Some say it is fixed, some says it is not. Some claims people do no longer talk about it in public because WotC obviously hunts down the map data/applications. Some say that Magic is mostly safe as now outside of some big incidents (there was a set in the last 2-3 years that WAS partially mapped apparently, you weren't able to know the specific cards but you could know what packs had ultra-rare cards).
Then you have all the other games, including Pokemon (first batch of Sun/Moon boxes were fully mapped apparently), Yu-gi-oh (apparently mapping is very frequent even recently), some game called Comander something that is constantly mapped etc.
Then you have resealed packs. Originally you could tell because the bastards used glue to reseal the pack but some claim that recently they must have started using some other techniques that leave no visual clue. Metropolitan legend? I don't know.
Back when foil card were a new things you could actually WEIGHT the pack because a pack with a foil card would weight a little more. It was quite accurate, so apparently it was fixed so that you can't tell what pack has a foil that way. And nowadays foil cards does not mean "big price" any longer in the first place
That said, people on the internet will swear that some other more obscure ways exist, like allegations of insider moles, some way to scan the cards without opening the pack (quite improbable, what would you use? Superman X-Ray vision?) etc.
That said, I am quite suspicious about store employees "finding" extremely rare cards in the same way I am quite suspicious of shops with huge rare cards catalogs. Auctions are a thing and the rare card market is not different from real estate speculation... but I can't bring myself to think ALL those cards come from auctions or players that sold the card to the shop.
4 hours later…
5 hours later…
There is the toneless Sonic CD's Amy defined only by being a Sonic fangirl and there is the comic Amy that stars as a fangirl (seems to remember in the comic she is actually far younger than Sonic but used the dragon balls chaos emeralds to age up) but gets better. And then you have multiple games where she is not so obsessed with Sonic in the first place.
1 hour later…
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