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@MBraedley still hasn't done today!!!!
You really don't want to parse that with C++, ha
@MBraedley THis problem from last year had a very similiar input: adventofcode.com/2021/day/18
might be able to steal your solution from that
oh hey, it 's @InvaderSkoodge! How's the family?
2 hours later…
@Wipqozn Get ready -> Office just to drop stuff -> Dentist (same building as office) -> Office -> Home -> Eat -> Watch YouTube -> Play OW2 -> Now (or rather ~30min ago)
busy work day today, so didn't have time to look at AoC either.
@Wipqozn But the parsing is done, just have to do the pt1 comparisons
The important thing is the QC guy hasn't finished today either
my comparison functions aren't working right :{
Comparing [1,1,3,1,1] and [1,1,5,1,1]
lhs < rhs

Comparing [[1],[2,3,4]] and [[1],4]
Comparing [1] and [1]
Comparing [2,3,4] and [4]
lhs < rhs

Comparing [9] and [[8,7,6]]
Comparing [9] and [8,7,6]
lhs > rhs

Comparing [[4,4],4,4] and [[4,4],4,4,4]
Comparing [4,4] and [4,4]
lhs < rhs

Comparing [7,7,7,7] and [7,7,7]
lhs > rhs

Comparing [] and [3]
lhs < rhs

Comparing [[[]]] and [[]]
Comparing [[]] and []
lhs > rhs

Comparing [1,[2,[3,[4,[5,6,7]]]],8,9] and [1,[2,[3,[4,[5,6,0]]]],8,9]
Comparing [2,[3,[4,[5,6,7]]]] and [2,[3,[4,[5,6,0]]]]
Woo, parsing and comparisons working!
@Wipqozn Done!
Enjoy your 2 point lead while you still can
@MBraedley I was overthinking it this morning, just char by char parsing with a stack of Nodes, where Node is just a struct containing a vector<variant<int, Node*>> (but since I'm a good modern C++ programmer, I used shared_ptr, obviously)
7 hours later…
I just managed to get today's solution in under 100ms, my initial program took 600ms
@MBraedley How is OW2?
Still fun gameplay. I'm basically a one-trick on DPS and support player now with the new characters, so that's not great.
I found a sneaky trick and now my solution runs in 24ms
I didn't spend 2 hours on it, I was thinking about it when doing other work though
1 hour later…
@Ronan Yeah, I haven't started yet, but I have some thoughts on how to optimize at least part 1. I'll probably brute force it (since it is a part 1) though. But I also have an idea of what pt 2 is, which if I'm right will render my pt1 data structure mostly useless.
@Ronan I feel like this is the typical approach. Work on it on and off while doing the coding we're actually paid for, heh
@MBraedley If I ever try it, it won't be for a while. GPU finally died a month back, and I'm not really in a rush to replace it.
Glad you're enjoying it though. Communities reaction has been mixed.
@MBraedley I'm also just brute forcing part 1. Almost done, but have a medical appointment. Should finish this afternoon.
2 hours later…
I liked today's. JS sparse arrays made it pretty easy
Yeah, I'll be using a sparse set
1 hour later…
@MBraedley Part 2 wasn't what you were expecting then, because Brute Force works just fine.
I was expecting brute force miught fail for part 2 though... but it worked. Took a couple of seconds, but less than 5.
In the spirit of the season... And the Bridge... Advent Incremental
I'm just going to pin that to make people suffer
@Wipqozn Thanks
I posted it for the same reason
Christmas spirit alive and well!
@SaintWacko I have no idea what this is because it's blocked by work, but I'll star it anyways
I just wish I had discovered it earlier
We still have stars from November, we need to bring back The Bridge spirit and push away old stars!
@MBraedley Right?
It's slowed down so much :(
1 hour later…
@MBraedley I still remember when stars wouldn't last a day

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