royale
@James Gnome can literally drown you with these sites
> Oh dear. The games aren't tied to individual codes as with previous Bundles. Instead they're all linked to a single Steam code.
Why am I not surprised.
@Powerlord "as with previous Bundles" is absolutely incorrect
There's only been one bundle that did that
(the latest Android one, afaik)
Go ahead, let the internet know just how wrong that person is.
I haven't gotten a Humble Bundle in a while, so I don't remember that sort of thing.
> The Red Cross stood in for the EFF in a previous Humble Bundle (4) too. In that case it was decided by a vote of the game devs.
So, THQ doesn't like the EFF?
@badp yeah, he is kewl like that.
@Powerlord meh, I allocated $0 for charity
Neither of those charities are active in my area
@Powerlord In that case...
@ArdaXi I'm just seeing Image not found.
I have purchased one humble bundle in my time.. and then the next 6 of them or so had the same games in them +- one of them... Honestly I am not sure how people are expecting humblebundle.com to continue if they can not get a wider spread of games for offering
@Powerlord Dropbox?
@Powerlord $0 to THQ, $7.56 to Child's Play, $7.44 as a Humble Tip
Apparently dropbox was conresetting on me... had to load the image in a separate window and reload it three times before it displayed
I have three EFF stickers on my laptop. I usually use supporting them as an excuse to buy a Humble Bundle.
I find the EFF to have too much of a fundamentalist take for my tastes
No matter how libre LibreOffice Impress is, I will never replace the current version of Powerpoint with the current version of Impress.
@badp What do you expect from an organization created in part by Richard Stallman?
@Powerlord A better campaign against Windows 8 than one that's basically copy pasted from the Windows Vista one.
Having a bunch of dressed up people stand in front of Microsoft stores on Win8 release date distributing incomplete fliers and live CDs of a live distro I've never heard before ("but is fully free!") is not what I expect from EFF.
@badp LibreOffice wasn't developed by the EFF.
Woops, I just disabled all of the audio devices on my school computer and can't figure out how to get them back
@ArdaXi So what.
@badp So it's a weird remark.
Anyway, people I know owe their freedom to the EFF, so I quite like them.
@ArdaXi The remark is simply that proprietary software has a place in the world, as ugly as it is.
Well, freedom and/or livelihood.
@GnomeSlice there's an option to show disabled thingies
@badp That makes no sense. Software is no better or worse for being proprietary.
@ArdaXi That's not what RMS or the EFF will tell you
@badp You're misinterpreting my statement.
Software, in itself, is no better or worse.
@GnomeSlice Right-click the sound icon in the tray and pick Playback Devices.
Opting to use F/OSS rather than proprietary does have its benefits.
Besides, in many markets, F/OSS is the standard.
Can you imagine paying for a web browser?
@ArdaXi Yes... except as @badp said, that's not what RMS or the EFF will tell you
@ArdaXi I can agree with this too. It sucks when you have proprietary software like Skype not play well with the rest of the Linux distro it begrudgingly lives in
@Powerlord That is exactly what the EFF will tell you.
RMS is just weird.
but that doesn't mean requesting all software be released under the GPL or similar
Oh. Cool.
@Powerlord They could just like the Red Cross more.
@ArdaXi Tell me, back when web browsers cost money, which company started offering its web browser for free?
Bah, can't find the speakers or normal sound thing or whatever.
@badp Anyway. I don't really care for a lot of what the EFF stands for.
Windows audio is fucking dumb.
However, the legal aid they provide is worthwhile enough for me to donate to them regularly.
@ArdaXi I can respect this.
@GnomeSlice It should just be "Speakers". That's what it is for me.
@Powerlord I'm guessing Microsoft, but I'm not sure.
@ArdaXi I was trying to hint that web browsers were a lousy example, because yes, Microsoft started giving them away for free in order to kill Netscape's dominance on the market.

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