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Q: Transferring an Xbox Live account to another Windows Live ID in relation to Games for Windows Live

CptSupermrktMy Xbox 360 Gamertag, cptsupermrkt, is registered with/attached to the Windows Live account, [email protected]. I bought Arkham City on the PC. To even play the game, I must register my copy of the game with a "LIVE profile." When I sign in with my [email protected], but ...

Yeah I take that back, don't think we're going to catch the lead group.
@spugsley Sir Samantha Pugsley, Knight of the Eighth Order of Albion. Bringer of Light and Peace.
@YiJiang You call her Bringer of Light and Peace? Man, you don't know her.
@OrigamiRobot you are such a butt
@OrigamiRobot I highlighted some shit in my fucking story that either needs to be reworked or taken out completely
@spugsley Then why are you doing it?
@Wipqozn because it's the only thing I'm good at :/
@spugsley I see.
@Wipqozn She secretly loves it.
@OrigamiRobot Just like she secretly wants to punch you
oh wait, that's not a secret at all
Also, proper title
Sir Samantha Pugsley, Puncher of Babies.
@Wipqozn can we add Hater of Gooby to my title?
@spugsley No.
and Placer of Scorpions?
@Wipqozn why THE FUCK would you do this!??!! Do you know what this means?!?!?!
@spugsley No idea, but I think I just trolled you.
@Wipqozn oh you poor, foolish turtle. You have no idea what I'm capable of when shown images of Gooby. No idea.
There you go.
@Wipqozn haha now you look like an ass
dammit, now I look like an ass
@spugsley That's because I am an ass.
@Wipqozn me too :/
@Ender yes that is the correct face to make when shown an image of Gooby. Good job
Why don't you two just make out already, jeez!
She's married.
@PatrickStalder Americans tend to use 'lowest common denominator' to convey this.
@OrigamiRobot ew, then I'd get cooties.
@Wipqozn and I'd have turtle spit in my mouth. Yuck
@spugsley tortoise*
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ok. Searching on the internet told me that this is a math thing :P Now I understand thanks.
@Wipqozn turtle**
@spugsley tortoise***
I just learned something about tortoises
@YiJiang I think he's just caught up in an older assumption based on The Old Days when video game consoles could only pump out resolutions well below native on most LCDs.
"Their feet are round and stumpy" - Thanks Google for teaching me that @Wipqozn has ugly feet
bloody hell
We can't even win the cycling.
@ThomasMcDonald yes that is the correct response when shown a picture of Gooby. Good job
@ThomasMcDonald I'm sure you'll win the tea drinking contest.
crashes through racism.
Damn CTV cant hold a decent video quality for more than 5 seconds.
@ThomasMcDonald Really, damn.
All of you british people out there, are the olympics destroying your life style? Like you cant get out of your house because a marathon passes on your street?
@Fredy31 Nope, it's only happening in London and Weymouth, I live near neither.
@Fredy31 You're the Martin Luthur King Jr. of The Bridge.
And how the hell am I Martin Luther King?
I'm not even black.
6 mins ago, by Fredy31
crashes through racism.
Oh yeah right.
Yay canada is winning in soccer!
For once!
A: Fifa 13: when will the demo be available to download?

ronnythe full game is out on the 28th of september in the uk and the demo always comes out 2 weeks before the release so you do the maths lol

Burn. it. with. fire. And when that question is in ashes, you have my permission to upvote all of mine.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was wondering the same thing, but he spells his name differently.
@Fredy31 something something batman quote
FYI, TSW is free to play next weekend, so you should all play it for free.
Borderlands complete is 7 bucks today. Dont know if I should buy
I know I'll join a game lvl 1, its gonna be full of OP level over 9000 and I'll be pissed.
@Fready31 7 bucks on what?
@Ender Disagree. Highly.
Borderlands -> Steam -> And you misspelled my name you...
@LessPop I'm just trollin, I love wow but know nothing about TSW so I actually have no place to say anything.
@Fredy31 I saw that sorry, Yay, I have steam and want borderlands. 7$? Sold.
Monthly fees were always a huge turn off for me.
@Fredy31 if you want we can play together, as I wont be over 9000 :)
I can't shake off the feeling that when I'm not playing, I'm throwing my money out the window.
@Fredy31 wait, were you referring to tsw or borderlands on the over 9000 thing?
TSW, WoW, TOR, etc.
ok, nm then. I thought uw anted to play borderlands
The other problem is that I dont know if my pc will run it ok. Its getting old.
The trailer for the movie adaptation Cloud Atlas looks amazing: flixist.com/trailer-cloud-atlas-211555.phtml
Yup, men's beach volley ball is not as great women's beach volley ball. Not even close.
@Fredy31 Get Guild Wars 2! =D
@Fredy31 Bikinis > speedos.
Unless the women's players want to wear only speedos.
@Fluttershy When is that coming out?
I got GW1, but I had dial-up at the time.
@Koviko August... 28th, I believe? One sec.
And couldn't get into it. :(
Should I try to play GW1 again before GW2 comes out?
@Koviko Some will say yes. Personally, I feel GW2 is a more stream-lined experience. I played during the most recent Beta weekend and loved it.
Also, yeah. August 28th
@Fluttershy Alright. I'll keep that in mind. :)
I did like the character creation screen. lol
The combat in Guild Wars 2 is a more engaging experience. It's less a "click and wait" and more of a "click and stay mobile or you will be destroyed" <_<
@Fluttershy August 25th if you pre-order.
There's no need to play GW1 before playing GW2.
@Fluttershy I wish MoP didn't look so awesome... I can't play 2 MMOs at the same time.
@Wipqozn Oh yeah. I forgot about the early access for pre-purchasers.
@Fluttershy Are you planning to buy at launch?
@Wipqozn Negative. I'd like to, but it's launching during the busiest time for me at work.
I'll be working 70-80 hours a week when it launches. x_x
@Fluttershy wait, you have a job now?
That's awesome. Thought you were still looking.
@Wipqozn Start on Monday and work until the end of October.
@Fluttershy brohoof
Okay, I need to head out folks. Talk to all later.
@Wipqozn brohoof I'm pretty excited. I should be able to save up enough money to get my own place in a bigger town, which means I'll have a better chance of finding a permanent job.
@Fluttershy Grats
They would refuse to believe that they hadn't bought a mac or ipod
when they showed up with their Vaio or Zune or whatever and asked for support
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thanks
No but seriously all of you should play TSW next weekend when ti is free because it is too much goddamned fun
In argument, you can get a free week of WoW whenever you want, not just when they SAY you can.
and thats much fun too
WoW stopped being fun for me several years ago. :(
asd ashd kashgdvuiasvduykasvdyugasvd a full night of sleep later and my eyelid is still twitching whyyyyyy
my eyelid twitchted for weeks. i didnt know why. I eventually changed my glasses and it stopped. I think my old pair was too scratched, although how that would cause my eyelid to twitch I do not know.
@Ender I don't have glasses.
@LessPop_MoreFizz nobody is perfect.
I used to have glasses. Then I got Lasik for free. =3
@Fluttershy the army is going to pay for mine :D
@Ender That is how I got mine for free! =D
@fluttershy epic. Uncle Sam FTW!
@Fluttershy whats an LP-er?
@Ender Someone who does Let's Plays on YouTube. =P
@Fluttershy Like me!
So basically... I wanna do stuff like this.
Screenshot LP's with commentary and audience control of major decisions are still the best LP's, sorry.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What?
For instance, reading LT. Dangers amazing NWN2 writeup and Mask of the Betrayer sequel/continuation is basically just as good or better than playing the game itself.'
@RonanForman Once upon a time, before LP videos, the original Let's Plays consisted of posted screenshots in a forum thread. Major decisions were often made by a vote of the posters in the thread. Often with hilarious or terrible suggestions winning the day.
Q: looking for old pyramid puzzle game (1995-1998?)

neuronAnyone have the name of an old pyramid puzzle game. You dug sand, and moved blocks. And then climbed out of a hole in the top. "Pyramid" is a bit of a broad search term, so I'm having a hard time finding it.

...Huh. I think I just found an upgrade. And I didn't have to buy it from the AH.
@fluttershy rickrollin ur profiler eh? clever.
The audience participation thing is less de rigeur, but screenshots + Text was The Way It Was Done for a very long time. and I still honestly prefer that format for a lot of LP's.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was actually considering doing something like that. Setting up some kind of voting system to let viewers decide what I did next.
@Ender =D
@Ender How so?
Nevermind. I figure if it can be done for sports then why not video games? delayed intelligence
@Ender Ah, yeah. People do live streams of video games they're playing all the time. =P I view LPs as more of a "I don't own this game, but would like to see it" kind of thing.
I guess. I never understood watching anybody do anything mostly. I want to do it, I dont want to 'watch you do it'
I'm the same way. But there are some things I can't do currently, so I watch others do it. =P Like LoL. I suck at PvP in League of Legends.. So I watch others play it and try and learn from them.
@Fluttershy I personally learned way more from playing with better people than watching them play. Direct "advice" ftw. :P
@Ender This is why I prefer SS LP's
It's less about me watching you play the game and more about "I am going to provide a lot of commentary about this game, and use screenshots to carry you through the narrative as I do so."
@LessPop_MoreFizz SS? oO
Alternately "I am going to superimpose my own narrative over the top of this game"
@PatrickStalder Screenshot.
55 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@RonanForman Once upon a time, before LP videos, the original Let's Plays consisted of posted screenshots in a forum thread. Major decisions were often made by a vote of the posters in the thread. Often with hilarious or terrible suggestions winning the day.
56 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
For instance, reading LT. Dangers amazing NWN2 writeup and Mask of the Betrayer sequel/continuation is basically just as good or better than playing the game itself.'
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ok I got it. I though you were speaking of somthing VERY different.
Seriously, the two Lt. Danger LP's of NWN2/Mask are basically the height of LP's as an exercise in games Criticism. (with a capital C to encourage the parallel to Literary Criticism and to divorce it from the more common usage of 'reviews'.)
Q: What exactly happens when you hit Level 15 playing a trial account?

palswimA previous question asked about XP at the level cap (level 15) for trial accounts. I would like to know, for the free-to-play trial accounts, what else, if anything, happens as well? Do storylines still progress? Can you continue visiting other planets? Can you buy/sell? etc. I know that you ...

I love it when the Wall Street Journal and the NY Times start sniping at each other.
Today: NYT reports that Apple is talking to Twitter about making a massive investment in the company.
WSJ Responds with this piece, essentially mocking the Times for reporting on a deal that fell through over a year ago.
@LessPop_MoreFizz A link to a link? What do you think I am, non lazy?
@OrigamiRobot No, I'm just bad at copypasting.
WSJ Responds with this piece, essentially mocking the Times for reporting on a deal that fell through over a year ago. (Fixt)
Nah, it's too late.
Aaah, I ended up on TVTropes somehow and now I can't stop reading
why wont skype let me buy borderlands?
it says i dont have permission to view that page...
@lesspop_morefizz any idea with this one or should i just post the question?
@Ender Why are you trying to buy borderlands from skype
cause i'm stupid. i meant steam
Sorry, but you're not permitted to view these materials at this time.
is the exact message i receive
i could easily post or google it but i hope maybe u just knew
@spugsley HULLO!
Your profile says you are in German, C/D?
yea im in germany at the moment
i'm stationed here, so... yea.
@Ender That's probably why.
Get an american to gift it to you and paypal them
ten bucks says that's the issue.
i entered my age wrong. it htought I was too young.
@Ender Derp derp derp.
Though, that said, after some quick googling, do make sure you aren't getting the german edition. It seems like it has some issues with DLC?
good to know
however now i'm having new issues because this payment form, like so many others, doesnt allow for service member APO addresses. Had to open a customer support ticket. Bah. I'm sick of people forgetting about those of us that get shot so they dont have to. -.-
@LessPop_moreFizz any idea as to how to NOT get the german version?
@Ender Get an American to buy it from a US IP address
A US credit card may be enough too, I'm not sure
Steam support should be helpful there.
@LessPop_Morefizz your not helping >.< I dont know any americans who aren't drug addicts or otherwise some sort of looser. These people have trouble keeping their phones on letalone having some sort of gaming pc with steam
I hope support can help
o wait
holy cow
Q: Easter Eggs/Hints in “Jewels of the Oracle”

SynetechIn Jewels of the Oracle (the first one), there is a file on the CD named JEWLHINT.MVB. I cannot figure out what it is used for because there do not seem to be a hint function for the game. There is a part in the file that mentions has the words MVBMP2 and Viewer in close proximity, but if that wa...

Q: WoW always re-downloads itself after every start

ShikiOkay, this is really annoying. This is a fresh copy of WoW, just downloaded it. Every time I restart the Launcher (e.g.: quit from game and start it again), it starts to download everything from the "Available" part. So, after every restart, I have 5.6gb to re-download. Not really convenient w...

Q: How make characters mayors,bishops and castle holders?

suksasI'm new and the few tutorial I checked didn't help me understand it,or even mentioned more then the fact that I can make them.

Q: What will happen if I as a count will give a vassal county?

suksasWill I loose the county like duke who gives an extra duchery?

Q: How much damage do zombies do?

OrigamiRobotOn average, how much damage does a hit from a zombie do? Are there any status effects that change how much the actual hit does?

Q: Mounting iso images to play on wine

reyquitoI would very much like to be able to mount iso images on my file system while getting wine to detect them as if they were real cd/dvd images inside the cd/dvd drive. As of this day I haven't been able to do it with Furious Iso Mount or GMountIso. This is an issue when trying to play a game on win...

@Fluttershy Do you think people would like this more, just raw gameplay without commentary or anything? youtube.com/watch?v=3_DWaW0zxlg
@LessPop_MoreFizz I read on Allthings D the other day that according to Samsung's internal memos, one of the main reasons people returned Samsung tablets at Best Buy was because they thought it was an iPad 2 when they bought it. I wouldn't find it hard to believe that salespeople at big box stores would say "Oh, this is just like a Mac" and mumble on the "just like a" part
@MarkTrapp Yup.
I worked at an Apple store for 5 years. We has people come in with Zunes or Sanyo things or whatever all the time thinking they were iPods.
Or even really bad chinese knockoff things that said MP4 in big letters
@LessPop_MoreFizz T_T I hate consumers
Hi peeps.
Who's French here?
@Fredy31 is French-canadian, which means he thinks it counts but nobody else does.
But I think that's as close as we get
Pft, she/he's not here.
Thank you anyway.
Q: How can I download and install Uranium for mine craft?

Patrick McElhaneyMy 11 year old son has gotten into Minecraft. He wants me to help him install some mods, including one called "Uranium." I'm a programmer. Jar files don't scare me. But I don't know anything about Minecraft, don't know the community, and all I can find on Google is links to sketchy download sit...

@Wipqozn Looks like a profitable buisness.
@Lazers I answerd that, but I need someone to look over my answer and respond to my comment cause I'm not sure about it.
@Ender I don't think you answered the question, but to be fair, the question is two different things wrapped into one: 1) a mod-recommendation (off-topic) and 2) how do I install Minecraft mods on a Mac (a dupe)
@MarkTrapp If I may ask, how is the question a mod-recommendation?
@PatrickStalder He's asking for SE to vet mods called Uranium so he doesn't download anything sketchy.
Maybe "find me a mod" or "identify this mod" would be more semantically accurate
He is asking WHRE to find it. not identify it.
Is that not ok?
Where can I find this Uranium mod and instructions to install it on Mac OS X?
how is that a recommendation?
@Ender It's six of one, half-dozen of another to me: he's asking SE to identify the canonical version of "Uranium", a mod his son mentioned exists but he—not knowing anything about Minecraft—doesn't know what his son is referring to exactly.
But whatever, the amount of cares I give about this question and whether it's handled as a mod rec is very little. But the part about Mac installation of mods is a dupe.
@MarkTrapp interesting phrase, 6 of 1..ect, I've never heard that before.
Oh? I think it's a fairly common idiom
Not where I'm from (NY)
I'm from New York >.>
I've NEVER heard that. lol.
Sweet however, where in? I was raised in sullivan county, like 40 minutes from the original woodstock festival site
Family originates from Bergen County, moved to Orange County when I was 3, moved to Ulster after college; moved to Portland, OR a few years ago.
sweet. where is bergen? I know the rest
its nice to meet someone else from the weird place at the bottom of NE
as i refer to it. new yorkers tend to be different from every other statie I've met.
@Ender North Jersey: right across the Hudson from the City
ahh ok. (why are you 'no longer here'?)
@Ender Yeah: generally I've found outside of New York if you say "I'm from New York" they think you're from the City and set their expectations accordingly. Even though most of the state has more in common with the surrounding states than the city, heh
I've honestly met people who didn't know there was a state.
They thought new york was just the city.
@Ender Mostly change of scenery: the company I worked for decided to go virtual, which gave me an opportunity to live anywhere in the country, and I liked Portland the best.
I mean 'no longer here' as it says in your Gaming profile
Oh, that's mostly trolling. I know when people look at my profile because they always ask about that.
Q: Progressive difficulty of leveling up skills - or not? (TES3: Morrowind)

FresoI've looked on the UESP Wiki and extensively DuckDuckGo'd for the answer to this, to no avail. In Oblivion and Skyrim, skills "level up"/increase progressively "slower" - e.g., you need to make more hits to go from "Random Weapon" 99 to 100 than you need for 9 to 10. However, as far as I can te...

@Ender This frustrates me a lot (I grew up in the Finger Lakes).
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