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remember close as dup means you can still find that question, you have a link to the dup and you can read the answer there
:143095 I'd essentially argue opposite of this point
I understand the argument for making things easy to find, but I don't see how close as dup makes it any harder?
@McKay if there is new information then its a discussion of where to best put it
if the new information doesn't fit in the old question, then it makes sense to have a new question
instead of collecting information where it doesn't belong
Because if the answer to one is "you can't do that, just because you don't like the guy" and the answer to the other is "if he's harassing, you can contact Blizzard" then the answers are very different.
but if there's a "report and block user", then that's the answer to both questions, and it's a dup.
I think the answer "you can't block someone harassing" is very relavent to the old question
"What can be done against individuals who Team Kills (TK) in games of Starcraft 2?"
knowledge about whether or not you can block them is useful to this question
in fact, I'm going to take back my earlier statement. If there is new information it belongs in the old question regardless
since there is no reason to split the information between questions, let's close the new one
Let's close the old one then, as the new one is more general.
close as dup will serve as a link for anyone searching about that topic and they can then find the old question, which has their answer
I think the proper form is to close the newer duplicate
:143165 The old one is more specific, but also has a two pronged answer, in that the option of reporting for TOS abuse is not an appropriate response to the new question.
Evening, all!
Osu, @badp
er, same to you
Just means "hey" in a friendly, informal manner
Unless you meant osu.ppy.sh
What language? Japanese? Chinese? Gracely?
Osu is Japanese
Oh, right. :)
Despite the most popular theory, my usage of it did not stem from any of the rhythm games
Dunno, it was the first (non Ohio State University) google hit
Well, it is the same language
Since you were talking about music-generated bullet hell games last night and Osu appears to be a rhythm game the link looked half plausible.
A very understandable conclusion
I'm afraid the understandable conclusion from watching my clock is good night you all!
night @badp
and evening Grace
Eve, @Fallen
By the way, before it gets out of hand, do you mind at all that I occasionally play around with your name? I'll stop if it's bothersome.
Nah, 'sfine
hello @GraceNote
Oy, @Ivo
ask away with that question of yours ;)
the one you mentioned in the mod room
I didn't get approval from Aaro*t
do you need his quote to ask it?
I would prefer it, aye. It covers it even better than my original summary did when I first composed it off the top of my head
hi @grace
also, who ping'd me?
Oh hay, Recettear made it up to Steam.
Recettear... I heard that name recently
I guess the angry goon spam worked.
Is it made by Easy Game Station?
Hello, and welcome to the Gaming Stack Exchange Chat Room, we hope the brief duration of my absense has been a pleasant one.
:143362 Yeah, some Americans hoping to break into translation work started a company and translated the game into English when nobody would hire them.
Wish they would've started with Chantelise!
And posted a demo on SomethingAwful a few months back when they were having trouble finding US distribution. I guess the letter writing campaign got it up to Steam.
oh wow Recettear's on Steam?
gonna have to get that
Gah, that almost is convincing enough to get a Steam account
forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3329392 this is the SomethingAwful thread about it
with the backstory as to how they ended up getting the liscense to do it, etc.
It doesn't count as a Steam game itself, though, it is just distributed through Steam, aye?
:143373 What do you mean? As in, does it have multiplayer through Steam or something? If so, no, not at all.
It's just using Steam as a store where you can buy it.
I'm more looking to see my avenues of mooching I can use to obtain it without getting a Steam account
Oh, yeah, it's availiable from a few other stores as well.
though Steam is giving 10% off.
Yeah, 10% off is nice
Considering I just made a $280 dollar purchase on games last night
How much is it?
It's also on Gamersgate and Impulse
$17.99 including the 10% off, @Fall
:143381 20bux, 18 through steam.
Until Sep 10th for pre-order... I might be able to convince someone to get it for me, hee
So probably 17.99 euro for me
It being translated and all that will make it much easier, too
And it works on 7, that was an important point
15 Euro 13 GBP
Well, come 2 or 3 I shall see about getting someone to pre-order it!
(all this info is in the SA thread I linked above. forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3329392 )
oh hey 13.49 euro, how nice for once! woo
Also, Steam is honestly pretty nice. I actually buy 90% of my games through it these days. it's just so easy
I imagine it is, but I have my ways of being stubborn
If anything fits the model of 'iTunes for Video Games' it's Steam.
That sounds like every reason I should avoid Steam
The newer features, like being able to sync save games across multiple computers and platforms are just icing to me.
not everything has Steam Cloud though
Wish Borderlands did :(
:143403 Yeah, most games don't, which is why it's just icing when one does.
I know someone who enjoyed Chantelise very well. I think we would like this game
I buy lots of indie games through Steam
Any game I'd actually use Steam Cloud tends to support it, if only because any game I'd use Steam Cloud for also supports SteamPlay to run on Mac and Windows.
This person has a Steam account. Mooch to the max!
And yeah, Steam is amazing for finding indie stuff.
Also, frighteningly generous sales.
Do they stock TWilight INSanity?
I already have too much games on steam...
:143417 Don't see that on a quick search
Eh? Didn't Eversion used to be freeware?
Simple platformer. Used Cocoron's music for the title and the first stage. Very eerie and cute in its eerieness. According to most people, the parts I found cute are apparently the opposite of how people are supposed to perceive it, though
I have to almost commend Steam for its decent indie game coverage... but I am noting a lack of... nearly everything I either play or wish to play.
there is some great stuff in there though.
Trine in particular is fantastic.
Sell it to me in 2 lines.
I guess they upgraded...
Steam sales also pretty much saved Introversion, apparently. rockpapershotgun.com/2010/08/23/…
(which I'm glad of as I'm a big Darwinia fan)
@alex It still is freeware, according to the creator's site. So I ponder why I'd spend $5 to buy it off of Steam
:143469 Side scrolling physics based platform puzzler.
:143469 Think The Lost Vikings on crack.
:143482 Yeah, the Introversion article is great. I know they got me to buy Defcon a second time around. Because Defcon is fucking incredible and worth buying 7 times.
:143491 because the free version is not HD
Uplink's also awesome
@alex I can't even imagine paying $5 for a graphics upgrade
Uplink and Darwinia are good.
But neither is DEFCON.
DEFCON is quite possibly the greatest strategy game ever made.
I have the uplink dev CD.
:143520 it includes achievements ;)
Loved Trine. Some of the free-flowing parkour-like ways to get around the levels with the rogue were beautiful.
@alex Chances are I already accomplished most of them
:143520 people pay dollars for horse armour....
@alex I don't, though. There are some things I will go crazy for to spend on, but that definitely ain't one
:143557 I love that useless DLC still gets called "Horse Armor".
:143557 As usual The Oatmeal says it best. We're happy paying $7.00 for coffee, but ask us for 99 cents for an iPhone app and we wig out. theoatmeal.com/blog/apps
Especially because IIRC, the vast majority of people with Horse Armor never paid for it separately, but instead either got a code from Gamestop, or had it included w/ a GOTY edition.
You know if people want to pay for horse armor, let them
If these analogies keep coming, I will start to appear as some sort of unsatisfiable misanthrope (I hate coffee, too)
I don't see any thing wrong with it
@JavadocMD there are still some of us who refuse to pay $7.00 for coffee
:143580 Clearly you have not the capacity for joy.
My joy starts with verniers
@tzenes Ever go to the movies?
@JavadocMD I have netflix
:143591 1 coke + popcorn = 5EUR, ticket = 10EUR
Obviously this isn't about any individual's purchases, but you have to admit a $10 game with 20 hours of game play is a pretty good deal
that's 10EUR/hour on avarage.
@JavadocMD depends on the gameplay
I would argue $10 for 20 hours of WoW is not a good deal
@Java That sounds like a good deal. $5 for a game I already beat to extreme distances does not
@GraceNote I wasn't really suggesting you buy that particular game. :)
Although I would consider buying such a game as a way of saying "thanks" to the devs.
:143608 unless it is so good, you want to support the devs, i've bought uplink twice!
Adam Smith said it best: "[Games] are only worth what people will pay for them."
steam sales saved introversion
if people won't pay $.99 then they're not worth it
I bought "code monky" by joco
I'm not one to squander money on that which I already own.
JoCO is awesome
If I want to express gratitude, I'm not going to mask it behind purchasing a game I don't see myself playing
BTW: how many memes will portal2 create?
@GraceNote I'm not judging. Just expressing how I like to do things.
I'm with Grace on this one
I buy games so game developers will know what games I like
if I want to donate money I'll do it directly or to a Charity in their name
@alexanderpas I'm worried the pressure is too high now and any attempts to create memes with Portal 2 will seem high-handed and gimmicky.
I bought the Humble Indie Bundle
What's the Humble Indie Bundle?
:143637 That's what I'm saying. I'd do that with games that I like. I'm not suggesting I'd track down other games by a studio I like and buy them all and not play them.
@fallen me too
I thought you were implying to bought this game as gratitude not to play it
It was a bundle of indie games that were available and you could pay whatever you chose
my mistake then
@tzenes If I had played it and enjoyed it in the past.
from $1 to... what was the highest single payment, can you remember, tzenes?
@JavadocMD had you purchased it in the past?
I don't remember I think I paid $30
@tzenes No, not in that case.
which was the default
And you could choose how much money you wanted to go to the game's devs, to the Child's Play foundation and to something else that I can't remember
ok, then I think you did the right thing
The highest payment was $3333.33
And they said if they made over a million dollars, they'd release the source code for the games they sold in it
and they did
I think it was just devs vs childs play
Which games were in it?
It was Devs, EFF and Childs Play
ah, the EFF too
they also added games in later
Oh, hey, there's the list
I had totally forgot about EFF
:143663 World of Goo, Aquaria, Gish, Lugaru, and Penumbra
nice, too bad I missed that!
I think penumbra wasn't there when I bought it but I got an email about it later
Hola, @Juan
then Samerost 2 and Penumbra Overture were added
...is Juan's name italic for anyone else, or just me?
ah that was it
for me as well grace
I am the owner of the room @Grace
Ooh, fancy
(that's the reason)
I see, I see
And by extension the owner of all within it.
I really wish I could kill game-rec
:143681 can you appoint multiple owners? if so, make all Gaming SE mods owners.
I just don't want to spend my time on a site where opinions are placed next to real research
kill -9 game-rec
ps auxwww | grep "game-rec" | grep -v grep | wc -l
the number of game-recs
:143690 In the end, this will be a site shaped by the community as a whole
if the community wants them, there's nothing a single person can do short of participating in the debate and express his/her opinions
Well, I side with tzenes on this issue. I don't think having to compete against popular opinion for the same exposure will allow our authoritative content to perform well.
oh, I agree also though
the fact that the engine is not designed for it is a very strong argument against them
I think the SE lineage provides a relevant precedent. When something didn't belong here, we made a new place for it over there. (Being tongue-in-cheek here.)
Even excluding the whole "grandfather clause", we still can't really compare game-rec to the SO subjectives because game-rec is vastly more mutable.
:143727 Isn't that largely dependent on your computer?
@JavadocMD just because something has been done in the past does not mean it wasn't a poor decision at the time
I originally participated in game-rec
I didn't realize how toxic they were until much later
For example, the R-9DH's base keyboard doesn't support holding Z, Left, and either Up or Down simultaneously. But plug in the keyboard from my brother's computer, and I can play Lethal Crisis without any error
I believe that's a hardware limitation issue
:143732 no, the better usb keyboards has solved that problem.
With certain keyboards
:143738 I mean in the way Stack Overflow begat Server Fault begat Super User. 'Server admin questions didn't belong here on our programming Q&A site.'
ghosting key problem
it's a hardware problem of both, certain keyboards, and also the PS/2 port
Well, Strix took care of it
generally, keyboards are layed out in two types, grid and point-to-point AFAIK.
:143749 ah, I thought you were refering to the use of CW for questions like: Programming Comic
:143760 It is similar, I suppose, with CW being a more kludgy way of dealing with things that almost fit. But the tongue-in-cheek part is that I'm not seriously suggesting there should be a dedicated site for game recommendations. Ridiculousness.
@Javadoc My ideal vision is that the question should already fit before we even consider Community Wiki
:143774 Chrono Trigger, how I love thee.
The Unhandled Exception
:143782 Yey Chrono Trigger!
The Unhandled Exception
one of my favorite games
I spent so many countless blissful hours on that game. <3
:143771 I think a dedicated site to game recommendations would be a great solution, sadly someone would have to build such a site as the SE engine is not good for it
:143812 Precisely.
The Unhandled Exception
hey @GraceNote there's a discussion in the Tavern where people are asking for a mod of meta to help with a test. If you have a free moment :-)
@Josh I'm not a mod on Meta...
My diamond's only good on Gaming
The Unhandled Exception
oh. sorry, I was mistaken :-)
otherwise she would be blue.
Does it involve closing as duplicates, Josh?
The Unhandled Exception
The Unhandled Exception
You're not a mod, you're a mindreader :-)
The Unhandled Exception
:143782 Did you hear about the group who planed to create a fan-sequel to Chrono Trigger?
Which group? There's a couple
:143835 Think I might've heard something about them... did they get shut down by Enix?
The Unhandled Exception
:143840 Yeah, they did
The Unhandled Exception
:143838 There's a couple groups? I didn't know that
@Josh With a game like that, it's not unfathomable that a lot of people have that ambition
The Unhandled Exception
It was too bad, they were almost done
The Unhandled Exception
and what they had looked pretty good
But aye, I believe all of them were shut down. Quite hard.
The Unhandled Exception
Yeah I remember seeing the Cease and Desist letter
Sad panda.

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