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@InvaderSkoodge And?
I don't get 99% of what is being discussed
but it sounds like a bad ERB
My stupid doctors are using adamantine thread to sew up patients!
You ... didn't know it was possible?
@MartinSojka I didn't :P
Well, I do now. Hilarious.
@MartinSojka I did, but I don't know why they are
The adamantine thread is 120 z-levels below the hospital
*imagines dorfs walking around with candy floss stitches*
@SaintWacko I think for most tasks where "what is the nearest item of some type this time" counts, the Dwarves still consider their world to be essentially flat, and only calculate the X and Y distance.
@MartinSojka Really? I thought the pathfinding got better
@MartinSojka Yeah, I forgot about that
@YiJiang Oh, they can find their path to those items easily enough ...
Why aren't you baking them into wafers as soon as possible?
@YiJiang I was, but apparently the furnace operator ran out of thread for a moment and canceled the job
Hmm... Steam refuses to acknowledge my internet connection as non-root.
The solution here usually consists of creating a hospital ward for your doctors.
@MartinSojka Oh, that's a good idea
I'll just assign them to a burrow that covers everything but the candy floss thread storage
Actually ... the idea is to make this burrow rather small: Their homes, hospital area, food and booze stores, water source, meeting room, fort boss office if they feel the need to complain.
@OrigamiRobot It's like mining in minecraft, except endlessly and with nothing to show for it.
If I understand correctly, the more people that join the stupidity, the faster it's over.
For 80,000 USD you get a special chisel that opens 100K at once - but only once
and there is only 1
@MartinSojka Why?
@tiddy According to IGN, there are no items you buy with real money
As I have it now, I have an entire level dedicated to living quarters. I'm making a dedicated burrow for my metalworkers, but that's only because otherwise they'd be traipsing 120 z-levels for every job
@OrigamiRobot I thought that was the point of the experiment
> Perhaps most unusual of all, given the current state of the App Store, is that Curiosity is an entirely free download, with no In-App-Purchases in sight. Yes, the entire experience is 100% free, from top-to-bottom.
A: What's the most efficient way to make money?

Moshe TurboI would say working but it will be too short and not quiet true, being an opportunist is going to give you more money than working, but it will take time to be a real opportunist, so the middle as always is the best solution here. Working and learning to find good opportunities are the right ste...

They wanted to charge $50,000 for the diamond pick but the apple store wouldn't let them, so I guess they made it free instead.
This answer seems entirely nonsensical
@SaintWacko Make sure they stay in their work place or nearby in case of emergencies instead of hunting the lone sock they fancy, which just so happens to lie between the goblin and the undead siege camp. Also, make sure they make fewer friends with the general population during "downtime".
> "This is not a money-making exercise; it is a test about the psychology of monetization," he added.
I was just sharing what I read
@MartinSojka But friends make them happy!
And I confine all my dwarves to the fortress when enemies are on the map
@SaintWacko Dead friends make them not work. Which, if alot of people are dead or dying due to !!FUN!! is not what you want.
It doesn't change much, they don't leave the fortress often anywas
@InvaderSkoodge With $50k at stake, won't they just create their own IAP system?
Are you still getting migrants?
@MartinSojka Yeah, but I like to let my dwarves lead normal lives
@YiJiang No, I'm at 230 dwarves
@SaintWacko What are you, some kind of short Elf?
@MartinSojka My fortress is the happiest fortress around. It's a little utopia
@SaintWacko How long is that going to last?
@InvaderSkoodge Until he breaches Happy Fun Stuff
@YiJiang Already done it
It's contained
Is it possible to actually contain those terrors from the deep?
Until I finish the trap lined corridor, then I let them into the corridor and kill them all
How many dwarves were lost in the process of containing?
Wall them in. They'll still mill around, of course.
@InvaderSkoodge Zero
Q: Mid-range weapon balance

asbumsteI was wondering in a straight up fight with no missed shots how the BR, DMR, and Carbine compare? Is it like Halo 3 where the combine shoots faster, but time wise needs 1 more shot? Basically if you start shooting at the exact same time and every shot lands which gun wins? I haven't had a chance...

Q: Pokemon transferring

ZekromIf you transfer your Pokemon from one game to another, like let's say from Soul Silver to Black 2, will the Pokemon that were transferred be yours in the Black 2 game or the other games Pokemon? I'm asking this because I have a different name in my Soul Silver game than in my Black 2 game.

Q: Stream 3D video to Xbox?

Marcelo de AguiarIt is possible to stream 3D videos to Xbox? Wich movie format should I use?

Dwarf fortress isn't a game you "win", though. You have to screw up eventually.
@InvaderSkoodge Or just build the most epic fortress ever
@InvaderSkoodge I'm thinking colonizing hell counts as winning.
As far as I can tell, though, you don't "win" roguelikes either. The stories I hear of people ascending are clearly just myth.
@fbueckert I'm working on that
@SaintWacko The story I read, the guy lost SO many dwarves walling off hell.
Especially since in the mod I'm using I can mine the heavy stuff
And he floored the bottom of hell, so no more endless fire pits.
@fbueckert I prepared for it
I just had a hatch at the top of the cotton candy shaft
and as soon as my miner breached the HFS, I ordered him out and slammed the hatch shut behind him
@InvaderSkoodge I've gotten so addicted to roguelikes
And anything where you can't savescum
@InvaderSkoodge I'm glad to hear you're doing okay!
@SaintWacko I've savescummed my current battle in Afterlight so many times. After try #4, I finally decided to call it a night.
I'm thinking a continuous volley of grenades will be required to ensure nothing makes it out alive.
what the hell is 'savescum' ?
@pixel Most roguelikes delete your save game after you die.
@pixel Make a copy of a save game you can go back later to if you screw up
Savescumming is bypassing that functionality.
makes sense
@InvaderSkoodge Good to see you alive and well :D
While googling the term, I ended up on tvtropes
goodbye today
@pixel TVTropes has a savescum page?
Good morning wonderful people.
@Wipqozn Good morning, tortoise.
@Wipqozn Morning. :)
good afternoon
Good morning all.
@ZeroStack Morning
@M'vy Haven't seen you in here in a while.
Still I take a peek in the chat room, sometimes
Been more active on Arqade Q/A than chat, I agree
But you know, finishing a Ph.D, giving lectures, guild wars 2... those require time :P
@M'vy It's really GW2 that requires all the time ;)
Well I agree. And I don't. Depends of the deadlines :P
@M'vy I suppose that is true :P
@pixel Noooo! It's sucking me in!
@SaintWacko I know :( blame @fbueckert
@pixel Hey, you Googled it.
resists the urge, resists, resists....and nope. TVTROPES.
@fbueckert I would have never heard of the term if it weren't for you
@pixel And I explained it to you
You Googled it anyways.
@fbueckert You delayed, I googled it before you explained it
the number of TV Tropes tabs I have open doubles with every one I read
damn you @AshleyNunn you reminded me of MSPA... resist will fail once again...
@pixel I have that problem when I read Cracked
@M'vy Happily, that is something I know nothing about :P
@AshleyNunn Happily, I've read most of Cracked, so I just check it every couple of days for new stuff.
@AshleyNunn That really cracks me up! hahahaahahaha
@fbueckert Yeah, I keep thinking I am at a point where I can do that...then I check it....and two hours pass....and I am still there
@Wipqozn giggles, eyerolls
@fbueckert Hey, same here!
Ooh, Paper Mario: Sticker Star comes out this weekend.
@AshleyNunn The only reason I can resist it is because I'm playing DF
I hope it is as awesome as I want it to be.
@SaintWacko Ah, so you have something else eating your attention :P
Also, unrelated: Did you get the book files I sent your way a few nights ago?
@AshleyNunn Ooh, I forgot to download those. I was already using up all the bandwidth to download a game, so I was waiting til later and then forgot by the next morning :P
@SaintWacko giggles I can resend them, if you still want to read them
I just liked the whole "Internet has a consciousness" angle
@AshleyNunn Ah, sending him Robert Sawyer, I see.
@TrentHawkins Loves those books.
@fbueckert grins Yep. :)
@AshleyNunn There's something sorta like that in Dan Simmons Illium/Olympos duology
@fbueckert He has good taste, then. :P
@SaintWacko Nifty :)
and yeah, I definitely want to read them
I also liked that the books are set, for the most part, where I live
@AshleyNunn We already determined the quality of my taste by my screen name and avatar.
@AshleyNunn We have a local author here who writes some pretty good books.
@TrentHawkins Well, now I am proving it more. :D
@AshleyNunn Fair enough.
@fbueckert Awesome. I have a fascination with local authors from various places, you know, that aren't like OMG crazypants famous
@TrentHawkins Also, I have no idea what your avatar is :P
@AshleyNunn He writes superhero stuff, so all his books happen in and around Winnipeg.
@fbueckert Awesome.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, he's pretty cool. I make a point of buying all his new stuff whenever I see him.
It's like O. R. Melling's Chronicles of Faerie - they have strong ties to Canada and such (particularly the Book of Dreams)
@fbueckert Neat. :) They sound like fun books.
And he signs each book personally for me, too.
@fbueckert Oh, that is super cool ;D
@AshleyNunn Yeah; people tend to remember me, for some reason. It surprised me when it started happening, but now I just roll with it.
@fbueckert Perhaps you are lovely and unique enough to remember. :P For me, I usually get remembered for my hair
@fbueckert I finished book 2 of Mistborn and it was incredible.
@InvaderSkoodge Told you
@AshleyNunn Every year when I'm in Michigan I buy a book in a series on shipwrecks on the great lakes, always by the same guy
Book 3 is probably 3-4 books away as of right now.
I want to read some shorter stuff before I go back into that.
Brandon Sanderson became an awesome author the instant I started reading Mistborn.
@SaintWacko Those sound crazy interesting.
@InvaderSkoodge I can chuck some extra things into your queue, if you want.
@InvaderSkoodge I've heard good things but I don't want to read his stuff til I'm done with WoT. I want to hear as little of his "voice" as possible.
I didn't like the first one too much, but the second one was so great. I hope the third one keeps it up.
I'm also more than half-way through The Shadow Rising right now.
@AshleyNunn They're really good. The author does an amazing job of researching the shipwreck and then writing the story as though he was actually there when it happened
@fbueckert After this, I'm going to read book 4 of The Dresden Files and Ready Player One.
They are already on my Kindle.
I can't remember his name, I think it's Dwight something
Then I'll either read Slaughterhouse Five or Mistborn 3.
I think I am done with epic series books for a while once I get done DwD. :P Gonna read some academic stuff about online communities, BDSM, and the interaction between online and offline personas to decompress :P
Not sure how that 3 got there.
@FAE I'd highly recommend picking up one of his books.
@InvaderSkoodge Ready Player One is SUCH a good book. OMG.
His picking up of WoT is the reason why I picked up one of his books in the first place.
@AshleyNunn I heard about it from you :P
@SaintWacko Oh, that is awesome - I am fascinated by that sort of thing
@InvaderSkoodge giggles Not surprised. I love that book SO MUCH AUGH
For world building, he rivals Robert Jordan.
@AshleyNunn Oh, two authors, actually. Dwight Boyer and Wes Oleszewski
@fbueckert We already have the first, aye. I just want to finish out WoT as neutrally as possible though.
@fbueckert The world in Wheel of Time is insanely detailed.
It's blowing my mind.
I think I bought all of Oleszewski's books, so I started getting Boyer's
@InvaderSkoodge Indeed
@SaintWacko Nifty. :) I am going to have to see if I can find them :)
I like how they introduce more detail as time goes on.
I just got a bunch of history about the Aiel and it's amazing.
@InvaderSkoodge I really loved reading about the Aiel culture.
But Sanderson just throws the whole world at you at the beginning, and makes it all stick.
@InvaderSkoodge I assume you're into Book 4, then?
@InvaderSkoodge And I'd again recommend a re-read sometime down the line, just to really appreciate what all he put in.
@fbueckert Yeah I'm just over halfway through it.
After I blazed through Grave Peril in less than a day, I was getting cocky and thought I could read Wheel of Time books quickly too. No.
@InvaderSkoodge Don't burn through Shadow Rising too quickly.
@AshleyNunn One of the stories is about a ship which sank because its rudder fell off in the middle in the lake, and when the rudder washed up on shore it was put in a museum on Whitefish Point
It's one of my favorites.
It started slowly, but it's really picking up now.
@fbueckert It's where I stopped last time on the series.
@FAE I do this basically every time a new book in the series comes out.
Of the first 3, The Great Hunt was the best.
@InvaderSkoodge I found the first one better than the others. But I've enjoyed reading all the books I read of Sanderson, and that's most of his except the WoT series
One of the coolest things that's happened for me was, one year while crossing the UP, we passed a museum and the name seemed familiar, so we stopped, and it was the Whitefish Point museum, and that rudder was there XD
@fbueckert I very rarely re-read because my "to read" list is too long.
I doubt I will ever re-read Wheel of Time. It is just too long.
@InvaderSkoodge I enjoyed Dragon Reborn specifically because it's the opposite of the first two books. Everything starts at separate points, but it all comes together in the end.
@InvaderSkoodge My one b/f has done a re-read of the first 8 like... half a dozen times at least?
@FAE Yeah, I do that a lot.
Especially with really good series, like Wheel of Time and Honor Harrington.
@fbueckert I'm determined to actually finish WoT this time.
Last time, after TSR, I had come to despise most of the female characters so much that I didn't care if they lived or died (and actively wanted some of them to die...) so I figured if I wasn't emotionally invested in the characters and what happened to them, I should stop reading.
I'm glad I picked up WoT late enough so that it will be finished by the time I catch up to it.
@FAE Last book should be out this January. Finally!
@FAE That sucks; they really flesh out their characters.
@FAE Faile is the worst.
Nynaeve is tied for the worst along with her.
@InvaderSkoodge I wanted Egwene to die in a fire. Slowly.
Egwene is stupid.
If I had to read about one more character tugging their braid or smoothing their skirt in irritation...
@SaintWacko That's really neat :)
But she doesn't piss me off.
@FAE Egwene becomes one of the best characters later on.
I have this odd fascination with disaster stories and small museums
(They usually go hand in hand)
There are so many characters I want to either die or just shut up.
And Nynaeve has one of the best scenes ever in...book 9, I think?
@fbueckert Oh yeah, totally man. Totally.
I could never get into WoT
I have tried SO MANY TIMES
@InvaderSkoodge Yeeeeeah. So that's why I stopped. But the last book is coming out now, and the existence of the series has had a massive impact on my life, so I figure I should read it.
@Wipqozn Anyone who can cow a Forsaken just by looking at them gets a gold star in my books.
Lanfear is also the worst.
@fbueckert Oh yeah, I concur.
has never actually read the series, just wants to feel included
@Wipqozn Read them.
also, isn't WoT the series where the author died?
@Wipqozn Yes.
@Wipqozn Yeah but the author who took over for him is beast.
Jordan left extensive manuscripts though and his wife, Harriet, also helped him with stuff, so she has a lot of knowledge to help as well.
Ah, I see. Well that's good.
He prepared well for what should happen in case he died.
@Wipqozn If you read at all, Wheel of Time is a great series to read.
George R.R. Martin, unfortunately, has stated that he will not permit another author to finish A Song of Ice and Fire should he die.
I hope the end of the Wheel of Time doesn't suck.
I also hope that Brandon Sanderson writes the Stormlight Archive nonstop once he's done with WoT because The Way of Kings was incredible.
@FAE I read he DID tell the producers of the HBO series how it would end, should he die before he writes the last books
@InvaderSkoodge If the last two books are any indication, it won't.
It gets depressing later on, but things start looking up towards the end of book...11? I think? It's been a while since I read them.
Don't forget to vote today everybodOHSHIT
Well, darn. Apparently I really pissed off the humans. They siege me every year now :(
@SaintWacko Stupid humans.
@fbueckert Book 11? This is why I can't read.
I was being nice in hopes that they would stop sieging me, but now I'm just oing to kill them
@OrigamiRobot My favorite series's have at least a dozen books.
@tiddy Yeah, but that still sucks for the book fans. :P
That is the opposite of what I want.
@FAE We take what we can get
@OrigamiRobot We have now established your lack of culture.
My respect for you has dropped accordingly.
@fbueckert Why? Because I prefer short concise stories instead of insanely long ones?
@fbueckert A series with a lot of books could just be the result of bad writing. Or stretching out the series as long as possible for money.
@Wipqozn Harry Potter was a result of bad writing, in my opinion.
I'm not saying a series is good just because it's long.
Q: Are there enough Spartan Points to unlock everything?

khraveIn Halo 4, when you rank up, you receive a certain amount of Spartan Points. (I believe it's one per level, but I don't know that for sure) This "currency" is then used to buy weapons, armor abilities, grenades, etc. for use in customized loadouts. My question is are there enough Spartan Points...

I'm saying not reading a series because it's long is sorta shortchanging it.
The entire book takes place over one day.
Well, night.
@fbueckert Fun Fact: I never even finished Return of the King
@OrigamiRobot Fun fact: I've only seen Fellowship of the Ring.
That reminds me, I really should finish Return of the King.
4 mins ago, by fbueckert
My respect for you has dropped accordingly.
Fun fact: I don't remember what The Lord of the Rings is about at all.
oh buuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnn
@OrigamiRobot I've read all the books. Multiple times.
Fun Fact: I'm handsome.
Everyone already knew that though.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
4 mins ago, by fbueckert
My respect for you has dropped accordingly.
@OrigamiRobot I was just talking about this with @Fluttershy the other day. He hasn't finished the series either. I've only read it once and probably wouldn't really pick it up again. Style's just very dry.
@Wipqozn Funner fact-er: I'm more handsomer.
Envy is best defined as a resentful emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement or possession and wishes that the other lacked it." Bertrand Russell said envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. Not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but they also wish to inflict misfortune on others. Although envy is generally seen as something negative, Russell also believed that envy was a driving force behind the movement towards democracy and must be endured to achieve a more just social system. However, psycholo...
I like stuff like Alice in Wonderland, Lord of the Flies, Flowers for Algernon, Animal Farm, etc
@OrigamiRobot Animal Farm is pretty fantastic.
A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. Unlike hallucinations, delusions are always pathological (the result of an illness or illness process). As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception. Delusions typically occur in the context of neurological or mental illness, although they are not tied to any particular disease and have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states (both physical and mental). However, they...
Denial, in ordinary English usage, is asserting that a statement or allegation is not true. The same word, and also abnegation, is used for a psychological defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence. The subject may use: * simple denial: deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether * minimisation: admit the fact but deny its seriousness (a combination of denial and rationalization) *projection: admit both t...
A pickled cucumber (commonly known as a pickle in Australia, Canada, and the United States or generically as gherkins in the UK) is a cucumber that has been pickled in a brine, vinegar, or other solution and left to ferment for a period of time, by either immersing the cucumbers in an acidic solution or through souring by lacto-fermentation. Types Gherkin A gherkin is not only a pickle of a certain size but also a particular species of cucumber: the West Indian or Burr Gherkin (Cucumis anguria), which produces a somewhat smaller fruit than the garden cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Standar...
@OrigamiRobot Nice attempt.
I do what I can.
@Wipqozn You win that one, turtle. I can't figure out an appropriate response to that.
I hate games that don't use the steam cloud. It should be a crime punishable by death.
Anyway, I just don't want to devote years of my life to waiting for books to come out.
@Wipqozn Minesweeper doesn't use Steam Cloud. Obviously Microsoft should be burned to the ground
@OrigamiRobot And that's why I have several series on the go.
@YiJiang Hey, I don't make the rules, only propose them.
@fbueckert That only compounds the waiting.
@OrigamiRobot At any one point, there's almost always a new book out in a series I'm reading.
If not, well, that's when I find new series to read.
@fbueckert Yes, and far more that you are waiting for.
@OrigamiRobot I don't spend my time anxiously waiting for the next book in a series. I find something else to read.
@fbueckert Those are not mutually exclusive for me.
@OrigamiRobot Protip: spend less time waiting in life, and more time doing.
58 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert Those are not mutually exclusive for me.
Congratulate me
I have finally closed all my TvTropes tabs
Also, reading is a lot more of a chore with tinnitus.
@fbueckert die
@pixel That was only one hour wasted reading TV Tropes
@pixel Give me about sixty or seventy years.
You have remarkable self constraint
@YiJiang well yes, after the first 20 tabs, I decided I wasn't allowed to open more tabs
after the first 20 tabs, I already had ~50 tabs open
Wishing death upon me is now star-worthy?
obviously I didn't star it
and I would never actually wish death upon anybody, there is enough death in the world already
@fbueckert Well, that is an excellent reason to wish death upon you :P
Are we starring everything again?
Better warm up the old starring finger
24 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
Oh are we starring everything now? Guess not.
You have all reminded me just how messed up we all are.
Thank you.
@fbueckert How could you possibly forget?
@SaintWacko Tolerance build up.
@fbueckert Ah.
I like starting TVTropes here, always a good read. :)
@OrigamiRobot That actually sounds horrible.
@OrigamiRobot "enjoyed by children used as a form of punishment against children"
@OrigamiRobot why are you reading an article on pickles?
15 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
A pickled cucumber (commonly known as a pickle in Australia, Canada, and the United States or generically as gherkins in the UK) is a cucumber that has been pickled in a brine, vinegar, or other solution and left to ferment for a period of time, by either immersing the cucumbers in an acidic solution or through souring by lacto-fermentation. Types Gherkin A gherkin is not only a pickle of a certain size but also a particular species of cucumber: the West Indian or Burr Gherkin (Cucumis anguria), which produces a somewhat smaller fruit than the garden cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Standar...
It was still open.
So because Im lazy / dont want to mess up my cable management at home, I want to get a second xbox 360 slim power adapter... that way i can just move my 360 between rooms when i want to. Any ideas where i can get a microsoft slim power adapter ( besides gamestop ) ?
Also, you just got off TVTropes. You know how things can escalate.
@TimStone lmao
@FAE @OrigamiRobot The worst part about my not finishing RotK: I lost interest... AT THE CLIMAX. The most interesting part of the book and I just... Lost interest.
@Fluttershy Oh wow.
@ZeroStack Amazon?
I couldn't finish the first book in the trilogy.
The Lord of the Rings isn't for me.
Well, I give up trying to get Steam to co-operate for today.
Q: How to quickly obtain "foxiest of the hounds" achievement?

TruncheonSo I currently have 74 out of 75 achievements from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. On my last play through I attempted to avoid setting off alarms or killing anyone. It seems I failed at not setting off alarms, despite the fact I don't remember setting any off. If I'm to risk trying this again, I nee...

@OrigamiRobot yeah and then somebody else linked tvtropes, and now I'm fighting to escape with my life in tact
speaking of escaping
it's hometime bb
@pixel Don't worry. TVTropes will still be here when you get home.
@fluttershy that's where I gave up too. Still have not finished it.
@origamirobot the idea of Kool aid pickles horrifies me, and I eat icicle pickles which are essentially pickles allowed to get moldy more than once before eating.
@AshleyNunn Nope. Shut it down.
@origamirobot what?
@AshleyNunn I think he meant to reply to Arda.
No, I did it right.
@OrigamiRobot Then please elaborate.
@origamirobot I am so lost.
@FAE Thats what I thought, but no genuine microsoft power adapters that i could find...
@OrigamiRobot That doesn't explain anything.
@RonanForman Well not with that attitude.
@ArdaXi no it won't, hosts says tvtropes.org resolves to
@pixel I need a reverse proxy.
@ZeroStack Huh, I'm looking at xbox.com and can't find any listings for power adapters there either.
@origamirobot I am completely confused.
@AshleyNunn His chipset if fried, just ignore him, I'll replace it when he runs out of power.
@ronan thank you. :)
@RonanForman Y͚̟̫̮̦̬͇ͩ̊͌̈́̚͟ȏ͖̟̳͔͖̪̙̕u̱͛ͫ͞r̛͍̗͕̲͔̎̏͐ ̪̜̲̗̳͆͐cͅh̜̞̆̐iͬ̈̈́p͚͂̅s̶̃̋e̙̖̱̊̈́̂͆͜ţ̠̱̖̇ͣ͑ͅ ̞͇ͣi̺̼̺̦̲ş̞̙̫̯̈́ͣͦ̓ͬͯ̆ ͉̞͎ͣ͛̕f̧̖͚̫̬͋ͮ̇r̳i̶͖͔̋̈́ͯͨḛͣ͗ͪ́d͖̙̩̟̩͉̓̄̇̃
@OrigamiRobot I don't have most of those characters.
I am a firm believer that it should not be this cold in here

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