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5:20 AM
Listen I was busy doing something else at 12:01 am local time
I forget what
it was probably important though
00:12:23 gold is still good for top 5k
at 6:01 am local time I was busy not being able to sleep :'(
I've already put in a couple of hours of work tonight
good times
5:48 AM
@Unionhawk also this leaderboard code is busted
5 hours later…
10:25 AM
I'm awake and I have done todays puzzle
As always I built classes when they weren't even needed
I like my classes though
10:59 AM
Looks like the leaderboard code has changed
If anyone wants to join our leaderboard for adventofcode use this code 194428-5ca78c8d
3 hours later…
2:13 PM
@Wipqozn I didn't do that because List<T> exists
Not reimplementing standard collections on a whiteboard for advent of code smh
Tbh the only reason I was slow on part 2 is because I forgot SortedList<TKey, TValue> is harder to use than .OrderByDescending()
My mistake was not realising the default sort function in javascript is alphabetical
3:15 PM
standup watch 2022: currently in minute 45 of watching someone run through an incomplete test case
I literally do not have enough coffee for this
This is a waste of my time
My change has yet to be touched
what are we DOING HERE
3:33 PM
@Ronan I did the same thing at first
3:53 PM
I converted the input to a csv then solved with excel. Planning on writing an actual implementation tonight.
4:04 PM
I tried that initially but google sheets helpfully eliminated the blank lines
so I said heck to it
4:16 PM
@Ronan Same! Wtf
I've always done it in Python in the past, but since I'm using javascript for work now I figured I'd use that
But no built-in sum function, the sort is stupid... I may switch back to python
It's a bit annoying, but arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) isn't exactly hard to write
@Ronan Yeah, but it's still a silly lack
I mean, I just wrote a utility function I can call for it. It's just annoying coming from python
@Ronan Hm, it said I'm already a member of it
Yeah it's the same leaderboard, just a new code
adventofcode.com/2022/leaderboard/private shows the leaderboards you're already in
@Ronan Oh, I see
I was thinking new code meant new leaderboard
2 hours later…
6:38 PM
@SaintWacko Personally, I just like using JS so I can just use the browser console and the document.body.innerText as the input
6:49 PM

Proposed Q&A site for people who are good at writing funny things

Currently in definition.

7:02 PM
@Batophobia Oh, that's clever
Do you save your script or just manipulate the data there?
I started saving the scripts to GitHub
This is the Day 1 code I ended up with for 2022

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