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Maybe, maybe not
for whatever reason these videos won't buffer
So a pet build for Witch Doctors is now going to be viable.
That's good; I wanted to try that.
Blizzard needs to take the D3 graphics engine, remake D2 in it (with the same skill system, enemies, loot, etc), and then roll around in all their money
@Sterno I dunno; I kinda like the systems in D3.
I finally found my first legendary yesterday.
Wow. You never even found the crappy legendaries before?
oh god
@Sterno Nope
somehow I ended up watching bill o'reilly
the fact that guy hasn't been assassinated makes me sick
@pixel He's looking out for the folks
Turned out to be a set item, too. So, that was cool.
@Sterno Are you being serious?
@pixel I was going to play along, but that one was over the line.
@pixel No. I'm just quoting him.
@Sterno guy makes my skin crawl, such a pathological liar
and it's not over the line, his 'debate' strategy is discuss until you've got an opinion against me, then shout over you until nobody can hear you, if all else fails lie to make you look like a terrorist
@pixel You've just described almost every single politician or political commentator!
@pixel You're right. I'm wrong. Killing someone who is argumentative is totally reasonable. :)
I don't want to argue about it!
its a good job I'm not world leader
puts on bulletproof vest
I'm in the wrong job anyway
@pixel This always ruins my day.
I totally need to become a trained assassin
@Sterno One of the videos I watched was a discussion about how everybody in Afghanistan deserves to die because they're all terrorists
killing off one close minded dick is better than persecuting a country where the majority is innocent
@pixel I'm pretty sure Bill O'Reilly isn't in charge of the military.
@pixel Becoming a trained assassin requires focus and patience. Two things you are not very good with.
@fbueckert hey I can focus when there is a reason to you know
@pixel Like your job, perhaps?
Though I wouldn't be opposed to him getting up there on the front line.
@fbueckert I have no reason to focus at my job, I can autopilot 99% of it
Along with Olbermann, Matthews, Hannity, etc
@pixel That usually means you should be moving on, looking for bigger and better, not snoring your way through it.
@fbueckert yeah, I'm 19, I haven't decided what I want to do with my life
@fbueckert Unless it pays awesome. Then rake in that cash!
and yeah I make 27k/year
which is about 11k more than any of my friends
27k what?
@Sterno A friend of mine told me about a job yesterday that pays 150K/year. Apparently, they're looking for someone like me.
@pixel Not bad for a lazy job!
Or any job for that matter!
hey it may seem like lazy, but when anything actually goes wrong I put in infinite hours until it's fixed
Infinite hours is a lot of hours.
I've only had to do it once, 30 hour day due to development tardiness and terrible implementation
management like that kind of thing
In fact, by that metric, you're paid effectively $0 per hour.
yeah, salaries ftw
phone in sick -> still get paid
@pixel go on holiday -> still get paid
@pixel turn up late, leave early -> still get paid
(on occasion)
in Denmark you need to "save up" for holiday, and since i had no work last year i got nothing saved up, so no pay if i use my holiday
yep, I was a full hour late for work this morning due to not waking up
I will still be going home on time
nobody will say a word
@Blem That sucks. Normally holiday is pro-rata'd here for your first partial year.
@pixel I left at 4 yesterday to do some errands. I am leaving at 5 today (having got in at 11).
I get 25 days a year paid holiday, plus we don't work christmas or bank holidays
@QAdley it use to be like that, but new rules because of the state of the economy
@pixel Ditto.
@QAdley Canada usually has the same as Denmark; but depending on your company, you can still get paid holidays.
My current company went, "Eh. You just started. Here's two weeks."
and I can work from home as I deem fit
@Blem Startup, I have no boss, and no time-commitments, as long as the job gets done :-)
provided I'm not working on something that requires me to communicate with others
@pixel I prefer cafes, but yeah
@pixel 5 weeks holidays? I need that.
I prefer sitting at home smoking a huge joint
but cafes work too
and now we have lync I could probably never turn up to the office again except for meetings
@fbueckert plus bank holidays takes it up to 7.
well if i get fired i still have the holiday that ia have saved up this year that i can use next year even if i got no job i can go on holiday and get paied
but since I live across the road I don't see the point
@QAdley Geez. Only having to work 10 out of the 12 months? Sounds like school all over again.
@pixel Ha, not bad. I have to cycle 3 miles to get to our 'office', although we work from different places.
@Blem Oh, vacations are a government thing?
I chose this house specifically for its location
@fbueckert I miss being a student. More of the year was holiday than term time (24 weeks)
I miss being at school
Canada requires the company to provide a minimum of two weeks paid vacation per year.
two weeks lol
@pixel I kinda miss it. Still involved with my old college though (bit of teaching) so still get many of the perks (but not the holiday :-()
@pixel Capitalism at work!
I wouldn't accept a job with less than 25 days of holiday + bank holidays off
@fbueckert yes, when you have a job yoru employer has to pay a % of your pay to the goverment so the goverment can pay for your vacation the next year (the % is on top of your salary not deducted iirc)
We also get to negotiate a whole lot more; at least, if you're not unionized.
@pixel Holiday is important. I just don't understand the US mindset of 'if you take holidays, you're costing the comany money'
@QAdley That's because it IS costing the company money. :P
In fairness, I don't get most of the things that happen in America
@pixel I think that is law in Denmark, so not a problem here
don't people realise that taking time off (within reason) improves performance?
@fbueckert wrong: working 52 weeks out of the year is costing the company money, you work a lot better with proper breaks
@pixel That's proper thinking!
@fbueckert A happy, rested employee will do more work than a tired disgruntled one
Companies here basically see it as: "We're paying him to sit on his ass and do nothing."
Why do you think Valve take all their employees on a company holiday?
@QAdley Yeah, but that's not corporations think.
@pixel TBH that sounds awful
ANY work is better than NO work, to them.
The point of holiday is to get away
Not according to the people at valve it isn't
@fbueckert fundamentally flawed
@pixel Their ecosystem sounds fascinating, but I don't think it'd suit me. I like some aspects though.
@pixel Valve is an anomaly in the corporate culture.
I would classify 'drop <importantfinancialdatabase>;' as work, run by accident of course, due to lack of sleep, and being at work every day for the last 52 weeks
You think that's bad? Try the Japanese corporation system.
Even from high school, the whole point of life is to work until you drop.
Like Google here in the UK (and I presume elsewhere). The office is amazing - it's a mini-paradise, but your life becomes a Google life. You work/eat/socialize etc. all within the Google ecosystem.
The point of my life is to avoid doing as much work as possible
Not for me.
the way valve works intrigues me greatly
@pixel There's something to be said about doing something to better the world.
Even if it's just your little niche.
@pixel It clearly works, but it puts a limit on the size of the company (not that that's a bad thing)
@pixel Find a job that doesn't feel like work is your solution
I've tried being a pro gamer, I got bored of sitting down so much
@QAdley My dream job is being a mad scientist.
@fbueckert Learning science is the easy part
Give me a lab, a budget, and let me go.
@fbueckert My housemate does that. It's a lot of work!
Although he made a major discovery the other day so it seems to have paid off!
I might have killed my test environment :/ damn fridays
@QAdley Clarification: electronics lab; me and chemistry would just result in lots of explosions.
But I've got so many cool ideas rattling around I want to work on.
@fbueckert He's a biochemist. He 'plays God'.
@Blem Gotta love when that happens. At least it didn't happen in production.
@fbueckert Do it then!
If money's an issue, just get Kickstarter to give you some of their free internet money.
I like explosions
I think I'm still going to go with assassin though
@QAdley The motivation isn't there, currently; the last job killed all my extra motivation to work on stuff in my spare time.
It's slowly coming back, though.
@pixel This from the person who got tired of sitting so much.
@fbueckert That is one thing I don't like about coding all day: I rarely do it in my free time any more
@Wipqozn It survived! but it was taking a long time
Hi @MarcoCeppi
@Blem It just feels like a long time because it's Friday afternoon
@QAdley I don't mind coding on cool stuff in my spare time; but I've told you guys horror stories about my last job.
Speaking of, it may be time for another.
@fbueckert Oh yes
@fbueckert I'm listening
This one is sort of related; it deals with on-call support for them.
@fbueckert yeah I hate sitting still
could be, for some reason the people who have made this system though it was a good idea to have it load all data in to memory and do sorting/calculations etc there rather than make some sql calls that limits the data, so takes forever to test modifications to the old code
The company provided cell phones to the IT guys for on-call support.
The assumption at that point was basically, "We've given you a cell phone. That means you now provide on-call support 24/7. Oh, and we're not going to pay you any extra, either."
I love it when companies do that
So, by the time I got hired, IT got called for basically the most INANE things, even if they weren't our responsibilities.
This happened because during off hours, the operations manager would not answer his cell phone, even though it was his responsibility.
@fbueckert Call forwarding?
So, since IT always answered, we got to deal with everything in the off answers.
All employs in my company gets cellphones (even the student workers) and the mandatory signature on emails has you company cell phone number, great when the customer spots the phone number and calls you >.<
Q: Assassin's Creed Cheats/Console Commands?

desaivvDoes Assassins's Creed : Revelations have some cheat or console access to enable console commands? In my search I found this site. How do I employ it in the game? According to the site Infinite Ammunition: Get 100% Sync in DNA Sequence 7. How do I get it? And what is 100% Sync in DNA? I am a...

@QAdley Didn't matter; operations manager just didn't pick up.
@fbueckert So? Not your problem :-P
We'd have to deal with such fun problems as, "The call center is too cold!", or "We don't have enough people to answer the phones, and our manager isn't answering!"
@QAdley Did I mention this was Useless Office Politics Guy?
@fbueckert Since you can't deal with such problems, just ignore?
@fbueckert No, but does it make a difference?
@QAdley We still had to answer the phones.
And that would interrupt whatever we were in the middle of.
Such as sleeping.
@fbueckert Pay someone in India to decline calls for you?
@QAdley Am I telling a story, or detailing a current problem? :P
@fbueckert Sorry, carry on
Yeah, so, apparently, this carried over to the managers as well; if there was a problem, and they were working on something, they'd call us to help them fix it.
Didn't matter if it was the weekend or the evening; if they had a problem, we had to help.
We were launching a new campaign on New Year's Day, of all the inane, stupid, moronic times to launch one.
my department was called Servicecenter (we service outside customers), and we have an emal alias called Servicecenter.All, because of that we some times get emails requesting more printing paper and stuff like that >.<
And Useless Office Politics Guy decided today was a good day to do it.
Now, he hadn't been paying ANY attention to the state of the campaign development to this point.
So, when I still had a programmer partner, she got no less than two dozen calls from him on that day ALONE.
Due to him not understanding how it worked, and him not reading his emails properly to learn how.
This was just the straw on the camel's back; leading up to the launch, she had gotten called more and more often.
It was so bad, she'd stress out as soon as she heard the phone ring.
@fbueckert I know what that feels like
Because our job wasn't just programming, it was IT jack-of-all-trades. So we'd get called about a single computer not working in the call center, even when there were extras to use.
After New Year's Day, she turned in her cell phone because she just couldn't cope with it anymore.
And honestly, after getting two dozen calls from the same guy because he's a moron would've done it for me, too.
At this point, I wasn't on the on-call list due to being a junior programmer, and I had made it quite clear I wasn't going to do it if they didn't pay me for it.
So, she turns in her cell phone, and a couple days later, goes on stress leave, leaving me to hold down the fort completely.
So, before they have a chance to dump the cell phone on me with the same assumptions, I tell my boss exactly what it would take for me to be on-call.
It involved getting paid respectably for doing on-call work.
All I got out of him was, "The CEO will never go for that."
So, I told him I wasn't going to do on-call work.
I forgot to mention; we were launching this campaign in the middle of moving our office to another floor.
@fbueckert >.<
screw this guys, im going home
So, not only were we doing our regular IT stuff, but we were developing a new campaign, AND getting everything ready to move the company, too.
And this was a 24/7 call center, so we weren't allowed to have ANY downtime. At all.
@QAdley lol
@fbueckert If you try and move your servers from one floor to another, you're gonna have some downtime.
So, since the other programmer had also been organizing and doing everything else we needed to do to get the space ready (we had a couple grunts to help us with the simple stuff, mostly because they were gaining experience without getting paid for it)
When she went of stress leave, that got left in the air.
I took it over, because the only other person in Technical had made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with it.
A couple days later, I get a call from work during off hours.
I find out the call center had been given my cell number without my authorization.
When I confronted my boss about it, all he said was, "Well, you're doing what the other programmer did, so we need to get a hold of you just like we did her."
He was of the opinion that I should be lucky that I kept my job, after telling him I wasn't going to do on-call work.
The one time I've been phoned up out of hours by somebody from my work I said hello, found out who it was, and then hung up
There's a side story to that, as well, but I'll leave it at that. That's how entitled management thinking was.
This was at the 1.5 year mark into the job, and he'd already turned down a raise entirely.
This is a long story.
@RonanForman I'm ending it here for now.
Just to keep it short.
@fbueckert Not getting a deserved raise would make me immediately start seeking out other employers.
And I have work that needs to get done. :P
If you don't value me for what I do, I'll go somewhere else that does.
I actually lost my last job over sticking to my principles over being asked to do work outside of hours
@StrixVaria I had been looking already for quite some time; but it was hard to find another job at the time, as this was literally my first programming job.
I think it was the threat to contact the police and report my manager as sexually harrasing me out of hours that did it
for repeatedly spamming my personal mobile phone with random requests to do more work for free
I got an actually amazing reference out of that job by the time I had finished with them
@pixel I'll work a couple hours outside normal hours if the shit really hits the fan, but that's it. If they start expecting me to continually put in overtime, they can shove it.
But I had a mortgage to pay, so I had to have a job.
@StrixVaria when I started my last job (was my first job) it was specifically set hours, within the first 6 months they wanted me to have a phone so I could be contactable outside of work hours but didn't see it fit to pay a 17 year old for working on call
Someone remind to to continue this story tomorrow or something; I don't work, so I can continue it without interruption.
Resorting to calling my personal phone to try and work around me turning down a company phone without a payrise is harrasment, they have no dealings calling me outside of work hours
The conversation on the Monday afterwards resulted in a summary dismissal, which got turned around into my boss calling me a little girl and flirting with me and how I was happy to completely destroy his life and the company if they didn't give me proper severance pay and a reference
so I got 3 months of pay to sit at home
@pixel I would've gone bonkers within two weeks.
There's only so much lazing about I can stake before I go stir-crazy.
@fbueckert I obviously didn't sit at home, I hate sitting unless I'm immersed in something
I actually moved house, found myself this job
@pixel Who do you work for, if you don't mind me asking?
I don't mind you asking but won't answer
@pixel Haha, ok
We have big contracts with people like the austrailian navy, NATO, NHS, Disney etc
and write software that manages employee distribution throughout an organisational structure
and their pay, which is where most of this company's support calls come from
but as the company only has 200 employees, and 4 locations, telling you the name of it narrows down my geographical location far too much for me to announce it on the internet :)
@pixel Fair enough!
woo home \o/
@James Can you hop on steam, I need the password for the server again.
Q: Managing keybinds for different characters + specs

imaginativeI have a bunch of different characters and different specs that I play WoW with. I have a very difficult time finding an add-on that lets me manage all of my keybinds across these characters. I tried one called keyboard profiler, but it does a fairly terrible job at saving the keybinds. when I re...

Q: How do I get past this puzzle in the City of the Dead?

KlokworkkI'm stuck on a puzzle in the City of the Dead. There is a lever in the middle of the room, to the left (if you're looking at the lever and standing in the back of the room) is a gap and a switch on the wall, to the right is a gate and a movable block behind it, and there is a large gate in front ...

Found two legendaries last night (and my partner found a third). Hopefully that doesn't jinx my luck for when the good ones come out in two weeks.
@bwarner Did you let them stay unidentified?
@MadScientist Heh, no. I'm not into unid'd trading. I'm strictly an auction house guy.
@bwarner As far as I heard unidentified legendaries will roll with the new rulse after the patch
One of them was a sub-level 60 gloves that were pretty much worthless. The other was the Natalya's crossbow, which isn't very good, but I was hoping someone might give me a couple hundred thousand for just to get the set bonus.
I heard Blizzard were exponentially increasing the drop rate to 100% over the next two weeks, before reducing it back down to 0.00000001%
@MadScientist Nope, not true.
" As a reminder, these changes will only affect Legendary items that drop after the release of patch 1.0.4. This includes items that haven’t been identified yet (as items are rolled when they drop)."
@MadScientist "unidentified" is aesthetic, item stats are generated on drop
@bwarner Seems I misread that part
@MadScientist Yeah, I did too, the first time I read it.
did you all know it's Friday today?
In related news, the AH suggestion thing that comes up when you first open it tipped me off to a nice legendary amulet for my barbarian which I was able to buy for just 150K. I think that's the first time I've used it successfully
you guys are such trolls starring that
@MadScientist It is worded kind of confusingly, the important part is the statement in parens.
I remember when that video was posted here in chat a while ago, caused quite a bit of drama with the spam/offensive flags
kickin' in the front seat! sittin' in the back seat!
@pixel You're a troll for posting it again in the first place.
@fbueckert lies, it's obvious what it is with the thumbnail
only the completely uninitiated would fall for it
partying partying yeah!
fun fun fun fun
Hmm, this doesn't sound good. "Battle.net Account Locked - Action Required"
I assume that means someone was trying to get into my account and got the password wrong too many times.
@bwarner Sounds like it was hacked
@bwarner Oh, dear.
Did you change your password after Blizz got hacked?
I changed my password right after the security issue, so hopefully they didn't successfully get access.
@bwarner I got a 403 forbidden - Too many attempts the day after they announced the breach.
I played last night, so whatever suspicious activity occurred must've been this morning. I was just trying to login to view my profile when I got that message.
tortoise swoosh
Q: How much gameplay does Portal provide?

wawaI've heard from many people that Portal is a great game, etc. But I have a few questions about the game: About how many hours of gameplay does it offer? Is there a point to playing it after winning? Is there a "freestyle" mode or other way to just mess around with the portal gun? Are there good...

This needs a new title.
@GnomeSlice If the question is basically the title, it needs a close. That's crazy subjective.
@fbueckert I agree, but there are a few parts in the question that are okay.
> Is there a "freestyle" mode or other way to just mess around with the portal gun?
Well, just the one, really.
The other three sub-questions are... pretty bad, to be honest.
About how many hours of gameplay does it offer?
Is there a point to playing it after winning?
Is there a "freestyle" mode or other way to just mess around with the portal gun?
Are there good mods or additional, community created levels?
Look at the accepted answer.
'yes there is a point to playing after winning' entirely depends on the player.
Voting to close as non-constructive
Close as dupe of:
Q: How can I tell how long (more or less) it will take me to complete a game?

enriqueinI'm going down my huge backlog of unplayed Steam games and I'm thinking the best way to tackle the list is to go through the shortest games first and then concentrate on the 20+ hour ones. I'm wondering if there's a website or something else that has an estimated amount of gameplay time for games...

@Sterno No, close as Not Constructive.
@GnomeSlice You may want to read this.
Although I see I'm still the only vote... Portal is a favourite around here, isn't it.
@GnomeSlice It's been, what? Ten minutes? Give it time.
@fbueckert asdasdasdasdasdasdadsads I'm impatient.
And don't forget to add a comment as to why you're voting to close it.
In case you haven't figured that out already.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I know. But I find your theory of, "Everybody likes Portal, so it's exempt from the rules" very distasteful.
@fbueckert Most people find me distasteful.
@GnomeSlice I sort of doubt that one. As you've seen, we've tried extremely hard to help you.
Usually it's the opposite of kerplunk. I start with no struts, or very few struts, then keep launching and adding struts until it doesn't asplode on the way up.

Think if it as "Reverse Russian Kerplunk." You're playing kerplunk backwards, and lives are at risk everytime you play!
Just like questions, we don't try to salvage people who are unsalvagable.
@fbueckert I think it's more because I refuse to go away :P
@GnomeSlice There's a difference between explaining what you just said is horribly, horribly wrong, and just straight up flagging what you said.
@fbueckert Huh. Yeah, this is what happened to me too. So I was right about the physics simulation slowing down for each additional part.
And someone else said what YOU did about the rocket being fundamentally flawed if you need that many.
@GnomeSlice Continue reading; there are suggestions on how to alleviate that.
We now have a TF2 server if anyone wants to play MvM without a half hour wait.
@GnomeSlice Exactly
@fbueckert I never said it wasn't, lol. I gave up on the giant rocket that I was working on.
@GnomeSlice I told you how many times that your rocket was too big? You just wouldn't believe me.
Anyways, you completed challenge 3. So here's Challenge #4:
Spin out a rocket into the same orbit as your other ones, except further out. It still needs to be circular.
I'm going away for two weeks beginning tomorrow, so I probably won't get that one done till I get back.
Then spin out another rocket, with the same orbit, with the apoapsis at the outer orbit, and the periapsis at the inner orbit.
@GnomeSlice You has laptop, no?
@fbueckert Not taking it with me.
@fbueckert What?
Oh, I get it
I wish there was a way to clear the debris at the end of my runway... it's always visible on the map.
@GnomeSlice ...Doesn't debris delete itself with the end of the flight?
@GnomeSlice Hopefully they'll add trucks to pick up your guys.
@fbueckert There's some debris from one crash I had that went into the water, and it's still there.
And when I start a new one it doesn't remove it.
@RonanForman lol
@GnomeSlice That sounds strange.
@GnomeSlice How else do they get back?
@fbueckert I think it's a bug.
@RonanForman gravity
@RonanForman There are Kerbals we're talking about; they have two states: Dead, and soon to be dead.
@GnomeSlice To the launch pad.
@RonanForman They don't, generally.
Sometimes they jump out on the launchpad though.
@GnomeSlice Well they should
That is, they get thrown out.
There really should be a kill counter to total up how many Kerbals you've murdered.
And the various methods of cockpit destruction.
35 kills due to planetary impact.
10 kills due to violent intersection with engine.
5 suffocated and lost in space.
@GnomeSlice @Sterno don't close at all? It's a bit borderline sure but three of the questions asked are valid
@pixel I say the reverse, only one is valid.
Lmao at 'interred'.
'Kerbin penetrating anomaly' (crash)
@pixel I was joking about closing as a dupe.
I'd say 2-4 and 1 could be answered with minor speculation since it's a short game
ye it has a close vote though
I had a big meta a long time ago about closing all "how long..." questions as a dupe of that one I linked.
@pixel That'd be me.
@Sterno It's not just a "how long..." question
But yeah, I find that question pretty borderline and wouldn't VTC (and it has nothing to do with it being Portal)
@GnomeSlice figures
@pixel I'm not sure why we're arguing about a question that I agree shouldn't be VTC'd. :)
I am not arguing
Though I do want to leave an answer stating that it provides 12 units of gameplay.
@Sterno How is a single unit of gameplay measured?
@Sterno the question quantifies the unit as 'hours'
@fbueckert I'm not sure, but there's a conversion rate to "fun units" too
12 elephants would be interesting as a measure of gameplay
Also 'frustration units'
My "VTC as dupe" comment went back to Gnome's comment that the question needed a new title
measure gameplay time in cakes - you've gotta have your sugar for gaming marathons
This is what happens when I don't use the reply button
@Sterno It actually was edited like 3 hours ago, and given a new title (the old one was 'is portal worth getting') which I didn't realize. The current one isn't very good either.
@pixel my combined portal playtime is zero cakes
@murgatroid99 why would you deprive yourself of playing Portal?!
@pixel I love portal, I just never got any cake
The title is bad. The question specifics ask for semi-specific, mostly-objective qualities of the game (what modes are there, etc)
I actually ate a flapjack after completing Portal
not really cake though
which brings it just this side of "okay" to me.
Plus, I have a hard time getting worked up about 2 year old questions
@Sterno I think the third sub-question is okay. That's it though.
@Sterno the title was edited by yx, but the title was worse before
@GnomeSlice I don't think #2 is bad. "Is there a point?" could be thought of as subjective maybe, but with the number of games that have bonus modes after you complete the "main" game, I see it more as a question of what content there is beyond the main campaign
not "will I have fun playing the same thing over and over again?"
@Sterno That's what it sounds like to me, but maybe it's just me.
And I don't like #1 either, but we've determined the "how long is x?" questions are okay on this site
@fbueckert Do you have any orbiting debris?
@GnomeSlice Probably; it doesn't show up on the tracking station, though.
Q: Question on Damage Calculation

TheGateKeeperI am following the formula in this video to try to learn how DPS is calculated in Diablo 3. I was wondering if anyone know where % increase to Damage fits in the equation? If I had to take a guess I would think it was in step 1, but want to make sure first. Thanks.

@Lazers ew, title
@Lazers Dupity dupe dupe.
@GnomeSlice that is clearly the best title ever

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