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@Josefvz I am a convert to the portable lifestyle. I didn't think I'd use my Nexus 7 for much, but I use it for a lot of things
shopping (Ocado), xbmc remote, reading, YouTube, ordering takeaways
Amazing value for £160, probably the best utility/£ of anything I own
@fredley i know... i'ts actually scary how 'lost' you would be without an active internet connection.
@fredley A portable and palmable supercomputer is amazingly useful.
@Josefvz Well, I wouldn't be lost, it would just take so much more effort to do everything. Our house shop now takes 5 minutes with the tablet, previously it was an hour's trip to the shops. Ordering take out using JustEat is a few taps compared to a tedious phone call.
@RedRiderX This, exactly. A palmable, fast, internet connection with fast native apps.
@fredley I bought my dad a Kindle Fire last year when he thought tablets were pointless. He has since bought a 10" tablet and wanted the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 for christmas
@RedRiderX I spent less than that on my current desktop... core i7 2600k unlocked overclocked to 4.4ghz, 16gb of RAM, 2tb of hard disks in raid0, 60gb SSD...
@BenBrocka Yes. Everyone I've spoken to says pretty much this: They didn't want/need a tablet... until they had one.
@fredley Hey! I'm okay with saying I need a tablet before I have my very first one.
good luck finding anything in a laptop form factor with even half of that
@pixel Wow, you've done much better then I have in my recent experience then, good on you.
@badp help, I made 3 comments this morning and it spawned a multi-user discussion several hours later!
@fredley It's one of those things you don't know you need until you have it. Like Google Now, which my NExus 4 has. I have relatively little use for it (I don't search sports scores or anything) but it's still awesome
@pixel My housemate bought a ridiculous laptop from Novatech with similar stats. Not sure what he paid for it.
@pixel What kind of help do you need? The banhammer kind of help perhaps?
@RedRiderX only thing I'm missing is a good graphics card, but my graphics card is still better than pretty much anything you'll find in a laptop for that price
@pixel I know that feel. Never post comments on MSO
@pixel Discussion can be a side effect of posting in internet chat rooms.
@fredley for the price he paid, I could have built HAL9000
@pixel I agree, his purchase was extremely stupid, since with the power supply it's no easier to move around his purchase than yours.
I pretty much did build HAL9000...big monolithic black computer, ominous red glowing circle in the front
@BenBrocka Yeah, I'm looking forward to see what they do with it.
@fredley It's a shame I got the phone after a bout of shopping, the "your package shipped!" thing is sweet. But I got it after like 10 deliveries
@pixel Everyone has a different utility function when buying a computer though. It's why I hate it when people ask me for buying advice. How the hell am I supposed to know what they want?
@BenBrocka Brain just caught up with that. Fuck you and your successfully purchased and shipped N4 :-P
@fredley I got two thanks to shopping cart issues actually, sold the other one
@BenBrocka :'(
A: What is an "X-Ray"?

paulx-ray represents the letter "x" in the phonetic alphabet. x stands for xenomorph. xenomorph= alien

Why do people always re-answer questions that have answers by providing the same answer with less information?
@InvaderSkoodge Rep whores
He has 11 rep.
Fledgeling rep whore?
@InvaderSkoodge His whoring has worked so far, he got an upvote for that redundant answer
@fredley It's not fully operational yet though, still need a sim card from straight talk. I got a t mobile one but their service here A) Sucks B) is considered data roaming
@fredley its easy, desktop pc for heavy lifting, tablet form factor for low use work, if they absolutely must have a laptop shaped device then an ultrabook of some kind
@BenBrocka Here being...?
the 'work' that the vast majority of people do can be done on a tablet
and that statement becomes more and more valid now the windows devices are on the market
@pixel Thin client. Server at home, low-powered ultrabook for tapping away on the go.
Q: Hitman Absolution "Absolution" Trophy/Achievement

A1rPunThe last trophy I need for Hitman Absolution is the golden "Absolution" trophy, rewarded for completing the game on any Professional difficulty. Diffulty's are devided in two groups: Enhanced Easy Normal Professional Hard Expert Purist I started on Normal difficulty for like 4 levels ...

@pixel there's a wide range of desktop "heavy lifting" though. My parents need considerably less power than I do...though I built my mom's PC almost like I built my own, just sans the graphics card, since parts were cheap
@fredley if you're going to go with that model, a tablet will still do the job
@pixel Not for coding it bloody won't
I want my Sublime Text 2, and I'm willing to spend extra £s on a device that will run it.
@fredley Iowa, right on the mississippi. T mobile has no native service here and their roaming sucks. AT&T has a good network here, hence Straight Talk
@fredley pff, it could still be passable, the only thing you're really missing there is a physical keyboard, and tbh laptop keyboards are crap to type on anyway
@BenBrocka Ah. 'murica.
Also AT&T and Verison have hilariously expensive prepaid plans
@pixel Depends on your preference, I find mine fine. Depends on whether you like clunky keys or tappy keys (I like the latter)
the only use a laptop shaped device really has is when you need a comparable desktop operating system in a small form factor, but a windows 8 pro tablet would provide that (although be more expensive than a cheap and cheerful laptop shaped thing)
@BenBrocka I bargained Orange down to £5/mo for my phone service, and I'm buying an N4 as soon as bloody possible
@pixel This is pretty much me. I use Ps, SublimeText and Chrome (heavily) constantly. No way a tablet is going to cut it for a long time.
@fredley You haggled with a telcom?
@RedRiderX Yes
Do you want tips?
@fredley Sure.
@fredley I live via RDP, to the point where I earlier accidentally connected to a customer site via an RDP to my home PC
which is completely their fault for allowing it
even more impresive
guild wars 2 launches via rdp
1) Do your research. Find the *perfect* plan, on another network. Regardless of whether their coverage is crap, or whatever. 3 is a good place to look.

2) Leave the network. Ring up and actually get a PAC code. They will bump you around between people, who will mock you for leaving and try and offer you better deals. Be armed with the details of the plan you are moving to and say you're *not* going to budge.

3) Await call back. I was called back within 24 hours with the £5 deal ( ultd texts, 500 mins, 1GB internet, 1mo rolling contract, Orange/EE ).
and I get comparable fps to when @badp runs it locally on his machine
@fredley What sort of "phone service", data and such? The plans listed on their site seem as bad/worse than US prepaid, and seem to be contract offers
And I'm never getting a goddamn contract plan again
@pixel Fair enough! Latency to much of a biggie for me, although new versions of RealVNC should address this within the next few months.
@fredley oh yeah latency while typing gets annoying, fortunately I don't get it that frequently via rdp
The hell is this?
when I do though, it makes chatting annoying to the point where I give up, let alone doing anything productive
@badp an image
@badp Use it, is that the echo you get in your inventory at the start of the game?
I haven't actually worked out where I can get a bow from yet
@badp IDK.. cause @ work..
Good morning, Bridge
@fredley And no threats needed whatsoever!?
@BenBrocka I didn't know you'd get an echo recorder at the start of the game
@RedRiderX No. Rule One of haggling in any situation is to walk away. You will be chased with the best deal they can offer.
@badp all but one class does I think...surely you would have noticed that one before now though right?
Learned this one in India.
@BenBrocka Is the one the gunzerker?
@badp Zero
@fredley That's true.
@OrigamiRobot No, the one pictured is Zero's start-of-game recorder.
I mean, it's called "Helmet data Rec0rding"
I forget if Mechro starts with one. I thought it was Axton
@badp I read "the" as "this". My wrong.
Morning, Bridge!
@Fluttershy Morning. I took the day off so I could play more Dishonored.
@pixel How you liking GW2 so far?
@Fluttershy slow
I haven't quit yet though
@OrigamiRobot Cool. While you're playing Dishonored, I'll be going to a movie with @FAE. =)
@pixel Find jumping puzzles! They're so much fun!
jumping puzzles would have been out of my reach lastnight
far too tired for coordination
Well... Stay sober and then find jumping puzzles! <_<
I guess that was a combination of tired and fried
@Fluttershy You, siree, have a odd definition of "fun"
In other news, I quit smoking! =D
@badp You don't like the jumping puzzles?
I only bothered to do one vista
I really didn't like movement in GW2 at all
@badp you don't count, you didn't buy the game
or maybe I did three or four
@pixel I still get to have opinions on it!
Ah. See, vistas are different from jumping puzzles. Jumping puzzles are my favorite part of GW2. That and the new Fractals of the Mist.
@Fluttershy I did 2 back to back jumping puzzles yesterday and it was awesome.
@badp yes but your opinions are as valid as the person who comments on a movie based on the opening credits :P
@Fluttershy How's a vista not a jumping puzzle?
@pixel I played for twenty or so hours all in all
@badp % complete?
<10% for sure
world %? I think 6 or 7.
I do think the movement doesn't feel that responsive though
@badp Some vistas require jumping to get to, but they're nothing like jumping puzzles. <_<
@badp There is a specific class of thing called "jumping puzzle" that you get an achievement for completing. Vistas are like miniature versions of them.
@InvaderSkoodge oh dear
I can't get onto Crystal Desert though
server is 'full'
@pixel Lame.
@pixel It is a popular server. =P We're pretty awesome.
yes but it means I'm playing an MMO by myself
that will never end well
They're supposedly implementing a feature that will allow you to run dungeons with friends cross-server, I think... Some time in the future... Maybe.
not the same though
@pixel Check the server switch stuff occasionally and see if you can get over.
yeah I've checked about 8 times today
and everytime I got d/c'd lastnight
which was about 4 times
Although from what I understand, most server switching has to do with WvW and since Crystal Desert is dominating this week, I doubt many people will switch out.
which got really annoying
ironically, when I logged in for the first time, it was on 'high'
but because my home region was europe, I had to restart the client while my account got moved
and it changed to full during those few minutes
Q: What does health actually mean?

TheGateKeeperThe health rating on the character select screen, what is the actual meaning for it? The wiki mentions how one health is equal to one red heart container, but this is not the case. Case in point being Eve which has 1 health but 2 containers. What does it actually mean?

@pixel Just wait til we're losing in WvW and you should be able to switch without issue. =P @InvaderSkoodge is right. We're pretty much destroying in our match-up this week. (Last I checked, at least)
@BenBrocka What a terrible presentation
I was expecting more explosions
Nothing ruins a possibly convincing argument like a conspiracy theory, a shitty webpage, a bunch of crappy images and, just, it screams UNTRUSTWORTHY all over the place.
Your definition of convincing is far more generous than mine
Conspiracy theories seem to correlate strongly with hilariously poor web design, writing style and argumentation
exhibit A: timecube.com
@BenBrocka I'll save you the trouble actually reading. The answer is "Yes, but ..." with the "but" being "..., but there's nothing the whole of humanity can do to either cause or prevent it currently, nor for any foreseeable future."
We could always create a new universe...
> It Is The Absolute Verifiable Truth & Proven Fact
That Your Belly-Button Signature Ties
To Viviparous Mama.
@BenBrocka Not sure if parody, or real thing
@fredley If it's parody he's very, very, very dedicated to the act
Time Cube is a website created by Gene Ray, also known as Otis E. Ray, in 1997 John C. Dvorak wrote in PC Magazine that "Metasites that track crackpot sites often say this is the number one nutty site." Concept The following quotation from the TimeCube.com website illustrates a recurring theme from Gene Ray's ideas: Ray has wagered $10,000 that his theories cannot be proven wrong. The site has been criticized for the centered 24-to-30-point font of its design and the "endless blather" of its content. Public reaction Ray spoke about Time Cube at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
@BenBrocka thousands of words of dedicated
With hand-done HTML style badness
No wait, he must be using a WYSIWYG editor. Still though
2 days at the top of the supercollider, and it wasn't even a question with a misleading title!
@BenBrocka This is going on our company website, now
@BenBrocka ... and now I have "Always" from Erasure bouncing in my brain. Thanks!
Q: How can I train Options Selects?

ayckosterThis question explains what an Option Select (OS) is, but how can I actually train them? I know it is possible to go into training mode and use the dummy to record an OS, so I can test it with the 1st player char. Scenario 1: Get hit -> Option 1 gets executed Scenario 2: Backdash -> Option 2 ge...

Yay, client renewed their remote desktop licenses.
Except now, I get punted out of the connection every time it completes it.
So, anyone who has not gone to see Cloud Atlas.... GO SEE IT IMMEDIATELY.
PROTIP: do not open your Echo device during cutscenes
sighs and closes the Borderlands 2 window
I didn't think it let you
yeah, it's a bug
I guess
race condition and whatnot
I press I as the cutscene started, so it got stuck midway the fade from white with the echo device sound playing in the background
"Handsome Jack here and--are you even listening to me? Put the damn ECHO down!"
Esc, I, Tab, none of that worked
Q: What causes desync in multiplayer games?

loosebruceA very simple question I am trying to solve my desync problems. I have looked around the net and some people say it is one thing that causes it others have different conclusions. -Is it caused by my computer not being as good at performance of other players computers processing capabilities mean...

When Handsome Jack introduced me to Buttstallion, I really knew Borderlands 2 was money well spent. <_<
cc: @OrigamiRobot.
1 hour ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Fluttershy Morning. I took the day off so I could play more Dishonored.
@AshleyNunn Well at least he didn't call him Piss for brains.
@OrigamiRobot Our jokes are so subtle.
@badp yeah... I suppose so.
We're so clever.
@Lazers Bleh.
@Wipqozn @OrigamiRobot I don't even care anymore!
@Fluttershy That's not a very honorable thing to say.
actually swooshes
@Wipqozn You guys can enjoy your Dishonored. I'll get it during the Christmas sale. =P
The world will be dead, or asploded, by then!
@badp In which case, who cares!
@Fluttershy So there is a network here, but it's a little spotty.
.... That's almost better than my Internet.
@AshleyNunn We're sitting at like 1 bar on the wifi >_>
@FAE I didn't realize F+ was an actual score.
Oh ick. I can usually get more than that. :(
@fbueckert I didn't either.
@fbueckert Kinda par for the course for hotel wifi.
@FAE If that's par for the course, I wonder why hotels even have wifi to begin with.
Because that's about as bare minimum as you can get, and still call it wifi.
@fbueckert So they can say they have it, advertisement!
@FAE You'd get many more tech-oriented guests if you at least tried to provide proper internet.
@fbueckert I can chat and once I get a sim card, I'll be able to use my phone on it, so that's pretty much my biggest concern at the moment.
@fbueckert Kinda sitting in the middle of nowhere here.
@FAE Ah, that explains things.
@FAE Hullo! So, is the full stay paid for, or...?
@Fluttershy Did first week.
@Fluttershy Perfect. Because we might be switching places. <_< One less in the middle of nowhere. We'll discuss it when I get off work! It might have better internets!
@InvaderSkoodge ... oops. @FAE ^^
@Fluttershy Talking to yourself?
Wait... What!? Dammit, mobile chat!!
@Fluttershy Can you sign onto your phone's gtalk?
@FAE I can try. Gimme a few.
Q: I can't get my controller working

ReismannI bought a PC gamepad at Radio Shack that appears to be functioning in windows 7, as I tested it in its configuration window. However, I cant get it to work in Black Ops II. It has the most recent drivers. Is there a way to get this to work with this game or do I need to get an xbox controller...

I am eating Triscuits! I missed Triscuits.
@FAE Triscuit used to be my nickname. <_<
@Fluttershy ...wat
Triscuits are delicious.
@FAE Try the roasted garlic ones.
Q: Are there benefits for achieving max chaos?

Nahum LitvinI was playing Dishonored and for now, it seems to encourage stealth. Is there a benefit of going for max chaos? ie. killing anyone I see and doing evil choices. Are there unique items? Quests dialogs? Anything at all?

@FAE when I worked at Best Buy, my manager misheard me when I introduced myself. Thought I said "Triscuit". So... It stuck! They made me a name tag that said Tricuit. I would alternate between that and my regular name tag.
@Fluttershy I can't imagine what it should have been instead. "Dry Squid"?
@InvaderSkoodge I've never had those, I usually just get plain.
@Fluttershy How in the world could someone mishear your name and think that someone is named Triscuit.
@MartinSojka His name is Tristan. He used to go by that on here until he changed to @Fluttershy.
@FAE ... I misread this as Tristan...
@OrigamiRobot And you just almost made me spit out my drink over his laptop.
Oh. So - I can't imagine any variant spelling of Drust, Drest, Drustus, Tristan, Drystan, Tristram and so on to be ever misheard as "Triscuit". Strange, that.
@FAE This sentence did not read right either...
@OrigamiRobot ...>_>
Don't blame me!
I'm so confused... <_<
@Fluttershy Now?
Not even gonna click that.
and internet here is somewhat dying
FAE \o/
@badp Hi!
I may randomly disappear because the wifi here seems to want to randomly stop working sometimes.
oh, hotel wifi. Beats Dialup!
goddammit, Deus Ex. How am I supposed to be stealthy in this narrow corridor
with the stupid safe passage only available with increased jump height, which you CAN'T HAVE by now
@badp No boxes?
@Ullallulloo no boxes
(This isn't Splinter Cell!)
yeah there's alcoves but obviously you get spotted as the patrol do check there
the safe route is behind the conveniently placed red pipe
actually there's a couple of crates right behind me but...
Are you going non-lethal as well?
Turns out they actually don't check the alcoves
Q: Do troops gained as council rewards have Iron Will advantages?

evoeliseJust taking a council request mission and the reward is a new soldier, of rank Major. Do these "reward" troops get the Iron Will bonus & so have the higher will-power?

and there's a corridor at the second alcove's height
That said if some guy needs killing I'll be killing
I've never played it lethal
The problem with lethal is that this is too early in the game to have stuff like iron sights
so headshots are just a lottery
also, fuck doesn't this DLC have hard hacking minigames
I don't remember anything in the main game being this challenging, possibly because I had much more praxis to work with
@badp I should probably play this game.
jesus christ. There's some kind of super crappy super creepy super autotuned song about the CE toy certification. It's been added to the list of things I need to unsee
or, more poignantly, unhear.
Q: How do you discover passcodes?

DaenythI've seen hints that media files can give you codes but I haven't been able top figure or any from the media I have. How does it work?

Q: How do I get my pre-order bonus content in AC 3?

Ilya MelamedI've pre-ordered the AC III deluxe edition and now It's ready. I've installed it, but it seems that I only installed the game without the added contents of the deluxe edition, I didn't receive any codes or instructions on installing the extra contents, only a link to the download manager, and li...

....things I wonder over - I have garlic bologna, and it says "Dutch Treet" on it. Ignoring the fact that the mispelling of treat is just irritating, is it actually something Dutch people eat, like a special Dutch thing that my family never really did? Or is it just because it is kinda like solid leverworst or something? Or is it like Russian dressing, which is not Russian at all, and still baffles me?
Man, I do think about the weirdest crap.
@agent86 Yay grumpy cat :P So versatile.
@badp you can just walk up right next to him and give him a good punchin'
enemies have terrible peripheral vision
@agent86 I am horrified now.
@AshleyNunn as you should be
It's the eyes that get me
@AshleyNunn I post grumpy cat just for you!
I wish my cat was grumpy like that
@agent86 True or not, this statement makes me un-grumpy.
I'd totally look at her and laugh all day
@agent86 My cat is too derpy to make a good grumpycat
Any cats I get won't be good grumpycats.
They'll be stealthy ninja assassins.
Also, I can't bash jQuery to the point to find a stupid span tag in my Sharepoint page.
user image
^^ Poor Pluto :(
@GnomeSlice For whatever reason I decided to click both those links. I have learned from my mistakes.
Q: Follower skill set

Dford.pyMy follower Jordis the Sword-Maiden is supposedly fully maxed out in terms of her skills set and has reached level 50, but I've noticed her perks aren't in effect. She's currently equipped with full Daedric Armor and dying almost effortless by upper level enemies such as bandit marauders. I've tr...

@OrigamiRobot Wait, what was wrong with the first one.
@fbueckert My cat likes to think he is a ninja, but mostly he is an adorable idiot.
@James Poor Pluto, it's like the unpopular kid in kindergarten.
@James Speaking of space stuff, it seems that KSP .18 is nearing completion.
@fbueckert Wooooooo
@GnomeSlice I'll just let you guess.
@fbueckert eh, adding the link is okay.
I am mostly trying to not edit it again...
(his use of "in" is bugging me)
Unless it's a chronic problem and someone is bumping a ton of posts, I don't see the problem.
@AshleyNunn There was no link added. He added extraneous words that did nothing to help the question.
Oh, it's been edited again.
I was referring to revision 3.
@OrigamiRobot You hate music?
@fbueckert Oh, that makes sense then. Yeah, that was useless.
Note also that part of it was him putting back in the word "online"
@Sterno After "website".
and while it's trivial, it seems effectively he disagreed with part of the previous edit and wanted to undo it
I agree it's dumb
I doubt his intent was just to bump it though
"I am not aware of any offline website that's accessible via the Internet."
Yeah, that.
@GnomeSlice I hate that.
I guess what I'm saying is, why bother being a dick to the guy? :P
@fbueckert Oooo :)
@OrigamiRobot How is that my fault.
@James Yeah. Once docking gets added, THEN the real fun begins.
Did I say it was?
I do like that his edit comment was "added more words"
@Sterno Not so much a dick, as, "Hey, dude. Don't do that. You're not helping."

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