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@badp Uh, is MSO chat up for you?
@YiJiang no
http://chat.meta.stackoverflow.com is coming soon!
We're working on it; when chat is available for your site it will appear as a link in the header-bar of every page.

Pre-Release Access to chat.meta.stackoverflow.com

Very occasionally we invite a few users to preview systems to help us validate them; please don't be offended if you haven't been invited.

If you have been invited, please enter the pre-release password to try this site:
@badp Can you still remember the code?
Click the login button too, it brings back the top bar
Anyway, I suppose the MSO people can just camp here :P
@YiJiang Noooooooooo
@YiJiang gossipville isn't it
blames @RebeccaChernoff
blames @GraceNote
@TimStone Go spin the wheel!
The wheel of blame? What a wonderful idea. fills all spaces with @badp
Oh look. It's my second favourite scapegoat!
(The list goes @GraceNote @Mana @badp)
Hey Arda, nice to see you too.
@Mana I'm blue, no blame. stares
I thought beta came before production...
@badp I just blamed @GraceNote. And she has 9001x the immunity you have. I'm awesome like that.
(I'm kinda pissed off with other stuff. Don't try me too hard. Goes play a game.)
@badp Apologies, man.
@Mana You're welcome.
@DanGrossman We've entered Bizzaro world.
@TimStone Or maybe just Google world
Though to be fair they've never pulled a product back to beta
@YiJiang Well, they have, just not officially.
All for flooding MSO with our complaints say aye!
Look at that title even.
@ArdaXi Ahahaha! I can't live without that giant beta sticker there! It ain't Google if a product isn't in beta man!
:573530 Hit the return key prematurely
Or maybe it was intenti-
It's working now!
Oh, they've killed @YiJiang.
To silence him. :(
@TimStone Oh. Hm. Where were we?
Aaah, MSO is invading!
back to MSO
Oddly enough my internet went down for a few minutes there too, leading me to confirm my belief that StackExchange IS the internet for me
@Mana Thanks for the recommendation.
@Arda no problem bro
.@SecretofMana Ooh. Using superior intelligence to malicious and antisocial ends. That's my kind of guy.
Whoa, I just got a 404 error following a question link from Gaming's front page.
Q: Where does the concept of "Mana" as a resource come from?

Raven DreamerIn today's field of gaming, the humble mana bar has become nearly as widespread as the health bar. Everywhere from MMOs to flash games, to traditional turn-based RPGs, Mana exists as a finite consumable resource (often a blue bar) used to cast spells and/or abilities. And yet, the biblical defin...

Doesn't look deleted...
@Powerlord I think the site might have been briefly down, I couldn't load the front page at around the same time you sent that
@ArdaXi Dere side. ♪
@GraceNote I meant the "my kind of guy" literally.
As in, the kind of guy I am.
Time to update an old answer.
@ArdaXi gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaming is a cool site.
@GraceNote So, no it isn't. I mean, I put the anti-social in there intentionally.
@TimStone Booooooowel Mooooovemeeeeeeent. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww...
I think you went too far.
I don't even know where the hell you went, but it was too far.
@Tim My vooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowels are sneaky. They imply somethin-- punches YiJiang Imply something.
@Powerlord Is this still an issue?
@Mana Site promotion for the win!
@Mana Ouch, why did you...
@GraceNote I was able to view the question shortly afterwards.
@YiJiang It was between that or choking you. Don't worry, it happens to everyone sooner or later.
Hm... Tim Stone as the lazy girl from the neighboring city who wants to be productive but keeps finding herself wandering around in our town...
With blue streaks in her hair
@GraceNote I don't like where this is going...
And a notebook held tight in both hands, at waist level.
@ArdaXi He was a lot more enthusiastic about it than you were. And, especially, cooperative.
@GraceNote Well, maybe because he does have a dere side, unlike me.
@GraceNote That sounds about right. Although I oddly am productive despite all of that...at the sacrifice of sleep.
@Arda You definitely have a dere side, although not for girls. stares
@Mana Wait... what? No.
Hi five, @Mana!
I hate you guys! And @GraceNote!
@GraceNote @ArdaXi is just a spoilsport.
Ooh, awesome. Double-count.
yeeeeessss, hi-five. That's worth like at least 10 points in the dating sim rankings.
@GraceNote That's unfair, you have followers!
@badp: I find it funny that you purchased HL2: Ep2 without owning Ep1 first.
@TimStone I'm a spoilsport for not wanting character in a game based on me?
@ArdaXi That's no longer overly self-absorbed of you
@GraceNote I figured it was, but I'm only going on what you've told me.
@Powerlord My wishlist isn't casual, but it'd be ironic if I told you why (which means I won't)
@ArdaXi Perhaps.
@ArdaXi A fictional character in a fictional game, to be precise
How is that spoilt, in any way?
@badp What about a non-fictional character in a non-fictional game? jaw drop
wait no
that thing I just said
@Mana I am a non-fictional character in a non-fictional game.
that was a dumb thing to say facepalm
@ArdaXi A spoilsport is someone who ruins the fun. :P
@ArdaXi A dating sim is never about a single heroine
@GraceNote I rectified my mistake.
Ah, I see. I was on the phone, eheh
@TimStone Oh, right. I'm thinking too Dutch. Well, I didn't spoil anything, really. I just don't like attention. I show this by pretending to not like attention in order to pretend to like attention in order to show that I do not like attention.
I am a conflicted person.
Sounds conflicted.
Does it make you feel more or less uncomfortable to understand that this isn't actually a real game plan I'm developing, but just something to keep me entertained so that I don't lose my mind over the course of each waking day?
Well the idea of you losing your mind makes me slightly uncomfortable, yes
@GraceNote More. I always do that.
Except not with games.
oh wait I parsed that wrong
At any rate, in the future I might do artwork for this pseudo-game anyway. ♪
@GraceNote Do you program too though?
@ArdaXi Yes, my actual project is a platformer.
But I'm not programming a visual novel.
@GraceNote Ah, right. Which platform?
Developing a visual novel is a very long process and getting the story just right isn't currently my cup of tea.
Technically? The best controller I can think of for this project would be the N64 controller. I'm not even sure how, but it is. To actually answer, Computer.
@Mana That is a scary thought...what with all of those ninja powers.
@GraceNote Specifically? I meant language/framework/whatever.
@ArdaXi Oh. Um... there's... different parts for different points and the only thing I can remember off the top of my head is LUA for scripting.
I don't get that much time to code.
Which drives me nuts. A game idea without anything to be running tests on is a very annoying state to be in.
This doesn't feel as satisfying as it should :|
@GraceNote I do that with every coding project. I fill 10 pages of notes, and then when it comes to implementation I just get stuck at every single point
@badp Song?
sounds chill
@ArdaXi Well, I'm refusing to be stuck. It's still a wee bit frustrating, though.
also I realized yesterday just how long it takes to write code properly
like writing tests and documentation and stuff for an RPG engine in Java I'm working on shoots @Grace an angry look
@GraceNote When you're dealing with Javascript however, you get stuck often, on things you cannot necessarily fix yourself.
RPG has GAME right in it!
@ArdaXi I'm glad I'm not using JavaScript right now, then.
@GraceNote It's the only language I've ever been semi-successful in though.
It took like 10 hours just to get the basic framework all set up.
Hm... this is very relaxing. Ever since actually being elected, people are more open about their anger in my direction. ♪
But that's in Chrome-only stuff. If you try to do it cross-platform, it's much more annoying.
@Mana JavaDocs are a pain in the ass, yes.
@GraceNote Well, I've just had nothing to be negative about before. ;-)
@GraceNote Making them easier to smite, no doubt.
I am actually stuck on one bit, which is what the heroine of my game idea should... well pretty much everything about her.
So, why are we angry at Grace, anyway? I must have missed something
For mental sketches I've just been using Angie, but I'll have to move onto an actual model eventually.
@GraceNote That's why I don't do games. I'm not at all creative enough.
> "A super assassin idol who can sing, dance, and assassinate. She's pretty famous in the Netheruniverse, and her catch phrase is 'Are you prepared for your beautiful assassination?!' She's very optimistic and positive, but a little selfish."
19 mins ago, by Mana
@Arda You definitely have a dere side, although not for girls. stares
But hey, that's just me.
@ArdaXi I actually don't typically have this much trouble, as I'm actually very good at eschewing out the creative juices.
The great thing about this new project of mine, though, is that it isn't tied to any of my old ideas. I don't have to worry about making all of the pieces fit together.
@GraceNote Yeah, I'm not. That's why I only do programming. I can't do HTML/CSS either.
I just wonder what can be done in platformers that hasn't been done yet
The consequence is that I don't have any existing characters to work off of
@Grace I think Anime Jane Austen would make for a good platformer character.
There's gravity, stuff that kills you, running and jumping
@badp I've long since abandoned caring about that kind of thing.
Will it just ultimately be a variation of one or more games mashed together? I'm sure someone would find the right combination. But it's still its own game.
@Mana I'm not actually sure I get that reference.
I can see it now... "This is just Kirby meets Castlevania meets OoT meets Magicka! You're a hack!"
@Grace Not really a reference. Just an absolutely wonderful idea. She could run across levels in order to take down her arch-nemeses Anime Charles Dickens and Anime Fyodor Dostoyevsky in a tale spanning the many beautiful scenic environments of the Victorian literature era
Ah, I see, I see.
There's a new badge in town for those who flag very well.
You know what'd be cool? A game with a TAS/speedrun engine strapped onto it
The game is very easy to finish in real time, but it's full of glitches and stuff that make it challenging to speed run it either way; unlike many games however it gives you all the tools you need.
@badp You're obsessed with TAS aren't you?
Anyway, yeah, a game where the objective is to TAS as well as possible.
@badp Knowing my luck, if I tried to write a glitchy game I would make the perfect engine with no glitches.
I'd like one day to try and make one, but it'd have to be one of those less than 90 seconds run
or I'd abandon it
@badp There are normal games with speedrun measuring utilities built in. No TAS ones, though.
@GraceNote Including segmentation and the such?
(I've seen people talking about segmented speed runs, although it's usually one segment per level)
@badp Depends on the game.
Some record only by stage, others record full time including stage select.
Then there's Bunny Must Die, which gives you a +20 second penalty every time you use a save point.
No recording utility, but that was always a humorous catch considering there are time-based achievements.
@GraceNote If only 14 people on SO have this badge, it has to be pretty difficult to get
@GraceNote I guess records are open to abuse.
Unless you TAS that is, then you can just record input and all "abuse" is fair game.
@badp Eh, no more open to abuse than anything else. Other games do include recording utilities, like Rosenkreuzstilette.
So what stops people from fabricating them?
There is a fatal flaw in private betas
I just tried to submit the first question ever on that site, and I'm not allowed to create a new tag
But there don't exist any tags yet
@Fabian Not the first time, what site is it?
I was just proud to be the first one to submit a question, and now it does not work
That has to be an error, or? I thought the rep-requirements are lower on beta sites
@Mana I would just like to point out that Jane Austen died before Queen Victoria was even born. Thank you for your time. </buzzkill>
@MichaelMyers Any shame I might have felt from having my perfect concept destroyed is eliminated at the sight of your amazing name.
That is like a BORN FOR AMAZING THINGS name. Even if AMAZING THINGS is crushing my self-confidence.
@badp Nothing more than what stops people from fabricating replays of any other game.
@Fabian They had this problem on one of the other betas, but it hasn't been there for a while.
On private beta, it's 1 rep to create a tag, but you'd have 101 anyway.
@Grace I have 101, but still can't create tags
I was trying to say that it was a bug. I somehow missed using those words
@Mana I hardly know how to respond to that. :P
They just forgot to lower the rep barriers
@Michael It's okay, we're buddies now so responses are hardly necessary.
Not bros?
Also bros, thanks @Grace
Anytime. ♪
The odd thing is...What is my relation with Grace?! Can girls be bros too?
I'll have to think this one over.
What does the bro code say?
@Mana I think it's fine.
Okay, since I can never quite work out the blockquote formatting, I'll just copypaste this here:
Q: Can only dudes be Bros?
A: You don't need to be a guy to be somebody's Bro, provided you uphold the moral values contained within this sacred canon. When a women sets a guy up with her busty friend, she's acting as a Bro. And if she sets him up with other hot friends after he slept with the first one and never called her again, then shes officially his Bro.
Hahahaha, no.
tl; dr: Yes.
What did I just walk into?
@Michael A solid object?
Two guys walk into a bar. The third one ducks.
That is the most cryptic explanation of the behavior I have seen.
> The site has just now launched. You may try again now that it's live.
Gah. Twitter disappointed me.
@GraceNote The more confusing part is that it still does not work
@Fabian Did you try a hard refresh?
@Grace I logged out, but nobody has submitted any question yet, so I'm pretty sure the problem is not on my end
Suppose so
Now someone posted something
And I'm still not allowed to create tags
I just borrowed an inappropriate tag meanwhile ;-)
Is this supposed to cut half my name/info off?
Yes. You'd be cut just as well on other pages, too.
Actually, wrapping it around would look ugly.
The ones with 3 columns, specifically.

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