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Q: Why do Pokemon sometimes have dark stripes in Pokemon Go?

LysanderOccasionally I'll face a Charizard or Venusaur in GBL that has dark striping like this: How do they get those markings, or what is the significance of them?

13 hours later…
Weird... first reviews for Hogward Legacy actually claim that the game is pretty good... even as a "Fantasy Game" (trad: if you don't care about Harry Potter & co)
didn't expect that.
I may end up trying it if it ever goes on discount
my personal expectation was that it would be a pretty huge critical and commercial success, but that people wouldn't like the slower gameplay, but considering it's billed more as a Dark Souls style game and not a generic action game, it might make sense for the gameplay to be slower
Just a shame that the game comes with such a large amount of baggage from the TERF who invented the world
@Nzall To be honest, I hope it will be good just because a small feature that will annoy that one quite a bit...
Did you read how the gender selection works in the game?
No, how does it work?
@Nzall Simple, you pick a "gender" and the game refers to you with the correct pronouns and assign you to the correct dormitory....
But the character creation body selection apparently is completely untied from that...
Not perfect (not at all), I know... but probably the best they could do without getting "someone" to interfere
3 hours later…
That's about as solid as you can get really
I shared that with another couple chatrooms and they found it funny
Honestly, that single "feature" actually goes a long way towards assuaging my concerns with supporting Harry Potter: even though it supports a billionaire who has questionable views, at least it's supporting her through something she personally wouldn't stand for
2 hours later…
i watched a few videos and some of the game systems rub me the wrong way. the whole concept of upgrading your wand feels weird
like i get that it's a video game progression mechanic but it just kinda breaks it for me
@Yuuki To be fair, it makes sense that you'd upgrade your wand rather than replace it
eh, replacing your wand is an actual thing in Harry Potter, like if it breaks or even if your wand doesn't work for you anymore
upgrading your wand feels wrong
A wand in the Potterverse is a highly personal object, and choosing your wand at Ollivander's is a weighty affair. In that respect, keeping that wand and tuning it to your preferences feels more in-line with the in-universe standards
in Harry Potter, wands are implied to have a semblance of a personality and temperament. some can even choose to be disobey their original wielder in favor of another
Question: what do you use to upgrade your wand? an ephemeral concept like energy or magic talent or latent power, or wand components like cores and shells?
iirc, you literally swap out handles
oh yeah, that's... problematic
If they went with a system of investing your wand with additional magic, that would have been fine imho
@SPArcheon do any of them mention the in-app purchases? if not i'd take pre-release reviews from outlets with a very fine grain of salt since these would be the ones Warner Bros chose to send pre-release review copies to
and they already plan on "patching" the game after the reviews
> Q: Does Hogwarts Legacy require an internet connection?
A: Those who purchase a physical copy of Hogwarts Legacy will be required to connect to the internet to install a Day 1 patch. Those who purchase the game digitally will receive the patch with the initial download.
i'm half expecting it's going to be grindy to push the in-app purchases and/or on PC Denuvo will take the performance
and there's going to be a bit of satisfaction in reading anyone disappointed in the game because they went and pre-ordered a digital game
i'd say those who brought the physical game at least got something tangible but given the Day 1 patch requirement, the physical copy is kinda pointless now

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