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Oh or until they are called back to the void by chance at the end of a season
Q: Where do I find the Givini smith to forge reshaped Varia's custom weapon?

korrasaur Problem being I can't seem to figure out where he went. I invested the requisite amount of PRoN to fund Givini Smithing, and now I have no idea where to look to find him to start finishing Varia's custom weaponry. Where do I go?

Q: how to check if a block is there and if so emit a redstone signal in Minecraft 1.12.2 vanilla

anomanousim trying to make it so a command block emits a redstone signal if a block is there. im trying to do this in Minecraft 1.12.2.

This is great. The King of England drank himself to death, his 14 year old heir can't hold the throne, and it immediately erupts into civil war.

I get invited in from one of the Liberty-minded Dukes, and while their huge armies duke it out (Hungary is also invading), I'm just moving from hold to hold sieging and looting in the name of "liberty".
It's like sanctioned raiding -- it's great!
Plus the lone retreating knights I can pick off get ransomed for 50+ gold each time!
@RavenDreamer 3 cheers for alcoholism!
I've made 300 gold in this war already.
I formed the Empire of Hispania tonight.
Not quite sure where to go from here, but I'm leaning towards trying to do a holy war for a southern kingdom.
Since right now my empire mind is currently divided, and that kingdom is the one dividing it.
After that I might try taking on France.
Q: Can you use editing macros in CREATIVE fortnite

darthvader1925I have been wondering if you could get banned using macros in CREATIVE fortnite? I know that you can be banned for using it in pubs but is it safe in creative?

Oh, wow. 75 year old Duke
Let's marry him to my half-sister.
> For security reasons, we try to change our Prime Minister every six months, and to never use the same Prime Minister on multiple websites.
that makes sense lol
Q: Dragon Age Inquisition: How does the mark of the rift work?

Richard CostelowI know it uses focus but I've never been able to use it since I've got it.I also don't see a focus bar anywhere on my screen.

@Unionhawk that was amazing and horrifying
@Unionhawk Does this guy have any more of these stories?
@RavenDreamer Another meta post about that was asked very recently
Not exactly the same question, but very closely related
Q: Why was this question's title reverted to be in the '[tag] - [question title]' format?

galacticninjaThis is regarding this question which is currently titled: MU online - are there accumulated benefits to raising stamina early in the game for high HP? I have previously changed the title of the question to 'Are there accumulated benefits to raising stamina early in the game for high HP?', removi...

It's not even a matter of silly titles, it's a matter of there being multiple games where that question is valid
1 hour later…
Q: Faith in Civilization 5: Campaign Edition (macOS)

XxxoI have the Civilization V: Campaign Edition for macOS. At a point (I think playing the scenarios of the game) I remember seeing Faith and religions. Though, I cannot find that in a set-up game. I looked a bit online, but it seems that I cannot find a clear guidance or answer for Faith in Civiliza...

actually though this was an ads for a new game for a second
2 hours later…
Q: How do you turn off a redstone torch?

DREADLORD XDAs seen in many videos, the redstone torch can be switched on: and off: (pic found in web) How do I achieve the second one?

1 hour later…
Oh snap. We're getting an announcement on book 9 of the expanse in 5 hours cc @ash
1 hour later…
@Wipqozn I still have to read listen to books 7 and 8.
@Wipqozn Whoa, that's pretty direct.
Actually, I have listened to book 7. I just thought for some reason it was book 6.
Anyone here still actively playing WoW? (@Nzall maybe?)
@Jutschge yeah, why?
Would you say it's worth it grinding for Pathfinder pt 2 until Shadowlands releases? Or would that take too long? (I have 0 reputation with both "new" factions)
I also kinda want to level some alts but that sucks without flying lol
Also I won't be super serious in terms of Hardcore Raiding or M+. It's mostly just prep for Shadowlands
@Jutschge If it's just the 2 new factions, that's reasonable. There's currently a double reputation event going on
so just do the dailies for the next 2 weeks in both zones and you should be really close
Hm okay. I guess that's about 1 hr a day?
Something like that
oh wait, that's Mechagon and Nazjatar faction, right?
@Nzall Yea
yeah, those have double rep too. When my brother did it back in April with the previous double rep event, I think he got to revered in 2 weeks
Though he did also have the WQ event, but WQs are less important for these 2 factions
Also are there any catch-up mechanics in terms of gear that get you on a decent ilvl? I'm full mythic uldir equipped but that's pretty much worthless... everything else has like twice as much HP as I do right now...
@Jutschge the biggest one is in the prepatch, when you can easily get normal Nya'lotha gear from drops and vendors
ilvl 100 gear, which is roughly equal to normal nya'lotha
but currently it's also perfectly possible to get 415 gear from just doing content in the new areas
A word of advice on Mechagon and Nazjatar reputation: you get additional rep every time you kill a rare or defeat a pet battle boss for the first time, so it's definitely worth it to try and get those
Hm okay. How clusterfucky is LFR/Normal rn? lots of wipes or not?
LFR is mostly fine, apart from a massive clusterfuck on the last 2 bosses unless you got a competent tank who knows the fight and is willing to take a leadership role
For reference: I've killed N'zoth on LFR ONCE. I was on my druid with near-heroic gear, as a tank, and lead our group through 9 wipes
Oof okay... that sounds somewhat shitty... I'm not really willing to learn Bosses in-depth for the remaining 2ish months of the expansion
Honestly, if you just want to kill N'zoth, by far the easiest is to buy a boost. A Heroic N'zoth kill costs around 50K
Eh I don't really care about the kills.. mostly about the gear
Do you have a lot of gold?
I wanna do world content for reputation as fast as possible
about 1 mil
because honestly, what I did was buy heroic boosts
Hmm maybe someone in my old guild can boost me
Is the raid doable in under 1 hour?
For a mythic guild
yeah, definitely
Ok hm maybe I'll do that
We won't have realm firsts next expansion... they decided to transfer to the same realm as Aversion ._.
oh wait, correction: if you're a really well organized group it's maybe doable in under an hour. But I think the average guild is more likely to take 1.5-2
It's 12 bosses in total
and there's a lot of trash
Hmm okay. Yeeah I just saw my old guild isn't really raiding seriously anymore
Maybe I'll just buy a boost...
Never though I'd say that lol
Q: MU Online - How to stack Sign of the Lord

TomaI read that it can be stacked up to 255, how do I do that? (normal server)

Unrelatedly, I'm a fan of some of the liveries in this pack I downloaded:
Not a lot of real US airline liveries but I'll take the ANA Pokemon 747 (though I do kind of just want a United 787)
(and I guess also a computer that can actually run this game without bad audio but that's ANOTHER ISSUE and COSTS REAL MONEY)
@Unionhawk ...That would be so expensive to paint.
Apparently ANA had 10 pokemon jets (there aren't any more in service as of 2016 when they repainted the last 777 with pokemon livery)
Awww. Evergreen has Hello Kitty liveries
The pack also has the cargolux mask livery which is cool since that's obviously new this year
technically the one in the sim is a 747-8i not an 8f but eh close enough
EVA Air, rather. The inside also have some Hello Kitty themed decorations and even meals smartertravel.com/…
@Jutschge Just be careful who you buy your boosts with. I'd recommend finding an established boosting community, like Sylvanas, Oblivion or Icecrown
And if you want to do it for gear, I'd recommend going with one or more VIP traders, which are effectively people who will trade you all the loot they can
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, it's very on the nose. That same chapter even has Bee telling Fitz about another dream about four wolves coming to their home, with malicious intent. There's more details, but it's clearly foreshadowing the end of book 1.
Currently Sylvanas is the cheapest by far, where they are like 40K cheaper
Q: When do I spin up my second stage?

fasterthanlightI designed an orbital rocket, with a liquid-fueled first stage, and a solid-fueled second stage. I want to have the second stage to be spin stabilized. Because the second stage will be still in the atmosphere when spin-up starts, I will have to activate the engine before spin-up ends. The Sepratr...

Q: Two monitors, but can't play and use the mouse at the same time on both screens

FoutriquetI have a problem. I just bought a monitor that i plugged to my gaming laptop. My problem is that i would like to play on one monitor with an Xbox controller, while using my external mouse on my second screen. The problem comes from the fact that the game recognizes the mouse, so even if i try to ...

@MBraedley 8 was really, really good. 7 was just okay.
2 hours later…
Q: how to have a entity follow you and when it touches a block it emits a redstone signal in Minecraft 1.12.2

anomanousim trying to have a armorstand follow you and when it goes on a pressure plate the plate emits a signal but it isint working. how do i fix this?

@MBraedley book 9 is called Leviathan Falls
I joined late, but it sounds like we're looking at a 2021 release, which was expected at this point.
okay yeah, 2021 release, no firmer date than that.
Sounds like they're planning a final novella to be published after book 9. Interesting!
I haven't read any of the novellas
lollolol I just realized that this entire 9 book series will have been released and finished in between book 5 and 6 of ASOIAF by GRRM
In anycase, the hype train is gearing up to be sure.
Hopefully it winds up being early 2021
Q: Can you turn into mobs in minecraft vanilla?

Mr. MinecraftSo, I recently watched a video of someone turning into a creeper, and I wonder if that’s a mod. I need as much answers as possible.

Q: OBS doesn't detect Capture Card audio

alexI just plugged in my USB capture card and I'm not getting any audio. Not just can't hear it, nothing even appears in it's Audio Mixer slider. I tried putting it's Audio Output Mode to "Output desktop audi" and "Capture audio only", neither worked. I went to the Advanced Audio Properties and went ...

yeah I should play this game
> I think I can eat this stress
> *You have gained a stress level*
> I was wrong
Today in WoW drama that actually gets a decent ending: A WoW streamer in a well-known guild said some bullshit about men being better at sports and esports than women because of some sort of genetics BS. he got suspended by his guild while they are looking into it, but the decent ending is that an hour ago, he joined in on a discussion on sexism to answer questions, explicitly say he was wrong and is trying to learn
lol all these "this is what automated twitch midroll ads will look like" videos are great
@Unionhawk Any streamer worth their salt will encourage their users to use an adblocker and instead donate a couple dozen bits every month since it'll be more than what they get from the ads
Yeah fwiu ads on twitch are awful for streamers
which is why most don't bother with them!
if they were worth any money sure people'd be hitting the "play 30 second ad" button more often
or ever
Like, based on a 2 USD / 1K ad impressions standard rate, the 4 ads from an hour of streaming are worth less than a single bit
Rock Paper Scissors MMO from sokpop
cool devs, lol. they have some weird shit
> 4+ hours of gameplay
I've actually played a few of their games. All really unique
just started a few min ago
Q: Data tag parsing failed: Trailing data found at: {Unbreakable:1}"<--[HERE]

senorminecraft/give @p minecraft:golden_sword 1 1 {Unbreakable:1}","predicate": {"damaged": 0, "damage": 0.030303030303030304}, "model": "item/droid/r5_head_rotr I'm trying to get this model to work but it keeps repeating that same error. How do I fix it?

lol how many five nights at freddy games are they going to make
demons sousl remake looks fantastic
oh good fortnite will be available
just what I wnated
I thiiink they just announced the sony version of gamepass?
Sounds like it sort of
November 12 & 17 release. $399 and $499 prices for digital vs physical. I think. those were the prices
@Wipqozn yep, prices as expected
400 EUR for a digital version is fine
Q: Gunpowder Fishing

Ryan FletcherWhile playing Sea of Thieves on a random crew, one of the players mentioned that you can use a gunpowder barrel to blow up a school of fish off the islands. Supposedly this will spawn in several fish that you can then pick up and add to your inventory. That being said I did some google searches f...

Also the potter game looks cool, but I don't think I want to give Rowling anymore money since it'll just help her in her quest to oppress trans people
For $100 savings I might finally go digital only
@Wipqozn note that digital only does prevent you from playing used games and trading in your games, which effectively counteracts all of that saving
@Nzall I don't do either of those things
I have one friend with whom we sometimes borrow games, but we'd also just be up for trading entire consoles if we went digital only.
@Wipqozn okay, non-PS Store discounts then. If you have a local game store which is trying to get rid of their last couple of copies for shelf space, they tend to go quite deep on discounts
@Nzall Again, doesn't really apply to me.
Like I understand the concept of "I won't be able to buy physical games" @Nzall, but thanks lol
Money is never the barrier to entry for me. It's always time.
@Wipqozn I haven't watched it yet but that already existed. They've started letting you download games from PS Now.
lol nextdoor has appointed me as a neighborhood mod for some reason
It's just nowhere near as good a library, and they've been unwillinging to put their big titles on there.
I don't get binding flags or anything but I do get votes on flagged content now
@Unionhawk Congratulations you're now a cop I guess?
for example someone flagged a post about here's information about absentee voting as disrespectful which that's a huge decline thanks for playing
@Wipqozn Speaking of time barriers, I'm two hours into the tutorial of CK3.
There's so much here but I'm still pretty hyped.
@RedRiderX yessss
I love how they needed to implement a stacking tooltip system to deliver all this information.
I wish I could more quickly navigate those tooltips sometimes though.
Oh hey it looks like demon souls remake is just also coming to pc?
The like one good reason to get a ps5?
CK3 looks interesting. i will probably pick it up when it goes on sale
@Unionhawk oh?
hopefully by that time ill have gotten through a bit more of my steam backlog
@Dragonrage I'm getting it on gamepass
Also night in the woods is on gamepass now
@Wipqozn see above
Exclusive *for now. also it's on pc too
@Wipqozn yeah, probably not. I might’ve gotten a bit further through AC Odyssey though. I’m about 40% done with it I think
Anyone have any good recommendations for Adult-themed RPGs
Similar to The Last Sovereign? Focused on quality/quantity of content over adult-themes
@yuritsuki adult-themed?
18+ stuff basically
ex. The Last Sovereign, which is probably the best RPGMaker game I've played in a long time, has a lot of adult content but is handled pretty maturely
If anything, it plays more like a novel-based version of Crusader Kings in a sense
Basically looking for RPGs that are more about the plot than they are about the plot
@yuritsuki Kamidori Alchemy Meister, Utawarerumono if you can find the original (have not played the remake which is all ages).
thinking of the former, most Eushully games i think are RPGs anyway, thought not all have been translated
Thanks! I'll take a look at those
@Unionhawk lmao apparently this was an error
I'm not sure how you make an error this big but here we are
@Unionhawk yeah just saw this lol
Makes so much more sense, since it being released anywhere else seemed really, really weird.
I feel bad. My son dueled his uncle, who then went on to die from his wound when it got infected.
Now my nephew's on the throne of that Duchy.
I have 2 child dukes at the moment.

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