Just dropping by to warn you folks that I have voted to close this as a dupe of this even if the dupe is the older version of the question since the accepted answer is now obsolete. The new version of the question provide the up-to-date answer.
Fell free to work it out differently if you can think of a simpler way to handle this.
@SPArcheon do u think a merge of the two questions would be good?
I've noticed no mans sky has been a little notorious with the changes it's made over the years, and that has caused a lot of confusion (to me at least) because trying to research "x" mechanic or "how to get this item" varied as the updates were rolled out
@TimmyJim it is still available on the space anomaly. I think it is also a reward for one of the quest chains with the base workers. So, worst scenario it is incomplete but still correct
@TimmyJim could be, but I don't know how that work. Wouldn't one of the two users lose rep "just because" ?
closing probably would be the "less collateral damage" option?
> User reputation is unaffected when a question is merged. Users who asked or answered the merged question retain their reputation as-is. Answers to the merged question can gain additional reputation after getting migrated to the target question.
Unless the merge stub gets deleted, but we have no plans for doing that
I think we merge, and edit the answer from the duplicate post to state something like "Prior to this update"...
@TimmyJim viable - maybe. Desiderable, not at all. It was the "less damage" option when you could not move the tech, but since now it is possible to do so... you risk losing items in the dismantlement process (most of the time you don't get the same items needed for building the tech)
Electronic Gaming Monthly #45 and Super Play #21 both announced "SD Art of Fighting" as an upcoming Super Famicom game. Was it ever released under another name, or did it get canceled?