@Wipqozn Went ahead and just added in some support for Dijkstra too. Not feature complete yet, since I need to update nodes to have edges/distances... but will worry about that once I have an actual daily problem needing it.
Just nice to start building out this toolkit that I can keep using for future advent of code
Yeah it's a bit tricky just to make sure all the logic is there, but not that difficult, parsing the input in javascript using eval feels like cheating though
I don't particularly want to write my own parser though
and part 2 done. That was actualy easy. PYthon just made these ones easy. I could just run each line through eval() and it created the list automatically. For compare function, I just needed to convert my comparison function from part 1 to align with customer key sorts in python.
@Ronan yeah fuck that, ha. Tedious as all hell.
WAy I look at it is that some languages will have easier times with certain solutions, just by virtue of their toolkits.
There's definitely been a few problems where I wish I had access to LINQ
Yeahh, I think I'm going to assume it's relatively isometric, find a point that's been read without much noise in all the scans and do ??? to reverse engineer something plausible
I tried looking up least squares but that sure is complicated :D
Per scan I've got like, angle, and a vector to the tree so that's 16 variables... And in addition to that I've got two varaibles that are the same all the time that I'd throw rays too if I don't go isometric
Got a decent error measure too so
Mm vector might just be X/Y not X/Y/Z actually so 9 variables
For I think the first time I managed to anticipate part 2: I wrote my comparison function for part 1 with with the API that goes into Array.sort, so it just worked for part 2.
Intro where he explains it and shows how to do 2d Video of him running untested random code Video where he explans how to automatically fix out of bounds points
I used opencv to do thresholding of bright spots, and then uuh find connected components and calculate minimum enclosing circles, storing their coordinates and radius's per scan
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@murgatroid99 I think I did my own parser for a similar problem last year... The one where things explode into each other or something? Part of why I didn't want to bother