@SaintWacko So cool news, I took the lever-action down to the gunsmith and they said that it's pre-acquisition Marlin likely manufactured before the 60s
i took it to the range and it's got a bit of a kick, more than i was expecting. i mean, yes it's magnum rounds but i was thinking that the larger body and ability to brace the stock against my shoulder would reduce the recoil.
i think the next time i take it out, it'll be at an outdoor range
@Yuuki I love Shantae games, I love the fact that they resurrected an old cancelled game (Capcom, learn from them... where is Rockman Dash 3?) but I hate the fact that so far they only announced a GBA release.
Probably 6-8 month later the present timeline version will come but in the meantime you will have to wait because there is no decent way to get a working GBA nowadays (outside of buying used consoles somewhere and hope they work)
And the hardware emulators are simply too sparse, not to mention that you would need to ensure that the emulator is compatible with the game in the first place.