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Only, tons of bones to go (I should also unlock the Arceuus spellbook that should be a bunch of XP banked)
A lot of medium diaries require 59 smithing (or much worse strategies like killing skeletons in the whirlpool for a grapple) on iron which will also not be fun
I might have it banked though I'm not sure
I do have a bunch of mith ore and coal
I just unlocked Nieve so I'll probably do my 1-9 tasks with her until I feel like point boosting for a rune pouch or whatever
@Unionhawk I have a bloodveld task, but easy requires me to get a task from mazchna
@Unionhawk Smithing AND fletching!
I went and killed skeletons/barb spirits in the worldpool
It was a slog, but I got the drop!
@SaintWacko yeah but I have the fletching already via getting 99 firemaking
Plus qpc smithing requirement is...
For Dragon Slayer 2 and Song of the Elves
So might as well kill two birds
60 fletching is required for sins of the father so
@Unionhawk That's true
Also I apparently only have 11k xp banked from mithtil ore so it's either mlm time or buying gold ore time
But more importantly it's hope to get dragon tasks time
Since 70 prayer and 70 defence is the next goal
Which is going to be a pain but whatever, wilderness altar is overpowered so it's fine
(350% xp, 50% chance not to consume a bone when it is offered)
@Unionhawk Yeah, I have 60 prayer banked if I use the wilderness altar
@SaintWacko it's so good and the wilderness is essentially dead, plus as long as you do single trips at worst you lose half an inventory of bones
I think the only time I got killed at wildly altar was by some ironman posting #voteyesgim and I lost maybe 3 big bones
And I just hit 70 def!
Again though I do really need to unlock the zeah spellbook
So I can use all the heads I have banked
Or at least most of them idk if I have the magic level for demons and up
Yeah I only have enough for adept so far, so no bloodveld, demon, dagonnath, kalphite, dragon, abyssal, aviansie, or tzhaar
But I do have like 15 horror heads from the black mask grind so
Shoutouts to runelite for making the upcoming arceuus library grind bearable at all
@Unionhawk Yeah, it's really not too bad for that
Also, protip, whenever you're headed for a book, grab all the other books you run by
Plus I won't have to do tons of library like I did in twisted league
I will simply have to do like, 60% favor library or whatever
(that was the runecrafting training method to 77 and I didn't make it and it was awful)
Ah, yeah
I did the dense essence mining to get to 100%
Because it was relatively afk
Also, have you done Tithe Farm?
I have but mostly in leagues
I did a couple rounds of it earlier
To get the farming level needed for Fairytale part 2
Had to finish that for a hard clue
Ah yeah it's pretty good
I want to do some just for autoweed
That was so nice in twisted league
Even though it's technically a waste of points
Don't care
I hate finishing a harvest on precisely the wrong tick that much even though it's rare
If you have 45, farming contracts are a good source of fruit tree seeds
I got 60 today with my tree run
@Unionhawk Just hit that, i need to try the contracts
Also, I started my first run today
Because I was dumb
@ave run some tests and posted the screenshots here - drive.google.com/drive/folders/…
not really sure about the results to be honest. i've never seen more than 2.1 MB/s when downloading on Steam and the various places i used couldn't get my location right. iiNet's seem to be consistent but i don't live no where near Perth so i don't know if the detected servers and locations would have any impact
@SaintWacko yeah tree runs are good lol
You can get a lot of the early protection stuff from charter ships and fruit stalls (apples, bananas, oranges)
Plus pineapples from charters for supercompost
@Unionhawk Yeah, I have a bunch from working on thieving
I think strawberries are useful too I forget
Meanwhile I'm in cactus spine mode lol
I have 22 yew saplings to use up so I need 220 cactus spines or trusting ultracompost which,
Oh man
To be fair 3/4 of my pineapples made it today since I didn't have spare watermelons and I caught the 4th one just diseased so
And the hardwood trees I am just going on ultracompost but I run by them on birdhouse runs to see if they're fine so
Yeah, same
No reason to farm yanillian hops just for trees
When you have like a 90% survival rate with ultracompost
@Unionhawk Wat. Just got a dragon spear from bloodvelds
1/10400 drop, apparently
ah, bloodvelds in the slayer tower, a great task
A classic task
And then Mazchna gave me 60 bats lol
5 hours later…
@Memor-X that's pretty good
1 hour later…
Hi. If anyone knows, is COD-1 graphics better than MOHAA?
Personally, graphics look better to me in COD-1.
@Vikas how do you define "better"
Graphics of many modern AAAA games are fairly detailed etc, but in the end they can end up looking visually unappealing, and imo then a game that's less detailed but looks nicer to me in a subjective way looks... better.
2 hours later…
New avatar
Might take a couple seconds to show up
interesting avatar
An artist friend made it for me
for my birthday
It's in the style of a French artist
It's supposed to be my face, but more exaggerated
@ave I mean better grass details, better trees, more realistic models and guns visually.
I have another question if anyone knows. Which of Battlefield games have a campaign mode (like we see in COD)?
@ave means?
I see your point I guessssssss
but I'm not a gal that cares too much about graphics so
can't be helpful
Played Battlefield?
especially earlier games
define earlier
I guess I played battlefield 1942 so I can say yes
but if "3" is also considered earlier these days then also yes on that
wild to think that 3 was 10 years ago.
@ave :P I mean released for example on or before 2007
@ave yes I would cosnider it earlier
Yeah so I played 1942. It did have a singleplayer mode with bots but no campaign iirc.
I read on Reddit that Battlefield earlier games didn't have story/campaign modes. But I want to start with a game that has story or campaign mode, something like COD
@ave ok
So I think I should start with Bad Company
according to wikipedia BF2 has a "plot"
> The game is set in 2007 during a world war between various power blocs: the United States aided by the European Union and the United Kingdom are at war against Russia, China and the fictional Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC) aided by various insurgent groups.
lovely plot at that
don't think that implies a campaign tho
@ave Yeah I don't even know difference between plot/story mode or campaign mode. But it looks like it has what I need.
Oh you're talking about Battlefield 2?
yes, after further reading I don't think it has a campaign
I think it doesn't have a campaign mode like COD
yeah right
It says "Conquest Mode" which is a different thing I guess
Earliest Battlefield with a campaign is 3 I think
Battlefield Bad Company wikipedia page has a Plot and Story mentioned so I think it also has a campaign
yeah, but I don't think it has a PC version
it has a campaign, but BFBC didn't have a PC version AFAIK
@Nzall OOPS
I'm just trying to find old games that my laptop supports 🤣
Battlefield Bad Company 2 is available on PC and has a campaign
I've shortlisted COD1 and COD2 so far
I think that's the earliest you're going to find
What are the specs of your laptop?
@Nzall I agree. Just checked Bad Company 1 don't have PC version
@Nzall Didn't we have a long discussion a few months back? 🤣😜
@Vikas Could be, I don't remember everything ever said in this chat
@Nzall I have 940MX Sucks GPU
Games released before 2010 run fine on my laptop
And they are cheaper too
2 hours later…
@ave certainly didn't feel like it was today. at first i thought it was just Citrix being crap since all input was delayed and then all of a sudden it cut out so i switched to the ADSL2 connection and right away it ran better (even though there was still a delay with clicks but atleast typing wasn't trying to catch up)
Final smash fighter reveal starts soon: youtu.be/L-q6Gz_4Yqc
No way (mod abuse related science please ignore)
who is it?
with Doomguy as a Mii costume
Can it really compete with Zim as a playable character though?
I mean, the music alone works for me. KH songs are so good
The madlads actually did it
I don't even play ultimate, but it's still a little sad the new content is over with now.
1 hour later…
And no waluigi WAH
@Nzall tbh Mr. Sakurai should've came out dressed as Waluigi to announce the new character, just to get one last major troll in one everyone.
2 hours later…
@Batophobia dude with the flame thing for half the trailer I tought the new character would be Solaire from Dark Souls
anyone on?
i am
bashing my head on a shopify problem, so brain is mush but i am physically here
as much physically here you can be in a chatroom
Q: Anyone recognise this (probably text adventure) game?

BonniciCan anyone recognise this game? I might be misremembering but when I saw this screenshot I remembered an old (probably text) adventure game or RPG that was started out in a space station. I ran the text through google translate and it says "it looks like you're away" or "I want to be away". This ...

@Unionhawk I'm on the black mask grind now
Also, got some Armadyl Blessed Boots from a clue scroll earlier!
1 hour later…
yeah cave horrors are Really Annoying
@Unionhawk I'm at 284 kills
Also, damnit, just go the heraldic shield and stole clue again
I'm just slowly using up my banked low level food lol
I just used prayer and proselyte I think but dhide is probably good enough for your purposes (I only had green at the time)
kinda feels awkward to buy scarlet nexus when it was on sale only to find out it's available on gamepass
@Unionhawk Yeah, I'm just using blue dhide
I need to unlock Proselyte's...
Finished Hilda season 2. Please tell me they are working on a 3rd
@SaintWacko yes
Proselyte is very good

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