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Man, being on staycation is awesome!
@MBraedley Staycation is pretty great
Assuming you're not being sarcastic
some people hate it
I love it though
I had a week working from the cottage, then a week vacation, now a week staycation
remote weeking from the cottage is pretty sweet
A coworker of mine visited toronto for a month to see friends, and he just worked the whole time.
Actually I think it was less than a month. He self isolated when he got back just to be safe, even though he's double vaxxed.
so that threw my timeline off a bit
Other than the "cottage" loft that was boiling 2 of the days, it was pretty awesome. I could have planned it a bit better though, given my siblings vacation schedules
Cottage is in quotes because it's a cookhouse and bedrooms with a loft with beds upstairs
2 hours later…
6 hours later…
Apparently there was a last minute style shift for the new Horizon game. No more realistic graphics, they went for the anime cellshaded look
2 hours later…
Good morning bridge!
.. it's morning somewhere
1 hour later…
You know you are in deep in Stardew when you breakout the notebook
You know you are not at all into Stardew when you wonder why you can't forge a Caliburn...
Also, major Phasmophobia update today
2 hours later…
Oh snap. Spooky game h- oh dang @Fredy31 beat me to it.
> Features 2 new ghosts, Myling and Goryo, a new equipment, DOTS projector and new and improved equipments!
> Hunt down the newly discovered Myling and Goryo, find distorted silhouettes with the new DOTS projector, and adapt to your new and improved equipment.
Yeah really wonder what the 'improved equipment' will be
like what and how are they upgraded
We gotta give it a play
I will be around tonight at some point
I'll probably be free from 6pm to 8pm your time... I think.
@Yuuki We hunting ghosts tonight?
Also I think @Ronan. Maybe @Dragonrage, but I think he's still in project hell.
I never actually bought it
@Ronan I could've sworn you played with us haha
When I play phasmo its with my SO, and im not sure they will be on board of jumping with random peeps that I know
Like she's gonna prefer jumping with complete randos lol
@SPArcheon Can't tell if you're joking, but that's not a Horizon game :P Aloy looks really cute in that style though
@PrivatePansy Well, I guess the video title is a clue ... :P
@PrivatePansy Anyway, more seriously, that is a (paid for I assume) collaboration between Sony and Genshin Impact.
Free character in the game to advertise Horizon.
Also probably paid advertisement since Sony managed to have the character available to PS players one update before everyone else.
PS gets her next week with patch 2.1, PC will have to wait 2.2 six weeks later.
Yeah Aloy is one of those characters that Sony pushes forward a lot when they got collabs
Like Masterchief for Xbox
I could not finish HZD
The combat was too simple
Idk I tought the combat was pretty fine
it was a well done way to have weak points and stuff
But what really carried through HZD was the story.
It was really well paced in terms of you think you know what happened to have robot dinosaurs, and then it would just give you a new tidbit of information that would make you rethink your theory
I mean, when weakspots are either an instant kill or an incapacitation
It was hardly interesting
idk, I've seen way worse. It was generic at times yes, but I think it was well polished
Too much fiddling with menus to change runes all the time, too
And eventually you just get weapons that let you ignore strategy altogether
idk, i usually run with a general equipment
but yeah every game with more than 3-4 weapons that you need to switch on the fly has that problem of always being in the weapon wheel
Even the same bow, you have to swap between improving shock and freeze damage, for example
It's a total pain that serves no purpose
Yeah I guess thats where we differ. I mostly run a generic build or put one element per weapon and change to that weapon when I need whatever.
But each weapon has three ammo types
I don't always try to run the most optimal weapon against an ennemy, mostly to not have to change my setup every 2 minutes
Guess I might be mis remembering stuff, played that years ago but I dont remember being annoyed at all by it
@Fredy31 Considering Genshin lore/story, I think that this one would have been a far more fitting choice. But since they already remade that (and wasted the opportunity to add the cut content) thee is no reason to advertise that game any longer...
Also I'd say Shadow of the colossus is pretty niched compared to Horizon
...and it doesn't have a sequel coming in like a year
But yeah in the PS3/early PS4, the 'mascot' of Sony Gaming was Kratos, but since Horizon it really switched to Aloy
@Fredy31 yep, that was kinda the point with the "already remade, no need to advertise it"...
And in the PS1/2 days it was mostly crash
@Wipqozn possibly?
Gonna guess Aloy is also there to try to pierce the chinese market, since I think the second Horizon game, forbidden west, might be in asia
its not confirmed, but idk since the announcement I've got that impression
@Fredy31 that is, if the Ps5 will be actually buyable without selling a kidney thanks to uncontrolled scalping by then...
posted on August 26, 2021

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@SPArcheon still havent got one. But the day I jump in I would guess my plan would still work
Check with your local bestbuy/walmart if they get a few in store without preorders, and if they do, be there on opening the day they receive them
Got my switch day 1 and SNES classic day 1 with that
no preorders or dealing with scalpers necessary
But yeah, I dont currently have a game on PS5 that is a 'I MUST HAVE IT NOW'
And anything on Xbox of worth is on PC anyways
@Fredy31 you have shops that actually tell you when they get them and have employees that aren't working with the scalpers in the first place?
Lucky you.
Here you have general stores that gets GodKnowsWhen a few consoles that are then made disappear immediately to be sold to friends&relatives of the employees
And the really smart Gamestop that has the splendid "sell us your ps4 now and we promise you a ps5 in 6 to 8 time units, in the meantime read a book you moron" plan
Yeah I havent tried later on like right now. But for 5-6am releases like when I bought my switch, usually the manager is there so employees don't fucking dare putting 6 on the side for themselves
@Fredy31 I got switch, rare games, the nes mini and such on launch day with no problems...
The Ps5, it is just scalped before it even can reach the "sold to costumer" shop shelf
1 hour later…
And really, the only way to get rid of the scalp problem is... not use them. Let them get stuck with their 200 PS5s, and have to sell at a loss later
@Fredy31 If the only "solution" for a problem is for the average person to act in a specific way, we are SO screwed
Like, you just KNOW 30% of the population or something like that is just going to not do that out of spite
Alternative would be for game makers to release for both gens to ease the need to upgrade immediately
I haven't payed much attention to it, but Xbox don't seem to get the same complaints as PS5 as far as availability, and I wonder if it's because all the games can be played on the previous system
@Batophobia The problem with that is the technology gap between last gen and current gen is significant. The PS5 is well over twice as fast as the PS4 Pro in every respect, and uses a different architecture. The PS4 uses a custom APU while the PS5 uses something that's closer to off-the-shelf Zen2 CPUs like found in the Ryzen 3000 series and RDNA2, which is roughly equivalent to the Radeon 6000 series
@Batophobia Thing is, I'm still not having much games that are exclusive to PS5 that are really must plays now
like... crash if you are a fan? But like Horizon is still off for a while, Whatever followup to tsushima too
Ratchet and Clank is really good
And Demon Souls is also good if you're into that
And don't forget Returnal
Like, Ratchet & Clank is by far the best showcase for PS5 technology with how well it incorporates the storage stack improvements
Man, I can't wait for the weather to cool down again
I got a new coat a couple months ago, and I can't wait to wear it
@SaintWacko Dude I can't wait to step outside and not feel like I'm cooking
@Fredy31 Right? It's so bad right now
@Nzall "It's muh right to buy overpriced electronics! You can't stop me!"
Man, I haven't bought a new game in forever
I'm just playing OSRS and Rimworld right now
@SaintWacko i go out at like 10-11 PM every night to go to the corner do my pokemon go and it still is fucking hot
twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1430964453865046025 Blizzard is renaming McCree from Overwatch to something that doesn't reference one of their sexist employees, and to do it properly they're delaying the narrative arc they were about to release
@Fredy31 Yeah, I take my dog out for a walk around 8
Latest I can go while it's still lightish out
The heat lately is the worst
Thanks global warming
I like how @fredley has more reputation on Lifehack.SE than Coffee.SE.
Coffee is the ultimate lifehack
And is the most important thing in life. We should all have more rep on Coffee.SE than any other SE site

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