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The Wii can play all Gamecube games, can't it?
@fbueckert Not the newer models. They took that funcitonality out
@fbueckert Yeah, Nintendo changed that in 2011.
@Powerlord Huh. Must've missed that entirely.
All new models that ship with New Super Mario Bros. or newer can't.
Basically, the Mario Kart Wii model was the last that supported backwards compatibility.
I like my launch model Wii and PS3.
Now if only I could decrypt my hard drive from my first PS3...
@fbueckert ?
@Alok PS3 hard drives are encrypted to their own PS3s.
@fbueckert PS3 hard drives are encrypted?
Swapping it into another PS3 wants you to reformat it.
And so far, nobody's managed to decrypt a hard drive without it's PS3 functioning.
Which sort of defeats the purpose, since my first one is utterly dead.
So you lose any saved games? Why can't Sony allow hdd transfers, they get money if someone buys a new PS3 anyway?
@Alok Achievements, I assume.
Trophies, whatever they call it.
@Alok There's probably a hardware key that is used to decrypt the drive, and if it's full drive encryption and only one partition, no hardware key, no decryption
So end result: My 500+ hours of PS2 save games are locked on a hard drive I can't get them off of.
@pixel So close!
In hindsight, I believe this is the first Steam sale where I didn't buy a single damn game.
@fbueckert I always feel proud of myself when I manage to not succumb to the lure of cheap games.
@AshleyNunn I'm more like, "Why aren't you giving me cool games at stupidly low discounts!?"
@AshleyNunn But $5 is an impulse buy for something that started out at $60
Not that I've finished or even played most of my games.
@MBraedley I am on a limited budget that I am trying desperately to stick to, and $5 matters.
@fbueckert This is also true :P
Ah, well.
@fbueckert I have so many games I havent even downloaded....
More money to spend on the inevitable Christmas sale.
@AshleyNunn Fair enough. I guess I'm lucky that it's not something that I have to worry about.
And hopefully the job gives me a bonus and I can go, "Wee! Games! One for you, and one for you, and one for you..."
For me, it's the price of being a student who doesn't want to/can't work a lot. :P
And none for @OrigamiRobot, because he's a jerk. :P
@fbueckert You would be the Oprah of Arqade
I was there at one point to.
@fbueckert Fine! I don't want any games from you anyway!
eugh wtf
Crystal Deserts is full
@OrigamiRobot Honestly, you're probably in the same boat I am.
If you want a game, you just buy it.
Or I put it off till I forget about it.
The only games I'd get you would be, "This game is awesome! Here! Play it!"
Someday, I will be able to do that!
@MBraedley I suspect many were. Now its my turn. :D
@RavenDreamer since Crystal Deserts is currently full, can I create a character on another server and then transfer it for free when it doesn't show as 'full' ?
@pixel Uh, you can. I'm not sure how transfers work (never used them)_
Q: What does "unblockable" mean?

ayckosterWhat does the therm "unblockable" mean in the SSFIV series? How does it work and is it really impossible to block or circumvent it?

What you might want to do is wait till morning (your time) since 9:00 PM EST (now) is pretty much primetime for East coast USA
yes but... 6 hours of levelling
I know you can transfer.
I've just never done it, so I can't advice you
@RavenDreamer C NOUN S VERB.
@Lazers I must be more tired than I thought. I didn't see the first "b" in unblockable.
Hmm, could be interesting
@LessPop_MoreFizz I bought a smartphone today!
@RavenDreamer welcome to the 21st century. I'd offer you a cookie, but it'd just be so I can track your every move on that fancy new smartphone.
@LessPop_MoreFizz lmao
I visited my cousins over thanksgiving. My 11 year old cousin was mortified that I didn't have a smart phone
(He then proceeded to change the background picture of my vita to his face)
@RavenDreamer Ah, they grow up so fast these days
He should have been mortified that you do have a Vita.
@OrigamiRobot You're saying I should turn down SE Lootswag? Hell to the no!
@RavenDreamer You should do the right thing and sell that brick.
@OrigamiRobot But now I can Lumines on the go!
@RavenDreamer You should have taken the fancy chair.
I know it's a joke, but cookies can't track your location. Well, physical location anyway, unless you explicitly allows it to
@OrigamiRobot But, given that you already have the vita, get PS+ now because that's a hell of a lineup.
@RavenDreamer SE gave out Vitas?
@Alok He won a contest. He chose the Vita over a fancy chair.
I didn't even get the general swag packet that went out to first 5 pages or w/e :(
@Alok I think they did as part of a contest
@Alok The Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning contest.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Spugsley was less jealous of chair.
@RavenDreamer She wanted the Vita so she could sell it.
My bed is beckoning me. Later all.
@OrigamiRobot I would've thought a good chair could be sold for more. Amazon had a PS Vita bundle for US$180, which included a game and a few month's subscription to PS Plus
@YiJiang That's not a fair comparison though. Launch Vita vs. Failed Product Black Friday Vita is a different market
How long ago was the contest? It can't have fallen in value by that much, right?
Didn't notice before, but I just passed 100 questions
@GnomeSlice I'm at 99
@pixel And look at how much more rep than me you have.
@GnomeSlice more answers
@YiJiang It went from 250 with nothing to 180 with like 6 games.
@pixel Oh. yeah.
@OrigamiRobot I have an urgent MtG question.
Q: How much shield does Axton's turret actually get?

RetrosaurUnlocking the ability "Phalanx Shield" grants a +1 shield to each Sabre turret. I'm curious as to how much damage each "shield" can take? Is it dependent on the player's shield? Or is it a set amount that scales with each player's level?

Can creatures who both have soulbind soulbind each other?
I have 283 questions. o.O
Usually you can't soulbind something that is already soulbound.
Yes! :D
That just won me the game.
Can they get the effects of both soulbinds.
If one is already soulbound, you cant rebind it
Neither was soulbound already.
Ok then youre good
One was in play, the other just came into play.
I want to get the effects of both soulbinds.
@AshleyNunn I am sad.
I have less than a dozen.
@InvaderSkoodge That is how it works
@fbueckert But I bet you have a lot of fantastic answers.
That's what I thought, but just doublechecking.
@AshleyNunn I've got awesome answers, yes.
84 of them, to be exact.
@InvaderSkoodge Two Wolfir Silverhearts who are paired to each other are each 12/12
@fbueckert It helps that I suck at videogames, so I get stuck a lot and need to ask stuff :P
@OrigamiRobot <3
Those are in this deck.
Yea they are awesome
I made a UG soulbind deck with ginormous fliers.
Once upon a time, an evil queen banished every storybook character you've ever known.
I found out that one of my coworkers watches Netflix at work. I guess I shouldn't complain, though, seeing as how I code SourceMod plugins at work.
Q: Customized Catch-A-Ride

SoreanIs there a way to save the settings on any of the Catch-A-Ride stations? I prefer using the rocket launcher as opposed to the machine gun, is there a way to have the Catch-A-Ride station to default Vehicle 1 to be the machine gun option and Vehicle 2 to be the rocket launcher? The interface scre...

I <3 HK-47's dialog.
"The answer, of course, is that you keep firing until all dissension has been eradicated."
@RavenDreamer ur mom is a meatbag.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you try to do any of the no kills cheevos?
@OrigamiRobot In Dishonored?
@OrigamiRobot I think I got the one for the whorehouse level, but I wasn't going out of my way for it. IN general, they don't seem too bad.
I must have reloaded the first encounter with Granny Rags 20 times
@OrigamiRobot Sleep Darts yo
I am also going for no alerts. I can't take out all three of them without them seeing me.
Q: How do I please the King of Zhongguo?

Ashley NunnI have had the King of Zhongguo on two cruises now and every time he just tells me how disappointed he is. How do I make him like my cruise?

Q: How do I get more Tour Centers?

Ashley NunnI only have knew tour center and would love to have more so I can explore places faster. How do I get additional ones?

A+ Would flag again
I really like Awesomenauts.
I read "2D MOBA" and stopped there the first time I tried to figure out what the game was.
This time I actually decided to watch gameplay, and now it sounds pretty cool.
Not paying $10 for it though.
@InvaderSkoodge It's not really.
@InvaderSkoodge Lost interest in the game as soon as MOBA was mentioned.
I'm famous!
@OrigamiRobot Grizbulpalegga.
That's a lot more letters.
2 hours later…
I just read that tipping discussion, and you're all a bunch of cheap bastards.
@Sterno here prices are just 15%-20% higher
and that's the end of it
I mean, the whole idea of "socially obligatory tipping" is alien to me
d/credit card POSs don't ask you what your tip is while you pay, e.g.
Hi Bridge
Q: Playstation Plus: Buy game from "Instant Game Collection"?

wwwI'm a new subscriber of Playstation Plus and I've downloaded a few games in the "Instant Game Collection" that are offered free right now to subscribers. I know that I can play these games as long as I maintain a valid Playstation Plus subscription. However, what if I want to really "own" one of...

Q: How to set lapTimer in multiplayer games in unity3d?

user1859018As I'm new to the coding and unity3d I'm finding tough to set the lap timer for my racing game which is the multiplayer game.

Q: How can I get past level 1?

rxdaznI am stuck at level 1 with 3000/3000 XM. I can see XM but I can't collect it anymore. Is there anything mandatory to be able to level up? Thank you

@Sterno Depends on the culture. USA? You should tip people. Japan? You should not tip people unless you want to risk insulting them.
Just be aware of the social norms of the area you are currently in.
wow Crystal Desert is still full
the air in my room was so cold this morning that getting out of bed was a breath taking experience
Q: Is power-leveling good early on in Skyrim?

user37588I'm pretty new to the game, and plan to do something like this - I basically like the Dragonplate Armor so, I was thinking how early in the game can you get it. Through power-leveling (in this case, getting Smithing to Lv100) it can be done at almost any point of the game. So I can just use that ...

my least favourite activity in the world... filing expenses
love the outcome, hate actually doing it
@MartinSojka personally I find the "we're going to pay you [store employee/clerk/whatever] much less than minimum wage because you're going to be more than making up for it in tips" part of why people tip a lot in the US to be 1. despicable and 2. circular
although it makes business sense
but when was the last time that "making business sense" made something right?
However, when in the USA, I'm a guest, it's not within my rights to change the habits and rituals of the indigenous people.
Uh, great, I've been off Windows for so long that I can't even find the Recycle Bin now
@YiJiang Left-click on an empty space of the desktop, start typing "recy".
It's on my desktop, but it's not in Explorer's sidebar. Weird.
Ah well, I can always add it as a favourite
Alternatively: It's in a (hidden) directory called "RECYCLER" (XP) or "$RECYCLE.BIN" (Vista, 7) in the root of each hard disk drive.
Great, my Gemini Rue save file is gone.
@MartinSojka fine, okay, doesn't mean I have to like it :P
Thank goodness I haven't gone too far into the game
@MartinSojka The hidden folders don't have any of the recycle bin magic and I wouldn't realy touch them
@badp Not the folders themselves; they have the recycle bin "special" folder INSIDE of them.
You can actually copy that one anywhere and it will - from what I saw - work just like the normal one would.
if you know where to put it back, sure...
or what the file you're looking for is, because the actual file name is like a hash or something...
I dislike our new expenses system
so clunky
(I dunno about the part where the subfolders are magic, I remember having to go in there once and finding out they weren't magic at all)
Q: does single player offline yield achievements?

ShaderachI will be traveling for 2 days very soon and will not be online. Can I play the single player campaign and earn achievements during this time? (i.e. - do they sync later?) Or must I always be online when I play X-Com: EU? (that'd be lame!)

eugh, crystal dreams still full
my head is full of them
is something its not full of
but feels like it is atm
crystal dreams was the name of my gm char in neocron
I will make the mistake more than once
@badp The "copies" work anywhere It's not a real folder. :)
wrong time of day to be having this thought, but... is it hometime yet?
There's no better way to level up than killing a high level raging loot badass goliath with an uppercut
@badp I killed 200 enemies at 6xp each lastnight
got disconnected from the server 5 times
decided it was bed time
I feel like an idiot, but I can't seem to find the key to open Gemini Rue's menu
@pixel Yeah, I also thought GW2's XP from kills is really disappointing
I got to like level 5
still using all my starter gear, no gear upgrades at all
Oh, hmmm, esc is working again. Weird.
still don't even have a bow
@YiJiang I was going to say esc but figured you'd already tried that...
kbd markdown doesn't work here does it
For some reason it wasn't working at first.
I think I'm just going to sleep under my desk, ping me at hometime
@pixel <kbd> is HTML
Chat only supports Markdown Lite
is it really
It's a HTML tag, yes
I've never used it in html, only on this site
learn something new every day
unfortunately, my ability to retain knowledge at this point in time is none existent
Also, is there anyway to play the game in windowed mode?
Speaking of underutilised HTML tags, I wish more editors would automatically insert <q> whenever appropriate. It's a pain to do it manually.
try alt+enter
That causes the game to ask if you want to restart
well, I'm out of ideas
It's not in the options either. I know it's suppose to be pixel art and stuff, but the game seems to run at a resolution of 800x600
Which is just annoying low
woo... all expenses submitted
way to waste 2 hours of my day with a terrible user experience
why are games so much easier when you play them at 30 instead of 10 fps
smooth framerate actually feels like CHEATING
today I have gone with a cheese salad sandwich
so that the salad keeps the cheese in the sandwich
@badp 30fps sounds a bit low
60+ ftw
@pixel 10 fps is what I have normally
maybe 15? I dunno
that sounds painful
better than not playing games
many people can't see the difference between 30 and 60
but you can feel the difference
I can very much tell the difference between 15 and "smooth"
I wouldn't call 30 "smooth"
when my standards are so low...
but I can appreciate that the difference between 15 and 30 is more noticeable that the difference between 30 and 60
what game are you playing at 15 fps?
all of them
geforce 9200M GS, look it up
you'll find it in the OED under "garbage"
I can't find it at all on any hardware comparison site
my graphics card is the weakest component in my system
but I can't even find yours to compare it to
I was about to say something along the lines of <buy another one>, and then noticed the M, the words 'notebook' and then I sighed
lol your graphics chipset is out performed by sandybridge IGP
or the Intel 3000 HD integrated thing
(possibly the same thing you're talking about)
Q: How can I create a semi automatic TNT cannon in Minecraft?

Adam AroldSuppose I have a hill or a mountain I wish to demolish. I created a cannon using the classic recipe so I can do this task: My problem is that reloading is quite cumbersome. I know that I can manufacture cobblestone using lava and water. Is there some way to manufature TNT somehow? If i need a ...

@badp ye I think 3000HD is sandybridge
yeah, it's what's on my sister's laptop
and yet, this computer's laptop is a generation ahead of what I had on my previous one
which was from 2004 - and integrated
desktop pcs > laptops
it'd squeeze like 5 fps out of HL2
laptops are now pretty much a dead form factor
desktop pcs -> tablets -> smart phones
no place for laptops/notebooks/netbooks/ultrabooks
although if I were to buy anything in that form factor it would be a ultrabook
still no space on crystal desert
My life on this laptop is becoming fairly miserable indeed
I also wish Windows was smarter about swapping in
well just in general, laptop style devices are the wrong form factor for everything
they're not powerful enough to play games on
mine isn't even a laptop per se
they're too bulky for mobile productivity
the battery life has reduced to roughly a minute
I have an old laptop like that
won't power on unless its plugged in
it's just a mini tower that's like spread all over my desk
unplug it while its on and it will last about 90 seconds
<GnomeSlice> Hey guys, check out this link! </GnomeSlice>
btw is it possible to order on Amazon specifying a delivery date that isn't "as soon as possible"?
Say, "not thursday but monday when I'm actually at home to receive the package"
I don't know, I've only ever ordered 2 things off Amazon and got them delivered to my work address
oh noes
somebody please talk, I'm passing out
I blame @badp obviously
I wonder how many FPS I will get playing GW2 via rdp
Q: How Many Skill Challenges are Available in Guild Wars 2?

Marcello Grechi LinsLets say you've completed 100% of the game skill challenges. How many skill points would you have by the end of that? Are those skill points enough to buy all your character skills ? Does it worths to save them ? What can i do with skill points besides buying skills ? I've heard that with 120...

@fredley Didn't I link that the other day?
sugar rushing but can't keep my eyes open
like wtf
@pixel oh god that's the worst.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't even know why, I was in bed before 4am
@pixel Unfortunately, I stumbled this right before going to be last night.
@pixel Find a sofa, sit down, set your alarm to "now + 15 minutes", and close your eyes. It should help.
the worst of it all is
in 3 hours 12 minutes when I go home
I will wake right up
@MartinSojka I don't/can't sleep in public
@pixel You're not supposed to try to fall asleep. You're supposed to try and rest your eyes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have no idea
@pixel It depends. I could not work from anything but a laptop
A desktop tower would hamper my cycle comute rather severely
@pixel My Core i7 laptop begs to disagree.
@baDP @martin you're right, I meant where tipping is the societal norm, which I think was what the discussion was about.
@pixel I do that all the time.. on trains
@RedRiderX Desktops are the dead form factor, even if laptops are also dying.
What? Why would the desktop be dead?
@fredley True, although they never really were intended for the average consumer.
@RedRiderX Desktops will live on in corporates and gamers' desks.
I'd say desktops have moved from mainstream to niche, rather than being dead
@Beofett Well yes, they'll never die, and neither will laptops
But laptops are now moving more towards niche as many households find their entire computing needs can be satisfied by a tablet
@fredley And creatives that "actually" need the power.
@fredley perhaps, but laptops will become even more niche, only used by gamers who travel
@fredley Tablets can't satisfy any needs that require writing anything longer than a sentence
@Beofett People who work on a computer and travel.
@badp they can with a bluetooth keyboard
Or move around ever
@Beofett = Detachable tablet/laptop
@badp Most people never need to do that.
If we're considering the abominy that is a bluetooth keyboard, then you don't need a laptop. Just remote desktop into your always-on desktop
currently, yes, many traveling professionals will continue using laptops over tablets, but I fully expect we'll see that switch noticeably within the next 5 years or so
@fredley Yeah, have you ever seen anybody do something as silly as writing a cv?!
gamers will probably be the last hold-outs
or printing a self-written self-signed document for legal purposes?
@badp Thin clients do seem set to make big waves in the near future.
If you can get a connection.
@badp Worth investing hundreds of dollars for a laptop you need occasionally?
@badp my wife converted her entire organization to using tablets for just that, since they were using printed forms and collecting ink signatures
@RedRiderX Yes. That new iMac is amazing.
@fredley "Most people" only use tablets "occasionally" to begin with
@fredley Heh.
@badp Most people want to play Zynga games and update Facebook. That is the tragic truth.
@Beofett ugh, why tablets then?
@RedRiderX Naw-ahh its gonna be da cloud! Da wonderful fluffy bouncy white clouds
@Josefvz That's thin clients, btw.
@Josefvz Cloud == Thin Client in last decade's buzz words
I don't really talk like that b.t.w
@Josefvz Yes, that's why I bug people with it so often. :P
@badp thinner, lighter, and the forms are tied to a centralized application. Mostly for on-screen signatures through the touch screen, rather than getting a signature pad accessory
I even say it in real life, drives 'em batty. :)
@fredley did not really know that. AFAIK Thin client = Screen connected to a terminal server
okay, that doesn't sound peculiarly "typical" to me :)
@Josefvz See: Chromebook
@RedRiderX your core i7 laptop is still a low performance machine in comparison to an equivalently priced desktop
@fredley i REFUSE! ;)
@pixel The utility of the extra power is only more than the utility of a portable form factor for gamers and video editors
@pixel Please tell me what you can get for ~620 Euros, but I get your point.
@Josefvz Be condemned to live in the past then!
also my S3 is my first android device
@fredley Not really i think my S3 gives me a 'gentle' intro

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