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@Memor-X Look, I could believe that they are having issues with the Switch version since the game is trash on the optimization side (some combinations of powers can cause lag) and the G-FUELL seed is pure madness on that front.
But apparently PS got the update, PC got the update and....
XBOX gets nothing???
The console that basically is a windows PC?
You are really pulling my leg there, or Sony paid you to postpone competition.
ps: since I mentioned G-Fuell
this should give a rough idea...
nope, the explosions aren't edited in for the video.
Yet, while getting the G-Fuel mode would be funny I am far more interested in all the item changes.
Betrayal, My Shadow, Athame are basically different items now.
and also fixes to greed mode...
> - Fixed the button in Greed mode dealing damage when in Lost form (from Soul of the Lost or when playing as Tainted Jacob)
- Fixed a few useless items, trinkets and cards appearing in Greed mode (such as The Moon?)
Oh, and D10 too. Now it devolves enemies instead of randomly changing them in something worse most of the time.
5 hours later…
@Memor-X Did you mean to post a 4 year old video for this?
what, no. crap
crap it now i can't find the dam tweet i got it from
There's a lot of people talking about it restarting 4 years ago to the day
I don't think there's any recent news
yeh maybe that's what the tweet was about. next time i aught to open the tweet in another tab rather than the video
1 hour later…
Holy hell the 'We are restarting Metroid 4' video is 4 YEARS OLD
Yeah they said it was announced 2 years ago (from 4 years ago) and I didn't realise it had been that long
in the meantime, sudden stable diffusion
have a Zelda
3 hours later…
@SPArcheon IDK why that triggers my 'is this AI art' that I'm starting to develop
This specific model is strongly biased to Zelda
And probably DOA too.
this one also knows how to draw Zelda, but apparently it recognize someone else too.
user image
@Nzall Wow
@Nzall Fucking hell
I don't like signal-boosting my own post, but I figured I would throw a link in here to solicit opinion:
Q: Should we ban AI-generated content on Arqade?

SpevacusChatGPT-generated answers are becoming more and more frequent across Stack Exchange, and unfortunately, as of an hour or so ago, Arqade is no different. (I have flagged this answer with a link to some proof that it was generated using AI and requested deletion) Stack Overflow has implemented a te...

Yeah its an interesting thing
Appreciate you weighing in.
Q: Should we ban AI-generated content on Arqade?

SpevacusChatGPT-generated answers are becoming more and more frequent across Stack Exchange, and unfortunately, as of an hour or so ago, Arqade is no different. (I have flagged this answer with a link to some proof that it was generated using AI and requested deletion) Stack Overflow has implemented a te...

Y'know, I forgot that we had a Meta feed here.
Yeah, did put a notice with it
basically if our overlords decide to have a sitewide rule on this, we will follow it
It appears that it's unlikely their opinion on how it should be handled will change. They prefer that the individual SE communities decide how they should moderate it. If a site decides that it should be banned and are having trouble moderating it, they can reach out for assistance (It appears that Stack Overflow in particular is having a really rough time moderating it considering it's in addition to their regular mod workload, which is quite large on its own)
Yeah; here on Arqade we are 'lucky' because ChatGPT doesn't really apply; usually its pretty easy to find an answer or an article with a walkthrough
A question about a game applies ChatGPT way less than programming
like the one you flaggued had another flag on it that most of the paragraph was copypasted from a russian website
I did a Google search for some of the content in there and didn't find anything concrete, so I figured it wasn't plagiarized. I must've just chosen the wrong sections to search for. Nice find from that other flagger. Thanks for handling, btw, if indeed you did handle that.
Nice room
Was checking rankings... fucking crazy theres as much score as my score between Raven and agent, and between agent and #3
@ペガサスSeiya Heyo
edition.cnn.com/2023/01/24/politics/us-abram-tanks-ukraine/… What does everyone think of this? Tanks for Ukraine?
Please put conversations about war and doom to This is Fine. chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/64176/this-is-fine
@Spevacus there is a user script to check a post vs an AI detector let me find it
Q: OpenAI detector

Glorfindel Screenshot / Code Snippet About This script adds a link to each post, to check it against Hugging Face's AI detector. Download The script can be installed via this link; source code can be found here. Platform Tested with Violentmonkey in Firefox on macOS, but it's likely to work on all brow...

@Unionhawk Gotta love Glorfindel's scripts. Thanks, I appreciate it.
@Fredy31 best said by a glowing skeleton
@ペガサスSeiya lol, for a moment i thought this was going to be yet another War Thunder leak

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