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> It's not a new song. Big content has been struggling for years to figure out how to stop shooting itself in the feet and legs and genitals and torso on digital content.
@GnomeSlice Mostly, I agree with the article.
@fbueckert I agree with some, but not all.
If a company wants to treat me like a moron with a wallet, and acts like they're doing me a favor by releasing something stupidly late, well, this moron is going to go pirate it.
The thing is, you don't get to decide how a company markets their product.
@GnomeSlice Nope, sure don't.
I really disagree with the spotify thing. I hate spotify.
Which doesn't mean it's okay to steal it if you don't like the way they're doing it...
But if that company thinks I'm an idiot and I should be happy to finally have a legal way to buy something after three damn years, well, by that point I've already pirated it.
Seriously. If I wanted to buy a legal copy of Avatar 3D before now, the only way to get it was to pay $300 extra on a stupid gimmicky TV.
To each his own, I guess.
...Why would you want to buy Avatar 3D lol.
I can't stand 3D film.
@GnomeSlice I don't.
I'm just pointing out, for argument's sake, that if I did.
It's beside the point anyway.
There was literally no way to acquire one for an affordable or even reasonable price.
@fbueckert My point was that if that's how the company wants to market it... tough... you're not entitled to the movie, the company is selling a product, and they get to choose how that's carried out.
@GnomeSlice Yes. And that's how companies go bankrupt.
By not giving consumers what they want.
The only good part of Avatar was the 3D. It's a mediocre movie otherwise
That's literally the point of consumerism.
@MarkTrapp I rather liked it.
@fbueckert ...So? That doesn't entitle you to steal it either, lol.
@GnomeSlice I've never said it did.
@GnomeSlice I bet you liked the Phantom Menace, too
@MarkTrapp Actually, yes.
Case in point!
But if someone has money ready, is going to buy it, and find out that it's actually impossible to buy, do you really think that not being to buy it legally is going to stop them?
@fbueckert Evidently not.
@GnomeSlice Think resonably, dude.
@MarkTrapp Maybe you're just a hipster, and don't like it because everyone else did.
I have money. I want to buy.
Company tells me the only way to do it is to buy this stupidly expensive TV.
@GnomeSlice Or maybe Occam's razor is in play and you just like bad movies.
@fbueckert Don't buy.
I don't want the TV. I just want the movie.
Company tells me you're SOL.
The product is out there.
@MarkTrapp It's true, I like many movies other people say are bad.
It exists.
But you can't buy it on it's own, due to corporate greed.
@Mark You do realise you don't like starwars 1-3 because you were too hyped up after seeing 6.
That person isn't going to go, "Oh, alright, I'll just wait until I can buy it on it's own."
He's gonna go, "Screw that noise. I tried to buy it on it's own, I couldn't. Time to pirate."
The Phantom Menace is probably my favourite star wars film, to be honest. The Pod Racing scene was really cool.
@RonanForman I'm so glad you know why I don't like things: I'm not able to form my opinions or reasons for not liking things.
@fbueckert This is where I disagree, I guess. But to each his own.
@Mark I meant proably, that's the reason most people don't like it.
Your milage may vary.
@GnomeSlice You really should watch the Plinkett review of Episode 1.
You're clearly enjoying the wrong things.
@Wipqozn Dunno who that is, but I'm not really interested anyway.
I just don't have a problem with episodes 1-3 like every other nerd seems to.
I like all of them. =]
@GnomeSlice I sent it to you before, but you closed it within a minute since the guy sounded like an asshole (which he is). It's the review which is an hour long.
@RonanForman I don't like it because the story goes nowhere, the characters are one-dimensional paper dolls, it needlessly retcons aspects of the original trilogy, and adds nothing to the series as a whole. It literally was a waste of 2.5 hours' time.
@Wipqozn Yeah. Also, because I couldn't stream it.
But mostly because I got the impression the entire video was one of those whiners complaining about the film for an hour.
And to be honest, I don't really care what he thought about it.
@Wipqozn Can you pin something for me?
@MarkTrapp Pod Racing!
@RonanForman Yes.
In fact, I could do you one better.
I love Jar Jar Binks
You guys are making me want to watch it again.
...Judging from the star, I'm guessing you guys don't love Jar Jar Binks.
@Wipqozn I still can't pin on mobile.
@GnomeSlice If I wanted to listen to a 7 year old scream for 15 minutes in a Power Wheels car, I'll go visit my cousin's kid.
@RonanForman oh, well then.
okay, so what do you want me to pin?
@MarkTrapp lolololololo
Have a star, that made me laugh
We have a TF2 server running MvM at gameon.stackgaming.com (password: arqanoid). Invite your friends! Beat the queues! Punch some robots!
@Wipqozn That.
@RonanForman Oh snap. I'll need to play that.
Pow pow Power Wheels
Man, Kerbals walk REALLY slowly...
@Wipqozn And now you can, with no 50 minute wait!
I should jump on now.
I still haven't played MvM.
Men vs Machines?
I have that on iOS.
@Wipqozn It's not in the matchmaking queue so you won't have much fun on that server.
Hmm, there really is an iOS game with that name
@YiJiang Yeah, there is.
Pretty good dual stick shooter.
But you can't buy some of the stuff without spending a shitload of real money. Unless you get what happened to me where the 'watch this trailer for 1 ___' thing messes up so you can just keep pressing it and earning whatever the premium currency is.
I hate 'freemium' games, but I love dual stick shooters so...
@RonanForman It's not responding either.
Really? Dammit!
Estimated wait time fo 22 minutes? Fuck that.
The server needs restarting but I can't work out how.
I'll sort it out in the morning.
@James If you're around can you type sm_map MvM_coaltown into the tf2 server.
@RonanForman I actually have no idea what you are talking about
SSH to the server, resume the screen called tf2 and type in that.
I can handle the SSH part
How do I do the rest? :)
Erm no..
Screen -r tf2
One second.. reformatted computer... does it even have Putty...
I'd do it myself, but there aren't any ssh apps for iPods.
It can wait until tomorrow.
How do I break out of the screen once I am done?
Map not found
Maybe you shouldn't capitalise the m's
@RonanForman Yup, done and done (found the map on the drive and saw it was all lowercase :))
Cool, has it stopped telling you it'll restart on map change?

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