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@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow. That sucks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What are you waiting for?
@AshleyNunn The new Kairosoft game is quite fun so far. It's like they took Astro Story and focused on the fighting aspects.
Plus, army of expendable Kairobots to do my fighting is awesome.
@Strix for a support tech to call me back about Shit That Is Broke.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Should've brought a book or two.
@fbueckert Yeah I always bring books when I know my shit is going to break :P
Kindle app go.
Skyrim 50% off today on Steam
@StrixVaria Who said bring a book only in specific situations? I drag a book with me everywhere I go, specifically for stuff like this.
Gotta sit in the server room and wait for something to catch fire? Book. Gotta wait for fire department to show up and put out said fire? Book. Wait for bosses to flip out, yell at me for something not my fault? Book.
@Fbueckert I just use kindle app for unexpected reading time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Then why are you complaining about paid reading time? :P
It's like the best thing ever.
@fbueckert because it is hot and this car is kinda stuffy and I need coffffffeeeeeeeeeeeee
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do you have to stay in the car or in the vicinity?
'Cuz if you have to stay in the car, take it to the nearest coffee shop.
Also because, TBQH, I really want to get back to working normally I've been dealing with Broken Shit for months now and it was supposed to be fixed for good last week.
@fbueckert I have to keep it running.
And drive throughs are not an option because of 10 ft height clearance.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What's in the car that requires you to keep it running?
Also, holy crap 10 ft clearance? What are you driving!?
A Volkswagen Jetta.
...You get to play with lidar, and you're complaining?
The LIDAR is broken. I am sick of the Fucking LIDAR.
I want to smash the stupid spinning piece if shit.
Also I am not looking forward to having to stand on the bumper and require shit when they finally call me back. Hell on the ankles, that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Require shit? Or repair?
Lots s d lots of wires.
God my typing today is horrible.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yech. That doesn't sound like fun.
I blame the lack of coffee.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I now have a picture of you standing on a bumper with a crown hat and sceptar making demands of @OrigamiRobot and @Wipqozn to do your bidding.... @RonanForman Get on an image for this, and toss in an @Mana head some where :D
It's just tedious is all. "switch the cables of cameras 4 and 6. Oh, they're not labelled, you'll need up just keep unplugging them until you figure out which is which.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm getting some awful flashbacks from this show
@pixel Jesse remind you of yourself?
rofl no
I was always more controlled and literate than that :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz Any tech of mine who told me that would get smacked upside the head for not labelling it in the first place.
that paranoid escape from the house
oh noes they're going to throw grenades!
@pixel oh there's lots more of those. They get fun.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The first Tuco and Heisenberg meetup is awesome.
And shows Walt as being batshit insane.
I am a bit too stoned to deal with all of his coughing though
Fuck tear gas. Seriously. That shit is the fucking worst.
Q: Is there a way to reveal invisible characters in Awesomenauts?

GnoupiSome characters in Awesomenauts can become invisible. Is there a way to see them until they actually go out of stealth from their own decision? So far, the only way I see is to actually bump physically into one, because it blocks you. Is there a skill from one of the characters, or something to...

Yeah the Walt coughing all the time thing gets old but they thankfully tone UT down as time goes on.
If you've never been tear gassed you should be very happy about that fact. This has been a public service announcement.
never been enough of a trouble maker to get tear gassed
haha what?
@LessPop_MoreFizz If you've ever been tear gassed, what the hell were you doing?
@fbueckert Standing on a bumper dictating.. They needed to suppress him :/
I like Breaking Bad, but I hate the way that Walt is either an awesome liar or a terrible liar, depending on whichever the particular episode needs him to be.
@James That seems like a lot of work
@RonanForman Haha, Drat :)
@fbueckert Civil Disobedience.
Also, Yay! They called me back.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That must've been some civil disobedience if they hit you with tear gas.
@fbueckert not really. See: UC Davis pepper spray incident.
@fbueckert yeah. I like the Kairobots. Especially my kphone5 bot.
@AshleyNunn kphone5 bot? I just started, so I bet you're further than me already. :P
Haha i have been playing most of the morning :p
there's another kairogame out?
Yeah on android - kairobotica
@AshleyNunn stupid android
hey guys :)
Q: Xbox Arcade games. Can I play them on a PC?

user357320I've been waiting years (almost) for Shadow Complex to be ported to the PC or the iPad. Can I somehow play Xbox arcade games on my PC?

Q: What should be considered when creating videos for answers?

David BI've had some excellent answers where I was able to link to an existing Youtube video for supporting evidence. The upvoting has motivated me to (attempt to) create my own videos to bolster my answers. I've downloaded xfire and am able to record videos, but before I start linking them, a few que...

@James hey now, I quite like it :P
@spugsley heya
@spugsley When my brother gets back from the Airport I will have a DayZ video that I suspect you are behind
@James does it have something to do with goats?
@spugsley Yes
hence you being my prime suspect
@James if it is the torture of goats, I do not condone this behavior. Replace them with children and then we can talk
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I'm quite enjoying it, too.
Too bad my phone's almost dead.
@fbueckert I have my phone plugged into my laptop which is plugged into the wall :D So I can just keep playing :P
@AshleyNunn I'm at work and am supposed to be doing what I'm getting paid for. :P I just finished lunch.
@AshleyNunn Do you know what else you could do with your plugged in technologies?
@fbueckert haha, I am trying to finish my last paper of the term. :)
@GraceNote Buy for yak?
@GraceNote I may have some idea, but enlighten me. ;)
@fbueckert Buy for Yak.
Augh. This is not helping my resolve at ALL
I guarantee you that you're going to regret not getting this Yak if you choose not to Buy for Yak.
@AshleyNunn Hold out! There's no need for the Yak! It's just cute and cuddly.
@fbueckert but that is the PROBLEM. If it were not cute and cuddly then I could just be like psh no I dont want the ugly yak BUT IT IS SO CUTE
@AshleyNunn Think of the number of Kairosoft games you could buy with that same money!
@fbueckert Okay, see, -this- is helpful. Because I could get quite a few kairogames for that money.
@AshleyNunn Think of the YAK you would get if you Buy for Yak.
hmmm. fair point.
@AshleyNunn You have no willpower.
@fbueckert no, not really. ;P
Unless you plan to nosedive into concrete for the rest of your life, you're not going to be strapped for cash forever. You can buy more games later. You can't buy the Yak later.
@AshleyNunn Ok, then. swings pocketwatch in front of @AshleyNunn Buy for Yak. Buy for Yak.
Well, you probably could. But at, like, 8000% mark up from what you'd have to pay if you just got it now.
@GraceNote I got my two nieces some very soft cuddly teddy bears for Christmas last year. They love them to bits.
@fbueckert Sounds like you need to buy for 2 yaks.
@GraceNote This is true....
@AshleyNunn Or, y'know, find somebody who's already pre-ordered and doesn't want the yak.
Offer to buy the yak off of them for like $5.
@fbueckert The likelihood of me knowing someone who is buying the game and wouldn't want the omg cute yak is like....zero.
@AshleyNunn Clearly, you need more male gamer friends.
@fbueckert This is a true statement.
More gamer friends in general would be awesome.
@AshleyNunn Conventions are a great place for that. Anime and gaming tend to go hand in hand.
@fbueckert Yeah, I am hoping that I can scrape together money to attend some local stuff, like TCAF or AnimeNorth or Polaris at some point.
@AshleyNunn Ah, AnimeNorth. I was there a few years ago.
@fbueckert I can't think of any of my male gamer friends who would both preorder the game and not keep the Yak.
@fbueckert I've never been to a con at all :(
there's comiccon or something in Toronto soon
@GraceNote I can think of several. Especially if a girl wants to buy it from them.
@fbueckert Any of them wanna send me a yak? ;)
Note: I have several friends who are on the...socially inept side.
Most of the ones I can think of would just taunt their girlfriends or girl friends with the fact that he has it and she doesn't.
@AshleyNunn If I had a 3DS, I'd pre-order it to just give you the yak.
@GraceNote That's a fast way to not have a girlfriend. Or get one.
@fbueckert They find ways to get even.
@fbueckert See, you say that now because you don't have a 3DS. If you did, you would preorder it, and then be like OMG THIS YAK
@AshleyNunn Honestly, I have zero space for stuff like that.
@GraceNote Yeah, that would probably be what ended up happening to me.
@fbueckert For the past three systems I've come to own, I haven't let a silly thing like "Not owning the system in question" stop me from a splendid pre-order package.
I have figures still in their boxes because I have room for them.
@AshleyNunn Talk to me when it's a dragon.
I can find room for dragons. Plushie yaks...not so much. Except maybe as a future girlfriend bribe.
My room is cluttered with random awesome. I make room for things, and am good at artfully stacking things.
@fbueckert it would make a really good bribe.
@AshleyNunn Well, it's still a moot point. I don't pre-order games for consoles I don't own.
@AshleyNunn It looks like a horse much more than a bovine.
Maybe a sheep.
@UQAllulloo Either way, it is ten kinds of cute
@UQAllulloo See, don't you just want to snuggle it forever?
@UQAllulloo That's a horse-sheep.
I have no idea how anyone could call it a yak.
@AshleyNunn Then buy the horse-sheep?
@UQAllulloo but I have to preorder a game I don't really want for it.
Or be responsible and sensible. Up to you.
@UQAllulloo well, when you put it that way....
@AshleyNunn I can take it off your hands if you want someplace to put it.
@UQAllulloo Tempting.
@AshleyNunn So...pre-order a game for the yak, and then give the game away.
That sounds counter-intuitive.
Or just a really expensive yak.
@AshleyNunn btw, this is how I feel about Awesomnauts currently.
@UQAllulloo Oh?
Except I kind of want it too.
I ended up getting Quantum Conundrum last time this happened.
@AshleyNunn Hats!
Better than horse-sheep.
@UQAllulloo I am not so sure about that....
Do you actually strongly undesire the game, Ashley, or are you just figuring it's not as good as summat you already have played?
@GraceNote I find that a lot of the HM games are too concerned with complicated stuff - lots to do and micromanage, and that frustrates me. It takes too long and too much planning to get to the bits I like.
This is why I really wish that I could get a copy of HM64 for the wii or something.
@AshleyNunn Ah, so you are indeed guaranteed to not enjoy it by your predictions
@GraceNote Yeah - they keep adding new mechanics and stuff and I just get so stuck in trying to get EVERYTHING done that I get nothing done, and I get confused and sad and trade the game in.
^^ Reason why most people who play DayZ are giving up
@James bahahahahaha
@spugsley And I am pretty sure you are behind it!! :D
revenge for all the anti-goat talk :)
Hmmm Dishonored is up for presale on steam for 60... and buying it gives me further discounts on ID/Bethesda Games........ yes....yes I could get all New Vegas DLC for PENNIES. The perfect plan
@James don't mess with goats. They will fuck your shit up
@James I don't get it what's that video about? (besides goats)
Q: What are the Jungle Respawn Times?

HalfwarrIn League of Legends, what are the jungle monster re-spawn times. Also at what time do they initially appear?

Q: Minecraft skin script

user1572008Is there a way from the base of a minecraft skin it will show a 2d picture of it from all sides like planet minecraft does? If no one knows or can find a script like that then can there show me how to get each pixel of a image and place it somewhere else on a picture and put it together. With ja...

@RonanForman Hackers ruining the game.
It's gaining popularity, which makes it a hacking target.
Dishonored looks kind of cool.
@Sterno Your mom looks kind of cool.
@RonanForman Yeah what @Koviko said.. Hackers have discouraged most of the LPers from continuing to play
@Wipqozn My mom is a classy lady.
Has anyone played Arx Fatalis?
@Sterno I know.
@Sterno Sounds like something I'd like to.
@Sterno Oh, I thought that was coming out next year.
@Sterno ... my name!?
@James I've never understood the need to hack a game to win. You're no longer using your skill to win; you're cheating.
@fbueckert I already describe DayZ as a mindless gank-fest
The dumbasses who hack it are just on the higher end of asshole :)
@James And this is why I like to play multiplayer with other people in the same room. If they want to be jerks, I want to smack them upside the head.
@fbueckert Do you find you have a lot of leftover money and info points in kairobotica? Or am I just missing places I can spend them?
@AshleyNunn I'm less than a year in! I just finished Earth!
@fbueckert Haha fair enough :P
I am on year 4
@AshleyNunn If you have lots of money, upgrade more stuff
@fbueckert I have bought all the stuff that bearington construction has to offer. Unless you mean something else?
@AshleyNunn Items can increase your culture/fun stats. And the maintenance costs. If you have that much extra money, lower your total income by increasing maintenance and culture stats.
@fbueckert Fair enough, that's a good point :)
And go on more missions. Maybe add another factory so you can go on more missions with max Kairobots.
And with that, I'm out the door! Be back when I get home!
@WilliamHilsum @Wipqozn wasn't in chat, and your name auto-completes when I type @wi-<tab>. Therefore, when @Wipqozn isn't in chat, it, whatever it is, is your fault instead of his.
Pretty sure it's in the FAQ
@Sterno It's not, but they need to add it.
@Wipqozn People just need to look harder!
user image
@Sterno My zeus! It' right there... you were right
@Wipqozn clear as day
@Sterno How could I have ever missed that?
@Sterno you're definitely my hero
@Sterno even though you totally found every instance of me punching babies ever
A: What causes skulls to be dropped by enemies?

eansfuk ur ass bic boi, u a virgin ass eater who dosent have swag. <========================================================================================3 eat dat shit

@QAdley No swag? That's the worst!
@QAdley We probably don't really need to onebox these. :P
@StrixVaria My lack of swag is my greatest failing
@FAE If it didn't onebox, how would people know to flag?
Check out that website.
@StrixVaria I was gonna mention that...
@FAE Yeeeeah, I often wonder how that squeaks past the offensive chat flags - I suppose because it isn't one of us.
@QAdley Say something like "We need an offensive flag on this" and put it in a text link?
@StrixVaria He can't spell.
@FAE effort
@StrixVaria My eyes!
@FAE That would work. I know that I could get in trouble if these showed up on publicly visible monitors.
AAACK, My moderator flag message got encrypted before it was sent!
@AshleyNunn Also then it's not visible in backlog anymore either.
Now they will just see this: [scrambls}ceigm1v3o ☁⊟≼⋋∆⋙≎∰{]
Can I take a flag back?
@FAE This too.
This cloud symbol will probably come in handy. ☁
Not exactly sure why that exists.
@Sterno ... the Hell?
For some reason while writing this paper I have typed "capacitive touch" instead of "calculative trust" a whopping 10 times. :( Thank goodness for find and replace.
I don't know why that keeps happening.
@AshleyNunn Are you typing on a tablet?
Stay classy, trolls... stay class.
@RedRiderX Haha nope. :P Laptop.
Q: Minecraft - Does obsidian block sound?

marco-fisetSo I was slime-hunting because I heard the sound of a slime through the wall. I kept digging, following the sound of the slime, until I dug down to a lava pit, surrounded by some stone. I safely went down to the area, and the slime sound was getting louder and louder. The area was pretty small, a...

Maverick Rising had so many good remixes.
Did I miss talking about swag? #yolo
@MarkTrapp You sure did. I did too. =(
I missed my chance to post that.
This is so not an answer.
A: What determines how much XP I earn, and how can I earn more?

Bitchplasei like bitches :3 THEY HAZ BIG BUTTS AND I CAN NOT LIE YOUR SO BEAUTIFL yuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuae

@GnomeSlice Yeah, that's the same thing I posted.
@AshleyNunn Oh, my bad.
@Fluttershy ....I am confused as to why someone would create this, but delighted that it does exist.
There's two of them now! They're multiplying!
@QAdley If that's supposed to be a penis, not sure why it's pointed on the end.
Has he been sharpening it or something?
In case you flagged the first one and moved on, it posted another spam answer two minutes later
@MarkTrapp snorts Like tasteless crass amoebae
@MarkTrapp Destroy user
Okay, where have I heard the Beat Hazard theme before...
It sounds like Redshirt Theory.
Q: Does obsidian block sound?

marco-fisetSo I was slime-hunting because I heard the sound of a slime through the wall. I kept digging, following the sound of the slime, until I dug down to a lava pit, surrounded by some stone. I safely went down to the area, and the slime sound was getting louder and louder. The area was pretty small, a...

Hahahahaha I love that question!
Bam, 'Rattled Snake' by Redshirt Theory.
Q: How does Baron's hp scale during a game?

AlokI found out recently that Baron will increase in HP as the game progresses. What are the mechanics and amount of this hp boost? Are there other mobs that have varying stats thru the game, and by how much?

Q: Exp from Sizzling Summer Event

DisarIs the Exp from the sizzling summer event given to a random skill, or can we chose which skill the exp goes to?

I have not seen someone get fooled by the 'new' lava sound in a long time :D
Hell I think the last time I saw that happen was back in Ultra Hardcore season 0 for us :D
@Fredy51 digging towards a 'slime' and finding lava :)
Oh my God, this game is hurting my eyes.
Please stop posting this shit on Arqade. — GnomeSlice 7 mins ago
While I agree with that sentiment man, we do not need those kind of comments in the public eye.
Ello @pixel
@James This.
@GnomeSlice that's not constructive
If you say so.
I agree with you, but it doesn't change the fact
@GnomeSlice Especially since you're basically feeding the trolls.
@QAdley Is NovaSkin an in-game skin painter?
Guh, is there any way to tone down the flashy effects in beat hazard?
@QAdley Nevermind, it seems I clicked enough to finally get to a website that had the editor on it :)
@GnomeSlice Turn down the visual intensity. It'll affect your scoring though.
@GnomeSlice: Feeder of Trolls - that's a pretty badass title
@FAE What the fuck why!
@spugsley Stop feeding me.
I have never played a game before where the flashing visuals were so bad it was actually hard for me to look at it. This is a first for me.
@GnomeSlice Because the dev intends the visual intensity to be part of the challenge of the game apparently.
@FAE Ugh.
Q: How does Baron's hp scale during a game?

AlokI found out recently that Baron will increase in HP as the game progresses. What are the mechanics and amount of this hp boost? Are there other mobs that have varying stats thru the game, and by how much?

Given the comment on that... Is that something we like.... Do?
@FAE Silly devs... Making their games challenging...
@Fluttershy I usually don't play higher than the normal difficulty because it gets really hard to tell what's going on.
@FAE I don't even know what game you guys are talking about. I just wanted to feel included. >_>
@Fluttershy Regarding this comment, I don't really know how to approach this.
@Fluttershy Beat Hazard.
I am home. Finally.
I think I'm going to have a seizure.
@FAE I've never played it before. Also, neither do I... Which is why I am asking. >_>
I just tried 50%, and it was bearable.
Oh hey both the NYT and NPR ran pieces today on rampant sexism and harassment among gamers. Late to the party but happy to have them I guess?
@Fluttershy It's... flashy.
@FAE Your face is flashy.
@Fluttershy >_>
@FAE Just sayin', yo.
crashes through Baron Nasher
Just tried 300% visual intensity. I can't play this.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Late is a bit of an understatement...
It's so quiet in here tonight...
@GnomeSlice You'd know.
(Just kidding, you've come a long way and I'm proud of you.)
@Fluttershy Hi.
@Koviko Hullo.
@Fluttershy It feels like a Friday... but its not, so its leaving us depressed.. ಠ_ಠ
@James I'm off work tomorrow! =D
@Fluttershy ಠ_ಠ
Oh I have tried the Earth and Sonic dragon combo a few times now with no success
@James I've gotten 4.... <_____<
One was Quake/Air... The other 3 were Earth/Sonic.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...I was never sexist or harass...mental.
@GnomeSlice That is... up for debate.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...It most certainly is not.
I'm not going to have this argument with you right now, again.
@Fluttershy I reinstate my earlier remark of: Jerk! :D
@AshleyNunn There's something scary about a solid LINE of Kairobots.
@James When did you call me a jerk? D=
Holy shit does olympic basketball need a mercy rule
US Mens team just scored 146 points vs. Nigeria.
In a 40 minute game.
@Fluttershy When you said you got all those dragons last time :)
Oh yeah. ._.
This is still one of the most amazing mashups in history.
@GnomeSlice High-pitched singers complement dubstep and techno so well.
@Koviko You referring to La Roux or Britney?
@GnomeSlice Both?
@Koviko La Roux has an amazing voice, but I'd nail the shit out of Britney.
@GnomeSlice High pitched means not amazing....?
40 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...I was never sexist or harass...mental.
@Koviko Britney's voice isn't amazing like La Roux's.
@GnomeSlice So?
@Fluttershy Nice that someone is finally using the new LEGO set.
@Koviko So high pitched != not amazing.
@GnomeSlice I didn't say that, though...
1 min ago, by Koviko
@GnomeSlice High pitched means not amazing....?
Yes you did...
@GnomeSlice No, that's the opposite.
As a question, I was asking if you were implying that if someone's voice is high-pitched, it can't be amazing.
I thoguht you were asking me if high pitched meant not amazing
@Koviko Yes, exactly. And my answer is no.
It can be.
@GnomeSlice Right. THerefore, me saying that the high-pitched voices went well wasn't same as me saying that Britney's voice = La Roux's voice...
That's not what I said either.
Okay, I'm stopping this before it gets even more confusing.
La Roux's voice is incredible, and I would bang Britney. Is that more clear?
Today's (other) listening:

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