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@FAE Right...? I figure you can purchase a replacement power adapter that is made by microsoft ....
@ZeroStack I think maybe your best bet would be check out the support pages?
Q: What is the maximum possible score for the part on the ship?

Joe WreschnigIn Frog Fractions, I have found some "hidden" points while preparing the spaceship, which I missed the first time. What is the maximum possible score and how can I get it?

@RonanForman I'm in ur server, crashing it repeatedly
@GrayStoat Why and how?
@RonanForman //hsphere n%wool:lightblue,m%glowstone 60
trying different values of m and n
each operation takes out the server for a few seconds
Jungle level
No middle click on this laptop is killing me. Also the touchpad and no mouse is killing me. Not sure why I didn't just take the mouse off my useless desktop.
@InvaderSkoodge Just click both buttons.
@ArdaXi Tried it. Doesn't work.
I blame Windows XP.
This is one of the backup laptops they had at work for when we get desperate and lose power at corporate HQ for 7 days.
Hey @Arda, long time no see!
I like Wednesdays. I have a five hour gap between one class and the next, so I can go home and have lunch and a nap and get stuff done. It's like magic.
@OrigamiRobot “I like it the same as dipping hot Cheetos in ice cream.”
Q: How do I build a treasure chest?

Ashley NunnOne of the achievements in Triple Town is to build a treasure chest in a regular game. I have played a lot of Triple Town and never seen a treasure chest. How do I create one?

Ah good, a list of classy suggested edits for the day.
uh, does Borderlands 2 need to check for new DLC on every load of the game
and fail to do so in the process
@timstone they seem to like potatoes.
@badp If it didn't check for new DLC on every load then how could it bug you to buy that DLC everytime it loads?
@Wipqozn Steam does that!
Morning all :)
@AshleyNunn Sounds like somebody got pissed off at how the elections went.
@fbueckert that too. :p
Oddness, I have not seen BL2 fail the DLC check stuff.
@James Heya :)
@AshleyNunn How goes?
@James Yeah, I haven't either. For good measure, let's blame his timezone.
@TimStone lol
@James awesomely. Today is a good day. :)
@AshleyNunn Well good, I hope it does indeed turn out to be a good day :)
@AshleyNunn Dunno really, only been awake for a bit over an hour and a half, already had one critical bug and one fix so so far I am on par for a Wednesday :D
@James so far I have done a Canadian Lit seminar, ate potatoes, and had a nap. I am on track for a super day.
@AshleyNunn I am thinking a bit of eggs n cheese this morning :)
Maybe a piece of ham.. But if things hold true like they usually do I wont get around making that to eat until its later in the day and I make something else instead :D
@AshleyNunn Mmm, potatoes
@James that sounds yummy. Do that. :)
@saintwacko I am on a weird potatoes kick lately. I am eating so many! :p
Thanks, Obama!
I was laughing till I dropped
Q: How do I run windows games on Ubuntu 12.04?

CasvalI am about to update my Ubuntu from 11.10 to 12.04 and I still have yet to figure out how to run "The Elder Scrolls" on Ubuntu. I do not yet know or understand how to use wine, could someone please tell me how to install and run The Elder Scrolls Morrowind and Oblivion on this system?

@AshleyNunn Yes it does, and I think I shall :)
@desaivv Yeah, the meta post got linked earlier.
@fbueckert kk. Just saw that and I thought it was hysterical. They substituted important words with potatoes and pandas.
anyway enough of my childishness
Due to popular request: you can now give me money and not get a game in return! http://tametick.com/donate/
@AshleyNunn That's not weird at all! Potatoes are delicious!
Any ME 2 veterans. Can you please look at
@fbueckert The deed is done, I cut them into pieces and left them to rot on the ground.
this question
Q: Mass Effect 2: Romance and Kelly and Liara

Django ReinhardtI've been playing (and loving) Mass Effect 2 as Femshep, and I just finished the excellent Shadow Broker DLC. Here's my problem: I romanced Liara in ME1, but in ME2 she wasn't around, so I started having fun with Kelly. We've been flirty, and had dinner, and now she's feeding my fishes. Then I ...

I tried answering to the best of what I know
Do Canadians tweet this much when they elect their moose king?
No, we don't.
@GnomeSlice Nope. I don't tweet at all.
Because all of our politicians Moose Candidates are so boring nobody gives a shit anyway.
@desaivv Heh, at first I read that as the other meaning of feeding the fishes and had an o.0 moment
@GnomeSlice you should check out Indian politicians
4mat is now a member of Chiptune Rush. You guys should check him out.
@SaintWacko your name says it all I guess?
Just kidding
But seriously @SaintWacko can I improve my answer any more?
@desaivv I don't know, I haven't actually gotten that far in ME2 yet
I keep getting disctracted
@SaintWacko By the latest release of new games?
@desaivv Yep
And by Dwarf Fortress in between
I keep saying I am going back to AC3:Revelations
But now AC3 is released
I am never going back
Whoa, the concept artist from Distance is one of the environmental artists behind Halo 4, apparently.
Nitrome's Flightless is SO GOOD. Hope it gets greenlit. http://www.nitrome.com/steam/flightless/
Whoa, I just noticed I have a positive rate of change in all of my food types
I have almost 12k food stored
@SaintWacko Eggs just make it so easy now.
@Ullallulloo No eggs
@SaintWacko Sounds like it's time to start flinging the rotten stuff at those pesky humans sieging your fort.
@SaintWacko O_o
@Ullallulloo Oh, wait, that's not true
I have 63 eggs :P
Did you butcher a whale or something?
Pretty much 90% of my food is just eggs.
@Ullallulloo No... I'm not really sure where it's coming from, actually
1863 meat
2867 fish
2222 plant
971 seeds
781 drink
2965 other
I just kill animals to help my FPS because they breed so fast and gather plants to make drink.
And skulls for totems.
and bones for crafts.
@SaintWacko ... Other??? Are your dwarfs practicing cannibalism?!?
@James No, Other is prepared food
It's only those dirty elves that practice cannablism
@GnomeSlice Tron racing games never end up being fun man
@fbueckert They still haven't left
@SaintWacko And eggs.
@SaintWacko Oh, and now I know that.
@Ullallulloo Oh
@James Pretty sure you have no idea what you're talking about, it's not a 'Tron racing game'.
@James The lightcycle games, on the other hand, are awesome
Nitronic Rush is the predecessor and it's fucking amazing (and free!).
Yep, 13000 food.
@GnomeSlice If that game is not based on Tron then... well someone is going to sue them.. Isnt it Disney who owns that now?
74 meat, no fish, 232 plant, 2300 seeds, 78 drink, 4540 eggs, and 5845 prepared meals.
@James They does
@James The visual style is clearly inspired by TRON, but that doesn't mean the game is 'based' on it.
@GnomeSlice Ist the visual styling that people sue over :P
@James Call of Duty has the same visual style as Battlefield. Someone should sue!
@James There was an interesting case a little while ago where even changing the graphics wasn't enough to save a copycat from infringement.
@fbueckert Its only the graphics that really infringe in that game
Does anybody here play Command and Conquer?
I think
I didnt see the latest tron :D
@GnomeSlice used to
know 3 people working on the new games
@James Why, because it's got neon lights and computer-y designs?
@GnomeSlice because the light patterns and such are very similar is all man
and I swear to god the music in that video is going to drive me insane.
Oh, geez
Just triggered the Planepacked bug on accident
@GnomeSlice I do!
@James If it's going to drive you insane, why are you still watching the video?
@fbueckert I had to go back and watch it a second time to answer GNome's pointed question about the lights and designs
@James I thought you'd've learned that arguing with @Gnome isn't worth it by now. :P
@SaintWacko You want some free in-game items?
> Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliances Starter Package
@GnomeSlice ...What?
Dunno what that is, but I don't play the game. I have a code for some free shit.
Oh, that one
I don't play that
I play the real thing
@FAE Which support pages? xbox's?
Bah, this game is too complicated.
Okay, does anyone play Remnant Knights or Ghost Recon Online?
@fbueckert I seem to recall trying to tell you that before :)
@James And now it's come full circle. :)
@James I can't tell if that's a fist pump for "Yes!!!!", or you're threatening me.
@fbueckert Perfect :D
@GnomeSlice The irony in you pasting that is somewhat amusing.
@fbueckert Fuck you, that's not very nice.
@GnomeSlice And you have just proven it.
@fbueckert 'Fuck you' is hardly 'stupid'.
@GnomeSlice No but the counter argument to the rest of this convo is going to be
@GnomeSlice No, but you swearing at me most certainly is.
@fbueckert Not if you're being a dick.
@GnomeSlice I could've been a lot meaner about it.
But the irony point still stands.
So does 'fuck you'.
Seriously man, that wasn't very nice.
@GnomeSlice I'm proving a point, dude.
And you're walking straight into it.
Getting defensive when someone calls me stupid doesn't make me stupid.
...I think.
Whatever, I don't care.
@GnomeSlice Flying off the handle when someone pokes you most certainly fulfills the meaning of, "Overreaction"
@GnomeSlice defensive is 'No Im not" Offensive is 'Fuck You' .. you got offensive man, not defensive.
sdvevilvlai ingvkshbaliubvle.kvsdlurk.bve;ribvuvrsbvuls,ebvues;ldvkj.bva;dv/es df
My dad can beat up your dad!
And we're back to crass internet memes.
@GnomeSlice Maybe, but my mom could beat up your dad :)
@fbueckert ...That's a meme?
Ok, I'm done with this. No more effort to expend trying to reform @Gnome today.
@fbueckert This is okay with me.
Also, I don't need to be reformed. ಠ_ಠ
@Ullallulloo ಠ_ಠ
@James ?
@Ullallulloo I find it hard to believe that game could have improved to the level of steam ... which makes me wonder if steam has down graded.
@James Greenlight
@James It got on through Greenlight, but the game seems pretty good.
@James It's really come a long way
Oh sadface
I think greenlight needs a redlight
@James If you report it as just being a joke, it can be taken down if it's bad. See: House Fire Simulator.
@Ullallulloo Towns is the premise of a game I want to like, but its an execution that... just bugs me :(
@James I haven't played it much because I have DF, and I was waiting for it to get on Steam, but my brother likes it at least.
@OrigamiRobot Here, have something else to facedesk over.
Maybe I want to hear the opinions. There is definitely objective information about the effectiveness of various weapons that can be shared. I phrased it in a simple way because it is more accessible. Not one person tried to improve my question. This topic isn't covered in another question. Regardless, I trust the community to answer appropriately. I guarantee people will be searching this question, and now they will have to find someone's thoughts on a different site. Closing this question may be appropriate according to the "rules" around here, but don't pretend it is good for the community. — DesignerGuy 9 mins ago
@Ullallulloo It's fun when you feel like playing DF without having to think as much :P
@fbueckert thud
@SaintWacko The amount of condescension there is astounding. Never mind that I'm just trying to help him.
@fbueckert I don't wanna look. Don't make me look
@OrigamiRobot Too late.
@fbueckert I like "Not one person tried to improve my question."
Q: Waiting for things is tedious, is there any way to speed up the passage of time?

Gray StoatI'm making a creative map that uses a lot of vines. Waiting for these to grow naturally is taking a long time, and placing them manually would be a huge amount of effort. Is there anyway to expedite the natural growth of the vines?

@SaintWacko And a response has been made to that.
@GnomeSlice Are you being narcissistic again?
@fbueckert When isn't he?
@fbueckert ...No?
I'm like the opposite of that.... you guys always star my self-deprecation.
@GnomeSlice I'd recommend you look up the definition of the word.
@fbueckert I know what it is, thanks.
@DesignerGuy Hey, dude, welcome!
Hello @DesignerGuy
Hi guys, sorry for all the comments
@DesignerGuy Nah; it's all in a closed question. No biggie.
Just frustrated with questions getting closed instead of more discussion to improve them
I phrased them vaguely, partly because I know they get higher traffic that way.
More people discover this site that way :)
The main problem with both your questions is the word "best"
do you trust robots? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb2Pzl1U0sY BIG MISTAKE, get yourself to http://robotics.stackexchange.com/ post haste.
@OrigamiRobot I KNEW IT
But I definitely understand the subjectivity issue
@OrigamiRobot - Yeah.
Could this question be considered for reopening? (gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/92284/…)
Or improved?
@GnomeSlice Nah, you can totally trust me. I would never murder all humans or anything fun like that.
Word of advice:
@OrigamiRobot - Can this question be evaluated for re-opening? — DesignerGuy 8 mins ago
We have Meta for stuff like this.
@OrigamiRobot ...fun?
@DesignerGuy You need to define "best". Best in what aspect? Best in what circumstance?
@ArdaXi How did that get there...
@ArdaXi Pay no attention to the robot.
"Which is more accurate at longer ranges? Or is fire-rate more of an issue?"
and in the question it says "best long-range" specifically
@OrigamiRobot State your name, rank and intention.
> Which is more accurate at longer ranges?
That's a good question.
@Wipqozn This
@DesignerGuy You may want to read this, while you're at it.
@fbueckert - Thanks
Or even "What are the stats for each weapon?"
@OrigamiRobot As long as we're not getting into long lists, anyways.
The problem with saying "best" is people will come and and answer with "LOL I LIKE SPARTAN LASER BECAUSE YAY @LAZERS"
@OrigamiRobot - and that answer will get down-voted
I know it is important to have questions that encourage good answers, but it is easy to curate answers
@DesignerGuy But the fact that the question attracts those answers is a problem
@OrigamiRobot The word itself basically denotes subjectivity. If we change your question to just the accuracy bit, it could be reworded to, "Which long range weapon has the highest accuracy."
@OrigamiRobot This. This right here.
Questions that attract those sorts of answers are bad questions.
If you, for example, ask for weapons tables, you can use that information to determine what is best for you.
Q: What's the best way to use the marines?

Doug T.You can swap weapons with allies in all games since Halo 2. I will sometimes give better weapons to my marines, hoping that they'll be more useful. For example, I'll take away their assault rifles in favor of Battle Rifles or sniper rifles, or I'll give my Warthog passenger a rocket launcher. Is...

This is good subjective.
...I think.
I changed my question to say "most effective" rather than "best"
@GnomeSlice That's not about halo 2.
@DesignerGuy Most effective how?
@Wipqozn Yeah, I fixed it again.
user image
@DesignerGuy Lmfao
"most effective long-range"
@DesignerGuy Most effective in what regard? Fire rate? Accuracy? Damage?
@fbueckert And for what situation.
You haven't defined your scope very well.
Man, this is still so good
@DesignerGuy: the issue with best is that best doesn't really mean much. Highest damage-per-shot? Most accurate at long range? Switching the phrasing to "most effective" still doesn't help solve the core issue.
@DesignerGuy You're asking two questions simultaneously—both of which are good: "What gun is the most accurate at long ranges?" and "Is fire-rate or spread more important than accuracy for launchers?" Ask each of those separately rather than trying to lump them together into one vague question about what gun is best or most effective (which mean the same thing)
@fbueckert - part of the issue is that I don't know what the biggest factor is in effectiveness
As the one questioning, I don't know what factors weigh in the most for long-range effectiveness
Could be spread, damage, projectile-speed, fire-rate
I need the community to weigh in.
@DesignerGuy And therein lies a little thing called homework.
@fbueckert - I've beeeeeeen playing
@MarkTrapp's got some good advice; both of the questions you're asking are good, as separate questions.
@DesignerGuy: It sounds like what you want to ask is: "What gun has the highest DPS at long ranges?"
Damage per second.
Also, "best long range weapon" is not always "best weapon to use at long range"
An accurate answer to that question would take into things like spread, fire-rate, et cetera.
Would it be better to ask how certain weapons compare?
@DesignerGuy Asking how two different weapons compare would be a good question.
@DesignerGuy If you define specifically what you're comparing. "Which gun is better: X or Y?" is just as bad
... Isnt Designer guy the person who asked a question 3 hours after another question was asked then tried to imply the original question was the duplicate?
Q: Modern Warfare 3: Weapon Damage Charts

AardvarkAs a man who plays a lot with numbers, I have often found unbelievable use out of call of duty weapon charts such as this one: http://www.joinaclan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/MW2-Weapon-Chart.gif Does anyone have a link to the modern warfare 3 weapon chart?

^ I think you want something like this
@James and that has to do with anything being discussed how? Not helpful
@MarkTrapp Yes, good point, I should clarify. Asknig "What are the pros and cons of WEapon X vs Weapon Y?" is what you'd want to ask @DesignerGuy
How do you do the fancy inline chat posts of posts?
<--- chat noob
excuse for poor english
Were you wen temo is remove
at mac eating triangel bred
"temo is remove"
@DesignerGuy just have no other text but the link to get it to onebox it
Post only the link
@James thanks

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