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^ Exactly when did Videl ever do anything at all in DB Super?
What's next?
Akkuman (DB Super) ?
(which would be ironically appreciated since there is no version of Akkuman in the game)
2 hours later…
@SPArcheon Fulfilling the Super Saiyan God prophecy by acting as Pam's proxy?
@Memor-X you mean the "oh, yes, actually Vegeta turned red without the ritual" thing?
Jokes aside, I meant as far as fighting goes. Remember, there is already a DB Z version of Videl that no one uses. Now you have to pay for a new one - that still no one will use. With a made up moveset since she fought exactly zero times in Super.
In the meantime, there is no playable Roshi.
I guess they need to create some reasons to buy the new Budokai game
If this wasn't Bandai (=scam) and DIMPS (=low effort, unable to make online work in their own game) you would see actual new characters like the Danger Trio (Bergamo, Lavender, Basil), Kakunsa & Roasie (so far, only their clothes are in the game), Mageta/Botamo etc etc etc just to keep to the Tournament of Power.
@SPArcheon it wasn't the only way to be obtained. even Goku didn't like it which is why he later trained to get it by himself
but when the God of Destruction gets in a pissy mood, they needed a quick way to get the Super Saiyan God
@Memor-X Sadly the "rpg game mob recolor" power up never came to "Metal Super Saiyan"
But... perhaps Beast Gohan counts?
Wait. Forgive me.
I forgot that Mecha Goku officially exist.
Created by Dr. Bulma Robotnik
5 hours later…
Q: What's the max limit for each currency?

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftThe game has six currencies. I just found out the "R" currency caps at 50,000. What about the others?

how to increase the difficulty of your game 101.
3 hours later…
Put attack on Alt+F4 for a real challenge.

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