Aesthetically it has some Dark Souls vibe but I think that comparison is pretty misleading overall, because it doesn't handle like souls at all.
Like, stamina isn't used for attacks, there's no blocking, melee is seriously de-emphasized (and underdeveloped) while ranged clearly got all the attention, weapon mods replace spells, there are no corpse runs, all levels and most loot are randomly generated, and there are no corpse runs
I mean, you have the whole "resting at a bonfire refills your healing and respawns enemies" thing, but apart from that...
The thing with the difficulty curve is that all areas are scaled to your estimated power level (based on your weapons and armour) with a level floor for each level, except it scales based on the most heavily upgraded item you have for each slot
So if you have a +5 sniper rifle but you put it in your backpack to try out your new +2 sporebloom, it will still scale as if you had a +5 weapon
And if you put lots of upgrades into your weapons while neglecting your armour, enemies will scale up with that, so now you will hit comparatively harder but also die in one hit.
And you can't ignore upgrades because of the level floor.
So all it really does is (a) act as a sink for scrap (which is barely used otherwise) and iron (which isn't used at all) and (b) penalize you for wanting to experiment with different loadouts.
(it does mean you can briefly get ahead of the scaling by entering an area so that it generates, then leaving, upgrading your gear, and returning -- the area won't scale up further once you've visited it for the first time. But the next area will then scale up to match your upgraded gear.)
I actually found the difficulty to be pretty even, they did a good job with the tuning -- but they could have gotten the same result by fixing every zone at level 2 and removing weapon/armour upgrades as a mechanic entirely.