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According to Reddit some PI asked "does this person play war thunder" re a Raytheon applicant apparently
i wouldn't be surprised if eventually Playing War Thunder = Security Risk for new employees in government/military careers
8 hours later…
Keep in mind that over the past 2 years, War Thunder players leaked classified military secrets 13 individual times
It's not like this is just a couple of incidental leaks, it's near-systemic
7 hours later…
Q: 2022: a year in moderation

JNat As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on the web: We designed the Stack Exch...

@Unionhawk Turns out that was fake news. Raytheon doesn't ask that information currently
@Unionhawk good luck having the script work when you need it if it relies on an Hugging Face app.
It is a decent free service, but a) it is very far from a "guaranteed 24/7 performances" and b) most samples use soft package reference (== not version locked), so they can break at any moment.
It is also full of clutter to the point that they probably would spend LESS if they just gave a free test instance to every noteworthy model instead than having hundreds of people creating free, unpaid instances that do not work most of the time.
To put that in context, Anything V.3 currently has 300 different samples using it . Out of those, less than 10 actually work - maybe even less than FIVE
Consider that about 90% of those are free instances... you have about 270 instance running for no purpose other than waste server resources.
ok, guys, you all have to watch this one...
Hopefully you are already aware of that "fish plays pokemon" trend...
@Nzall You really think someone would do that? Post something that isn't true on reddit to obtain various kinds of reddit gold or whatever
@Unionhawk that would be like using a bot to generate answers on a Q&A site just to get fake internet points. No one would do that

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