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@OrigamiRobot You have Radiant Star Emeralds.
You're the 1%! :P
@fbueckert lol
Seriously, though, that's a good standard to define against.
Which I bought with gold that I spent time picking up.
If you own or can afford Radiant Star Emeralds, then you're in the top end, and it's just a matter of time to get higher.
Maybe they should make a softcore more with increased drop rates, no access to the AH, and certain items/recipes unavailable?
Also, I bought them when they were cheap from duping. You can't compare that to the current price.
@OrigamiRobot You got lucky and bought them when they were cheap.
I didn't have the gold at that point to afford even a single gem.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
Which I bought with gold that I spent time picking up.
So if that doesn't count as luck, I don't know what does.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, and I bought gear beforehand.
With the gold I spent time picking up.
SO now we see how luck in timing isnt the same as luck in drops?
That's the point I'm trying to make; it doesn't take skill to get to the top end.
It takes luck, pure and simple. Nothing else gets you there.
@OrigamiRobot I didn't define luck as solely luck in drops.
@fbueckert The only reason to be at the top end is because that the only place you get top end gear!
@OrigamiRobot Which is the whole point of the game!
Why are you so insistent on ensuring that luck play such a critical part in it?
@fbueckert Because without luck, there is no point to being at the top.
The whole game breaks down.
I have 220 dwarves; 56 have one or more legendary skills
Whatever happened to having fun?
@OrigamiRobot How?
I am trying to reconcile why I find Diablo 3 to not be fun.
To me, fun drives everything.
2 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert The only reason to be at the top end is because that the only place you get top end gear!
How does the whole game break down if everyone's at the top?
@OrigamiRobot So what does it matter if everyone's there?
@fbueckert I don't even know how to respond to this.
Then everyone can get top end gear!
It's like everyone winning the lottery at the same time.
@OrigamiRobot The only reason people at the top make money is because they're the have's.
Who sell to the have not's.
I was trying to talk about Diablo 3 yesterday. The farming in Diablo 3 is kind of boring. I'm trying to think about what made it better in Diablo 2.
And if there are no have nots?
In Diablo 2, each farming session was pretty quick. You killed Baal, and then you were done.
@OrigamiRobot Then everyone's got everything, and the AH dies.
You got to the point where you could potentially see rewards really quick, and then you started over.
In Diablo 3, optimal farming is pretty much just playing through the whole act.
@fbueckert And you're sitting there with your top level gear and you do what with it?
@InvaderSkoodge That was exactly what they didn't want with D3; hence valor stacks.
If I spent 5 hours farming Baal and got bored, I could go farm Pindleskin or Nihlathak or the Countess.
@OrigamiRobot Vendor it.
And mix it up.
In Diablo 3, if I spend 5 hours farming Act 1 (and not getting gear for Act 2), I have to just keep farming Act 1 anyway.
@fbueckert So why even play the game?
And the game is done once you have everything.
@OrigamiRobot Fun?
@fbueckert The point I'm trying to make is that this sounded good in theory, but it didn't actually pan out very well in practice.
I apparently broke Stack Exchange. I'm sorry.
It makes farming more boring in D3, because it winds up being more samey in D3 than it was in D2.
@fbueckert What fun is facerolling an entire act with no rewards?
@OrigamiRobot It's fun once as a "fuck you" to when the act used to be tough, but that's pretty much it.
@OrigamiRobot I dunno; what fun is facerolling an act right now?
@MarkTrapp Please elaborate.
@OrigamiRobot To listen to the same stilted voice acting for the 5000th time, duh!
@fbueckert The chance to get items
The reason they added Paragon levels was progression.
@Krazer I got my Programmers account deleted, and apparently I'm the first former moderator to request deletion, and apparently that breaks things
@OrigamiRobot To do what with? Sell to those who need it for billions of gold?
@MarkTrapp You hate the site that much?
When the gold you make off of it already helps you nothing at all.
@InvaderSkoodge Yes. So much that I like SciFi more! Actually was due to reasons and there's no content there I want to maintain control over
@fbueckert Listen. Being at the top is no fun. That's why the ladder worked in D2. Everyone had to occasionally start over.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, I think this is what makes it a little less addictive for me. If I'm going to do it, I feel compelled to set aside a large chunk of time, otherwise what's the point? In D2 I could fit in runs whenever I had free time, whether it was fifteen minutes or three hours.
@OrigamiRobot So why are you insisting on denying the top to everyone but those that get lucky?
If it's not fun, why does it matter?
@fbueckert I think the point is that progressing is fun. Being done progressing is boring.
@fbueckert Because when everyone is at the top, there is no fun anymore.
For anyone.
@InvaderSkoodge This
@OrigamiRobot So artificially restricting the people at the top somehow makes it fun for them?
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah. Progression is fun.
@InvaderSkoodge Being done progressing is okay if the content is stellar. That's… not the case in D3.
But look at WoW raids; why do fully geared guilds continue to run the same thing over and over?
@MarkTrapp I've never really gotten to too many end-games in my gaming days. Not a big MMO guy. I haven't experienced a fun end-game yet.
@fbueckert They don't. They take breaks. You only run to gear up. When you're done gearing up and everyone has what they want, they stop until the next content patch
@fbueckert So why do you want a system that makes everyone stop progressing?
@OrigamiRobot The system is already in place.
Even Diablo 2's end-game was pretty bad.
It's just that it's completely random if you actually make progress or not.
@fbueckert And you want to put in an express lane.
That's why the ladder resets were fun, though.
@fbueckert I dislike this.
@InvaderSkoodge Right. Ladder resets were the best.
@OrigamiRobot No, I want to add something to work towards.
If they reset the D3 ladder I would probably play again.
@InvaderSkoodge I think a key part of a successful end game experience is frequent content updates or a way to make your own fun. Diablo 3 wanted to have its cake and eat it too: wanted control over fun making, but didn't want to release the frequent (read: monthly) updates to sustain it
If we implement the crafting limitation, then we're just stuck at that as the starting point for progression.
@fbueckert I really dont think you are taking into account the volume of play and how easy it would be to craft up to max gear.
@InvaderSkoodge Same here. I enjoy playing the game and improving my character, but then it just gets boring
@OrigamiRobot So balance it so it takes oddles of cash and materials. I don't care.
The point is, I want to be able to GET there, without needing luck to see me through.
@fbueckert So how is that different than needing oodles of cash now?
@MarkTrapp Yeah D3 hasn't introduced any new content, and it took only a week of dedicated play to get to the end game.
That's a terrible combination.
Or they could just Fallout/Skyrim it and release huge expansions while also promoting an amazing modding community
@OrigamiRobot Minute power increases. Find a bracer with 6% crit. It allows you to upgrade your current bracers by 0.25% or something.
@fbueckert If it also cost like a million gold this would be workable.
You should have to make choices about what you upgrade, though.
@InvaderSkoodge That's what I've been saying since the beginning.
I don't know how many different ways I can say making everyone top tier makes the game boring.
Make sure the gold sink is there.
@fbueckert The AH and gem combining are already really good gold sinks.
Diablo 3 needs a ladder. It needs resets.
@OrigamiRobot I don't know how many ways I can say that depending on luck does not a good system make.
The game needs an item sink.
Why not have it to they can strip out the attribute and stick it on another item, like they did with the original Guild Wars?
The item sink could be a ladder system, or it could be something else. I'm not the designer.
@fbueckert I am not arguing that it needs to be 100% luck based. I am saying that it needs to be some amount luck based.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah.
A ladder system is kind of the apocalypse of item sinks, though.
It's that @Krazer guy. I don't see you around here as much anymore.
@OrigamiRobot What you've been saying, though, is that the top-end progression is completely 100% luck-based.
By limiting crafting to X%, we just move the masses to that point, without altering the top-end at all.
I really hope that GW2 has a not-shitty end-game.
I want to find a game that I can just play forever.
So I can stop buying new games all the damn time.
@InvaderSkoodge I've heard otherwise, unless you really, really love WvW
Minecraft problem solved amirite
@MarkTrapp I played WoW for a week and couldn't get into it.
Oh you didn't say WoW you said WvW.
yeah, world v world :P
@fbueckert I am not advocating that limitation anymore. I am saying the whole system is game ruining.
I've heard bad things about WvW.
@OrigamiRobot So what would you suggest, then?
Something that's not 100% luck-based.
Because that's how it currently works.
Also isn't WvW just kind of like an endless capture points mode?
@InvaderSkoodge If I've actually played it I'd tell you.
The way it was described seems like gigantic-scale TF2.
Just because I don't have a suggestion doesn't mean this suggestions is a good one.
@Wipqozn O hai @Wipqozn tortoise d00d. I missed you, too.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, with destructible terrain. I don't know if TF2 has destructible terrain.
At least GW2 seems to be putting out content patches.
@FAE would be the best person to ask. I took a break from GW2 for a bit to play some other games / focus more on school. I was also waiting for them to fix a few things that were bugging me (like monster respawn times)\
@InvaderSkoodge That's what they are planning to do. Release content patches on a regular basis.
That Diablo III takes months to release bug fix patches is insane. This isn't 2001. People expect frequent and instant gratification
@MarkTrapp It does not.
@MarkTrapp They also complain at any server downtime.
You would have thought that Blizzard, the makers of the End-Game Simulator (WoW), would have been able to figure out something good for D3.
@OrigamiRobot Right, which is another thing: always online is a social contract. I give up being able to play offline and agree to deal with your server problems because you tacitly promise all the trappings of having something always online: FREQUENT UPDATES. ah;odhqhdhqdsa
@InvaderSkoodge The Infernal Machine and Monster Power are steps in the right direction.
@OrigamiRobot Oh yeah I guess Infernal Machine is kind of new content-ish.
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, it's really amazing that they didn't do WoW-style content patches for Diablo 3. It's looking more and more like it's going to be an old-school Blizzard expansion style delivery, which means—if HotS is anything to go by—seeing new content in 2-3 years
@InvaderSkoodge: From what I understand most of the end-game is focused on:
A) Getting legendary/exotic items
B) WvW / PvP
C) Dungeons (all dungeons have four possible layouts, and due to level scaling you can do them a any level)
D) Dynamic Events (the late game regions have a lot of giant boss ones, which are essentiually raids)
E) Exploration (there's an achievement for attaining 100% world completion. Also, you get items for doing so)
F) Content Patches
@MarkTrapp I can't believe HotS isn't out yet.
@InvaderSkoodge March 2013! Only a year late by Blizzard's standards! WoL came out in 2010
@Wipqozn C, D, and E sound interesting to me.
And they still got one more expansion to go
I'm not really too into the PvP stuff any more.
It took me a very long time to realize that I'm a terrible competitive gamer.
I've heard things about dungeons sucking because there's no penalty for dying, so the strategy is keep throwing bodies at things. And that dynamic events don't have a sense of accomplishment after a while, because they don't really change anything
@InvaderSkoodge It's great because the keys and organs and even the ring itself are account bound.
Exploration isn't really an end game draw. Play long enough in any game and you'll explore everything. Any game that has chieves has an exploration achievement
So you got: progression, WvW, and content patches IMO
@InvaderSkoodge Yes, I can see how PvP would be good for D3, but it's not for me.
I am building a road from my access bridge to the edge of the map
made entirely of slade
@OrigamiRobot I used to do PvP a lot in D2.
slade bars, no less
I wouldn't want to do that if I played now, though.
@MarkTrapp WvW sounds better in theory than other PvP modes I've heard of in similar games.
I don't see how WvW is a long-term draw, though.
I mean, I used to be way into TF2, but there were only so many times I could capture points.
@InvaderSkoodge I hope they implement an actual system for LLDing. That way it creates a market for some of the lower level items.
@MarkTrapp Thank you, I now feel well informed.
I aim to Hitler please
@OrigamiRobot LLD?
Oh Low Level Duel?
@InvaderSkoodge Low Level Duel. Duels with level 30 chars.
Yeah that is another issue in D3. Anything below iLvl 61 is trash.
Giving lower level items a use would be a good idea.
Yea, that's one of the reasons runewords helped. It made you actually pay attention to the whites that dropped.
Anyone who cares to answer: What games exist that currently have a sustainable end game?
@InvaderSkoodge as in?
@badp A game that doesn't devolve into stupidity once you get to the "end".
@InvaderSkoodge What kind of stupidity?
@badp It's kind of a subjective question.
@InvaderSkoodge anything with those horrible letters in it... MMORPG
I'm sorry, I'm pulling out a Gnomeslice and jumping in the middle of a discussion
@pixel I doubt every MMORPG has a good end game.
You have more good end games per game than any other genre
That said... if it's the ending as opposed to any other part pre- and post- ending, well, it's got to have something unique about it. Whether that thing is stupid or not to you, only you can tell
@badp I mean something that keeps you playing for a long time. Nothing plot-related, really.
and again, I can say "every" because subjectively the ending of each MMORPG that is still running has something good about it from the point of view of those that continue to play it
@InvaderSkoodge Oh. eh. Once the game runs out of new things to throw at your face what can it do really?
@badp Release newer new things
@pixel That's an interesting point.
All logic seems to point at content patches being fairly mandatory for a good end game.
but then when will you move on and start a new game already?
dynamically generated doesn't make a good end game in most circumstances
@pixel Counter point though is that if there are not enough people active to keep the game from ceasing to exist, then its end-game content was not good enough.
So they pretty much just make new end games periodically.
incidentally, I'm not playing WoW anymore
We could've gotten ten more Borderlands DLCs or Borderlands 2. From what I've seen so far Borderlands 2 is the better choice
@pixel Did they introduce dynamic content recently?
(I haven't even hit level 50 in BL1 anyway...)
@InvaderSkoodge Isn't that the definition of what WoW has done? Basically every year or two redo what the end game is?
they stick with defined content in patches
they did dynamic with Diablo though of course
@James I guess so, but I have never really followed MMORPGs.
I really wanted to like TSW but I kind of didn't.
Now I really want to like GW2 but we'll see this weekend if I do or not.
@InvaderSkoodge I think they are a very neat idea that is just almost impossible to do.. I hope that the next ones to do it well are ESO
TSW didn't have enough to it
TSW very much suffered from the StarWars issue
@InvaderSkoodge I really liked TSW but I never made it to the end game, I still want to go back and play more though.. And GW2 is also good from what I haev played, but again I am still noobing it around :)
"Good" levelling, "Bad" end game
@James I'm surprised I'm interested in this. When they first announced it I laughed my ass off, but the video they released recently looked pretty awesome.
you can't release an MMO without an end game, no matter how confident you are of the rest of your content
@pixel They claimed the end game started right at the beginning.
I thought the quest system in TSW was all sorts of terrible, though.
it doesn't matter what they claim
I completed all the quests
there was nothing after that
@InvaderSkoodge Same here, I was like Ugh,you cant MMO TES.. its just.. wrong.. But yeah, the game did look pretty good and I have to say if they do scale up the end game content simply based upon how many people show up, the people behind TES Skyrim atleast had a great scaling difficulty game.
= no end game
@pixel That's pretty terrible.
And that is where you get to Daily Quests
A lot of people keep telling me that before I give up on MMOs I have to try Rift
@badp If your game makes it, you create a team whose sole responsibility is servicing said game with new content. Then you transition the original team to work on something new. WoW pulled it off: pretty much no one on the original game works on it; they're all working on Project Titan or something else
Which to me are a load of horse crap
@James daily quests is not end game content
@pixel Like I said, horse crap
@MarkTrapp "If you're WoW" is a pretty big "if"
I reckon the only MMO that will replace WoW is Titan
The only other such example I can think of is TF2, and it's not nearly as old as WoW
but a lot of people keep saying Rift
I see Rift as another EVE
and quite the different beast too.
slow and steady but never really taking off
@pixel I've heard of Rift but the extent of my knowledge of it is that there is a game named Rift.
@pixel I have very little hope for Titan given Blizzards release of Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 and Panda Express.
@badp You don't need to be WoW to create a second in-house team. Pretty much every non-indie game house has multiple teams working on things simultaneously. "Post-launch MMO" is just another project/game
@InvaderSkoodge same
@James same
@MarkTrapp Okay, but here we're talking about servicing the old game for years after release. WoW is from 2004, aka 8 years old. TF2 is from 2007, aka 5 years old. Both still get updates.
basically, an MMO developer has as long as it takes for the first 100 people to hit level cap to fill the game out with an end game
any longer and people just leave, promises become irrelevent at that point
What other games that are as old get updated still?
(I'm sure there's more than just these two, I just can't name any myself)
@pixel Which pretty much means you have to have end-game on release day. Because people will hit max level within 2-3 days (or so has the history been).
WoW's release cycle sped up
@badp Those are the two big names, but take EverQuest and EQII: EQ is going on 14 years now, still gets regular updates. EQII is slightly older than WoW, same thing. I think Lineage II still gets updates too, and that's from 2004
8 year old game getting a faster content release cycle ftw
@badp Holy crap WoW is older than YouTube.
@James exactly
I point to age of conan for how to do it wrong.. Their initial content was huge and detailed .. but as soon as yo uhit like level 30, it was vacant and bare.
@pixel I'm really surprised the developers aren't yet at odds with their engine, which must be really screaming at the seams or something
@James this is what I call the starwars effect
as in SW TOR
So SWTOR isn't worth playing then?
good story, bad end game
same deal as TSW
@MarkTrapp Okay, that makes... five games? That's still a pretty damn big "if."
you'll enjoy it until max level, then it gets boring
@pixel Haha, I thought Conan was the first big failure in that regard.. Maybe it was City of Heroes though now that I think about it.
Does anyone know the restrictions on the F2P SWTOR?
@James AOC is older than SWTOR afaik, I was busy doing other things when AOC came out though
Other companies in the same situation just prefer to turn their game in $60/y payments, see Call of Battlefield Gray Shooter Black Weapons Elite 2012
But basically, that effect can be observed in every MMO since WoW was released, with the exception of Rift pretty much
@InvaderSkoodge Its a level restriction afaik
@badp cough Madden NFL??? cough
like level 20 or something
@James and every sports sim game ever, obviously.
@badp Also LOTRO, DDO… but there are only a handful of companies making MMOs to begin with. The ones that survive years and years and years did so because they release regular content. If you don't want to do that, prepare to have it collapse or go F2P then collapse.
@pixel Ok so not playing that then.
@badp The WoW engine gets minor updates every now and again, but the engine is severely broken and limited
It's very CPU heavy with very little GPU optimisation
meaning that it requires a very high spec pc to play with all the options on full
I don't really mean the engine client side as I mean it server side

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