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Like all the city watch books are in order, but could refer to an earlier witches book.
@StrixVaria the chonology of the books is basically a partial ordering on the books, and the publishing order is consistent with that partial ordering
@Fluttershy That sounds awesome
In mathematics, especially order theory, a partially ordered set (or poset) formalizes and generalizes the intuitive concept of an ordering, sequencing, or arrangement of the elements of a set. A poset consists of a set together with a binary relation that indicates that, for certain pairs of elements in the set, one of the elements precedes the other. Such a relation is called a partial order to reflect the fact that not every pair of elements need be related: for some pairs, it may be that neither element precedes the other in the poset. Thus, partial orders generalize the more familiar ...
@murgatroid99 Is this decent advice?
Diskworld isn't a parody of fantasy books, it's a parody of fantasy. People claimed it rips of Harry Potter despite being written earlier.
@FAE I'm not really sure. I don't remember many of the names, but I read them in the order they were published (almost). And I don't think I got anything out of order
Ah, gotcha.
and I never read The Science of Discworld
Does he really have a character named Colon?
@StrixVaria yes
If I read this series I'm going to pronounce that name as "assman", and there's nothing I can do about that.
@StrixVaria that doesn't even sound the same
@Mana @LessPopMoreFizz: I wish I heard about this badn a month ago. Apparently they came to Halifax last month to do a concert. Because these guys are awesome. I can understand now why you guys were so excited over the new album.
Hi guys
has the torchlight 2 grant happened yet?
@C.Ross Heyas
@FAE hi!
@C.Ross You said hi, I said hi back :P
Oh, that's a distinctly different connotation with that change of punctuation, haha.
@FAE yeah, sorry :-S
Hehe, no problem.
No, Just Cause 2, that's not my main monitor at all!
@StrixVaria Oh, you gave in?
@FAE I bought it during the summer sale but haven't booted it up until right now.
Ok then, windowed it is.
@FAE There are...skill points and levels?
@StrixVaria Yes.
Ugh what am I getting into.
@StrixVaria Oh wait, sorry.
Are you talking about Torchlight 2?
@StrixVaria I thought you were @C.Ross.
Because I finished my first playthrough of that with Berserker this weekend.
@StrixVaria I'm leveling a Berserker at the moment. What build did you go for?
@FAE Stupid purple unicorn avatar :P
@StrixVaria The blues looks similar on my other, crappier monitor and I wasn't fully paying attention!
@FAE Wolf dash, other wolf dash, summon wolf, chain lightning basic attack, attack nearby enemies on crit, heal self on crit.
I don't know any names.
I also had a spell that gave me an attack speed buff.
That wasn't berserker-specific, though.
@StrixVaria Ah, I'm going mostly Hunter tree so far with a dip into Shadow passive. I'm only like 14ish though.
@FAE Is that the first tree with all the red?
@StrixVaria Yeah.
I don't think I read the name of a single thing in that game. I just read effects.
I'm kind of bummed you can only respec the last 3 points, though I'm sure there's respec mods already.
I wasn't too impressed with the descriptions of stuff in that tree so I didn't even really try it out.
I haven't looked into T2 modding yet though.
I was building mostly around passives and just basic attacking everything.
I like the Howl debuff
@FAE There's a respec potion in the game. You can acquire it from the console but that marks the character using the console as a cheater.
With wolf dash I healed myself by 40% max health every cast and it was spammable, and my wolf healed me for ~1k every time it attacked (I had 3500 health at the end).
@FAE I generally don't like using debuffs if I could fill the slot with a self-buff instead. Debuffs go away once the enemies get dead, but buffs last for the full duration regardless.
Using an item from a shared stash however doesn't mark you as a cheater afaik. Blink blink.
@badp ah yeah, heard something around that
@StrixVaria Haha, true, though I tend to enjoy debuffing in general in my gameplay, across all games.
reminds me of LoL
white text raining upwards from my head followed by death
@badp That sounds way more exciting than it actually is.
@FAE ♫ but chains and whips excite you? ♫
@FAE S'like... A normal day for you, no?
(I'm sorry for bringing up that song)
Aw, you guys know me so well. <3
@FAE grins It's good to know what makes your friends happy
@FAE This is true.
@GnomeSlice Just Cause 2 is off to a bad start. I failed a mission by missing the landing zone because they gave zero instruction on how to land in the landing zone.
Then it gave me the option to load or quit.
Strike 1.
@StrixVaria I had that too in my OnLive demo
It's a fluke that doesn't happen again from what I recall - at least for the first 30 minutes
@StrixVaria The one where you jump out of a plane? I'm 98% sure it tells you how to use the parachute then.
@GnomeSlice It tells you how to open your parachute, but gives no other direction than that.
Not when to open it, how to steer, etc.
@StrixVaria The movement stick is pretty obviously for steering. But I guess it doesn't tell you when. You can open and close your chute as many times as you want though.
You have an infinite supply.
I just grappling hooked a guard off a rooftop. Strike erased.
@StrixVaria You can tie them to things too.
Grapple a guy and hold the button down, point at something else, and release.
@StrixVaria if you don't care about following the story, or playing the game correctly or anything, you should look at Bolopatch
How do I heal?
@StrixVaria Don't get shot for a bit to heal small wounds.
Large wounds need a health kit.
You can find them in various places on the walls, they have a green cross over them.
It shows up on your HUD.
@GnomeSlice I missed a grapple and launched myself headlong towards an enemy with a gun.
@StrixVaria Press grapple again to cancel a grapple.
How do I tell whether it's a small wound or a large wound?
Also, you have a melee attack.
@StrixVaria If your health bar doesn't refill all the way when you hide and regenerate, you need a health kit to fix the rest.
@StrixVaria The learning curve is a bit steep, but once you get the hang of it, it's a riot.
My father and I are STILL finding new things to do in it.
"Press E to heal yourself"
Press E
Nothing happens.
@StrixVaria Are you close enough to the health station? It's a little finicky sometimes.
Are you actually hurt?
@GnomeSlice Yes.
@GnomeSlice I think so. There's a flashing red bar.
@StrixVaria That's heat.
Green is your health.
If it won't heal, you're probably not hurt.
Ok that's good to know.
I can't figure out how shooting stuff works.
If I'm crouching, I can't fire.
Q: Gtk-WARNING: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup (BIT.TRIP RUNNER)

drezabekI am trying to run a game I downloaded from the Ubuntu Software Center called BIT.TRIP RUNNER. Upon running it, the game immediately crashes. When running from terminal, I get this output: Fatal error string: failed to copy string: dst too small (32 < 52) (zenity:2515): Gtk-WARNING **: Faile...

@StrixVaria Correct, it's kind of lame.
You can't really take cover in the game.
You can fly around shooting guys, or run around behind things.
I also can't figure out how to get more ammo now.
@StrixVaria Walk over guns.
If it's the same type, you'll grab the ammo.
If it's not, it will prompt you to switch weapons.
Well, it will prompt either way for one-handed weapons.
@GnomeSlice Ok cool.
@StrixVaria Also, grab the mounted gun when you get a chance.
It has infinite ammo and really fucks shit up.
You can pull it off and carry it around.
@GnomeSlice How?
@StrixVaria Have you found one yet?
@GnomeSlice I just wrecked a helicoptor with a turret.
There should be a button prompt for it
Hold on my dog is whining. I have to take him out real quick.
@StrixVaria Try letting go and grabbing it again, to show the prompt.
I think it might be the melee button.
I play with an xbox controller, I don't know the keyboard controls.
@StrixVaria You can basically win every mission pretty easily if you can find a mounted gun.
Just don't drop them too close to health stations.
Or you might not be able to pick them up again.
I can't figure out how to pick this one up.
It's a "Flak Cannon"
Steam: Steam Gives You Achievements For Creating Bugs In #GameMaker - @Kotaku http://kotaku.com/5948366/steam-gives-you-achievements-for-creating-bugs-in-gamemaker #yoyogames
@StrixVaria That one you can't, is it a giant rotating thing?
@GnomeSlice Yeah.
You can't.
Look at the size of it man.
You can pick up the mounted miniguns, you probably haven't seen one yet.
There's two a little ways ahead.
@GnomeSlice I don't know what you're talking about. It shoots something and it's "mounted".
Easiest thing to do is grapple the guy that's using it.
@StrixVaria does it shoot explosives?
Or is it like a really fast machine gun
I don't know.
I killed a helicoptor with it.
I also just tied two guys to each other in a way that doesn't physically make sense but it was awesome.
@StrixVaria There's various attachments for killing guys in creative ways involving the wire.
@StrixVaria This pretty much sums up that entire game.
@StrixVaria Anyway, when you find a mounted gun that shoots regular bullets, really fast, you can pick it up.
@GnomeSlice Ok.
@StrixVaria And you should do so at pretty much every opportunity you find one.
Steam: Steam Gives You Achievements For Creating Bugs In #GameMaker - @Kotaku http://kotaku.com/5948366/steam-gives-you-achievements-for-creating-bugs-in-gamemaker #yoyogames
Oh, whoops, I just linked that.
Get ready to gush over these 3D printed lightbulbs from Disney Research http://tnw.to/f5dC by @harrisonweber
Q: Are there any games with more than two characters in Theatrhythm?

Jonathan DrainWhen you complete a song in Theathrhythm, there's a Title Character bonus of +30 Rhythmia for each character in your party who is from the same Final Fantasy game as the song. If you unlock a second character from the same game, you can use both, for +60 Rhythmia. Are there any Final Fantasy gam...

Q: WoW map in MoP showing up as undiscovered region even though it has been discovered

imaginativeWhenever I pull up the map in MoP, it shows as if the entire area has been undiscovered. I've discovered these zones over and over, and it's not just regions of the map, it's the entire map. It's as if I'm there for the first time. Is there something that's possibly causing this behavior? Every w...

@Lazers I wish I had a 3DS for this game. :(
I keeeep listeningggg to this.
By the way, if you guys haven't seen this yet (which you probably haven't despite how old it is), you should:
@FAE I was wrong. It's not generating but consuming the potion that flags you as cheater
@badp ah okay
Ugh, I shouldn't watch this in class, people are giving me funny looks, because I'm laughing.
@GnomeSlice You have class at 7:45pm?
@FAE I've never heard of this game before, but, If you want I can buy it and then record myself playing it to rub it in your face.
@Wipqozn 7-10
@GnomeSlice Is it an Astronomy class?
@Wipqozn Rich Internet Applications
@GnomeSlice Then that's no excuse to have such a late class.
You should protest.
@Wipqozn I don't make the schedule.
I don't get home until like 11:00
That's quite shit-tastic.
Certainly is.
You should beat up the teacher. That will teach them not to schedule such late classes.
no! EVen better! Kidnap the teacher. NO! Kidnap his kids. The deans kids!
Q: Can you gain health besides drinking a health potion?

GaryIn World of Warcraft, you can sit and it allows the character to gain health faster. Is there anything like that in Torchlight 2?

Browser Game Pick: howling dogs (Porpentine) http://bit.ly/SYZnFb

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