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@pixel What Glyphs can you recommend? I use the PoM one because its nice and Smite+Holy Fire but just because the others seemed to be inferior.
pws, holy fire, penance
because no amount of words can explain how awesome it is to be able to move while casting penance
and having holy fire as instant cast provides you with multiple options if you have to heal while moving
since you'll have penance, pom, holy fire, pws
and its rare you need to move for more than 7 seconds
Q: What is the perfect base layout?

kotekzotCarefully planning your base's layout will lead to significant savings and bonuses. What goal should I have in mind when expanding my base? A perfect layout would be the one that wastes as little as possible and creates as many bonuses as possible.

Casting while moving reminds me of Alysrazor. It might come in pretty handy. But why the PW:S? If I read correctly it "converts" 20%, not adds.
It always converted
they just changed the wording to make it less confusing
and generally you're only going to ever cast pws on the tank for rapture
and its easier to time 100% rapture on CD with a smaller shield
So it procs faster. I see.
Oh wait. Actually this glyph increases the healing on PW:S.
you need mental amounts of spirit
I have like 9k unbuffed spirit atm
and upto 20k with procs
If I remember correctly the glyph can crit causing the barrier effect.
if you're using inner will, PWS costs 15555 mana to cast
rapture is now spirit based
Did rupture get better or worse compared to cata?
and will return 150% of your spirit as mana
its worse
it will be better once you have lots of spirit
you basically need 10k spirit to make pws mana neutral again
priest is also the weakest healing class atm
both the weakest and has the highest skill cap
the good news is, Blizzard appear to have changed their methodology for buffing
in that they make small tweaks frequently via hotfixes
we had a 25% increase to POM and POH a couple of days ago
we're still the weakest healer atm
but we will probably scale the best
and monk is in for major nerfs at some point
since they're topping the meters by using 2 out of 20 abilities
My experience so far was still pretty good.
Just because Priests are weaker does not mean they are not viable.
A lot of guilds disagree with you
Mine is one of them, they just don't have the audacity to even try rotating me out though
Well, if it is that "extreme" then I hope Blizzard knows what they are doing.
It's not too extreme, I keep up with our monk
its just I have to press half the keys on my keyboard to do it
and manage my mana in a way that is reasonably excessive
while the monk rolls his face over the keyboard
and completely ignores the blue bar
And why do they want to rotate you out then if you can keep up?
because if I was a holy paladin
I'd be dominating the meters effortlessly
When did raiding become a meter-fight instead of a boss-fight?
click 10 or 25 normal
details the state of things
I don't care about meters all that much, I don't really care about ranking as a healer either
Everybody else uses it as a measurement though
As far as I'm concerned if the tanks don't die I didn't fail
That's what I'm thinking too.
the 25 man ranks show how broken monk is atm
Well I don't see that much druids too there.
there are some druids there
some holy paladins
a whole shitload of monks
1 Disc priest
a couple of shammies
no disc priests in 25 man
@pixel they were obviously training for pandadom!!
Well the "spec-score" on raidbots states that Monk is at 99.8 and Disc Priest at 69.6 (holy being at 77.6). Seems preeeetty broken.
@pixel Is 'Cascade' better than 'Halo'? I'm not really considering 'Divine Star' because it seems to be too situational.
they're both situational
Halo does good damage at 25 yards, and good healing too
but has a habit of breaking LOS and pulling the entire instance
Cascade is a huge prayer of pending
both are really good when spread out
cascade is better than halo above 25 yards or below 10 yards
So even more trolling with Halo. Thank you Blizzard.
halo is better than everything at 25-30 yards
yeah Halo is weird
like in the remake of scholomance
I accidentally pulled the room full of the bored students
I was around the corner at the time
Halo clipped through the wall, pulled the next room
So 'Cascade' for safety reasons. :)
I still use halo :p
because as a comparison, during the 'draw power' phase on elegon, I can stand in the middle of the room under the boss and do 500k damage by pushing my halo button
How do people come to the conclusion that Hast > Crit when they prioritize Mastery? Did I miss something?
where are you getting that conclusion from?
and personally I'm just doing mastery > crit >> haste atm
but I'm probably going to try a haste/crit build for atonement spam
Some guide tell me this.
But IMO the shield from Crit healing is extremely good. And why should they go for mastery in the first place when not going for crit?
you'll never get enough crit atm to justify it really
I gemmed and reforged fully to crit and it was like 5% while destroying my other stats
In Cata Mastery+Crit worked awesomely. Will gear fix this? Because as you said, PW:S is mostly used for rupture, that does not justify Mastery IMO. So Haste > all?
you can't go haste atm
not enough spirit on gear
So secondary stats just suck for disc right now?
disc just sucks right now
your best bet is going mastery so your POH is better
don't be surprised by Diablo 3 references
its full of them
So waiting for Blizzard to give some buffs is the best thing to do. Alright, I grab some Cake from the local Mage now.
Gah code!
You were working yesterday!
Y U NO work today?!
Q: How many rings are on the first level of Sonic the Hedgehog?

JasarienHow many rings are on the first level of Sonic the Hedgehog? Can all the rings be collected before the end of the level? Does anything special happen if you collect them all?

Oct 8 at 0:12, by OrigamiRobot
@Lazers This question is dumb.
ooh, let's vote to close as "we think this is dumb"!
wait... that's not a close reason :(
@agent86 I picked Too Localized because it is the very definition of a narrow situation that is unlikely to help a large audience.
Also, it has tag problems.
oh oh oh close as "has tag problems!"
Also also, it called my mom fat.
apparently 12 people thought it was an interesting question, so I don't know that it's too localized.
That was in 2010 when the site took every question it could get.
hmm, there's also not a "called my mom fat" close reason. darned
that one really should be in there though :P
I'd still take a question like that today, it's pretty harmless. there's a lot of "what would happen if I did X perfectly" type questions floating around
the answer's good, someone posted something dumb on it recently, but that's a situation we have on pretty much every question ever
How many rings are on the second level of Sonic the Hedgehog?
Can all the rings be collected before the end of the level?
Does anything special happen if you collect them all?
Need I go on?
don't you think you can do the same infinite permutations on every question though?
If it were "Does anything special happen if I collect all the ring on a level?" that would be perfectly fine.
But it's not.
It is asking abouta single level
@agent86 Yes and I have the same problem with those questions.
like, here's a random question I looked at for a flag - gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/38178/…
there's like infinity dwarven mechanisms in the game
@agent86 Yea, but at least that one is unique
asking about 2 out of probably 2 dozen different resources
asking a question on the site quantifies a single problem out of a huuuuge problem space for each game
I don't know anything about that game so I cant say anything
can't really close all the questions that ask about a specific problem which could be generalized to a wider class of problems
that's just life, y'know?
okay, well, good luck :)
@agent86 We can absolutely close questions that ask about too specific a problem.
Since Amazon ran out of keys for the Square deal, they are now setting up a coupon for 25% off any digital game that is not XCom or BOrderlands 2.
Dishonored is not on the exception list HINT HINT
@agent86 posted this in here before, but it's worth re-watching.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I see your hint, and disregard it for the various other games I'm already supposed to be playing
@LessPop_MoreFizz No no no! I don't need more games! Lalalalalala I can't hear you!
4 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
Since Amazon ran out of keys for the Square deal, they are now setting up a coupon for 25% off any digital game that is not XCom or BOrderlands 2.
who really buys games on amazon anyway
@pixel I do when they are offering incredible deals.
they usually just activate through Steam anyway, so whatever.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yep. Steam is nice, but if I can get a better deal elsewhere...
5 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
Since Amazon ran out of keys for the Square deal, they are now setting up a coupon for 25% off any digital game that is not XCom or BOrderlands 2.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also, that
@LessPop_MoreFizz keep linking it, eventually somebody will star it
@pixel I starred it myself.
@SaintWacko 25% OFF!
@LessPop_MoreFizz In some parts of the world that would be called cheating
@LessPop_MoreFizz Can't heeeeaaaaar you!
@pixel Not in my part of the world.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Cheaterville? :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz does that mean you're something in politics?
@pixel Once upon a time. I got out of that racket years ago.
does that mean that you're now in religion?
@pixel Hehe
Q: What's the easiest/fastest way to kill a tallboy?

AntoIt seems that aiming at their back, right in the whale oil tanks, is pretty efficient. But it's not always easy to reach one of these 3 weak points, especially when the tallboy is patrolling (walking around). Are there any other effecient ways to kill or trap them ? Maybe with the razor blades...

@OrigamiRobot yeah, I just think you and I have a different definition of what's too specific. I think your "you could ask a million different questions that are similar to this" argument doesn't really work for me. That's OK though, we can disagree :)
I guess also I don't like closing things because "I don't like it" - that's kind of a bad way to start on closing a question, imho.
@Wipqozn ah, I lol'ed. again. what a weird movie.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ah, so that's why. I was going to interest some friends in this pack, but it was not available anymore :(
zeus fucking damn it. Scumbag assualt class. Being all awesome and getting free reaction shots when units are close.
@Wipqozn kill a guy who you wanted to stun?
that's one reason I don't like that perk / don't take it
@agent86 Yup. Outsiders.
I wish that new deal counted for xbox games, a couple I've been wanting. ah well, I will wait for the inevitable black friday or post-christmas sale
and with that... agent swoosh
@Wipqozn Yeah, the Outsiders tend to try to hide on the other side of a wall from my assault class
I had a muton do the same thing.
@SaintWacko Mine walked right into my face.And then stood there.
@Wipqozn Wait, not even behind cover?
@SaintWacko Yes, but still one square away from me.
Cover doesn't matter at the range.
@Wipqozn Oh, I see
Also, not for the muton.
He literally just walked in between all of m units, and stood there.
@Wipqozn Yeah, Mutons aren't that bright
Chrysalids seem to do that a lot
Good morning, Bridge
@fbueckert Hello! You asked me to poke you about the Arqade meetup thing.
@FAE Oh, right! Yes, I should keep going with that.
Thanks for the reminder!
No prob. :)
Arqade meetup?
I'll still probably not be able to make it, but at least I have the ability to know where I'm going to be in relation to the meetup now.
Q: The Great Arqade Meetup! - Part 1

fbueckertUpdate - August 8, 2012 I'll be beginning Part 2 in the next few days. Remember, if you're interested, make sure to put your location on the map. The more we have, the better we can plan our locations. Preface On Friday (July 27), I threw out the idea of arranging a meetup for us Arqadians (b...

Q: Rules for succesfully capturing various aliens in XCOM

Shivan DragonI've advanced somewhat into the game (I think I'm past the first half, have done the Alien Base and 7-8 missions after it), and I'm still puzzeled about which aliens I can capture and under what conditions. Here's what I've learned: Some aliens are completly un-capturable/un-zappable, like th...

Q: Is Iron Will applied retroactively?

WipqoznIron Will is a perk purchased from the Officer Training skill, which does the following: Soldiers received a larger Will bonus each time they are promoted. This is very useful, but most of my squad is already fully promoted, so if it's not applied retroactively I'm not sure if it's worth it...

@fbueckert Nice, that would be fun
@SaintWacko It resulted in my highest starred comment ever!
@fbueckert Hmm. I wonder what my highest starred comment is.
But I don't wonder enough to go through 270 pages of stars.
@Lazers Heh, nice mis-tagging. And here I was, thinking I could answer something. :)
@MartinSojka Yeah, I already fixed it :P
Going to strongly vote against migration to GameDev. This is not a question of interest to devs - it just happens to be one a dev is best suited to answer. That doesn't make it a better fit there, any more than this question from Travel.SE would fit in at GIS.se. Vote to keep it open or closed on it's merits, but migration is, IMO, a non-starter. (For what it's worth, my vote is to keep it open. It's interesting, answerable, requires expertise, and on-topic.) — LessPop_MoreFizz Jun 29 '11 at 22:10
@MadScientist I didn't ask about highest upvoted comment. We were talking about chat stars.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Maybe I should try to read stuff first
@MadScientist Reading is for sissies.
And there's no SEDE for chat
Q: Where is the switch or fuse box that will turn off the electrified fence in Hero's Pass?

galacticninjaWhere is the switch or fuse box that will turn off the electrified fence in Hero's Pass? Hero's Pass is one of the locations that you have to go through in The Talon of God mission. When I was playing through The Talon of God, I tried tracing the power lines but I haven't found the switch or f...

Q: Revisiting cities

MeGuustavIs it possible to revisit cities to gather some money, find paintings you forgot to take or do whatever you'd like to do? I forgot to take one painting in the second mission.

@MadScientist That said, thanks for the query. I am enjoying the Greatest Hits version of my comments.
"But I didn't kill it, George. Honest, I found it dead. I was just pettin' it with the fingers while he was walkin' along..." — LessPop_MoreFizz Aug 24 '11 at 14:44
I know your parents taught you that Sharing is Caring and all... but not all things were meant to be shared. Like individual non-resalable licenses to a piece of software. And Herpes. Don't share that either if you can help it. — LessPop_MoreFizz Feb 19 '11 at 3:04
Q: Why can't I destroy blocks in minecraft in single player mode?

joe changI started playing Minecraft a few days ago, and I found that neither left click nor right click seemed to break blocks, so I can't break any blocks!

What do you think, duplicate of this?
Q: Why can't I destroy blocks in Minecraft Single-Player?

SarahI'm playing on a survival world, with cheats on, on easy, and it was night, I didn't have a sword or anything to make a sword with, and I was starving, so I switched to creative to give myself a stack of food and a bed to set my spawn point. when I switched back to survival I couldn't destroy or...

It seems like the same thing, but, as with the first answer, I'm wondering if he's trying to just click to break blocks instead of clicking and holding
@SaintWacko nope, they're obviously two completely unique questions which have nothing at all to do with each other
@SaintWacko Titles seem very similar
@fbueckert Yeah, but the question is just different enough to make me think it may be a clicking problem
So if it's the same question, but may actually be a different problem, should it still be closed as a duplicate?
Meta is so boring now that we don't have ITGs to argue about.
@Sterno There are other metas if you're looking for drama
If I want to watch the drama of other people, I'll watch Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
@Sterno if you want drama in meta, post something false and back it up with circumstantial evidence. For more drama make it about a person. The more loved the person, the greater the drama.
@Sterno I find scouring the lowest scored questions of stackexchanges that really ought not exist to be a suitable substitute.
I bet @spugsley's never even punched a baby. Fraud.
Thanks @LessPop_MoreFizz for pointing out the Amazon code, I have Dishonored queued up for when it goes live :)
Is there some kind of science\medical .SE where I can ask questions about bio-viruses and such?
@Ender "What would be the best way to take over the world using a genetically tailored virus?"
@SaintWacko Are bullets a virus? Because they kill people.
@fbueckert No, not quite. And I don't want to kill people, just take over the world
Something like the Pax virus, since that worked so well :P
Well, it wasn't a virus, but you get the idea
yeah I agree, ruling via fear and intimidation is better than mind control or genocide
@GnomeSlice He misspelled "klick" :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz: Re your highest starred comment
The highest I was able to find a week ago were these two, at 24 stars:
Dec 16 '11 at 23:50, by balpha
Sep 10 at 19:47, by StrixVaria
I got engaged last week! :)
@GnomeSlice Youtube is blocked here
@SaintWacko ARGH
Long story short, try destroying the world using nanotechnology.
> You have already reviewed this item. It needs more reviews from other users to be completed.
@GnomeSlice Oh, gray goo?
Since when is my word not law?
@SaintWacko Yeeeah hah
@GnomeSlice Yeah, got to be careful with self replicating nanobots
@InvaderSkoodge You must have said it wasn't law at some point, therefore making it no longer law.
@Wipqozn Reminds me of the time I convinced the only mod in an IRC channel to kickban himself
That was fun :D
@ricket thanks
Any room owners around?
@fbueckert yes
Can I get a pin for this, please:
@fbueckert Oh,that's still happening
I would edit this to have an actual description, the pin is rather useless this way
I haven't heard anything about it in ages so I thought it died.
@Wipqozn No, I just forgot about it for a bit.
Life's been pretty busy.
Q: What makes a Wither Skeleton spawn?

DyckerI want to make a wither skeleton spawning pad in the nether but I'm having trouble finding them. The only information I know is that they spawn on nether fortresses. What makes a with a wither skeleton mob and what can I do to increase their chances?

Q: The Great Arqade Meetup - Part 3

fbueckertMeetup Index Part 1 - Decide how to do our meetup. Several little ones, or one big one? Part 2 - Where? Part 3 - When, and how long? Part 4 - Activities Part 5 - Hosting Arrangements Part 6 - Travel Arrangements Google map for pinning your location. Part 2 Summary Ok, so it's been a couple...

Q: How can I increase stat gain at the time of evolution?

C-dizzleJust like the title says, how can I increase stat gain at the time of evolution? I know I can greatly increase stats through EV training, but does that also go into effect when a pokemon evolves? An example I can think of: My Abra has a speed stat of 45, when he evolves into Kadabra lets just ...

Very much appreciated, guys.
@fbueckert No problem.
I wasn't the one who pinned it, but I'm welcome to take all the credit.
@Wipqozn I suspect you joined in starring it, though. :P
@fbueckert I didl.
I'm a hero.
Assume the swoosh isn't there

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